
Conversations Episode 10 09-28-08

In this episode, Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi were joined by Alec Couros, Peggy George, Lisa Thumann, Scott Shelhart, and Barb Gilman.  We discussed teaching as a calling or a job.  Then we moved into how this answer affects how we help pre-service and new teachers.

In this episode, Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi were joined by Alec Couros, Peggy George, Lisa Thumann, Scott Shelhart, and Barb Gilman.  We discussed teaching as a calling or a job.  Then we moved into how this answer affects how we help pre-service and new teachers.

Conversations - Show 9 - 2008-09-21

This episode is a conversation about the teacher evalaution process that exists in various schools. We were joined by Shannon Smith and Ginger Lewman who shared their thoughts and experiences with evaluation in their schools.

This episode is a conversation about the teacher evalaution process that exists in various schools. We were joined by Shannon Smith and Ginger Lewman who shared their thoughts and experiences with evaluation in their schools.


Sorry that the chat log was lost this week due to a technical glitch. Thank you to everyone who met in the chat room and added their comments and questions to our discussion.

Conversations - Show 8 - 2008-09-13

In this episode Lisa Parisi and Maria Knee are joined by Joel Zehring and Chrissy Hellyer.  We discuss teacher stereotypes: What are they?  How did they get started?  What can we do to change them?
Taxonomy upgrade extras:

In this episode Lisa Parisi and Maria Knee are joined by Joel Zehring and Chrissy Hellyer.  We discuss teacher stereotypes: What are they?  How did they get started?  What can we do to change them?

Chat Here:

11:35:45 PeggyG: Victory!

11:35:47 nhill: You are streaming!

11:35:58 nzchrissy: Yes I'm hearing too

11:36:05 PeggyG: static gone now

11:36:27 PeggyG: can hear Joel too

11:36:30 nzchrissy: Yes we can hear Joel

Seedlings @ Edtechtalk, September 11, 2008

This show was so much fun to feature Gayle Berthiaume. We really wanted to learn more about Panwapa, and we did. The podcast came out great. The show , live, had some buffering and lost connections, but we persevered! Next week listen in to Lisa Parisi!

 This show was so much fun to feature Gayle Berthiaume. We really wanted to learn more about Panwapa, and we did.Gayle, an Apple Distinguished Educator, really gave us a wide sampling of her different experiences in the world of education. You will learn so much. Thanks for visiting. Next week, listen in for Lisa Parisi and her great show. See you  September 25, 2008.

Here is the Delicious Link:

Seedlings 2008-09-04 with Kern Kelley

Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as Kern Kelley shares his experiences at Google Educators Academy. He had a blast, and you may too when you listen. Kern is such a visionary educator we promise that just by listening to him you will end up brainstorming new ideas as well.

Alice, Bob and Cheryl= SEEDLINGS 

Join us as we get an insiders look at Google Teachers' Academy with
Kern Kelley. Kern is a Google certified educator and in this edition he
speaks of his day at Google.

Here are the delicious links from the show.

“Geek of the Week” Links for 2008-04-09

Here is the all important chat:

19:24:59 cheryloakes webcaster -> -EdTechTalk: hello Doug,

19:25:08 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi doug.. Thanks for retweeting seedlings


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