
Technology Workshop

We are having a week-long tech institute at our school - the opeing day will provide  frame wiht a focus on Web 2.0 - the importance of students having opportunites to use 21st skills for learning - because of the extrodinary value of the skills themselves. I am looking for a perfect web 2.0 opening - to hook and energize the teachers attending and to give them a sense of what Web 2.0 means - I need ideas !!!!!!

EdTechTalk#65 - Discussion with Ramit Sethi of

Sunday, Sept. 24

Download mp3

Our guest was Ramit Sehti, co-founder of  PBWiki. Our discussion included uses of wiki's in education, a newsbreaking announcement, how to balance commercial activities with serving the educational community, and what's on the horizon for PBWiki.
Nov. 30 Update:  For a transcript on another extensive interview with Ramit, check out Cody McKibben's interview, Ramit Sethi Will Not Only Teach You To Be Crazy Rich...

Chat Transcript Below

EdTechBrainstorm August 24, 2006

Part of a discussion between Art and Dave about current legislation and patents in the United States of America and the potential impact on other jurisdictions

EdTechTalk #59 - Finding a voice for our community

Finding a voice for Edublog/ EdTech community

Download mp3 (26.0MB, 56:52)

We discuss who we are as a 'Educational Technology' community and how we can get our community's message spread to a wider audience. A quick look at a few different wikipedia entries for ed tech will show you how silent the community has been... With the recent discussions about DOPA and Blackboard, that community voice is more important than ever.

Some Wikipedia Links

Education Portal
Online Learning
E Learning
E Learning 2.0
Educational Technology

Chat Transcript Below

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #2 from June 2, 2006

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #2 - Rerun of our WebcastAcademy Show from May 12, 2006:

Alex and arvind are on vacation, so we're going to re-broadcast some of our WebcastAcademy shows to fill in until September.

Show #2 is the first part of a two part discussion of blogging in education.

Also see our show notes and the chat transcript.

Download mp3 (14.1MB 30:13)

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