Conversations Episode 57 - The Haves and Have Nots

  This week, we focused on the haves and have-nots of education and technology.  We discussed those who have technology vs. those who have very limited technology, as well as those that have supportive administration vs. those without.

 This week, we focused on the haves and have-nots of education and technology.  We discussed those who have technology vs. those who have very limited technology, as well as those that have supportive administration vs. those without.

Parents as Partners Episode # 32 December 3, 2009

Cindy Seibel show host shares her masters work with Matt Montagne and Lorna Costantini. Cindy developed a parent portal implementation guide.

From the guide, Cindy explains:

There is a significant body of research demonstrating the contribution of parent engagement to student learning. Based on this research, school districts are implementing technology solutions to support and improve relationships with parents with the hope of producing improved student outcomes. This project created an Implementation Guide for one technology solution, a K-12 Parent Portal.

The question what is a parent portal surfaced and Cindy responded to the question with the following video.



The challenge to all of us is to review the guide and then take it to parents and school boards to embrace and implement.

Chat Log


Not Edtechweekly 4 - Five years of news stories... in review

Dave has a fun conversation with Doug Symington and the chat room about the last five years in education and technology.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #177 Reflections on the National Writing Project's 2009 Annual Meeting at a Seminal Moment - 12.02.09

This podcast, co-sponsored by the New York City Writing Project and the NWP Technology Liaisons Network, featured:

  • Robert Rivera-Amezola, Philadelphia Writing Project
  • Joe Conroy, NWP at Rutgers University Writing Project 
  • Chuck Jurich, High Desert Writing Project (New Mexico) 
  • Paul Oh, the coordinator of the technology liaison program for the National Writing Project 
  • Seth Mitchell, Maine Writing Project

Before the Thanksgiving turkey there was…

After coming home from these conferences in Philadelphia, we invited a few friends from a recent show —

TTT #175 - Looking Forward to the National Writing Project’s Annual Meeting with 3 Presenters - 11.04.09

— to join us again, this time to reflect on the workshops, presentations, meetings, and conversations in the hallway that might still have been fresh in their memories. We wanted to find out what they had learned at the NWP's Annual Meeting this year, and what they were planning to do with all of the connections and ideas they had brought home with them.

This podcast, co-sponsored by the New York City Writing Project and the NWP Technology Liaisons Network, featured:

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.


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