Teachers Teaching Teachers #241 - Why we love the National Writing Project and why Federal funding is important - 3.30.11

Teachers Teaching Teachers #241

Several leaders in the National Writing Project--Paul Oh, Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, and Troy Hicks--joined us from Washington DC where they were working to lobby members of Congress today, Thursday, March 31.

Also Chad Sansing, Zac Chase, and Andrea Zellner joined us on the Skype conversation--as well as many friends in the chat. Chad has been organizing a blogging effort going on around the country.  Here’s what he is asking supporters of the NWP to do:
Please add your voice to the chorus of educators from around the country who are blogging in support of the NWP. We’re trying to accumulate 1,000 blog posts by April 8, when the next Continuing Resolution for the federal budget expires. There are already nearly 150 posts - moving stories of the impact of the NWP on the lives of teachers and students - at the archive: http://coopcatalyst.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/the-blog4nwp-archive/ You can tweet or email your blog post URL to Chad Sansing (twitter: @chadsansing; email: [email protected]) who has been organizing this effort, or post it to this discussion and we’ll make sure it gets added to the archive. Remember to try to tag your posts with: #blog4nwp. FYI, we’ve gotten a few responses on twitter to this effort from the press office of the Department of Education (see: http://www.andrea-zellner.com/archives/629 and http://aetweets.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/blog4nwp-and-being-bossy/), so let’s keep it up! Check out what folks have written to get an idea of what you might add but more importantly take a few minutes to add your story (stories).

Listen to find out what we can do to help restore funding to the National Writing Project. Then find your own ways to add your voice the the the chorus singing praises to the National Writing Project!

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Conversations #96 - Spring in the Classroom (March 27, 2011)

Spring Renewal. Do our classrooms have seasons too? We discussed if there were spring/seasonal differences that affect our teaching and our students. Does your classroom change? The building staff? You?

Teachers Teaching Teachers #237 - Social Entrepreneurs Mike Town, Bill Ferriter and Kyle Meador, with Suzie Boss - 3.2.11

The day after this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, Chris Sloan, a frequent co-host and planner on the show this year, wrote to Susan and Paul: “I have to say that last night's TTT was an inspiration. It's really got me re-evaluating my teaching.”

The focus of this week’s episode was on social start-ups. Suzie Boss helped us decide who to invite to a show where we were asking to better understand social entrepreneurship. One of the projects that Suzie thought we would want to know about is Cool School Challenge, which, in her description is:
an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of schools. It was launched by Mike Town, environmental science teacher at Redmond High School in Washington, and partners with Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. Participating schools set CO2 reduction goals, figure out their own strategies to achieve them, and track results (and $$ savings for schools) on their website: www.coolschoolchallenge.org

We caught up with Mike Town while he was traveling. Mike currently lives in Washington DC on a year-long Einstein fellowship with the National Science Foundation, and will return to teaching next year. We ask Mike specific questions about Cool School Challenge, but we also ask him to help us to think about the whole idea of working with students to learn about how social justice issues and entrepreneurship can go together.

Bill Ferriter (One Tweet CAN Change the World) was another able guide in our inquiry on this episode of TTT. We talk to him about his microloans club of which he and his students are pretty proud:  
One of the projects that I've begun to engage my students in is studying the world through microloans that we are making through Kiva.  We've spent the better part of the past 8 months raising money, studying countries, and selecting entrepreneurs that we are willing to support with loans ranging anywhere from $25-$100.  We've even created a Lending Team---called Team Kids Care---designed to encourage other classes to join us in our efforts. (See more on his Microloans wiki page on Digitally Speaking.)

Another social entrepreneur on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers was our colleague from New Orleans, Kyle Meador, who is the Director of Educational Programs at Our School at Blair Grocery. Their "About OSBG" page on their web site summarizes some of the work that Kyle does with Nat Turner (5 Years After Katrina, Teacher Tills Soil of Lower 9th Ward) and others in the Lower Ninth Ward:

Our mission is to create a resource-rich safe space for youth empowerment and sustainable community development.
Currently, we:

  • Employ 10 neighborhood teenagers in our Growing Growers program,
  • Operate as the Gulf Coast Growing Power Regional Outreach Training Center,
  • Operate a Community Supported Agriculture-style market (Our Market) and a restaurant sales business generating an average of $1,500 weekly from 1/3 acre of land with our students,
  • Engage and educate over 700 high school and college service-learners annually, and
  • Operate an independent alternative school with 5 total students
For listeners who want some background about social entrepreneurship, Suzie Boss provides a couple of a couple of introductory links:

The New Heroes is a PBS documentary series (now a few years old) that profiles social entrepreneurs from around the world. (Full disclosure: Suzie helped write the classroom materials). Details here: www.pbs.org/thenewheroes

Youth Venture is the sister organization Ashoka, which has been kind of the mothership for nurturing social entrepreneurs worldwide. Youth Venture aims to get teens (and younger students) involved in leading their own sustainable solutions, and offers start-up grants to teams that come up with good ideas: http://www.genv.net/

We hope you too will find inspiration and encouragement from these beacons of social vision and business sense that we were able to have on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers.
The day after this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, Chris Sloan, a frequent co-host and planner on the show this year, wrote to Susan and Paul: “I have to say that last night's TTT was an inspiration. It's really got me re-evaluating my teaching.”

The focus of this week’s episode was on social start-ups. Suzie Boss helped us decide who to invite to a show where we were asking to better understand social entrepreneurship. One of the projects that Suzie thought we would want to know about is Cool School Challenge, which, in her description is:
an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of schools. It was launched by Mike Town, environmental science teacher at Redmond High School in Washington, and partners with Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. Participating schools set CO2 reduction goals, figure out their own strategies to achieve them, and track results (and $$ savings for schools) on their website: www.coolschoolchallenge.org

We caught up with Mike Town while he was traveling. Mike currently lives in Washington DC on a year-long Einstein fellowship with the National Science Foundation, and will return to teaching next year. We ask Mike specific questions about Cool School Challenge, but we also ask him to help us to think about the whole idea of working with students to learn about how social justice issues and entrepreneurship can go together.

Bill Ferriter (One Tweet CAN Change the World) was another able guide in our inquiry on this episode of TTT. We talk to him about his micro-loans club of which he and his students are pretty excited:  
One of the projects that I've begun to engage my students in is studying the world through microloans that we are making through Kiva.  We've spent the better part of the past 8 months raising money, studying countries, and selecting entrepreneurs that we are willing to support with loans ranging anywhere from $25-$100.  We've even created a Lending Team---called Team Kids Care---designed to encourage other classes to join us in our efforts. (See more on his Microloans wiki page on Digitally Speaking.)

Another social entrepreneur on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers was our colleague from New Orleans, Kyle Meador, who is the Director of Educational Programs at Our School at Blair Grocery. Their "About OSBG" page on their web site summarizes some of the work that Kyle does with Nat Turner (5 Years After Katrina, Teacher Tills Soil of Lower 9th Ward) and others in the Lower Ninth Ward:

Our mission is to create a resource-rich safe space for youth empowerment and sustainable community development.
Currently, we:

  • Employ 10 neighborhood teenagers in our Growing Growers program,
  • Operate as the Gulf Coast Growing Power Regional Outreach Training Center,
  • Operate a Community Supported Agriculture-style market (Our Market) and a restaurant sales business generating an average of $1,500 weekly from 1/3 acre of land with our students,
  • Engage and educate over 700 high school and college service-learners annually, and
  • Operate an independent alternative school with 5 total students
For listeners who want some background about social entrepreneurship, Suzie Boss provides a couple of a couple of introductory links:

The New Heroes is a PBS documentary series (now a few years old) that profiles social entrepreneurs from around the world. (Full disclosure: Suzie helped write the classroom materials). Details here: www.pbs.org/thenewheroes

Youth Venture is the sister organization Ashoka, which has been kind of the mother-ship for nurturing social entrepreneurs worldwide. Youth Venture aims to get teens (and younger students) involved in leading their own sustainable solutions, and offers start-up grants to teams that come up with good ideas: http://www.genv.net/

We hope you too will find inspiration and encouragement from these beacons of social vision and business sense that we were able to have on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Edtechweekly #189

EdTechWeekly #189

Two Sick Dudes

March 27, 2011

Hosts: Dave Cormier and John Schinker

This week's links:

EdTechWeekly #189

Two Sick Dudes

March 27, 2011

Hosts: Dave Cormier and John Schinker

This week's links:

 Chat Log:

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

2011-03-10 Seedlings Show 111 Maine Teacher of the Year

Shelly's Wiki

Press Release

Geek of the Week links


 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Shelly!
 bobsprankle -> Hi Shelly!
 cheryloakes50 -> Getting things ready! Be here soon
 cheryloakes50 -> http://www.maine.gov/education/toy/index.html
 cheryloakes50 -> Hi Connect2jamie, welcome
 bobsprankle -> hi jamie!
 connect2jamie -> Good evening all!
 cheryloakes50 -> Evening Peggy, seems to be all good
 cheryloakes50 -> Hello Cathy E
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Welcome Everyone
 PeggyG -> very excited to meet the Maine Teacher of the Year :-)
 connect2jamie -> very cool!
 cheryloakes50 -> Thanks Peggy, this is going to be fun.
 bobsprankle -> hi peggy!!
 connect2jamie -> That's one of the BEST things about being a librarian. I get to keep all my kids for 6 yrs!
 PeggyG -> Hi everyone! so glad everything is working :-) audio is very clear
 cheryloakes50 -> Oh, that is so nice, you really see the developing child.
 cheryloakes50 -> Thanks Peg for helping out.
 connect2jamie -> @cheryl yes I LOVE that.
 PeggyG -> Hall of Flags :-) something new to me
 cheryloakes50 -> That is our state house, and the nominees have like a poster session.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> At the State House
 cheryloakes50 -> All the legislature passes by.
 PeggyG -> great idea!
 PeggyG -> do the legislators actually show up? :-)
 cheryloakes50 -> They have to walk by :-)
 PeggyG -> we did something like that in AZ and set it up right on their path to lunch :-) they didn't stay long but we planned some interactive things on the posters to try to hook them
 PeggyG -> what a wonderful opportunity!
 PeggyG -> what a great quote! you couldn't do this without us :-)
 cheryloakes50 -> Isn't that great! The kids get it.
 PeggyG -> like that description--lulls and great tidal waves :-)
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Our State is so huge
 cheryloakes50 -> evening shelia!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Sheila
 sheila -> Hi there!
 PeggyG -> I definitely agree with that recommendation! Any of the nominees would be exemplary teachers who could speak to pre-service teachers
 cheryloakes50 -> Doesn't that make sense to spread those speakers around!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> I love that idea... such good models
 PeggyG -> do they teach the "Teacher of the Year" about strategies for advocating for education with legislators?
 cheryloakes50 -> Bring our student faces to the message of education.
 PeggyG -> I heard one of Steve Hargadon's guests say that he didn't believe teachers were being bashed and my mouth fell open!!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Really?? Wow Peggy
 cheryloakes50 -> Hm, interesting perspective.
 PeggyG -> he was a very well known researcher and author for educational research
 cheryloakes50 -> We are still a ripple.
 cheryloakes50 -> in the big pond.
 PeggyG -> that's why it's so important to learn effective strategies for advocacy
 cheryloakes50 -> And marketing! We need to learn how to market our product, our students.
 PeggyG -> yes! the news wants to focus on the negative news about teachers and students
 cheryloakes50 -> Yes, I like NBC with their positive new bites.
 PeggyG -> even when we create great PR with videos, stories, etc. it's hard to get them air time
 cheryloakes50 -> Yes, and then who is watching the public access channel. We need to play a a video at the grocery store or the restaurants!
 Shelly Moody -> Any PR we put out to the public will plant seeds of thought.  
 PeggyG -> or in the laundromats where people are waiting for their laundry to finish :-)
 cheryloakes50 -> yes! Peggy, great idea. We need to think out of the box.
 sheila -> We are talking about a neighborhood campaign. Bring the facts to our neighbors.
 cheryloakes50 -> Hi Janice,  welcome!!
 Janice S -> Thanks. Glad to be here.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Sheila, great idea!
 PeggyG -> great idea Sheila because there are so many people (who vote) who don't have kids in schools
 PeggyG -> I always love the "Principal of the Day" program we had in AZ because it brought prominent community leaders into the school for a day to see all of the great things happening
 cheryloakes50 -> I agree Shelly, put the student face out there.
 PeggyG -> I had a great day with a President of a local bank in Phoenix! He became a strong advocate for schools/teachers
 connect2jamie -> I agree with you Bob.
 cheryloakes50 -> Yes, Peggy, that is making connections.
 PeggyG -> they begin to understand how much work it is to be a teacher and there are passionate, dedicated teachers who don't trample the kids on the way out the door at the end of the day
 sheila -> I saw a flyer at a restaurant in my hometown called "Great Schools and Great Towns Go Hand in Hand!) Very quick easy read.
 PeggyG -> great quote Sheila!
 cheryloakes50 -> Shelia, that is good.
 Janice S -> I heard about your new governer in Maine on NPR today - kind of against unions. Probably an atmosphere to fear.
 sheila -> Good point! Back to passion.
 PeggyG -> so sorry but I can't stay for the whole session-I'll look forward to listening to the rest on the recording. Fantastic guest! Congrats Shelly!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Bye Peggy! Thanks for coming
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Deb
 Deb Barrows -> Hello!
 bobsprankle -> deb!!!
 Deb Barrows -> Sorry to be late
 Deb Barrows -> but glad to be here.
 cheryloakes50 -> Hi Deb!
 cheryloakes50 -> You get a pass for being late today.
 Deb Barrows -> HAHA
 Deb Barrows -> We are doing so many innovative things in Maine compared to most of the rest of the US but we take it for granted.
 Deb Barrows -> So it's hard to celebrate greatness when it's the norm.
 cheryloakes50 -> Deb, isn't that the truth, but we always are raising the bar
 Deb Barrows -> Yes we are in Maine.
 cheryloakes50 -> http://www.ted.com/talks/browse
 cheryloakes50 -> Did you all see Google today, Houdini
 Deb Barrows -> I love watching the TED talks.
 Deb Barrows -> Yes, Cheryl I did. I was helping someone and they said - that's not the Google I use!
 cheryloakes50 -> hee hee
 sheila -> @Cheryl - no he disappeared for me!  ;) Houdini
 Deb Barrows -> Bob - do you know anyone who has presented on TED?
 cheryloakes50 -> *)
 Deb Barrows -> HAHA - he didn't disappear on my screen - how cool.
 sheila -> Kidding!
 cheryloakes50 -> http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/adora_svitak.html   what adults can learn from kids
 Deb Barrows -> That's great Bob - Redmond is an exciting place - that's where Crick had it's headquaters.
 Janice S -> I saw your daughter's presentation and song. She was wonderful!
 bobsprankle -> cool, deb!
 Janice S -> On the web.
 bobsprankle -> we were on Microsoft campus
 Deb Barrows -> It's pretty amazing isn't it Bob?
 bobsprankle -> yes!!
 connect2jamie -> I saw your daughter too  Bob. I felt proud of her! Like an internet-auntie! :)
 cheryloakes50 -> connect2jamie, that is so cute! internet auntie
 connect2jamie -> heehee! I did!
 bobsprankle -> that
 bobsprankle -> that
 bobsprankle -> that's wonderful jamie
 bobsprankle -> <sorry for the stutter>
 connect2jamie -> LOL!
 Deb Barrows -> I was working in a Middle and HS Monday in Carmel, CA. I couldn't believe the bell ran every 42 minutes and everyone moved. I totally forgot about that false envirnment. We need a HS to total redesign their day all based on interest with not more than 3 adults a day.
 cheryloakes50 -> Yes, Deb.!!! Hear, hear!
 Deb Barrows -> We don't need years of research either.
 cheryloakes50 -> That is right, we can do this now.
 Deb Barrows -> So, create an alternative school in your HS -
 Deb Barrows -> Anyone can apply
 cheryloakes50 -> what do you mean anyone can apply? Deb.
 cheryloakes50 -> Create a school in a school!
 Janice S -> I think a SMARTboard works best when just in one classroom. Shared doesn't work as well.
 Deb Barrows -> Yes a school in a school and it doesn't have to be just Sp. Ed.
 cheryloakes50 -> Yes, Deb. school in a school is a good fiscally responsive way to go.    Janice, it is like sharing a camera, you never have it when you need it.
 Janice S -> Agreed.
 Janice S -> And now you can save it!
 cheryloakes50 -> yes
 sheila -> My students really like the clickers too! I give 5 questions frequently during the week. Keeps them focused on content and more engaged.
 cheryloakes50 -> All these positive changes, are great!
 sheila -> A pain to create beforehand but well worth it.
 sheila -> Ebay - never thought of that!
 Janice S -> Wonder where the seller got them. :)
 Janice S -> looking on ebay. Suprised by the variety of clickers available.
 sheila -> http://www.maine.gov/education/toy/index.html
 sheila -> Absolutely!
 cheryloakes50 -> http://www.maine.gov/education/toy/toy2011/index.html  the page with Shelly and we have to brag, Alice Barr as a semifinalist.
 Janice S -> Congrats to both of you!
 sheila -> Oh, congrats Alice!
 Janice S -> Thanks for a great show. Fun to listen live. I need to leave.
 cheryloakes50 -> Shelly loves these online sites, Tumblebooks an online subscription
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> http://tumblebooks.com/
 cheryloakes50 -> Reading A-Z!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> http://www.readinga-z.com/
 cheryloakes50 -> me2011toy.wikispaces.com
 cheryloakes50 -> http://www.sylvandellpublishing.com/eBooks/reader/book/Panda/?lang=en
 Deb Barrows -> Very cool
 Shelly Moody -> Great recommendation!  I will be checking this site out with my students!
 Deb Barrows -> Self disclosure - all A-Z books have been converted to Kurzweil 3000 format so if have access to K3000 your student can log in and read the book.
 cheryloakes50 -> cheryloakes.com/   blog about students and their hike in the Maine Winter Woods
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> http://diipo.com/and http://edudemic.com/2011/02/diipo-beta/
 Deb Barrows -> Cheryl - I so admire you for doing that with students!
 cheryloakes50 -> Deb, you would have loved it, they were all smiles even trudging up hill for 2 hours.
 Deb Barrows -> You can get a free 30 day A-Z access to try it out.
 cheryloakes50 -> They told me today, next year when we go, just tell the kids it is only a 10 min. walk, let them be surprised!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> https://sites.google.com/a/yarmouthschools.org/march-18-google-day/home
 Deb Barrows -> HAHAHA
 cheryloakes50 -> Check out Alice' s link for her google day!
 bobsprankle -> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/24/lol-omg-oxford-english-dictiona...
 connect2jamie -> Oh wow Alice! That looks like quite a day!
 connect2jamie -> K-12 teachers all together?
 Deb Barrows -> Wow - it's so great how you include students in all your trainings. I wish more teachers did that.
 cheryloakes50 -> Yes, connectjamie it was the whole school
 bobsprankle -> http://www.khanacademy.org/
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Yes K-12 and support staff.
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Students really help us learn!
 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> @Jamie Thanks! It was great!
 cheryloakes50 -> Thanks to Shelly for being our guest. Thanks to the chat room!!
 connect2jamie -> wow! We're in such a huge district that I can't imagine that. I was just thinking today that the culture in a MS or HS is sooo different than that of an elementary school. I've worked in all 3. I think it might be a good thing for us to do some more "together" things with all levels so that we have more of an understanding of other schools in our district.
 cheryloakes50 -> yes, connect2jamie
 connect2jamie -> So your google day looks very interesting.
 connect2jamie -> Thank you Shelly! Congrats! It was great to hear about you!
 cheryloakes50 -> This will be a podcast in the morning!!
 bobsprankle -> thank you all!
 sheila -> Great discussion! Thanks so much!
 connect2jamie -> Always a great way to spend a Thursday evening, Maine tweeps!
 Shelly Moody -> Thank you so much for the invitation and conversation!
 bobsprankle -> take care all!
 cheryloakes50 -> Night!!
 connect2jamie -> night!
 ds -> Hi all

Shelly's Wiki

Press Release

Geek of the Week links


 alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Shelly!
 bobsprankle -> Hi Shelly!
 cheryloakes50 -> Getting things ready! Be here soon


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