EdTechTalk#14 - eptember 4, 2005

September 4, 2005

The 'main' part of the webcast included an interview with Susanne Nyrop about enhanced blogging, and discussions of helpful Skype conference rules, Gmail & Google Talk, how to screen capture video guides, We also had a post-show discussion about the effects of Hurricane Katrina and a variety of other edtech topics which will be uploading soon.

Download mp3 (8.3MB, 36:15)

Show Notes Below

Webcasting Skype Norms

  • Use a headset and external microphone
  • Test your skype audio beforehand by skyping 'echo123'
  • Stop or pause your webcast before joining a skype conference
  • Don't wander too far away from your mic, but be careful about breathing directly into it. You can also turn your mic off when not speaking - this will prevent breathing and typing noises from being shared with listeners.
  •  Be prepared to join a conversation in progress
  • Announce your name before speaking
  •  Use Skype text message to communicate with show hosts about sound issues

Susanne Nyrop's Open Weekend at Knowplace.ca and her 360 Yahoo blog
Worldbridges New Media Hosting Offer
Adopt a Blogger Program
A Screen Captured Video of How to make a screencapture video with Windows Media Encoder
Screen Capture for Macs
Gmail becomes available without an invite

Google Talk

Gmail HardDrive

Send any audio promos or links to podcasts to livewire at worldbridges.com We will start including a greater assortment of audio in the Worldbridges stream starting this week.