Instructional Design Live

Instructional Design Live is based around Instructional Design related topics and is opportunity for Instructional Designers and professionals engaged in similar work to discuss effective online teaching and learning practices.

Instructional-Design-Live #29: Fun with Online Learning

05:07 - Robert 1
05:15 - Robert 1
Brain Rules link
05:30 - Mary 2
Thanks, Robert.
05:32 - Cammy
I've been slowly reading Brain Rules for the past few months!
07:48 - Mary 2
Welcome, Eleanor.
07:49 - Robert 1
Welcome Eleanor!
08:04 - Eleanor Rigby
Thanks! :)
09:01 - Robert 1
That reminds me of a scene from the office Cammy
09:42 - Robert 1
11:15 - Robert 1
I've tried Voxopop when it was called chinswing, but I like the idea of an audio message board: It doesn't have teh visual element, though
11:51 - Robert 1
This is a really good point.
12:50 - Robert 1
14:05 - Mary 2
In your experience, Joni, do onliine students begin making connections with one another on their own (via email, chats, etc related to assignments), or is this sense of community something you need to facilitate throughout a course?
15:31 - Robert 1
I think Wallwisher would be nice tool to extend this activity--add to web-based board:
18:17 - Cammy
Social often equals "fun"
18:18 - Robert 1
Hi Suzanne
18:33 - Suzanne
Hi, sorry I'm late to the session
18:40 - Robert 1
np, welcome
18:41 - Cammy
Welcome, Suzanne
19:48 - Mary 2
Thanks, Joni.
20:04 - Robert 1
@Cammy I think it is fun to 'buddy' with a friend
20:51 - Robert 1
Love the photo!
21:56 - Robert 1
Hmm..Now where did I put that experiment? (my caption)
22:17 - Cammy
I'm am the monster of eLearning and you must complete my course or be eaten!
22:19 - Robert 1
Perhaps I don't understand attention well enough
24:40 - Robert 1
25:59 - Suzanne
Wonderful idea!
28:21 - Robert 1
Dreaming of an online education
28:25 - Mary 2
Gotta run.... a meeting awaits me. Thanks, Joni.
31:03 - Robert 1
32:45 - Robert 1
33:43 - Robert 1
oh, yes
36:07 - Cammy
I'm always in favor of interpretive dance!
36:20 - Robert 1
36:49 - Robert 1
you bet
38:37 - Robert 1
yes, little surprises
39:03 - Robert 1
Good point!
40:03 - Joni
Thanks everyone!
40:08 - Suzanne
Thanks, Joni!

Time to put a little fun into online learning--with good reason: 'Emotional arousal helps the brain learn'. Medina, Brain Rules (2008). Joni Dunlap leads the IDLive team in considering how to incorporate fun into the fabric of a course to provide a more stimulating learning experience.


Instructional-Design-Live #28: International Student Persepctives on Online Learning

Zuochen Zhang, Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Windsor University, and Richard F. Kenny,Rick KennyZuochen Zhang Associate Professor at the Center for Distance Education, Athabasca University, joined us this week to discuss the perspectives of International students in online courses.

Instructional-Design-Live #27 Online Teaching: Susan Ko

Susan Ko Susan Ko, Executive Director of the Center of Teaching Excellence at University of Maryland University College, published the first edition of Teaching Online: A Practical Guide 10 years ago. The third edition, published this year, reflects a number of changes that have happened in the field over that last several years such as the: Web 2.0 revolution, growing acceptance of online education, need for special training and continuing support for faculty and students, team course development, growth of open educational resources, and increasing use of mobile devices.

With unassuming clarity, Susan addresses a number of key issues facing designers and faculty in higher (and K-12) education today.

Available on the Web

02:31 - Robert:
03:31 - Jennifer: oooh! A kindle edition, too!
05:38 - Jennifer: What about synchronous teaching options? Is this changing the face of online learning in your experience?
16:31 - Jennifer: how have "perceptions" of oline learning changed (or not) over the years? perceptions of quality, satisfaction, faculty buy-in, etc?
24:05 - Jason: Neiffer: Sure
24:19 - Robert: yes
25:41 - Jennifer: @jason ... I think k-12 is going to be a HUGE driver in online learning ... esp. taking online learning from being for "alternative" adult learners to far more maintream
29:13 - Jennifer: @jason ... good point re: importance of taking an online course (or program) to "get it"
30:30 - Marlene: Yes, continuous improvement is an important aspect of online teaching.
30:42 - Jason Neiffer: Good question, Robert...
31:53 - Jennifer: Great! Thank you, Susan ... another fun virtual "brown bag" lunch for me :)
32:38 - Marlene: Thanks, Susan!
32:38 - Jason Neiffer: Thanks everyone! :)

Instructional-Design-Live #26 Transition or Transformation: Implementing a New LMS

Moodle logoEver wondered what kind of change process is involved in moving from a proprietry LMS scuh as Blackboard to an Open Source system such as Moodle. Keith Lynip, director of Extended Learning Services at The University of Montana, discusses the nature of this process in this week's show.

Moodle MugInspired by a number of discussions at the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison Wisconsin,  we consider the process of transitioning from a proprietary learning management system such as Blackboard to an open source system such as Moodle.

Instructional-Design-Live #25 Is Online Learning Better?

Community College Research Center

This week on IDLive, Shanna Smith-Jaggars discusses her response to the US Dept. of Education's report on online learning. Widely cited as proof that online learning is better, the DOE study fails to address some of the broader implications of online learning. Dr. Jaggars addresses these issues and many more--a must listen.

In May 2009, the US Department of Education issued a meta-analysis and review of online learning studies that compared face-to-face, blended and online delivery modes, and found that: On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.” Despite the caveats identified in the research, the conclusion, for some, was still: Online learning is better!ShannaShanna Smith-Jaggars, Senior Research Associate at the Community Colleges Research Center challenges this assertion in her response to the meta-analysis  (July 2010). Jaggars more fully explores the comparison of online and face-to-face instruction and finds only 7 studies out of 51 can be used to shed light on this question. Of these 7, Jaggars concludes that there is no significant difference between learning outcome achievement in face-to-face or online courses for certain student populations. Sound familiar? Time to channel our energies into more rewarding directions, perhaps.. As Jaggars puts it in this interesting interview, “what we really need to be doing is spending more time and effort in trying to figure out what are the most effective instructional practices in both modalities”


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