Maria Knee

ETTConversations Hangout

New format for tonight!  We are experimenting with Google Hangout.

Scroll down to find the chat we will be using for today's Conversations.

Feel free to join us in the Hangout.

I believe this is the link . . . .


Conversations #125 - Blizzard Bags and Snow Days

With the impending snow heading our way,  Maria and Sheila talked about the possibility of a snow day! Snow days have to be made up at the end of the school year to meet the state's requirements. What if the students were able to do the school work at home and have the work count as a day of school. Some schools have implemented 'Blizzard Bags.'   

Lisa is still 'on leave' and we hope she will be able to return soon and add to the conversation!


Conversations #124

This week Maria and Sheila talked about caring in our classroom/school and entrusting students to our care (in relation to the Sandy Hook school shootings). (Lisa was unable to join us for the show this week.)

Conversations Episode 121 - Welcome Back to School

This week marked our first day back after our summer hiatus.  We spent the time talking about the learning we did over the summer and how the start of the school year has been going.  We got into a brief discussion about how important we are to the atmosphere of the classroom.  We will return to this topic at a later date.

This week marked our first day back after our summer hiatus.  We spent the time talking about the learning we did over the summer and how the start of the school year has been going.  We got into a brief discussion about how important we are to the atmosphere of the classroom.  We will return to this topic at a later date.

Conversations Episode 120 - Flipping the Classroom Pros and Cons

This week we talked about the idea of flipping the classroom.  After having read an article about it in the May ISTE Leading and Learning magazine, we decided to tackle the topic ourselves.  Luckily, Jon Bergmann, originator of the flipped classroom, was able to join us.  



This week we talked about the idea of flipping the classroom.  After having read an article about it in the May ISTE Leading and Learning magazine, we decided to tackle the topic ourselves.


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