EdTechWeekly#33 - Now with Video!

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June 3, 2007

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Chat Log Below

 18:28:43  sharonp ->  Hi Jen - guess I am early
 18:51:39  JenMad ->  we are in technology overload - setting up an Operator11 so you can see our faces tonight :)
 18:52:48  sharonp ->  coolio
 18:52:57  sharonp ->  but do we HAVE to look at Dave??
 18:54:23  sharonp ->  once is not enough??
 18:58:06  dave ->  i love this plan
 18:59:34  sharonp ->  okay, I am a bit of a nitwit still with this skype stuff... I see the number over there on the right - but how do I skype in with the number??
 18:59:46  sharonp ->  bear in mind I am now on a mac
 19:00:01  Cathye ->  I love it when ya'll try new stuff :)
 19:02:46  dave ->  yes... i wonder how this will go
 19:02:53  dave ->  i have faith in the church of jeff
 19:03:26  Cathye ->  Me tooo
 19:03:27  sharonp ->  are we streaming yet??
 19:03:39  dave ->  oh yes
 19:03:44  dave ->  we are now streaming
 19:03:50  Durff ->  'A' or 'B'?
 19:04:21  Durff ->  b sounds good
 19:04:32  sharonp ->  uhmmm how do we "see" you? and do we *have* to look at Dave?
 19:04:37  jeff ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=115411420
 19:04:39  Durff ->  ok go make coffee time
 19:04:54  Durff ->  look at dave - i didn't find the webcam
 19:05:06  Durff ->  coffee...
 19:05:22  Cathye ->  I see and hear Jen and Jeff
 19:05:41  sharonp ->  you could talk about nothing
 19:05:49  sharonp ->  worked for Seinfeld
 19:06:01  JenMad ->  Cathye: could you yugma for us tonight?
 19:06:17  Cathye ->  yep- give me a min
 19:06:21  JenMad ->  go to the live video studio!!!
 19:06:29  jeff ->  direct link to operator11   http://operator11.com/shows/547/episodes/2740/studio#studio
 19:06:59  Cathye ->  I saw the desktop being captured
 19:07:16  sroseman ->  am I correct video
 19:07:31  JenMad ->  http://edtechtalk.com/node/1670 is where the live feed is
 19:08:20  sharonp ->  still waiting for my verification from operator11
 19:08:25  Cathye ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=115404052
 19:08:32  Cathye ->  my yugma
 19:09:34  Durff ->  cathy - i sent you  a chat
 19:09:37  dave ->  http://attendr.com/foe
 19:09:41  Durff ->  break a leg!
 19:09:53  arvind ->  the video is ahead of the stream
 19:10:03  jeff ->  video on yugma (kind of ) as well
 19:10:17  JenMad ->  http://d5.allthingsd.com/20070530/steve-jobs-and-bill-gates-together-par...
 19:10:30  arvind ->  the quality of the video is pretty good though, i'm impressed
 19:10:40  dave ->  rarrrr... how together were they?
 19:10:45  Durff ->  wow....
 19:11:27  jeff ->  http://www.andycarvin.com/archives/2007/06/youtube_to_reencode_videos_to...
 19:12:00  dave ->  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6711215.stm
 19:12:29  JenMad ->  http://bionicteaching.com/?p=266
 19:13:12  sharonp ->  am watching the operator11 stuff - but sometimes you guys freeze
 19:13:18  Durff ->  someone is breathiing
 19:13:29  dave ->  we've been working really hard to get that freezing to work!
 19:13:32  Durff ->  and you know how jeff feels about that
 19:13:41  dave ->  probably me D.
 19:13:44  dave ->  new headset
 19:13:48  sharonp ->  and it is frozen on YOUR face, Dave!!
 19:13:55  sharonp ->  you should see the look!
 19:14:01  JenMad ->  http://egorcast.com/
 19:14:04  Durff ->  the el jeff will have your head
 19:14:17  JenMad ->  http://jott.com/
 19:14:34  jeff ->  http://schools-wikipedia.org/index.htm
 19:14:46  Durff ->  jott is great!
 19:14:50  sharonp ->  dave is freezing - but love the look of his toys in the background - Fisher Price farm, right?
 19:14:58  sroseman ->  yes, freezing video
 19:15:02  arvind ->  it freezes up, then comes back
 19:15:05  Durff ->  rubber ducky?
 19:15:06  arvind ->  seen it with jeff and dave
 19:15:12  dave ->  http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/
 19:15:39  jeff ->  does jen freeze?
 19:16:03  sharonp ->  haven't even seen Jen yet
 19:16:10  sharonp ->  disposable learning objects
 19:16:30  JenMad ->  http://123.writeboard.com/89cbdaed85e8bb41b/v/new
 19:16:33  dave ->  disposable learning objects
 19:16:34  sharonp ->  could have a field day with that term....
 19:16:52  dave ->  password please!!!
 19:17:05  sroseman ->  Are we supposed to be seeing JenMad?
 19:17:15  sharonp ->  I see Dave.... again
 19:17:51  sharonp ->  see someone who must be Jeff
 19:17:55  sharonp ->  and Dave
 19:18:02  sharonp ->  but no waste of grooming....
 19:18:18  arvind ->  we use writeboards with our basecamphq.com project management site
 19:18:26  dave ->  jeff has the facial hair
 19:18:28  Durff ->  shhh!
 19:18:29  arvind ->  have not seen Jen at all
 19:18:56  Durff ->  i got in
 19:19:28  sharonp ->  I occasionally don't hear any audio .... is that an issue??
 19:19:36  arvind ->  audio has been good for me
 19:19:41  dave ->  umm... yes
 19:19:44  dave ->  that would be an issue
 19:19:47  arvind ->  Jeff, why are you in a dark dungeon?
 19:20:00  Durff ->  commercial!
 19:20:01  sharonp ->  to the video
 19:20:06  lee ->  Hi.. Nice visual
 19:20:07  arvind ->  Dave, screencastomatic is going strong, pick away
 19:20:08  Cathye ->  I am listening to the video
 19:20:39  Durff ->  it's him
 19:20:40  sharonp ->  I like it when lip syncing to audio takes place
 19:20:45  dave ->  pretty sweet...
 19:20:45  arvind ->  Jeff = vampire
 19:20:45  Durff ->  no
 19:20:52  Durff ->  :)
 19:21:02  Durff ->  ooh
 19:21:11  Durff ->  yeah - echooy
 19:21:36  arvind ->  i can see Jen now
 19:21:38  arvind ->  yey
 19:21:48  sharonp ->  I see Jen!
 19:21:51  Cathye ->  Don't hear Jen
 19:21:51  arvind ->  but now no audio
 19:22:00  Durff ->  http://123.writeboard.com/89cbdaed85e8bb41b
 19:22:03  sharonp ->  grooming not gone to waste! She looks great!
 19:22:05  sharonp ->  but not audio
 19:22:17  Durff ->  can dave get in now?
 19:22:28  Durff ->  weird!
 19:22:32  jeff ->  http://www.mysyndicaat.com/
 19:22:41  arvind ->  ok Operator 11 audio back now
 19:22:48  sharonp ->  yes, can hear jeff just fine
 19:22:52  Durff ->  yes
 19:22:57  Durff ->  who is that
 19:23:00  lee ->  If I had known we were video capable I would have baked a cake.. and my iSight Camera!
 19:23:11  Durff ->  cake?
 19:23:12  dave ->  http://www.pageflakes.com/cormier/11091021
 19:23:20  Durff ->  I want chocolate
 19:23:28  Durff ->  chocolate icing
 19:23:36  dave ->  http://www.bloggingpro.com/archives/2005/01/27/wordpress-category-feeds/
 19:23:45  Durff ->  ")
 19:24:37  JenMad ->  http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2007/may07/05-28NYC3DMA.mspx http://earth.wildsanctuary.com/  http://www.gizmag.com/go/7347/  http://mashable.com/2007/05/31/top-15-google-street-view-sightings
 19:24:51  lee ->  Is there audio?
 19:25:01  arvind ->  definitely lose audio sometimes with operator 11. like right now
 19:25:01  dave ->  i hope so!
 19:25:15  Cathye ->  I lost audio too
 19:25:21  lee ->  I am in Skype conference.. and there is no audio
 19:25:28  lee ->  guess I will try something else
 19:25:35  jeff ->  we bailedd on the skypecast
 19:25:37  jeff ->  sorry
 19:25:41  Cathye ->  It seem I don't hear anything when I see Jen
 19:25:42  Durff ->  what tag?
 19:25:47  sharonp ->  Jen is mute
 19:25:53  CarlaArena ->  yes, lee. I am there, and can't hear you.
 19:25:53  lee ->  well fine then..
 19:25:54  sroseman ->  no audio for Jen
 19:26:02  dave ->  oh... i hear her :)
 19:26:04  sroseman ->  I am trying to read ler lips
 19:26:28  arvind ->  i can hear Jen's audio on the stream, but not through Operator 11
 19:26:29  lee ->  Hi Carla
 19:26:38  lee ->  so I will bail on skypecast
 19:27:04  CarlaArena ->  hi. I can't hear anything...
 19:27:21  arvind ->  yes, I can hear Jeff and Dave on Operator 11, but not Jen
 19:27:29  Cathye ->  Right Jeff- When I see you I can hear Jen
 19:28:08  arvind ->  wow, can hear and see you just perfectly
 19:28:09  Cathye ->  I hear sharon
 19:28:15  Durff ->  i hear you all on the stream
 19:28:18  arvind ->  I want a MacBook Pro!
 19:28:21  sroseman ->  perfect for Sharon
 19:28:46  dave ->  i wish i could hear :)
 19:28:56  arvind ->  video chat places tend to attract a strange crew...
 19:29:09  Durff ->  faux paux?
 19:29:16  jeff ->  http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2007/05/11/just_the_facts.html
 19:29:23  Lee ->  I can now hear in iTunes of course
 19:29:29  sharonp ->  Ernie and Page want to be my friends already - a needy group here
 19:30:05  arvind ->  yey, that was my link!
 19:30:16  Durff ->  needy people could be stalkers
 19:30:27  arvind ->  watch the video, it is amazing
 19:31:06  arvind ->  my commentary here: http://www.21apples.org/articles/2007/05/16/the-real-truth-about-teens-a...
 19:31:37  arvind ->  and the teens generally met their abusers multiple times, knowing it was for a sexual purpose
 19:31:41  dave ->  jeff you're next.
 19:31:42  arvind ->  scary
 19:32:18  arvind ->  Jen is still not on Operator 11 audio, but I am trying to swtich back and forth from stream to op11
 19:32:30  dave ->  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4664
 19:32:33  Lee ->  Can you hear Jen?
 19:32:39  Lee ->  ok
 19:32:41  Lee ->  thanks
 19:32:42  Durff ->  gross
 19:32:57  Lee ->  OK I will do the same
 19:33:30  dave ->  dave has lag
 19:33:35  JenMad ->  http://www.smartmobs.com/archive/2007/06/02/facebook_f8_key....html    http://twitter.com/blog/2007/05/theres-twitter-in-my-facebook.html
 19:33:37  dave ->  it's my fault
 19:33:44  Cathye ->  Is there  jakiu add on yet?
 19:34:20  sharonp ->  still no audio from Jen
 19:34:43  arvind ->  I have my students using Twitter with Facebook to post updates of things happening around the school
 19:34:50  Durff ->  do they have one for Twitku?
 19:34:53  arvind ->  Too bad we block Facebook in our school :)
 19:35:01  jeff ->  http://jaxtr.com/user/index.jsp
 19:35:46  jeff ->  any jen audio now?
 19:36:27  dave ->  http://recap.ltd.uk/podcasting/index.php
 19:36:39  CarlaArena ->  I'm not listening to her...
 19:36:41  Durff ->  the notorious vampire must be worth finding
 19:37:26  sharonp ->  WHAT!! no WOW2!!
 19:37:31  arvind ->  21cl, woot!
 19:37:32  dave ->  sorry pal
 19:37:36  JenMad ->  http://www.woot.com/
 19:37:38  sharonp ->  I am aghast
 19:37:46  arvind ->  gotta get WOW and ETW on there
 19:37:55  Durff ->  my texts cost $
 19:38:09  sharonp ->  msut be our name... too suggestive??
 19:38:26  arvind ->  lol Sharon, could be
 19:38:38  CarlaArena ->  I can hear Dave, but not jen
 19:38:53  Lee ->  TTT .. woohoo
 19:38:55  sharonp ->  hey, I have some male friends (not to be named) who have asked for our calendar....!
 19:38:57  arvind ->  Carla, you can only hear Jen if you listen to the audio stream
 19:39:08  Lee ->  we will attack till they get all of us
 19:39:15  Lee ->  in a  nice way
 19:39:23  CarlaArena ->  thanks!
 19:40:10  sharonp ->  would love to be there, Dave, but am in classroom frantically trying to finish Romeo and Juliet with my students
 19:40:23  JenMad ->  http://www.raising4boys.com/2007/05/25/free-summer-movies-for-kids
 19:40:27  sharonp ->  I could just give away the ending and just say.... they die.
 19:40:35  Durff ->  llloonnnngggg silence
 19:41:08  Durff ->  2:30 where?
 19:41:13  Durff ->  Url?
 19:41:16  sharonp ->  jen is mute again
 19:41:58  Durff ->  dave - URL again?
 19:42:23  jeff ->  back to stream
 19:42:34  dave ->  http://www.umanitoba.ca/learning_technologies/conferences/foe/
 19:42:41  arvind ->  Jen, I know you were playing with Meebo chatrooms. Think it could replace our chatroom?
 19:42:43  Durff ->  thankx
 19:42:53  arvind ->  I created this page, anyone want to try it out? http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/1696
 19:42:53  dave ->  http://www.pageflakes.com/cormier/11091021
 19:42:54  jeff ->  skype 'worldbridges' if you'd like to join in
 19:43:04  sharonp ->  okay so operator11 wasn't perfect
 19:43:44  Durff ->  selective hearing?
 19:43:51  Durff ->  I hear her
 19:43:54  Lee ->  So that was fun
 19:43:58  Durff ->  on 'B'
 19:43:58  sroseman ->  Thank you!!!
 19:44:13  Durff ->  stalling again?
 19:44:19  Lee ->  I was listening to live feed on webpage... I could hear everyone
 19:44:28  sharonp ->  yes, why DAve?? why not Jen??
 19:44:37  Lee ->  Only in skypeconference you could not hear anyone but Dave
 19:45:14  Lee ->  There was no audio for Jen in Op11
 19:45:24  Durff ->  I could hear all of you
 19:45:30  Durff ->  she did with help
 19:45:36  Durff ->  thank you
 19:45:36  Lee ->  Arvind and I went back and forth from feed to op11
 19:45:59  Durff ->  who are those people?
 19:46:03  sroseman ->  no audio for Jen; lag for Jeff; best audio mathch was Dave
 19:46:26  sharonp ->  okay, one more person from operator11 wnats to be friend.... does this ever go away??
 19:46:31  Durff ->  but it is free
 19:46:49  dave ->  woohoo! dave wins!
 19:46:53  Durff ->  you are worth hearing, Jen
 19:47:20  Durff ->  ahhh, why not?
 19:47:23  arvind ->  second shot here. meebo chat room: http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/1696
 19:47:44  sharonp ->  go canucks!
 19:47:52  sharonp ->  and everyone wants to be my friend too!
 19:48:05  sroseman ->  yeah to Canadians
 19:48:12  Durff ->  hi aalice
 19:48:20  mizmercer ->  howdy
 19:48:24  Durff ->  :)
 19:48:53  Durff ->  they pay me
 19:49:31  Cathye ->  Are you streaming?
 19:50:00  dave ->  :{
 19:50:58  sharonp ->  okay I think there are a couple of teachers from independent schools here in teh chat.... I am trying to make a proposal for a presentation for the nat'l assoc of independent schools - prestigious conference - whose theme for 2008 is Schools of the Future - but they are telling you upfront - there is NO INTERNET access at the conference - in NYC - can you believe that???
 19:53:34  mizmercer ->  sound is missing on webcast?
 19:53:52  mizmercer ->  ah here it is
 19:54:13  mizmercer ->  I like the pig pen shirt on Dave
 19:54:35  mizmercer ->  So no sound from JM?
 19:55:20  mizmercer ->  no nose picking!
 19:56:04  mizmercer ->  http://del.icio.us/tag/barcampsac
 19:56:22  dave ->  :)
 19:57:43  arvind ->  SharonP they always say that
 19:57:44  arvind ->  annoying
 19:57:58  arvind ->  how about we get some of those wireless broadband cards
 19:58:03  arvind ->  Gotta get my school to buy me one
 19:58:04  sharonp ->  last few conferences I have been to access wasn't a problem
 19:58:11  sharonp ->  ??
 19:58:16  sharonp ->  what do u mean?
 19:58:18  mizmercer ->  And http://flickr.com/search/?=barcampsac&w=all
 19:58:21  arvind ->  What kind of 21st century presentation can I make without internet?
 19:58:28  sharonp ->  exactly!
 19:58:42  sharonp ->  was going to do web 2.0 tools and global projects...
 19:58:56  mizmercer ->  Hey, wireless went out at yesterday's barcamp.
 19:58:58  sharonp ->  my last pres used spresent embedded in a wiki - very cool
 19:59:08  mizmercer ->  Talk about difficult. Someone had a wireless card for their presentation.
 19:59:23  mizmercer ->  are we starting late???
 19:59:56  mizmercer ->  More PIGPEN!
 19:59:57  mizmercer ->  YEAH
 19:59:57  sharonp ->  don't understand this wireless card thingie - American? I have wirelss built in to my laptop, but are you saying that there is another way to get wireless??
 20:00:29  mizmercer ->  Yep, card so that it hooks into cell network, so you don't need to rely on wireless servers and pay for them.
 20:00:35  mizmercer ->  like cell phone for your laptop
 20:00:43  dave ->  yay pigpen!
 20:00:49  jeff ->  http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/
 20:01:42  mizmercer ->  Good news for all of us.
 20:02:05  mizmercer ->  Mac's attempts to keep to propriotary has always been a PITA when they do that.
 20:02:14  sharonp ->  I think I must be spoiled with wireless here in Canada
 20:02:21  mizmercer ->  Ugh, Dave, your Mr. Privacy. Thank you.
 20:02:36  dave ->  yup... that's me :)
 20:02:55  dave ->  there's 30 minutes of very compelling video on operator11
 20:02:58  mizmercer ->  This layout is not userfriendly.
 20:03:22  mizmercer ->  I think a page without sidebars, but with chat room on right, and video on left would be better?
 20:04:44  mizmercer ->  Dave's fluttering in and out
 20:04:56  mizmercer ->  http://mizmercer.edublogs.org/2007/06/03/bar-camp-sacarmento/
 20:05:00  mizmercer ->  my post on bar camp
 20:05:44  mizmercer ->  I did see Jen, but I couldn't hear her when she is on video?
 20:07:00  mizmercer ->  go for it dave
 20:07:46  mizmercer ->  So word is speech recognition in Vista is the best according to what I discovered  there.
 20:07:53  mizmercer ->  Pick away Dave
 20:07:55  mizmercer ->  Lost Jenn
 20:08:16  JohnSchinker ->  I am so lost. Shesh. I took an hour off, and you reinvented the world while I was gone....
 20:08:17  mizmercer ->  Ah Dave, that's just an upper lip scratch!
 20:09:04  mizmercer ->  Okay, is the chat here or on skype?
 20:09:48  mizmercer ->  No sound from Jen
 20:12:02  mizmercer ->  That would be nice.
 20:12:12  mizmercer ->  Kinda messy getting stuff together at Barcamp
 20:12:26  mizmercer ->  No audio from Jen
 20:13:11  mizmercer ->  Nice makeup though
 20:15:30  mizmercer ->  Will I need to get a camera?
 20:15:47  mizmercer ->  I hear audio in Op11
 20:16:45  JohnSchinker ->  You hear Jen in op11?
 20:16:58  mizmercer ->  I heard her last time
 20:17:03  mizmercer ->  And Sharon
 20:17:11  JohnSchinker ->  Are they still live anywhere?
 20:17:39  mizmercer ->  OKAY, is this an archive?
 20:17:47  mizmercer ->  Now I'm embarrassed
 20:18:00  JohnSchinker ->  ETW started at 7:00 EDT
 20:18:09  mizmercer ->  Well, that's what I THOUGH!
 20:18:11  mizmercer ->  doh!
 20:18:16  mizmercer ->  THanks John.
 20:18:26  JohnSchinker ->  They're not streaming, and no one is in the skypecast, unless they're just not saying anything
 20:18:48  mizmercer ->  Well, I couldn't figure it out because I was seeing the video. I'm an idiot
 20:19:18  JohnSchinker ->  I don't think anyone else is still in this chat. But there is a Meebo chat on edtechtalk.com. That confuses me, too.
 20:19:53  JohnSchinker ->  Then again, that might not be live either.
 20:21:02  mizmercer ->  Dave thinks Meebo is live
 20:22:08  JohnSchinker ->  Yeah, but no one is there
 20:23:02  mizmercer ->  well, qwhat can I say, lol
 20:24:11  mizmercer ->  Well, I hope my text chat with myself, will provide hours of amusement, lol
 20:24:31  JohnSchinker ->  *grin*
 20:25:05  mizmercer ->  best conversation I've had in YEARS! J/IK
 20:25:15  JohnSchinker ->  No disagreements, huh?
 20:25:24  mizmercer ->  Yeah, something like that, lol