New Media Literacies Webcast - part of UPEI's New Media Institute

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New Media Literacies Webcast
part of UPEI's New Media Institute
September 30, 2007

Ustream Video
(starts about 25 minutes into the show - no audio during the first minute of video)
10:01:35 Jeff -> just getting prepped here
10:01:37 Jeff -> hello all
10:01:44 Vance back home in UAE -> jl?
10:01:47 Jeff -> no on EdTechTalk A
10:01:48 delin -> hi. Jeff
10:01:50 Nina -> Lebow
10:01:50 Jeff -> JL indeed
10:01:52 elderbob -> is this a simultaneous streaming issue.
10:01:53 Jeff -> Hello all
10:02:01 Vance back home in UAE -> shall we sign off?
10:02:11 Nina -> It's 10 am here
10:02:18 Jeff -> feel free to stay on
10:02:23 Graham -> I can hear jeff without problems
10:02:24 Vance back home in UAE -> yu're about to stream?
10:02:26 elderbob -> Vance you could continue your chat in Skype...
10:02:36 Vance back home in UAE -> I/m chek
10:03:11 Vance back home in UAE -> I'm checking the stream, don't see yours
10:03:32 RitaZ -> voice chopped
10:03:35 elderbob -> Refresh, Vance.
10:04:03 tlevs -> got to go
10:04:27 elderbob -> Oh well, I need to get some work done around here....
10:04:32 elderbob -> So adios to you all.
10:04:32 Nina -> me too
10:04:40 Nina -> have a good weeke EB
10:04:42 elderbob -> Have a great day, and see you next week.
10:04:47 Vance back home in UAE -> I don't think we are conflicting
10:04:47 Vance back home in UAE -> yeah, cutting off
10:04:47 Vance back home in UAE -> getting a lag
10:05:26 Dennis-Phoenix -> Is this working now?
10:05:56 Nina -> I think it is.
10:10:32 Jeff -> hi sally
10:10:41 Sally MacDonald -> Good Morning
10:10:52 JoseR -> Hi there
10:11:01 Jeff -> u getting audio?
10:11:08 JoseR -> streaming on?
10:11:34 Sally MacDonald -> Yes but wondering how to identify the speakers
10:11:59 JoseR -> Got it.
10:12:07 delin -> Rina, log out?
10:15:11 JoseR -> Got in to conference
10:16:25 delin -> yes.
10:17:25 JoseR -> Hi Graham
10:18:27 delin -> thank you!
10:18:55 JoseR -> Kids seem to be shy in front of a mic
10:21:03 JoseR -> I agree with Dave. Being able to articulate your thoughts in a live and interactive environment is key. A skill we need to make sure our student have.
10:21:21 JoseR -> Hi Vance. I got up late this morning, sorry I missed your session
10:21:31 Sally MacDonald -> The current comments about the level of understanding among the students shifting when they 'handled' the technology, leads me to ponder how parents are being informed of the evolution of the project as it happens
10:22:02 JoseR -> Interesting question
10:22:46 JoseR -> Usually they allow their kids to use the tech but do not involve themselves in starting a conversation with them
10:23:03 Durff -> when is the webcast starting?
10:23:30 JoseR -> that includes us as teachers. I have a difficult time staying involved in my middle school daughter's live.
10:23:33 JoseR -> life
10:23:40 Vance back home in UAE -> I've just managed to start the stream
10:23:48 JoseR -> streaming on ETTA
10:23:54 Durff -> ok
10:23:58 Vance back home in UAE -> i had to leave my other webcast, yeah got this one
10:24:44 JoseR -> I just got online. I was looking for a wifi spot in my condo complex. I am in my car near the pool. LOL
10:24:54 Durff -> will there be video stream?
10:25:00 JoseR -> nope
10:25:23 Durff -> my neighbor locked their network
10:25:33 JoseR -> hahaha
10:25:46 Durff -> i found out when i was trying out the projector with the laptop
10:26:18 Durff -> i need speakers - recommendations? I'll be giving a presentation
10:26:25 JoseR -> Have y'all heard of the Titanic Theory. Change comes slow!
10:26:39 Durff -> sinking jose?
10:27:12 JoseR -> Changing course is like Changing the course of the Titanic. Systems change slow
10:27:17 Durff -> how many of us read that play dave?
10:27:32 Durff -> i'll tell you - two
10:28:08 Durff -> how many heard of Ibsen? (two)
10:28:22 Vance back home in UAE -> Icelandic?
10:28:49 Vance back home in UAE -> Certainly a nordic playwrite, norwegian?
10:29:04 Durff -> ok maybe three
10:29:18 Durff -> but not the majority is the point
10:29:43 delin -> Vance. How can I connect my blog into writingmatrix or pbwiki? can you send a sample to me? Thanks!
10:30:08 Vance back home in UAE -> i'll skype text you about it delin
10:30:36 delin -> Ibsen was a great playwrite. I like his novel: Doll House. Thank yoU!
10:32:39 Durff -> vance-i wanted to listen to your multiliteracies - pooh
10:32:53 Vance back home in UAE -> i think I got a 5 min recording
10:33:08 Durff -> when do you do it again?
10:33:25 Vance back home in UAE -> ok, ready to skype in
10:33:26 Jeff ->
10:33:37 Vance back home in UAE -> next sunday 13:-00 gmt
10:33:54 Vance back home in UAE -> HOW do I skype in ??
10:34:03 Sandy -> Hey, Dave!
10:34:03 Durff -> will i need to turn off the audio stream when dave & jeff quit fooling around for the camera?
10:34:18 Durff -> vance skype 'worldbridges'
10:34:39 Durff -> make up you r minds
10:35:11 Durff -> ok thanks guys
10:35:41 Durff -> so will this be covered in webcastacademy?
10:36:11 JoseR -> ustream?
10:36:22 delin -> Thank you for your inspiration on using skype to connect the world in world bridges. I will log out! See you next time!
10:36:29 Jeff ->
10:36:34 JoseR -> by delin
10:37:54 Durff -> dave's face is cut off - move over
10:38:09 Durff -> now jeff's face is cutt off
10:38:15 JoseR -> Coffee looks good
10:38:23 Durff -> coffee?
10:38:29 Durff -> that sounds good
10:38:35 Durff -> hi parisi
10:38:37 JoseR -> Jeff just took a gulp
10:38:46 lisaparisi -> hi durff
10:38:57 Durff -> better dave
10:39:03 lisaparisi -> who's who?
10:39:15 Durff -> lisa jeff on left
10:39:25 Durff -> dave talking
10:39:34 lisaparisi -> thanks durff
10:39:44 charbeck -> name tags?
10:39:51 Durff -> jeff out of camera
10:40:00 Durff -> ok dave
10:40:06 Durff -> good
10:40:07 Dennis-Phoenix -> Hi, everyone. I'm Dennis from Phoenix, AZ.
10:40:12 Durff -> don't move
10:40:16 Dennis-Phoenix -> I'm listening only.
10:40:21 lisaparisi -> Hi Dennis from Phoenix
10:40:25 JoseR -> Hi Dennis. I got a late start this morning
10:40:26 Durff -> hi jo
10:40:28 Dennis-Phoenix -> Hi, Lisa.
10:40:31 jomcleay -> hi Lisa
10:40:31 lisaparisi -> I'm Lisa from New York
10:40:46 jomcleay -> I mean hi Durff
10:40:46 Durff -> hi oscar!
10:41:00 JoseR -> Oscar, cooool
10:41:01 Dennis-Phoenix -> Hi, José. Me, too--but I was online in Vance's Webheads chat, then his MultiLit webcast.
10:41:03 Durff -> trailblazing
10:41:04 jomcleay -> hello Lisa from New York
10:41:10 lisaparisi -> Hi Jo
10:41:21 Dennis-Phoenix -> I can't hear anything now. Is it buffering or something?
10:41:26 JoseR -> How was your session with Vance?
10:41:29 lisaparisi -> Durff thanks for the twit
10:41:29 Durff -> so what webcam?
10:41:31 jomcleay -> seems like it
10:41:54 Durff -> mine got out of focus - probably dropped by kid
10:42:22 JoseR -> I'll take the dingy place with cool people.
10:42:33 Durff -> looking good
10:42:34 Dennis-Phoenix -> Apparently there's no streaming, at the moment, from EdTech Talk.
10:42:40 Durff -> smile!
10:42:45 JoseR -> ETTA
10:42:57 jomcleay -> lol
10:43:05 JoseR -> or try
10:43:16 Dennis-Phoenix -> Right, José. Apparently ETTA isn't streaming at the moment.
10:43:43 Dennis-Phoenix -> Are you folks also watching video of the presentation?
10:44:04 JoseR -> yes
10:44:09 Dennis-Phoenix -> Where?
10:44:11 Durff -> how do we begin facilitating learners in these new digital literacies?
10:44:38 Dennis-Phoenix -> I think you just have to get them to try it--and then keep them involved in trying.
10:44:49 Durff -> so do it anyway - i do and the IT guy hates me
10:44:54 JoseR -> then search for worldbridges
10:45:11 Jeff ->
10:45:17 Dennis-Phoenix -> And I also think people need to know that nothing works perfectly 100% of the time, and that everyone makes mistakes--and that's OK.
10:45:19 Sally MacDonald -> has the audio feed been lost?
10:45:19 JoseR -> there is both audio and video.
10:45:24 Dennis-Phoenix -> Thanks for the URLs.
10:45:25 Durff -> i do need a nodd of approval for some things from admin
10:45:30 JoseR -> yeah jeff's link is better
10:45:32 jomcleay -> what about chat?
10:45:53 lisaparisi -> Hi Paul
10:45:54 Durff -> hi paul
10:46:09 Paul H -> Aha found you now - didn't realise it was live :)
10:46:18 Durff -> digital geriatics?
10:46:23 JoseR -> yes it is.
10:46:27 Paul H -> That's me !!!
10:46:29 Durff -> first we have to get there
10:46:40 Dennis-Phoenix -> I can see the video and hear the talk just fine through /video_studio: many thanks!
10:46:45 Durff -> yes paul that is you
10:46:54 Durff -> hi sally
10:46:57 Paul H -> :(
10:47:31 jomcleay -> what's wrong Paul?
10:47:41 Sally MacDonald -> hello...I am apparently having audio problems; the last comment I heard was about Sandy's role
10:47:45 Durff -> he is the grandfatherly type
10:47:57 Paul H -> Durff agrees that I am digi geriatric :(
10:47:57 Dennis-Phoenix -> "What can you do with a computer?" I remember those days.
10:48:03 Durff -> sally click the arrow above
10:48:08 Jeff -> try clicking again on listen links
10:48:13 Jeff -> or try video link at:
10:48:18 Durff -> or that
10:48:37 Sally MacDonald -> just began to hear audio again...thank you
10:48:37 Durff -> hey great video
10:48:43 Durff -> don't move!
10:48:48 Dennis-Phoenix -> Yes, the video is really nice!
10:48:51 Durff -> dave!
10:48:56 lisaparisi -> nice dave
10:49:07 jomcleay -> behave
10:49:11 Paul H -> Is anyone else out there getting frustrated by their local area not really getting it - Web 2.0 and global communication - or is it just me ??
10:49:17 Durff -> he never does
10:49:27 JoseR -> learning to learn
10:49:36 lisaparisi -> Paul, what makes you think it's just your area.
10:49:36 Durff -> yes paul - ignore that dave guy
10:49:54 Sandy -> Yes, Paul... and where is your area?
10:50:00 Durff -> we have a really slow internet here
10:50:10 Paul H -> I know we all tend to feel - locally isolated even though we are globally connected how can we overcome this
10:50:15 Vance back home in UAE -> it's just us
10:50:19 lisaparisi -> All I hear that's great but too much work
10:50:22 Durff -> and the boro won't buy in
10:50:34 Durff -> davee!
10:51:00 Sandy -> I think Durff's comment is true... so many areas are underserved withe basic connectivity, etc.
10:51:05 Vance back home in UAE -> terry freedman's last year K-12 presentation on being a change agent
10:51:09 JoseR -> cool back to blogevangelism
10:51:13 Vance back home in UAE -> listen to that, good pointer
10:51:25 Durff -> in us it is - is this true glabally?
10:51:36 Durff -> globally?
10:51:54 Vance back home in UAE -> we are the choir (a lot of sinners out there)
10:51:58 jomcleay -> but I find that some colleagues are positively hostile?
10:52:09 Dennis-Phoenix -> The point about "evangelism" is a good one: many people are upset when it seems that they're being forced to try something new. Change is frightening! Trying new things is frightening!
10:52:15 Vance back home in UAE -> where are you jomcleay?
10:52:24 Sandy -> Cool, Dave!
10:52:25 Paul H -> true but finding it difficult to make this happen as my kids move on to another class where they just don't do it !!!
10:52:32 jomcleay -> In Melbourne Australia
10:52:32 Durff -> jo is down under
10:52:51 Dennis-Phoenix -> Hear, hear, Paul.
10:53:01 Paul H -> Maybe it's just me getting grumpy here in Wales !!!
10:53:06 JoseR -> lost connectivity for a bit
10:53:14 jomcleay -> once you get over the initial learning
10:53:19 Durff -> they are hostile because it threatens their paradigms
10:53:36 jomcleay -> echo echo
10:53:38 Vance back home in UAE -> glowgowski and sessums made the point at wiaoc that modeling was essential, speaking of modeling - their session addressed this issue
10:53:46 Durff -> jose - maybe they need to pay too
10:53:49 Dennis-Phoenix -> I think we just have to involve people in technology . . . and then involve them again . . . and then involve them again. Eventually, what was once threatening and frightening becomes second nature.
10:53:51 Vance back home in UAE -> archived
10:53:58 JoseR -> yep
10:54:00 Paul H -> True Durff but they are happy in their comfort zone and don't want to change!
10:54:07 Dennis-Phoenix -> Yes, Durff: play is very important!
10:54:17 Durff -> tech people tell us we are wrong
10:54:26 Vance back home in UAE -> interesting point, being made
10:54:30 Durff -> yes paul
10:54:42 Dennis-Phoenix -> That's a bad approach, isn't it, Mrs. Durff?!
10:54:49 Vance back home in UAE -> the point is, people don't need to change
10:54:52 Durff -> frustrating
10:54:52 Vance back home in UAE -> they need to adapt
10:55:02 Vance back home in UAE -> technology to what they do well already
10:55:03 Dennis-Phoenix -> Well said, Vance.
10:55:10 Durff -> they are experts in their fields though
10:55:26 Vance back home in UAE -> so the way to reach them is to help them understand HOW tech helps them do what they do well already
10:55:37 Durff -> educators are experts in their fieldws
10:55:38 Dennis-Phoenix -> Yes, that's true, Mrs. D., but the tools one uses in any field change.
10:55:38 Paul H -> It often means that we take on more to try to keep up the interests of the pupils ??? Don't know if this is sustainable?
10:55:45 Durff -> and do it faster
10:55:56 Durff -> up
10:55:57 Vance back home in UAE -> exactly, help them transmit, like podcast
10:56:08 JoseR -> OK
10:56:29 lisaparisi -> Do we like this view of Dave? Getting close to dangerous.
10:57:03 Dennis-Phoenix -> Hi, Bonnie. The bagel looks good--but I'd prefer a bialy!
10:57:14 Dennis-Phoenix -> Thanks, Dave.
10:57:15 Durff -> so we want those kind of mics too
10:57:16 lisaparisi -> yum
10:57:17 JoseR -> and Dave took the bagal
10:57:25 Paul H -> Multi tasking eating bagel and webcasting yey !!
10:57:27 Durff -> we could do this with kids
10:57:33 Sandy -> Hmm... a virtual bagel.
10:57:40 lisaparisi -> closer to the mic please
10:57:48 lisaparisi -> thank you
10:57:51 jomcleay -> great
10:57:55 Dennis-Phoenix -> Much better audio, Bonnie.
10:57:56 Durff -> :)
10:58:02 Paul H -> It's really cool am eating pie at home at same time - virtual eating
10:58:17 Vance back home in UAE -> this is reminding me that I need to eat
10:58:20 lisaparisi -> i find web 2.0 apps help support differentiated instruction more than reg teaching style
10:58:39 lisaparisi -> using media gives another venue for showcasing talents
10:58:46 Vance back home in UAE -> hey that one has a bite out of it
10:58:47 Dennis-Phoenix -> Yes, Lisa. Isn't it ironic that there's resistance to them?
10:58:49 lisaparisi -> well said
10:58:49 jomcleay -> more choice
10:59:04 Paul H -> Getting the movers and shakers in to see web 2.0 tech is really difficult.
10:59:14 Sandy -> Anyhoo, gotta go! Thanks everyone.
10:59:15 Durff -> admin laughs at me
10:59:27 Durff -> kids and parents go wow!
10:59:37 Vance back home in UAE -> I had a great conversation with my director yesterday, I'll tell you about it
10:59:42 JoseR -> Tie it to school vision and goals.
10:59:53 Paul H -> Tech people just think I am weird - they're probably not far wrong :)
11:00:04 Dennis-Phoenix -> re bagels:
11:00:18 lisaparisi -> Paul..that has nothing to do with what you do in class. ;)
11:00:35 Paul H -> Tks Lisa :)
11:01:05 Dennis-Phoenix -> re bagels:
11:01:06 Durff -> jeff and dave are h__ geeks
11:01:12 lisaparisi -> privacy issues
11:01:21 Durff -> interesting filtering - good idea
11:01:27 lisaparisi -> safety
11:01:49 Paul H -> I usually get specific responses for projects
11:02:09 lisaparisi -> lol
11:02:23 Dennis-Phoenix -> Bonnie: The idea of levels of permission is important.
11:02:38 Vance back home in UAE -> Pedagogical affordances of syndication, aggregation, and mash-up of content on the Web
11:03:01 JoseR -> Go Vance!
11:03:15 Paul H -> Very true Vance !! go for it
11:03:27 Durff -> papers? isn't that last century?
11:03:41 JoseR -> digital paper
11:03:45 JoseR -> e paper
11:03:46 Paul H -> Virtual paper I 'spect Durff :)
11:03:53 Durff -> i hope
11:04:29 Dennis-Phoenix -> I don't think it's necessarily a matter of not wanting to know. I think it'
11:04:36 Paul H -> We are speaking a different language !!! is that what discourages newbie ??
11:04:44 lisaparisi -> I'm teaching a course starting Tuesday on Web 2.0. The class is full but that only means 18 people for a district of hundreds.
11:04:45 Durff -> RSS = really serious stressrelief - then they listen
11:05:04 Dennis-Phoenix -> I think it's just as often a matter of being overwhelmed by new jargon, tools, skills . . . .
11:05:12 jomcleay -> lol
11:05:16 JoseR -> Some newbies need to be led by the hand other go on the superhighway right away
11:05:18 Paul H -> Go for it Lisa -
11:05:29 Dennis-Phoenix -> Definitely, José.
11:05:40 Durff -> I do paul
11:05:42 Paul H -> Yes Jose
11:06:01 Dennis-Phoenix -> And you're spot on, Paul: "speaking a different language!!!"
11:06:17 Durff -> when i tell parents they can keep online tabs on kid's blogs with rss they listen
11:06:22 jomcleay -> Hi Allana
11:06:24 Durff -> ladies show
11:06:29 Paul H -> We need to keep it simple like the commoncraft guys
11:06:37 Paul H -> do
11:06:41 Durff -> :)
11:06:49 lisaparisi -> I plan on using a lot of commoncraft videos in my class, Paul
11:07:09 jomcleay -> the delicious one is really great
11:07:21 Paul H -> I think it is odd that I have no walls between my kids and the world - but a huge set of walls in the school !
11:07:32 Durff -> i haven't tried that with kids jo
11:07:38 jomcleay -> i know what you mean Paul
11:07:41 Paul H -> between 1 class and the next
11:07:53 Durff -> kids do subscribe to teacher's pages through rss
11:08:06 Paul H -> Hi Jo - sorry didn't say hi earlier :)
11:08:31 Durff -> hi oscar
11:08:37 jomcleay -> 'sok Paul. It was really great when you commented on my colleague at school
11:08:47 Paul H -> Shwmae Oscar :)
11:09:00 Durff -> shwmae?
11:09:07 Paul H -> no probs Jo ;)
11:09:26 Paul H -> Hello Durff ( Welsh of course )
11:09:31 Durff -> paul know where conway castle is?
11:10:09 Durff -> hi sharon
11:10:12 Paul H -> Yes Durff NW Wlaes about 90 miles away from me. ??
11:10:13 lisaparisi -> hi sharon and gbaiken
11:10:14 Durff -> hi gbailen
11:10:17 sharonp -> Hi folks!
11:10:18 Dennis-Phoenix -> Gathering primary source material via video: wonderful idea.
11:10:20 Paul H -> Hi Sharon
11:10:22 Jeff -> hi george
11:10:36 Durff -> my neighnor is a conway
11:10:37 Jeff -> video at:
11:10:41 sharonp -> cool to be right here in teh room with Dave, Jeff, Bonnie and Allana
11:10:48 Durff -> went there in th '70s
11:10:53 sharonp -> oh yeah.... and Oscar!
11:11:03 JoseR -> I know you told us already, but where is all the content being archived?
11:11:03 Durff -> told me you would know it
11:11:05 Paul H -> Cool Durff
11:11:13 Durff -> small world
11:11:42 Durff -> he watched a ceremony on tv that i was at yesterday
11:11:43 Paul H -> Flat World with wrinkles Durff :)
11:11:52 Dennis-Phoenix -> It's a great tragedy, for example, that languages and cultures have completely disappeared when the last native speakers (and "native livers," for culture) passed on . . . . .
11:11:53 Durff -> very wrinkled
11:12:12 Durff -> it is dennis
11:13:13 Dennis-Phoenix -> To archive a video of an elder telling about making steamed-wood boxes in, for example, Tlingit would be a great contribution to the depth of human understanding.
11:13:14 Durff -> hji oscar
11:13:18 Vance back home in UAE -> I need to pop out
11:13:24 Vance back home in UAE -> dinner time in UAE
11:13:30 Durff -> bye vance
11:13:35 JoseR -> I was wondering of the time-capsule idea. How would this project fit into that?
11:13:37 Durff -> come again soon
11:13:37 Dennis-Phoenix -> Take care, Vance.
11:13:43 Dennis-Phoenix -> Best to Bobbi.
11:13:49 Durff -> jose video capsule?
11:13:54 Jeff -> thanks vance
11:14:02 Dennis-Phoenix -> Ni hao, Delin.
11:14:08 Durff -> hi delin
11:14:26 JoseR -> yeah. Video Capsule. Do we put it on a satellite or what?
11:14:30 Vance back home in UAE -> there I put it in tv mode
11:14:34 Dennis-Phoenix -> Check out the video (and audio) at
11:14:44 Durff -> why not put it online?
11:14:51 JoseR -> ttys Vance.
11:14:59 Vance back home in UAE -> hey we've reverted to TV
11:15:03 delin -> Hi. good! I got in. See you again.
11:15:07 Vance back home in UAE -> this is like a late night talk show :-)
11:15:17 Vance back home in UAE -> kidding, this is better, interactive TV
11:15:18 Dennis-Phoenix -> It's good to see you again, too, Delin!
11:15:22 Durff -> ladies show
11:15:23 JoseR -> Online is a relative term. It is actually on a machine somewhere. this machine will someday de offline.
11:15:31 JoseR -> day
11:15:36 sharonp -> more women of web 2.0!
11:15:45 Durff -> but will be replaced
11:16:01 Vance back home in UAE -> thinking about the glowgowski and sessums session
11:16:05 JoseR -> or not
11:16:17 Vance back home in UAE -> they made the point that people were using technologies in their social lives
11:16:20 Durff -> i think it would
11:16:27 Vance back home in UAE -> like instant messagers, facebook
11:16:33 Durff -> and then put it on CD
11:16:34 JoseR -> hope that it will
11:16:40 Vance back home in UAE -> sms, lots of techs with mobile phones
11:16:48 Durff -> find 5 places
11:16:57 Vance back home in UAE -> but not transfering these to their professional lives
11:17:18 JoseR -> where does media go when it isn't saved.
11:17:25 Durff -> notice the level of conversation has elevated with ladoes
11:17:38 Durff -> we will NEVER use youtube
11:17:43 lisaparisi -> hi kristin
11:17:51 Durff -> denada
11:17:53 kristinhokanson -> ok Durff your intriguing tweet brought me here vs research
11:17:55 kristinhokanson -> GRRRRRR
11:17:56 lisaparisi ->
11:17:57 kristinhokanson -> :P
11:18:02 Dennis-Phoenix -> When I was a small kid, I had a great-great aunt who was 106. She actually saw Abraham Lincoln. What a pity that her memories were never recorded!
11:18:10 jomcleay -> Hi Kristin
11:18:11 sharonp -> some photos of the students participating in this project -
11:18:17 Durff -> use teachertube
11:18:26 Vance back home in UAE -> you just recorded them dennis
11:18:27 Dennis-Phoenix -> Dennis Oliver. Phoenix, Arizona.
11:18:29 Jeff -> dave - here
11:18:36 lisaparisi -> Lisa Parisi- Long Island New York..webcast intern
11:18:40 Jeff -> (pei)
11:18:42 JoseR -> Jose: 3rd grade teacher from Los Angeles CA
11:18:47 sharonp -> Sharon Peters - Montreal, but sitting in DAve's living room in Charlottetown
11:18:56 Dennis-Phoenix -> I did, Vance, but not as primary source data.
11:19:00 Durff -> durff = Lisa Durff from Hagerstown, Maryland, USA ; PreK-12 teacher and librarian
11:19:15 kristinhokanson -> Kristin Hokanson, Phila Area Tech integration mentor Classrooms for Future PA HS reforma initiative
11:19:26 lisaparisi -> oops..grade 5 teacher
11:19:35 Durff -> graduating from webcastacademy in 2017
11:19:47 Vance back home in UAE -> Vance Stevens, webhead, digital geriatric from Abu Dhabi
11:19:47 lisaparisi -> I think me too Durff
11:19:50 jomcleay -> I am Jo McLeay from Melbourne Australia, teach English to girls from Years 7 to 12
11:20:14 Durff -> no parisi i predict much earlier
11:20:31 lisaparisi -> you have more faith in me than i have in myself :)
11:20:43 Durff -> :)
11:21:03 kristinhokanson -> ok so will the video be archived from this session or just the audio via worldbridges?
11:21:04 JoseR -> Gotta run. I am going on a bagel run.
11:21:24 Sally MacDonald -> Sally MacDonald - Teacher at Kensington Int/Sr High School
11:21:24 Durff -> summarise
11:22:05 lisaparisi -> Is this the next step in the webcast academy?
11:22:08 lisaparisi -> video?
11:22:19 Durff -> the next step is bagels
11:22:25 Dennis-Phoenix -> Jeff: I have a few screenshots of the video. How can I send them to you (as .jpg, .gif, or .tiff files)?
11:22:27 Durff -> then video
11:22:28 JoseR -> Sure. LisaP are you volunteering?
11:22:35 Durff -> she did
11:22:46 Durff -> guest478?
11:22:52 Durff -> comment to him
11:23:09 JoseR -> Skpe chat message.
11:23:15 lisaparisi -> Jeff I would love to
11:23:19 lisaparisi -> sorry..Jose
11:23:26 Durff -> :)
11:23:29 lisaparisi -> Jose want to do something with it?
11:23:42 JoseR -> Nah. but can help out.
11:23:47 lisaparisi -> chicken
11:23:54 JoseR -> yep
11:23:57 lisaparisi -> lol
11:24:19 Durff -> Bagels for all!!!
11:24:20 lisaparisi -> thank you
11:24:26 lisaparisi -> that was fun
11:24:32 Vance back home in UAE -> hey tv went off the air
11:24:36 kristinhokanson -> ok wow
11:24:39 Vance back home in UAE -> what's wrong with it?
11:24:42 kristinhokanson -> must play with this more
11:24:49 Vance back home in UAE -> I was watching tv waaaaa
11:24:59 delin -> it's finished?
11:25:00 kristinhokanson -> Vance it was a 1 hour show
11:25:09 kristinhokanson -> I only caught the end
11:25:10 JoseR -> Ok folks looking forward to connecting soon. Bye y'all.
11:25:12 kristinhokanson -> :(
11:25:16 Vance back home in UAE -> ha ha
11:25:21 Dennis-Phoenix -> Yes, the TV is finished.
11:25:25 Sally MacDonald -> thank you
11:25:41 Dennis-Phoenix -> This was great, folks. I look forward to more!
11:25:44 JoseR -> Vance on for next sun?
11:25:49 kristinhokanson -> Hey Paul
11:25:50 Vance back home in UAE -> thanks all, I've got to finish off my teaser for the k-12 online conference
11:25:55 Dennis-Phoenix -> Best wishes to all from Phoenix . . . . .
11:26:00 kristinhokanson -> Done for the week
11:26:04 Vance back home in UAE -> yep, 13:00 talking multiliteracies, sunday
11:26:09 Paul H -> Sorry to miss the end of the show - computer gave up the ghost !!! great show
11:26:19 JoseR -> cool Vance see you then.
11:26:22 Paul H -> Hi Kristin
11:26:22 Vance back home in UAE -> but webcasting is really rough for m
11:26:29 Vance back home in UAE -> if you're there you can do a backup stream
11:26:36 Vance back home in UAE -> i shut down twice during the event
11:26:42 JoseR -> Sure I'll set up for back up stream
11:26:50 Vance back home in UAE -> and my wife's computer went offline same time
11:26:56 Jeff -> [email protected]
11:26:58 delin -> Thanks! How can I copy the text into my blog?
11:27:00 Jeff -> Thanks again to all
11:27:02 Vance back home in UAE -> I think we sucked up all the bandwidth in the block
11:27:07 Jeff -> Signing off from PEI
11:27:12 Vance back home in UAE -> all the toilets flushed at once as well
11:27:12 Paul H -> Cool great thanks
11:27:22 Vance back home in UAE -> you could hear them all over the building
11:27:22 JoseR -> hahahaha
11:27:33 Vance back home in UAE -> until we got our bandwidth back, and carried on
11:27:38 Paul H -> Could even hear here ijn UK :)
11:27:41 Vance back home in UAE -> but that's webcasting here in teh UAE
11:28:11 JoseR -> Well also signing off, Take care everyone. bye
11:28:26 Vance back home in UAE -> ok, cya next week
11:28:29 Graham -> this was fun..bye everyone