Chat Log from Teachers Teaching Teachers #81
Teachers Teaching Teachers #81 11.28.07
20:42:26 SusanEttenheim -> hi christina hi paul
20:43:36 Christina -> hi Susan
20:44:51 paulallison -> hi christina
20:44:58 paulallison -> Susan is restarting.
20:45:21 paulallison -> When and what was the session that Lynne and Peter did together?
20:55:50 Kevin H -> Hi everyone
20:57:32 Durff -> hi
20:58:30 Lee Baber -> Hello Durff
20:59:41 Kevin H -> Hi Lynn
20:59:56 Durff -> hi lee and byr all - off to beddy bye
20:59:56 Lynne -> Hey Kevin!
21:00:16 Lee Baber -> Hi everyone
21:00:25 Lee Baber -> So good to see you all
21:02:04 Bill O'Neal -> Hi
21:02:11 Kevin H -> HI Bill
21:02:16 paulallison -> hi all
21:02:31 paulallison -> We will be starting as soon as Lynne answers her skype.
21:02:37 Bill O'Neal -> HI Kevin
21:03:41 AliceMercer -> Hello all
21:03:48 Kevin H -> Hi Alice
21:04:28 SusanEttenheim -> could everyone please mute if you arenot talking
21:04:32 SusanEttenheim -> hi all
21:06:04 SusanEttenheim -> hi bill
21:06:20 paulallison -> I turned yugma off.
21:06:35 SusanEttenheim -> let's see if that makes a difference
21:06:37 Lynne -> Am I mute? I'm working with a mike I'm not too familiar with...
21:06:45 SusanEttenheim -> I dont think so lynne
21:07:00 Kevin H -> I heard you check in, Lynn
21:07:20 SusanEttenheim -> we hear you or someone typing inthe background
21:07:23 Lee Baber -> Susan, I will go check on the yugma
21:07:37 SusanEttenheim -> hi troy welcome!
21:07:50 hickstro -> Hi Susan!
21:07:57 SusanEttenheim -> and what we missed!
21:08:13 SusanEttenheim -> are there presentations online available now?
21:08:14 Bill O'Neal -> HI Sue
21:08:36 SusanEttenheim -> what's new in nj?
21:08:58 Lee Baber -> Hello Bill
21:09:01 SusanEttenheim -> hi thekyleuguy
21:09:02 Lee Baber -> Hi Troy
21:09:17 hickstro -> Hi Lee!
21:09:21 Bill O'Neal -> They're having troubles at the new charter school, so we're seeing an influx of students. Everything is fine!
21:09:40 SusanEttenheim -> wow they are leaving a new high school at this point in the year?
21:10:08 SusanEttenheim -> is northern cal - san francisco?
21:10:21 Bill O'Neal -> Yes. I'll find a link...
21:10:42 SusanEttenheim -> tnx bill
21:10:57 Bill O'Neal ->
21:12:51 SusanEttenheim -> where will the podcasts be available?
21:14:10 peterkittle -> Northern Cal is in Chico--about 3 hours NE of SF
21:14:19 SusanEttenheim -> ahh tnx
21:14:45 Kevin H -> Is the podcast question for me, Susan?
21:15:18 SusanEttenheim -> yes
21:15:39 Kevin H -> Still working on that
21:15:53 SusanEttenheim -> hi thekyleguy... where do you teach?
21:16:47 paulallison -> yugma is back... on a different computer
21:17:20 SusanEttenheim -> ahh two computer night... for me it's on the same dsl so it doesn't work here while I'm broadcasting
21:18:33 SusanEttenheim -> welcome back alice!
21:18:35 Lee BAber -> hi
21:18:46 Lee BAber -> again.. my skype logged out
21:18:50 alicemercer -> how do you make it relevent and keep the discussions on track etc.
21:19:17 SusanEttenheim -> lee i can call you back when you are ready
21:19:28 Lee BAber -> im ready
21:19:32 SusanEttenheim -> alice - make what relevant?
21:20:30 alicemercer -> the comments
21:20:43 SusanEttenheim -> ah
21:20:45 Lee BAber -> Paul I may try recording your yugma and this chat room with a ustream
21:20:46 alicemercer -> on social equity, I'm listening though as they explin
21:20:54 alicemercer -> explain
21:21:35 paulallison -> Is Yugma working?
21:21:53 Lee BAber -> yes great pUl
21:21:56 Lee BAber -> paul
21:22:35 alicemercer -> Why not a moodle?
21:25:19 peterkittle -> can't get yugma working on my mac. any advice?
21:25:33 alicemercer -> are we on Yugma too?
21:25:42 paulallison -> yes
21:26:10 SusanEttenheim -> lee can you help peter?
21:26:16 Lynne -> Hurrah for Cynthia! She is inspiring me all over again.
21:26:56 Kevin H -> I agree -- she is always willing to try new stuff
21:27:12 SusanEttenheim -> I just put lynne on hold
21:27:21 SusanEttenheim -> we'll get her back !
21:27:40 SusanEttenheim -> don't worry lynne - just text when you're ready to talk and I can unmute you! :)
21:27:50 Lynne -> sorry. I never know how to mute the phone across the room
21:28:07 SusanEttenheim -> no prob! just let me know here when you want to be unmuted
21:29:14 Lee BAber -> yes..Peter
21:29:16 Lee BAber -> I can help
21:29:58 hickstro -> As we think about "the network," might we talk about the conversation going on through the TL list serve? If that isn't part of the plan for the show tonight, that's OK, but I am curious to hear what everyone here thinks about building the "national social network" that has been proposed. Or, does it exist already? Just curious to hear everyone's thinking...
21:30:18 Kevin H -> Yes -- we should talk about that, Troy
21:30:30 paulallison -> we can go there
21:30:42 Cathy E -> Sounds like a wonderful group
21:31:03 SusanEttenheim -> cathy e is there a writing project near you?
21:31:20 Lynne -> I'm ready to be unmuted. I need to hear you guys
21:31:23 hickstro -> That's a great point, too, Christina. What are some of the things that keep our networks together?
21:31:55 Cathy E -> There is a WP in Greenville, NC middle of state
21:32:44 SusanEttenheim -> jason is here
21:32:55 SusanEttenheim -> ahh have you met them cathy?
21:33:06 Lynne -> I've lost you again...
21:33:22 SusanEttenheim -> lynne you can talk anytime
21:33:51 Cathy E -> No- I have not
21:34:14 SusanEttenheim -> Paul - do you all knwo the people in greenville?
21:34:18 Lynne -> Hi Susan! I wanted to send you a warm personal thank you for our chat in NY.
21:34:26 SusanEttenheim -> that was fun!
21:34:35 SusanEttenheim -> but we could hear you typing.. lol
21:34:37 paulallison -> not sure.
21:34:51 SusanEttenheim -> how can we connect cathye with them?
21:35:05 Lynne -> I had the best time at the Morgan Library. Thanks for the tip.
21:35:08 Lee BAber -> how does this look?
21:35:18 hickstro -> I agree, Kevin. I think that your Ning site is "bubbling up" in many ways. We are thinking through this network issue at our local site, too, so local, state, national -- I am curious to think about them all. Or, if we need them all through online networks or if we need to focus local and state efforts in other ways.
21:35:20 Lee BAber ->
21:35:20 SusanEttenheim -> oh wow ! I want to hear about that!
21:36:26 paulallison -> Troy can you join us?
21:36:36 Kevin H -> Thanks Troy
21:37:08 Cathy E -> Look great LEe
21:37:35 Lee BAber -> im recording but dont have audio from skype figured out
21:37:44 Cathy E -> @Lee what are you using to capture screen?
21:38:18 Lee BAber -> ustream
21:38:26 hickstro -> Hi Paul -- I am on Skype now, thanks.
21:38:37 Lee BAber -> oh... @CathyE (I forgot :) )
21:39:47 Lee BAber -> OK. Paul..looks like i hae the yugma and chat recorded but will just synch the audio to video later.
21:40:02 Lee BAber -> dont have skype figured out for ustream yeet
21:40:09 Kevin H -> what is yugma?
21:40:11 hickstro -> I think that is a good question. Our local site seems to be involved in so much at the state and national level, yet our continuity events are not well-attended. So, I wonder what the role, if any, of an online presence should be in our local initiatives as compared to investing time and energy in other ways?
21:40:15 Lee BAber -> ah
21:40:19 Lee BAber -> hold on ill show you
21:41:14 peterkittle -> @Troy: Our site is struggling with the same issue--more activity at national level than local right now.
21:41:29 hickstro -> Lynne -- you are right! How do we help them see that they "need" the technology? I don't want to be pushy, but I am curious to know how much we should "push" the tech on our local TCs that don't seem to want it.
21:41:32 Kevin H -> I agree -- same with our site, I think
21:42:18 Kevin H -> Maybe push isn't the right word -- instead, show them the possibilities and then provide them the support (Them being our TCs and site leaders)
21:42:41 hickstro -> Peter and Kevin -- OK, it is good to know that this isn't an isolated problem.
21:43:29 Kevin H -> Well, maybe not "good" but comforting, you know? It means that there may be a collective approach out there (can anyone see it?)
21:45:05 peterkittle -> Pat Delaney has this idea that what we need for tech to succeed is to work with one or two others closely, even if "close" isn't a physical proximity. Maybe these larger networks could hook up those one or two teachers who are mostly interested in the same thing.
21:45:54 Kevin H -> One of my efforts was to create workshops for our site leaders on podcasting, blogging and other technology -- to make them more comfortable with technology in their programs. They see it, but don't implement it.
21:46:25 Bill O'Neal -> Same here...
21:50:10 hickstro -> Another example -- when we take a new TC to the annual meeting, they can, literally, see the network. Is there a way to do this digitally for people who are not tech-minded, helping them see the purpose for their group that could be facilitated by technology, as Christina says.
21:55:03 Kevin H -> Classroom 2.0 might be an example of way forward. This is a large social networking site (now more than 4,000 teachers) with subgroups of interests, where people connect on any number of levels. What if we had a NWP site, with groups that allow people to connect on topics and issues (as Pat D suggests).
21:55:08 hickstro -> Right, Paul. Many people are building their own networks through blogs, Twitter, Facebook...
21:57:57 Bill O'Neal -> I like the feedback available on E-Anthology.
21:58:06 hickstro -> What is the role of the site -- to offer opportunities? Or to keep all TCs "active"?
21:58:16 Lynne -> Sorry, folks. I have to take that noisy phone call. I'll join you again next week.
21:58:19 Kevin H -> Do you agree that eAnthology can be a model?
21:58:27 Bill O'Neal -> Very helpful when you are working on a poem or song or story or whatever...
21:58:28 Christina -> I am being "held remotely "
21:58:32 Christina -> what happened?
21:58:54 SusanEttenheim -> christina you're back
21:58:56 hickstro -> To be more specific, is it OK if we let some TCs fade away and pursue other things, or should we keep trying and trying to being them back into local work?
21:59:18 SusanEttenheim -> i just put you on hold because we were getting a lot of noise in the background then
21:59:35 Bill O'Neal -> Oh I think so. Of course, some of the summer participants do not use it, but those who do use it alot. I think the ones who are there because they want to be use it the most.. opposed to those who are there beacuse they need a check.
21:59:51 Kevin H -> Troy -- tough question -- one we are thinking about regarding Project Outreach, too -- if we move into a social justice public mode, do we lose some of our folks and is that OK? Do we gain new energy?
21:59:57 SusanEttenheim -> lynne did you want to jump in too?
22:00:44 peterkittle -> @Troy: Good question. I think we have obligations to make TCs aware of continuity opportunities but can't force anything on them. But we need to think about the kinds of opportunities we offer and how that may impact their engagement with our site's work.
22:01:34 Bill O'Neal -> Our TCs are required to attend the continuity meetings the first year after their summer session. Isn;t that the same everywhere?
22:01:39 hickstro -> Christina makes a good point there, too. When people are in the summer institute, in a way, they don't have a choice. Once they are done, they have the choice as to how much they connect. I suppose that the bottom line is that you can't force it, digitally or F2F.
22:02:50 SusanEttenheim -> no not muted
22:02:53 SusanEttenheim -> from here
22:03:42 hickstro -> We only require TCs who are enrolled in a second grad class to attend monthly meetings. Everyone else is welcome, but we have other "general" continuity events for the larger local network, although as we discussed earlier, those are not well-attended.
22:03:46 SusanEttenheim -> hi rjacklin welcome
22:03:56 rjacklin -> Thanks!
22:04:22 lee baber -> The yugma is read only mode So i can not take the desktop
22:07:23 hickstro -> Thanks everyone -- TTT is one space where we can, as Jason says, "keep the faith." Talk to you all again soon.
22:07:37 rjacklin -> have lovely evening!
22:07:57 SusanEttenheim -> you too!
22:08:02 Cathy E -> And they always ask "How will a project help improve test scores"
22:08:46 SusanEttenheim -> yes cathy and it always has to "fit" into the curriculum as though it always has to be extra
22:08:52 Kevin H -> Good point -- one of our missions should be showing folks how these initiatives can improve achievement, but it just isn't that well-documented, is it?
22:08:55 Bill O'Neal -> Good night to all. Tonight was inspirational and informative as usual.
22:09:02 Kevin H -> Good night Bill
22:09:13 SusanEttenheim -> night bill - remember to twitter what you're doing
22:09:20 Bill O'Neal -> Okay
22:09:20 SusanEttenheim -> in youth voices
22:11:11 Cathy E -> night all- very inspirational-
22:11:53 Kevin H -> Good night everyone
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