SUNY Learning Network meets EdTechTalk
admin - Fri, 2007-12-21 02:45
Post-Show description:
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
EdTechTalk's 'first date'
with the SUNY Learning
- How can you make faculty development webinars more effective?
- Which informal communication tools have been most effective for facilitating conversation/professional development?
- How do we facilitate more interaction with those outside the SLN community?
- What have been the most engaging parts of past MID summits for you?
- What suggestions do you have for engagement for the upcoming Summit?
- What other ideas, suggestions, comments do you have for improving our collaboration and communications in our community?
Please add your thoughts to these questions within the Voice Thread
below in either written or audio comments:
- Log in to post comments
Meeting is today!!! January 8 at 2pm EST
For those outside the local calling area : 1.866.216.1520
For those in the local calling area (518 area code) call: 518.320.1200
Conference ID: 2008