Parents as Partners Episode # 26 Monday June 15, 2009
Matt, Cindy and Lorna traced their steps over the past school year. Highlights of the year were discussed and plans for next falls series were suggested by participants in the chat room.
Matt, Cindy and Lorna traced their steps over the past school year. Highlights of the year were discussed and plans for next falls series were suggested by participants in the chat room.
20:52:32 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hello folks
20:52:37 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: nice to see you here
20:52:52 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: just getting set up
20:53:04 murphyk -> -EdTechTalk: BRB
20:58:40 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: can you hear us
20:59:02 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: I'm not hearing anything at the moment.
21:00:13 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Scott can you hear us
21:00:39 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Mikeh have you turned on your media player
21:00:45 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: okay, got it
21:01:10 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: just wondering if ustream is working??
21:01:15 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: anyone!!!
21:01:26 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: i've got ustream
21:01:30 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: cool
21:01:39 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: you can hear the audio fine on ustream??
21:01:57 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: have you seen today's "F-Minus" cartoon??
21:02:27 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: The new thing is to touch knees as a means of greeting!
21:03:14 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk:
21:03:29 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: saw it mike - thanks!
21:03:45 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: didn't mean to get so intellectual!! :)
21:03:51 murphyk -> -EdTechTalk: great
21:03:52 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: to folks - cut and paste the link into a new window - if you click you'll be bumped out
21:05:10 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: Brava!!!
21:05:13 murphyk -> -EdTechTalk: I didn't get bumped
21:05:34 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for joining us everyone...we appreciate your participating
21:06:05 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: pleasure, matt...thanks.
21:06:13 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: the ustream should be up and running...
21:06:23 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hey lisz...thanks for joining our last PAP show for the year
21:06:36 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: we're just doing a little year-in-review type of thing
21:07:16 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk:
21:09:08 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: HI jeannine
21:09:22 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lorna - hi everybody
21:10:01 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Looking for ideas for next fall
21:10:18 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey everyone...thanks for joining us tonite...we're doing a little year-in-review type of thing
21:14:42 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Hi folks... finally made it back to the computer.
21:14:50 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Scott
21:14:54 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey scott...thanks for joining us!
21:16:08 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Great story Cindy.
21:16:28 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hello ewisod823...welcome to paretns as partners!!!
21:16:52 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, this is new to me. Found you off a twitter.
21:17:38 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Thats how I originally found EdTechtalk.
21:17:40 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: awsome, well welcome and thanks for joining us...we're doing our final broadcast of the year.
21:17:49 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: What is your twitter name?
21:17:56 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: ewilsod823
21:18:00 murphyk -> -EdTechTalk: When will this start up again?
21:18:01 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: what is yours
21:18:14 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @kd9sr on twitter and plurk
21:18:39 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: will look for you to follow
21:18:48 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: mjmontagne on twitter
21:18:58 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: cgseibel on Twitter
21:19:13 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: jeanninestamand on twitter
21:20:04 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: it is always great to get other educational connections on twitter. love finding new sites to utilize from others:)
21:20:10 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey jeannine...welcome to the final PAP for the year!!!
21:20:21 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @ewisod...are you getting audio I hope??
21:20:27 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: no
21:20:28 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Matt - Have you seen Food Inc. yet?
21:20:34 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: If not, press play in the ustream player to the right of this chat
21:20:44 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk:, want to see it bad
21:20:58 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hi lisa!
21:21:07 Lisa -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Matt
21:21:07 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: I haven't either ... hoping it will make it to New Brunswick.
21:21:15 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: got it thanks
21:21:23 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @ewisod...great!
21:25:33 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: talking about Vanessa Van Petten
21:25:52 ewilsod823 -> -EdTechTalk: Very interesting and enjoy seeing this in action, something we may try in our district
21:26:25 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk:
21:27:34 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Any Canucks heading to the Canadian School Board Association conference in Halifax in July?
21:28:42 Lisa -> -EdTechTalk: @vvanpetten on Twitter
21:29:14 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: I've explored VVP's website a few times since she was a guest - she addresses so many issues - worth a look for those not familiar.
21:30:32 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: The variety was great - always something different to learn about.
21:30:39 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Penny
21:31:19 plind -> -EdTechTalk: Hi lorna!
21:31:33 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Penny!
21:31:50 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: I've lost connection - Lorna?
21:31:57 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: lost it, too
21:32:05 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: can you still hear me??
21:32:09 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hold up
21:32:11 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: i can't
21:32:11 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: no ustream.
21:32:13 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: be right back
21:32:35 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @scott - just started following you on twitter. like your shared links!
21:32:44 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: i'm cgseibel on twitter
21:33:02 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: does anyone have any parent-specific programs you initiated this year?
21:33:04 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks. I've been following you for a while/
21:33:43 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: we'd like to share some good-news stories next year - or things that were "good learning experiences"
21:34:07 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: hear ya
21:34:48 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Kim Cofino is doing great work with parents at International School in Bangkok - Technology Coffee Breaks with parents. I'll find a link to a year end wrap up blog post.
21:36:21 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @jeannine - that sounds great
21:36:25 plind -> -EdTechTalk: little steps at our school -- started with kindergarten (Joanne) blogging then the other kindergarten -- grade 1/2, grade 3 followed suit -- and we learned at the end of the year that the principal is exploring it as well...
21:36:30 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @cindy - Which links was I sharing? I tried to look and got it all messed up.
21:37:19 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @scott - about the Indiana supt introducing merit pay
21:37:28 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: As this is my first time at PAP, what are some of the key projects, etc., you all have discussed this year?
21:37:34 plind -> -EdTechTalk: with the principal actually trying it out .. I hope that parent council could start a blog next year --- may need to find a way to link and consolidate
21:37:55 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: i'll check out the project you're describing, plind.
21:38:02 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Oh. OK. Gotta go fix my profile. Multiple accounts are confusing.
21:38:23 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: @mikeh
21:38:32 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: ah, good, thanks Lorna
21:38:42 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk:
21:38:59 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: @cindyseibel My Mac skills are not very good - paste is not working?
21:39:00 Lorna -> -EdTechTalk:
21:39:36 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Paste only works here with windows. Mac users have to drag in links.
21:39:54 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott - thanks!
21:40:16 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @cindy -- not working too hard -- just modelling, supporting and yakking at anyone who will listen -- scaled back this year waiting for school culture to change and it's slowly changing :-)
21:40:45 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Here is the link,
21:42:04 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: I haven't loaded my kids computers (which I'm using now) with Skype yet :(
21:43:00 plind -> -EdTechTalk: am at home -- slow connection -- plus wind and thunderstorm play havoc as well -- maybe next time!!
21:43:00 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: just doublechecking, but are we still without sound?
21:43:06 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Great idea Matt!
21:43:10 Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: no sound here
21:43:57 plind -> -EdTechTalk: we have been loving -- great idea matt
21:44:00 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @plind modelling is very important. keep up the good work!
21:44:03 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: scott, i clicked on windows media player and can hear it
21:44:25 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: click the auido player icon near the stream status
21:44:29 plind -> -EdTechTalk: think you make these tools relevant for parents first -- then easier to see utility for students
21:45:01 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: the knee-bumping's gonna be fun
21:45:20 plind -> -EdTechTalk: liked some of the elluminate sessions that you did as well Lorna
21:45:58 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: i pasted the url way up the chatline
21:46:23 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, I followed a twitter link to arrive here. Am I in the right place for Parents as Partners? (this is also the first time I have used a chat feature - I think I just left a message for myself....
21:46:28 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk:
21:46:59 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: welcome, first time, too...did yourself answer yourself?
21:47:12 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: All the time ;-)
21:47:20 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: excellent :)
21:47:51 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: hi katherine. We're having a wrap-up session tonight - looking for ideas for our fall shows
21:48:07 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @katherine what would interest you to hear?
21:48:21 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: Generally speaking, how responsive have parents been to your initiatives?
21:48:23 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a link I can look at which explains the history of this group?
21:48:50 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: katherine:
21:49:07 plind -> -EdTechTalk:
21:50:10 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Another comment re ideas for next year - I really enjoyed hearing from students. If we had a show with parents, teachers, and students learning together through web 2.0 that would be awesome!
21:51:06 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @jeannine would be great -- am very surprised as to what I hear our 1 to 1 highschool students say when you talk to them about tech in school -- not what I expected
21:51:59 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @Matt -- let me know if you do that parent study group .. would love to listen in
21:52:12 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: abosolutely penny
21:52:49 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: what city, cindy?
21:53:03 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @matt -- thinking of doing one here as well -- maybe we could team up? California and Alberta -- unlikely pairing
21:53:12 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the link. I will explore the transcripts. I am a parent on the school districtlevel parent council, co-chair of our school parent advisory council, attentive to provincial issues and a former school trustee (nine years). I have spent much of my volunteer time trying to find ways to connect with the parent community. I believe there is a lot of potential with technology and social media - both for partner communication and student learning.
21:53:25 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @mikeh - sorry don't understand your "what city" question
21:53:39 mikeh -> -EdTechTalk: what city are you working in?
21:53:44 cindyseibel -> -EdTechTalk: @katherine - welcome, and would like to talk more
21:53:48 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @katherine -- wow you'll bring a weath of information to the mix
21:54:18 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: I've listened to some ETT shows (and other shows) discussing Christensen's "Disrupting Class", might be interesting to explore what parents think about that book, or other similar "shift" books.
21:54:56 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: cindy - I think I followed your link here. I am in British Columbia.
21:55:21 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @jeannine wonder if it is even on other parents radar -- those books
21:55:43 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @katherine -- do you know Heidi Hass GAble -- she is in BC as well
21:55:50 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: @plind - true ...@cindy - any links from your discussion?
21:56:27 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: Heidi is in the district next to mine. I hope to connect with her this summer.
21:56:54 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes "no script" allows for great "flow" - you guys were great!
21:57:15 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @Lorna -- last time I dialled in with my land phone
21:57:33 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: I watched an excellent video on Dean Shareski's site - 10 ways to disrupt your classroom (or something like that, my memory...)
21:57:35 plind -> -EdTechTalk: I'll try -- but not sure my skype connection would hold up on the farm
21:58:09 plind -> -EdTechTalk: @Lorna and Matt are you doing k-12 online this year?
21:58:56 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: I'll be at the CSBA conference in Halifax ... I'll try to share anything that might be useful.
21:59:12 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: 11:00 in NB!
21:59:15 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: we didn't even get the cance to talk about the K12 ONline presentation!
22:00:55 plind -> -EdTechTalk: talked to Heidi -- I think she might do something this year
22:01:01 matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: nite!
22:01:08 Jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks guys - enjoy the summer
22:01:33 plind -> -EdTechTalk: See you in the Fall! Will keep up on Twitter
22:04:53 katherine -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the links, I look forward to watching the videos.
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