EdTechTalk#11 Chat Transcript - August 14, 2005

EdTechTalk#11 Chat Transcript
August 14, 2005

[elderbob] Looks like Im the first.
[WorldbridgesHQ] Hello Elderbob
[WorldbridgesHQ] Show will get going shortly
dennis has joined the chat.
[dennis] Thanks to Rita.
[dennis] The project sounds really exciting.
[dennis] Thanks to you also, Jeff.
[dennis] You do it through system preferences, Jeff.
[WorldbridgesHQ] Is that what they're called in Mac also
[dennis] Yep.
[dennis] Go there and select "sound."
[dennis] Yes.
[dennis] You can choose input and output options.
elderbob has left the chat.
[dennis] Where is this open-source software located?
[dennis] He sounded stronger, then weaker and a bit muffled.
elderbob has joined the chat.
[dennis] Hi again, Bob.
[WorldbridgesHQ] ?q=node/57
[dennis] Thanks for the URL.
[dennis] I've bookmarked it.
[elderbob] Hello All.
[dennis] Dave sounds clearer now.
[elderbob] Ill send you the info for next week.
[dennis] See this re Queen Street Commons: http://queenstreetcommons.org/
[dennis] Here's a good introduction to podcasting, Jeff:
[dennis] http://www.wired.com/news/digiwood/0,1412,65237,00.html
[dennis] My pleasure, Jeff.
[dennis] Many thanks for the links on the mainpage, Jeff.
[dennis] Hi, Christina.
[elderbob] Here is another link you may want to look at regarding using telephony viewing the internet.
[elderbob] Andy Carven is creating a group to check it out:http://www.asterisk.org/
christina has joined the chat.
[dennis] Thanks, Bob.
[elderbob] http://www.asterisk.org/
sroseman has joined the chat.
[dennis] Hi, Christina and Sroseman.
[elderbob] Hello Christina....welcome to the chat.
[elderbob] Hi Dennis.
[dennis] Hey, Bob. You all raht?
[christina] Hi cats.
[elderbob] u betcha
[sroseman] hi there..new to podcasting
[dennis] Great!
[sroseman] Jeef..your audio is fading in and out
[sroseman] Jeff
[dennis] I agree--but Christina is loud and clear.
[sroseman] Christina..great
[elderbob] Jeff are you using a stationary mic....or a mouthpiec.
[elderbob] mouthpiece.
[sroseman] Jeff should do a session on Tappedin
[elderbob] I thought that might account for the change in sound.
[dennis] BIG change!
[elderbob] Much louder.
[dennis] F'sure!
[sroseman] perfect
[sroseman] is this audio transcript edited before being uploaded
[dennis] Much more balanced now.
dave has joined the chat.
[dennis] Hi, Dave.
[dave] haha ubuntu make it into the chat room!!!
[dennis] ???
[dave] ubuntu linux
[dennis] Ah.
[dennis] Yes, Christina is somewhat quieter and you're clearer, Jeff.
[dennis] Dave sounds muffled now. Jeff doesn't.
Dave_Winet has joined the chat.
[elderbob] Hello, Dave Winet
[Dave_Winet] OK, hi
[dennis] Hi, Dave (W).
[elderbob] Very instructive stuff.
[Dave_Winet] Hi elderbob -- nice to see you again -- great fun in San Antone at the restaurant -- thanks for that.
[elderbob] Lets do it again Dave.
sroseman has left the chat.
[elderbob] I think everyone will go throught similar problems.
[elderbob] and that s really good,, it makes you understand the equipment better.
[elderbob] Hang in there Christina, you wiill learn it.\
[dave] absolutely
sroseman has joined the chat.
[dennis] I I agree, Bob.
[elderbob] I think I would encourage mistakes...otherwise how do you know you got it rightl
[christina] i have faith
[dennis] I HATE the artificially slow type of delivery used in this podcast.
[dave] me too
[christina] it's intimidating to be so under the radar of understanding so I'm best to listen and just absorb the lingo
[elderbob] I think that is an ESL lesson.
[dave] it sounds like those irritating disks that go with textbooks
[dave] i like this better
[dennis] I agree, Dave/
[dave] replication of the old text is such a huge problem with new tech
[dennis] Is this the "
[dennis] "Grammar Cop" thing?
[dennis] The second example is somewhat better.
[elderbob] Thats because students are doing video.
[elderbob] THey bypassed audio, and are doing video and using cell phones.
[elderbob] and Ourmedia.
[dennis] I heard some very interesting (and creative) podcasts done in China--but I don't remember the URL.
[elderbob] and Vodeo.
[Dave_Winet] vodcasts?
[Dave_Winet] myspace.com
[Dave_Winet] My son lives there...
[elderbob] Videocasting.
[elderbob] Social netware....its blogging from msn.
[Dave_Winet] I'm going to do a show on RadioESL.com with students and teachers discussing what works and doesn't work online.
[dennis] I saw something similar that's very popular in Brazil.
[elderbob] So this is both?
[elderbob] You may have to explain that a gigabyte is not something a gigamosquito gives you.
[dennis] LOL!
[dave] that is very funny
[elderbob] You are now the leader, Christina.
[dennis] Hear, hear!
[Dave_Winet] Elder: you mean pod/vodcasts, where one could either listen or watch?
[elderbob] The whole effort needs to be more collaborative.
[elderbob] Teachers teaching teachers....students teaching teachers....etc.
[elderbob] Kids are probably our best resource.
sroseman has left the chat.
[dennis] I agree.
[elderbob] What about mentors outside the area.
[Dave_Winet] Jeff -- I have to go teach my class now so I can't really hook in to the skype discussion now. Thanks -- I'll see you all later
[dennis] Outside mentors is a really good idea.
[dave] have fun
Dave_Winet has left the chat.
[dave] teaching on a sunday...
[dennis] Dave W: Check the one-on-one chat before you leave.
[elderbob] and I am also thinking that for a drama teacher or musician, knowing something like Skype and podcastign would be a real asset.
[elderbob] and that communities might form around that.
[dennis] Take care, Dave W.
[elderbob] Kids are the natives.
[elderbob] We are the aliens.
[dennis] F'sure, Bob.
kuttaii has joined the chat.
[dennis] I have to go, unfortunately.
[kuttaii] hi
[elderbob] See ya Dennis.
[dennis] I hate to. This has been fascinating.
[dave] hi kuttaii
[dennis] Take care, Bob.
[kuttaii] hai dave
[dennis] Bah-bah.
[dennis] Thanks, Jeff and Dave.
[dave] see ya later
dennis has left the chat.
[elderbob] Regarding space...the old P2P idea of Nodes and sharing.....will be a future use type of thing.]
[elderbob] Sharing space....
[elderbob] Networking space.
[elderbob] yes.
[elderbob] Schools would be ideal for this.
[kuttaii] dave r u a teacher?
[elderbob] You could do even lower threshold with a cell phone and an audioblog account.,
[elderbob] Yes.
[elderbob] Great Background.
kuttaii has left the chat.
thegirlontech has joined the chat.
[dave] hi girl!
[dave] can you give me the link again...
[thegirlontech] Hello there
[dave] elarp.com?
[elderbob] belarc.com
[elderbob] audacity.com
[elderbob] network....network.....network....
[dave] belarc isn't going to install on this linux box
[elderbob] The s peakers sound is going in and outl.
[dave] or at least, i don't think it will
[dave] nope... windows only
[elderbob] Im not a linux person, Dave, so I am not sure what to tell you, in terms of equivalent.
[dave] windoze... gr...
[elderbob] Libsyn.com is really nice too.
[dave] elderbob... where are you anyway...
[elderbob] Im just outside of Dallas, Texas.
[elderbob] USA.
sroseman has joined the chat.
[christina] are you a teacher elderbob
[elderbob] I am also an independent Adult instructor..
[elderbob] Most classes at Knowplace.ca
[elderbob] In Canada.
[elderbob] [email protected] always available.
[elderbob] Its also a cool way for independent musicians to get there works out into the public arena.
[WorldbridgesHQ] http://educasters.net/
[dave] cool
[sroseman] give the students a project at the 7 and 8 level..and let the students run with it..
[elderbob] If you prowl around Steven Downs home page, you will find a huge list of educational podcasters
[dave] there are very very many links on that page
[elderbob] Too many, but its Steven
[WorldbridgesHQ] http://geektalklive.com/
[elderbob] I dont have enough ears to listen to listen to them all.
[sroseman] ipodcasting can meet many of today's educational standards and benchmarks
[sroseman] http://educational.blogs.com/instructional_technology_/2004/10/podcastin...
[elderbob] Some schools are talking about using podcasting as a means of communicating with parents.
[elderbob] A parent can download and keep their kids performance from school.
[elderbob] Say a concert or poetry reading or spelling bee, or....or....
[sroseman] have the students write a radio play on a particular topic
[dave] i tried to set that up last year
[dave] the apathy was deafening
[elderbob] Great idea sroseman, do they then produce the play.
[dave] the parents were always 'just about to get around to it'
[dave] and then your left with social justice issues
[elderbob] Dave, maybe you should seek out some examples of other kids doing the same thing, and see if that wows your class.
[dave] i wasn't teaching... it's a school of 200
[WorldbridgesHQ] http://theeducationalmac.blogspot.com/
[dave] i was setting up their system
[elderbob] and also, sometimes apathy cloaks fear of using the net, because of lack of skill.
[dave] true...
[elderbob] Christina, Join us on Sunday mornings at tappedin.org for the Sunday webhead session....every sunday.
[elderbob] Noon, GMT>
[elderbob] Thats the importance of the networks.
[elderbob] I appreciate your honesty.
[elderbob] Great Idea....
[elderbob] give them a list of podcast they can listen too.
[WorldbridgesHQ] Which podcasts would you put on that list?
[elderbob] I think you are not going to know all of that until you decide what sites to use....put together a lowcost list and a best choice l
[elderbob] Then hope for something in between.
[elderbob] Or even better, let the kids find out what it costs
[elderbob] Make it a collaborative effort
[elderbob] Letl the parents pitch in too....makes it more of a community.
[sroseman] classroom news...
[elderbob] No, but you can take their information and use it for your purpose.
[sroseman] is there a local tech firm that wishes to get involved
[elderbob] Some kids may already even be doing podcast, and if not now, then probably soon.
[sroseman] we have Nortel
[dave] that's me... christina lives across town
[elderbob] Did you mention ipodder, Jeff?
[elderbob] Great way to hear lots of podcasts.
[elderbob] It would be a good resource for a beginning teacher.
[elderbob] Great show today...good luck to Christina and all others that are planning to follow up.l
[christina] thanks
[elderbob] Jennifer , I really appreciated hearing fromj you...
[elderbob] bye all.
[elderbob] [email protected]....I love to help.
[elderbob] Awesomestuff.
[sroseman] cool
[thegirlontech] [email protected]
[elderbob] Now I gotta go sift through all this information.
[sroseman] love the song..
[sroseman] nice way to introduce your podcasting lesson in the classroom
[thegirlontech] My talk with the fourth graders is available at my site at http://www.girlontech.com
[thegirlontech] It's Episode 8 of the Girl on Tech
[sroseman] thanks
sroseman has left the chat.
thegirlontech has left the chat.