Teachers Teaching Teachers #185 - Did Educon 2.2 Make Us Smarter? - 02.03.10

Post-Show description: 

On this podcast a few of us who attended Educon 2.2 reflect on our learning there. Appropriately enough, we were guided in this reflective conversation by:

On this podcast you'll hear what four teachers, three of us from different Writing Projects, had to say just a few days after ther conference. You'll hear from:

  • Paul Allison, New York City Writing Project
  • Joe Conroy, NWP at Rutgers University Writing Project (Don't miss Joe video, below.)
  • Gail Desler, Area 3 Writing Project in Northern California
  • Dolores Gende, Academic Technology Coordinator and Physics teacher from Dallas, Texas

On this podcast a few of us who attended Educon 2.2 reflect on our learning there. Appropriately enough, we were guided in this reflective conversation by:

On this podcast you'll hear what four teachers, three of us from different Writing Projects, had to say just a few days after ther conference. You'll hear from:

  • Paul Allison, New York City Writing Project
  • Joe Conroy, NWP at Rutgers University Writing Project (Don't miss Joe's video, below.)
  • Gail Desler, Area 3 Writing Project in Northern California
  • Dolores Gende, Academic Technology Coordinator and Physics teacher from Dallas, Texas

If you were at Educon, we hope you'll be able to compare notes with us. If you were not able to make it, perhaps this podcast can suggest why there's so much interest in Educon!

Here's how the organizers of EduCon 2.2 describe the conference:

What is Educon?

EduCon 2.2 is both a conversation and a conference.

And it is not a technology conference. It is an education conference. It is, hopefully, an innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas — from the very practical to the big dreams.

The Axioms

Guiding Principles of EduCon 2.2

  1. Our schools must be inquiry-driven, thoughtful and empowering for all members
  2. Our schools must be about co-creating — together with our students — the 21st Century Citizen
  3. Technology must serve pedagogy, not the other way around
  4. Technology must enable students to research, create, communicate and collaborate
  5. Learning can — and must — be networked

Enjoy Joe Conroy's Video!

Watch What is EduCon? in Educational & How-To  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

20:49:51 Paul Allison: http://paulallison.tumblr.com/post/368590927/more-about-educon-2-2-on-te...
20:50:54 jconroy: Heya
20:53:51 Paul Allison: Joe what is your skype ID?
20:54:55 jconroy: Janalon
20:59:16 SusanEttenheim: calarmstrong welcome!
20:59:29 SusanEttenheim: hi dgende welcome!
20:59:35 SusanEttenheim: and jconroy
20:59:54 CalArmstrong: Hi Susan
20:59:55 dgende: Hi Susan how do we connect via Skype?
21:00:14 SusanEttenheim: what is your skype?
21:00:20 SusanEttenheim: were you at educon?
21:00:26 dgende: dgende
21:00:34 SusanEttenheim: maureen welcome!
21:00:43 Maureen: Hi Susan
21:00:47 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:00:58 Maureen: Western MA- computer 4-9
21:01:07 SusanEttenheim: dgende were you at educon?
21:01:29 Maureen: Yup
21:01:53 dgende: Yes!
21:01:54 Maureen: Sorry, not paying attention- educon was a lot of fun, but exhausting.
21:02:05 Maureen: Is there sound? Or is it just me?
21:02:15 SusanEttenheim: maureen can I skype you in?
21:02:26 Maureen: Sorry, Mic is at school
21:03:31 SusanEttenheim: :(
21:03:43 SusanEttenheim: ok just click on the listen to edtechtalk A icon
21:03:46 SusanEttenheim: and you will hear it
21:03:55 SusanEttenheim: then you can ask questions and make comments here
21:04:10 Maureen: Just got sound, thanks
21:04:13 SusanEttenheim: dgende is your skype on?
21:04:28 SusanEttenheim: I have to call you into the conference
21:04:40 dgende: Yes it is I just tried to Call you
21:05:06 SusanEttenheim: dolores - it says your skype is not on
21:05:17 SusanEttenheim: when I try to call you
21:05:23 SusanEttenheim: good maureen
21:06:14 jconroy: Hey Dolores!
21:06:28 SusanEttenheim: Hi Peggy welcome!
21:06:41 PeggyG: Hi-great to see you all!
21:06:58 SusanEttenheim: hi jvirant welcome!
21:07:04 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:07:14 SusanEttenheim: hi joel welcome
21:07:18 PeggyG: I missed your educon session Paul. Elluminate didn't start streaming in first 8 minutes so I left for another session. Can't wait to hear the recording!!
21:07:29 SusanEttenheim: me too!
21:07:35 SusanEttenheim: welcome back jvirant
21:07:39 PeggyG: I'm a retired elementary principal and university pre-service instructor in Phoenix AZ
21:07:44 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:07:46 jvirant: @susan thanks!
21:07:57 PeggyG: educon was an incredible experience for me--virtual participant
21:08:25 jvirant: I'm in Houston, TX - I work with all content areas in grades K-12 as a technology integration specialist
21:08:28 PeggyG: the students did an amazing job with the streaming via elluminate
21:08:57 SusanEttenheim: welcome! have you joined us before?
21:09:02 SusanEttenheim: hi cal welcome
21:09:25 PeggyG: I was really impressed with the way they were able to keep the focus on the conversations while still streaming it so virtual participants could actively join in
21:10:00 jvirant: Yes - EduCon as a virtual participant was very smooth, overall!
21:10:12 SusanEttenheim: hi gail! i was looking for you on skype
21:10:19 PeggyG: Vokle was an interesting tool they used for video on the panel presentations
21:10:22 jvirant: and of course, what a learning experience for all the SLA students!
21:10:54 SusanEttenheim: gail - gail p? not d?
21:11:16 PeggyG: I kind of agree with her! but it definitely started people thinking outside the box for the rest of the conference
21:11:20 SusanEttenheim: I would have liked to have seen that peggy
21:11:38 SusanEttenheim: just can't plan to be anywhere weekends..
21:12:10 PeggyG: that is an excellent summary of the take-away from the panel!
21:12:59 PeggyG: it was interesting to watch the twitter feed on the same screen with the video while still typing in the chat for the video. Positive experience
21:13:10 SusanEttenheim: calarmstrong - did you say where and what you teach?
21:13:37 CalArmstrong: I didn't but I teach hs math outside of Toronto
21:13:44 SusanEttenheim: ahh welcome!
21:14:37 dgende: Missed that one!
21:14:58 SusanEttenheim: gail is your skyp on?
21:15:20 SusanEttenheim: hi gcarboni - welcome!
21:15:26 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:15:26 Gail P: no my skype is not on. Is that the trick?
21:15:29 dgende: Students leading their own learning!!
21:15:41 SusanEttenheim: hi rinegarcia welcome!
21:15:44 PeggyG: I love that both students and teachers are empowered at SLA!
21:15:50 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:15:52 gcarboni: Hello I was not at Educon but would like to know what everyone liked last weekend
21:16:30 gcarboni: I teach Business/Technology in an all boys high school
21:16:31 rinegarcia: Hey everyone!
21:16:43 PeggyG: I liked all of the sessions I attended including the panels.
21:16:44 SusanEttenheim: hi cary welcome!
21:16:52 SusanEttenheim: gcarboni - what state?
21:17:04 Cary Harrod: Thanks!  I appreciate the invite,, Dolores!
21:17:05 SusanEttenheim: cary - where and what do you teach?
21:17:06 gcarboni: PA
21:17:10 PeggyG: Chris Lehmann's session on Leadership 2.0 was exceptional
21:17:11 gcarboni: philadelphia
21:17:13 dgende: Hola Cary!!
21:17:13 SusanEttenheim: welcome!
21:17:23 Cary Harrod: Instructional Technology Specialist for a public school in Cincinnati, OH
21:17:32 gcarboni: I would like to attend next year if possible
21:17:39 Cary Harrod: It was wonderful.
21:17:47 SusanEttenheim: welcome cary!
21:17:51 Cary Harrod: Still need to write that blog post, though.
21:17:52 PeggyG: also loved Jackie Gerstein's session on user-generated education and Liz Davis/Lisa Thumann on Managing Filter Failure
21:18:03 gcarboni: Cary how are you doing.   Gene from the PLP here.
21:18:07 SusanEttenheim: welcome rinegarcia
21:18:07 Cary Harrod: I was in Davis/Thumann session and I loved it!
21:18:15 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:18:27 Cary Harrod: There are many PLP folks in here...yeah!
21:18:37 dgende: Hi Debra!
21:18:39 Cary Harrod: Hi, Gene!
21:18:50 PeggyG: there were so many good choices and I'm really looking forward to hearing the recordings once they are posted
21:19:00 rinegarcia: I'm a bio teacher in Virginia. Went to educon this year.
21:19:01 gcarboni: I am at work but did not want to miss this
21:19:13 PeggyG: some virtual participants had 2 windows open but I chose to focus on one session at a time so I could be actively engaged
21:19:19 Cary Harrod: At work, Gene?  What time is it for you?
21:19:20 SusanEttenheim: rinegarcia - do you have skype?
21:19:32 PeggyG: I would love to have been there in person!!
21:19:39 gcarboni: 9:20 - don't all teachers have a second job?
21:19:44 Cary Harrod: I really like the Rabbit Hole session with clong and jkern.
21:19:51 rinegarcia: Hey Dolores! I gave your website to our physics teacher.
21:20:07 PeggyG: it was exciting to be able to see many ed tech leaders in the same session adding to the conversation and sometimes pushing back.. very stimulating
21:20:11 dgende: Hope it's helpful!
21:20:11 Cary Harrod: @gbarboni Might as well...I've been on my computer for hours.
21:20:22 rinegarcia: I do have skype but am having computer issues in general- old laptop.
21:20:35 SusanEttenheim: I'd love to call some of you into the call... who has skype?
21:20:48 SusanEttenheim: hi joel welcoem
21:20:50 SusanEttenheim: welcome
21:20:55 Joel Malley: hey
21:21:04 SusanEttenheim: cary - do you have skype?
21:21:28 SusanEttenheim: rinegarcia - do you have skype?
21:21:30 Cary Harrod: yes...try cary.harrod.  (I have changed it so it always gives me pause.)
21:21:38 SusanEttenheim: hi gail welcome back
21:21:51 SusanEttenheim: what's the deal with your skype?
21:21:51 rinegarcia: iLet me try. It's been awhile since I used it on this computer
21:22:01 PeggyG: there were some good strategies modeled in the sessions for active engagement
21:22:01 SusanEttenheim: great try it!
21:22:05 gcarboni: I have it but not on this work computer. gc_fjhs
21:22:28 Cary Harrod: In the Thumann/Davis session, they used many incredible protocols.  It kept us engaged the entire time.
21:22:30 SusanEttenheim: well, if we can't call you in... what comments or questions do you have?
21:22:34 Maureen: 2 were from Reading and Beth is from the cape
21:23:01 SusanEttenheim: cary do you have skype? or did I already ask you.....
21:23:02 PeggyG: Liz and Lisa used the strategy of having people move around the "wheel" and share discussions from their first group with new people, one at a time--not sure what they called it but very effective
21:23:21 dgende: Subversive PD wiki: http://subversivepd.wikispaces.com/
21:23:21 Cary Harrod: Was that the speed dating protocol?
21:23:28 rinegarcia: My fav was the field guide for change agents with Ben Hazard and Rodd Lucier
21:23:51 PeggyG: yes! and Rodd's session on Ban the Chalkboard :-)
21:23:55 Cary Harrod: I saw last year's field guide online. It was shared on Twitter.
21:23:55 SusanEttenheim: 'gail can I call you in?
21:24:22 PeggyG: I missed Ban the Chalkboard at educon but saw it this week at another conference. It was outstanding.
21:24:32 dgende: Will was the instigator, and man are we garteful!
21:24:45 PeggyG: definitely dgende!!
21:24:47 rinegarcia: Peggy- same here about Ban Chalkboard
21:25:00 Cary Harrod: Haven't seen Ban the Chalkboard yet.
21:25:46 Cary Harrod: I have to admit, I wasn't in my best "outgoing" mood while in Philly.  Not sure why but I think I missed some important conversations.
21:25:47 Paul Allison: http://www.educon22.org/
21:26:47 SusanEttenheim: gail skype keeps saying you are not online
21:26:57 dgende: Rodd Lucier's group created a Field Guide for Change Agents, get it here: http://www.slideshare.net/bhazzard/field-guide-for-change-agents
21:27:01 rinegarcia: Cary- I can understand that. It was my first time going. was asked to go 2 years ago but didn't. Wish I had
21:27:22 dgende: Hey Cary, you talked to the 4 musketeers!
21:27:49 PeggyG: http://thecleversheep.com/ This is Rodd Lucier's blog where he has posted his slideshare presentation of Ban the Chalkboard. Excellent!
21:27:55 jvirant: Thanks for the great conversation everyone--have to run!
21:27:58 Gail P: Skype coming on now, sorry I was browsing while listening
21:27:58 Cary Harrod: I went two years ago!  At that point, I hadn't really jumped into the network, so I was really excited about going this year.  I don't know...I was pretty disappointed in myself.
21:28:26 Cary Harrod: @dgende  The four musketeer's will ride again!
21:29:13 Gail P: sorry Skype ran into trouble and is shutting down I'll retry
21:29:17 Cary Harrod: I wonder how we can continue the conversations started at Educon?  Like this...this is great!
21:29:51 CalArmstrong: Where was Encienda?  Never found it.
21:29:53 SusanEttenheim: cary I forgot your skype status?
21:29:54 Maureen: Those were good, fast paced and interesting
21:30:05 PeggyG: there have been tons of comments about it on Twitter, still going strong. I have a column in Tweetdeck to follow them :-)
21:30:06 Cary Harrod: cary.harrod
21:30:25 dgende: I will attend Daniel Pink and Tony Wagner sessions tomorrow and Friday here in Texas. Will see @jasonmkern
21:30:32 Cary Harrod: Peggy, did you use the hashtag #educon on Tweetdeck?
21:30:49 SusanEttenheim: peggy which conversation should we ask our participants to discuss?
21:30:54 PeggyG: There was also another group created for virtual participants that was really fun to follow--they used the hashtag #noneducon
21:30:59 Cary Harrod: Pink, Wagner and Kern?  Wow, you rock princess.
21:31:04 PeggyG: yes I used the hashtag #educon in Tweetdeck
21:31:18 dgende: Will say hi on your behalf:)
21:31:27 Cary Harrod: Cozy up, girl.
21:31:29 rinegarcia: Having Skype issues- gah I hate my laptop. Husband ordered me a new one while I was at Educon  :)
21:31:55 jconroy: http://etherpad.com/N54Y1kHIVK  <-- I manually typed this in, so let me know if this link doesn't work.
21:32:03 Cary Harrod: Boy do you have your husband trained, rinegarcia.  ;)
21:32:09 Gail Desler: Is audio on?
21:32:42 PeggyG: I learned about a new tool during Rodd's session that I love--iPadio-phone podcasting service!
21:32:46 SusanEttenheim: yes gail but I'd like to call you on skype
21:33:03 Gail Desler: @Susan, ok
21:33:10 rinegarcia: Ah he is tech support for me. He got tired of hearing me complain too. It's a school laptop but 4yrs old
21:33:32 SusanEttenheim: peggy can we call you in?
21:33:34 PeggyG: yes the etherpad link worked - thanks :-)
21:34:17 PeggyG: http://ipadio.com/
21:34:28 dgende: ISAS Conference Teaching Matters here: http://bit.ly/aWSy8Q
21:34:30 SusanEttenheim: peggy can I skype you?
21:34:48 dgende: Cary get on Skype!
21:34:58 SusanEttenheim: yes cary!
21:35:00 PeggyG: instant podcasting right from your phone--up to 60 min. and free :-) can send the podcast directly to your blog--they call them phlogs
21:35:18 Gail P: phlogs!
21:35:18 gcarboni: how many can on one Skype call?
21:35:24 SusanEttenheim: peggy can you remind me of your skype pls?
21:35:40 PeggyG: I love the name phlogs phone blogs
21:35:47 SusanEttenheim: I like to try to bring enough on to break it and I'm no where near it tonigh...
21:36:03 PeggyG: noise in my house now and not a good skype candidate-sorry
21:36:17 SusanEttenheim: peggy peggy... can I call you?
21:36:21 Cary Harrod: I am on Skype.
21:36:45 dgende: Well, speak out. You have so much to share!
21:36:49 SusanEttenheim: great what's you username cary?
21:36:54 Cary Harrod: cary.harrod
21:37:09 Cary Harrod: No one has called me yet.
21:37:25 PeggyG: the title was actually Let's Ban Chalk--not the chalkboard-had that wrong
21:37:51 rinegarcia: Attempting this again try to call: debra.rine.garcia
21:37:58 PeggyG: DAvid Jakes session on learning environments was also excellent!
21:38:39 PeggyG: http://jakes.editme.com/educonlearnspace Jakes' resources are here
21:39:05 dgende: Susan can you call Cary to join the session, she has a mic
21:39:21 PeggyG: you can also view David Jakes' slideshare on that link
21:39:49 PeggyG: Hi Diana!! want to get on the skype call? would love to hear from you as an organizer of educon :-)
21:39:53 dlaufenberg: hey... that's Hannah!
21:39:59 dlaufenberg: sure
21:40:12 dlaufenberg: laufty on skype
21:40:52 SusanEttenheim: welcome klaufenberg were you in philly?
21:41:13 PeggyG: dlaufenberg was one of the educon organizers :-) call her
21:41:37 dlaufenberg: (and better than an organizer... am Hannah's teacher ;)
21:41:50 PeggyG: that's so awesome Diana!
21:42:01 Cary Harrod: Susan...what do I do on Skype?
21:42:05 PeggyG: be sure to give her extra credit for tonight :-)
21:43:47 SusanEttenheim: hi carol welcome!
21:43:52 SusanEttenheim: were you at educon?
21:43:56 PeggyG: Hi Carolyn
21:44:07 rinegarcia: Im still having skype issues Sorry
21:44:26 carolteach4: I got hooked on Teacher Teaching Teachers when listening to that webcast with Susan and Sarah Sutter.
21:44:46 dlaufenberg:  there were up to 15 people on the board at once
21:44:48 SusanEttenheim: what's your skype id dlaufenberg
21:44:54 dgende: I am very sorry but I have to leave now!
21:44:58 dlaufenberg: laufty
21:45:07 carolteach4: Hi, Susan. I was at my laptop in CT. I caught the session with David Warlick; it was really very good.
21:45:17 dlaufenberg: John King...
21:45:23 dlaufenberg: that was the actual board that was at SLA
21:45:40 SusanEttenheim: cary i'm so frustrated trying to call you!
21:45:58 Cary Harrod: That's okay, susan...I have to leave too...kid to get to bed.  Thanks so much!
21:46:13 PeggyG: someone captured all of the #educon tweets on google spreadsheets for each session--really fun to read! http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tmGdKYZ4hryoF0wT6D70lZA&output=html
21:46:23 PeggyG: that's just the link to session 4
21:46:36 carolteach4: Lots of Smartboards being installed at my school this afternoon - at least 4 - teachers are very excited.
21:46:36 dlaufenberg: he was quite an asset to have at SLA during the weekend.
21:46:57 PeggyG: I'll bet your teachers are excited @carolteach4!!
21:47:08 SusanEttenheim: dlaufenberg can we skype you in?
21:47:26 dlaufenberg: @susan yes, laufty on skype
21:48:00 Gail P: I wasn't in Philly but here tonight sucking up the good news.
21:48:01 Paul Allison: Diane did a session that Paul Oh loved!
21:48:24 SusanEttenheim: you'll have to close your other streams
21:48:26 carolteach4: @Peggy G - I am excited, too. Now I have to convince them to get the kids into the lab to produce student lessons using SmartNotebook 10 software. The SmartBoard really takes off when students are teaching with it,
21:48:37 rinegarcia: hey I have to take off. Next time it will be on a better computer. Have a great night and great rest of the week.
21:49:15 Peggyagain: rats! I lost my browser. Trying again. Thank goodness I didn't lose my audio :-)
21:49:20 carolteach4: How great it will be when more schools have a 1 to 1 laptop initiative.
21:49:25 SusanEttenheim: you too rinegarcis
21:49:28 SusanEttenheim: ia
21:49:32 Gail P: can an iPad to the same thing?
21:49:57 carolteach4: So far, I haven't been very impressed with the iPad.
21:50:21 Peggyagain: what an exciting session Paul!! can't wait to see the recording! awesome group of participants
21:50:23 Gail P: will it fill a niche for money strapped schools
21:50:24 carolteach4: I am still waiting for Flash application on the iPhone.
21:50:44 carolteach4: I understand there is a problem with Flash and Adobe and the iPad.
21:50:46 Peggyagain: yes Diana! welcome to the call!!
21:50:55 Peggyagain: yes no Adobe Flash on ipad
21:51:05 Peggyagain: also no camera on ipad :-(
21:51:06 tim: no flash on ipad or iphone
21:51:17 tim: afternoon
21:51:20 tim: :)
21:51:54 Peggyagain: and using a new platform for streaming this year :-)
21:52:44 SusanEttenheim: is there anyone else I haven't called you?
21:52:58 SusanEttenheim: hi chris! can we skype you in?
21:53:00 Gail P: @Peggyagain what platform are you streaming with
21:53:02 chrislehmann: Sure!
21:53:13 Peggyagain: that's the whole purpose of educon! conversations rather than presentations!
21:53:43 Peggyagain: I was referring to educon using Elluminate for streaming this year--last year they used Mogulus/Livestream
21:54:17 Peggyagain: out of the mouths of babes :-)
21:54:23 Peggyagain: hooray! welcome Chris!!
21:54:46 Peggyagain: what an awesome conference, even for the virtual participants!!!!
21:55:21 Peggyagain: you're putting her on the spot Paul
21:55:23 dlaufenberg: we are using the Lanahan reader for Government and Collapse for Globalization
21:55:38 dlaufenberg: and last year we used Howard Zinn.
21:56:00 dlaufenberg: try to use 'real' resources, rather than text
21:56:06 Peggyagain: that doesn't sound like the textbooks I remember :-)
21:57:05 Peggyagain: Chris, I really learned a lot from your Leadership 2.0 session. Want to get in the skype call to talk about it?
21:57:18 dlaufenberg: we don't use a ton of textbooks... we use books a ton... but frankly, the national archives is THE BEST resource a history teacher can ask for...
21:57:32 Peggyagain: I agree dlaufenberg!!
21:58:09 Gail Desler: And the SLA students do have hard copy novels in the English class
21:58:12 dlaufenberg: @mrchase is having the 11th graders read a book of choice right now and really enjoying that experience
21:58:20 dlaufenberg: and what that offers
21:58:50 Peggyagain: that's a very interesting perspective about the books
21:59:10 gcarboni: got to go - have a good night
21:59:19 Peggyagain: it would be great if you could write a book about leadership Chris!! It would be a best-seller!
22:00:16 SusanEttenheim: hi nnnn welcoe
22:00:19 SusanEttenheim: welcome
22:02:30 carolteach4: If we only have time to listen to the archives of one or two of the sessions, which ones would you recommend?
22:02:32 dlaufenberg: i think the kids learn a TON outside of school.  that is what makes what happens inside the classroom so much more rich and interesting
22:03:37 Peggyagain: tough question Carolyn!! it really depends on your interests
22:03:43 Gail Desler: Thanks to teachers like you, Dlaufenberg, who help make those connections
22:04:00 dlaufenberg: @carol there are some sessions that are more 'consumable' online.
22:04:12 Peggyagain: very true Diana
22:04:25 dlaufenberg: my educon reflective blog post was essentially about the f2f connections
22:04:25 carolteach4: @dlaufenberg - really middle school integration
22:04:52 Peggyagain: the "presentation" type sessions are more viewable online but the conversations and interactive sessions were the most valuable I thought
22:06:24 Peggyagain: I would highly recommend Chris's session! Leadership 2.0
22:06:58 Peggyagain: and not just because he is in this conversation! I said it before he arrived too :-)
22:07:06 carolteach4: Thanks, I'll take a look. Do you have the link to where they are archived. I have it but I'm not sure where.
22:07:28 dlaufenberg: @carol the archives are coming.
22:07:34 carolteach4: Thanks
22:07:35 Maureen: One question that I came away with- how would an SLA type school work with younger kids?
22:07:58 dlaufenberg: @maureen I think that many of the core values we have would translate well with younger kids
22:07:59 Peggyagain: also view Rodd Lucier's session on Ban the Chalk
22:08:11 Gail Desler: @Maureen - great question
22:08:37 Peggyagain: they even had snow this year :-)
22:08:50 Maureen: The values and level of responsibility that the kids show.... how do you get this with the younger kids? When/how do kids learn the basic skills they need to take off and control their own learning?
22:08:52 dlaufenberg: @peggy sure did.  and had more overnight...
22:09:28 dlaufenberg: @maureen I would hope that if the model was handled well with younger students, that there would be amazing potential by HS
22:09:41 Peggyagain: the student voice was significant at educon! very unique
22:10:19 carolteach4: I understand that the students were responsible for all of the streaming.
22:10:46 dlaufenberg: @carol there were responsible for the lion share of the work.  hands down.  without them, this doesn't work.
22:10:49 Maureen: @diane- I agree, but wonder how to give the kids the freedom I saw at SLA, but the guidance they need to develop citizenship, etc... along with teaching them to read, write, think, evaluate, synthesize and create
22:10:51 carolteach4: I thought the camera work at David Warlick's Saturday session was very well done.
22:11:03 Peggyagain: I think we should keep retweeting about making a donation to educon if people participated virtually --such a valuable opportunity and they should contribute
22:11:26 dlaufenberg: @peggy (we will be coming to AZ in May) :)
22:11:53 Peggyagain: hooray Diana!! would love to see you! are you coming to WOW? Kevin Honeycutt is our keynote
22:12:05 Maureen: This was my 1st educon experience and I was surprised at how much I had to miss- people, conversations, etc.. Would love a smaller venue
22:12:37 carolteach4: Night all.
22:12:40 Peggyagain: loved the conversation tonight!! I'm still on a high from the weekend and this just kept it alive!
22:12:46 dlaufenberg: i think maybe having it with student involvement would also be key.
22:12:46 SusanEttenheim: night all!
22:13:00 Gail Desler: Me too @ Peggyagain
22:13:08 Maureen: Thank you to everyone at SLA- great experience
22:13:15 dlaufenberg: @peggy i actually could make it.  strangely enough... is it May 1st?
22:13:48 dlaufenberg: thanks to all of you who made the weekend lovely.
22:13:50 Peggyagain: @Chris and Diana-you have probably heard this but the survey links didn't work after the first time we completed one online--always came up as thank you for completing the survey
22:14:12 Peggyagain: yes May 1--please come!!!! it will be great!
22:14:13 jconroy: Good nightQ!
22:14:19 CalArmstrong: Thanks, everyone... and thanks Diana & Chris
22:14:30 Peggyagain: thanks everyone!!! loved the show!
22:14:39 dlaufenberg: @peggy the kids arrive on the 2nd
22:14:42 dlaufenberg: I am coming out early
22:14:47 dlaufenberg: will let you know what shakes out
22:14:57 Peggyagain: excellent!!! it will be a great day!
22:15:02 dlaufenberg: :)
22:15:09 Peggyagain: Kevin will play his guitar :-)
22:37:08 Christian Long: Has chat already expired?