Tommy Buteau joins us on this episode of TTT, and it seems perfect to introduce you to him in this Connected Educators Month Tommy teaches in Windsor, Colorado and he talks about these three connected projects and more:
Add your comments to this post. Let us know what you think about Tommy’s connected pedagogy, and help us look into the future of Youth Voices. This episode might be a good moment for us to connect to old friends who want to work with us at Youth Voices again or meet new people as well.
Joining Tommy on this episode are:
Shantanu Saha, Monika Hardy, Jeremy Hyler, Deb Kauffman, Gail Desler,Valerie Burton, Chris Sloan, and Fred Mindlin
Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.
Paul Allison: Welcome all!
20:59Shantanu Saha: Logging in
21:00Justin Schwamm: Glad to be able to participate - usually crazy-busy on Wednesdays.
21:00Peggy George: Hi everyone!
21:00Jeremy Hyler: Hello All!
21:01Peggy George: Looks like another fantastic, packed show!
21:02Peggy George: Love the notes you provide for us in TitanPad! So helpful!
21:05Justin Schwamm: Excited to think about a student-created badge system! Hope to have time to talk about that tonight, though I know it will be a continuing theme.
21:06Peggy George: I agree Justin! So many great things going on with Youth Voices!
21:10Chris Sloan: Hello. Having some connectivity issues
21:16Chris Sloan: Hi all. Where do you all teach/work?
21:18Justin Schwamm: Hi Chris. I'm in southeastern North Carolina.
21:19Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hello all. Happy to have you join us in our conversation
21:19Jeremy Hyler: Chris, I am in Michigan too and I keep getting booted.
21:19Chris Sloan: I teach high school English and media in Utah
21:19Jeremy Hyler: Okay, I thought it might be a Michigan thing. Ha ha!
21:20Chris Sloan: @Jeremy. I got booted too, but I think it's because my internet connection is spotty
21:20Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I teach English/Language Arts in New Orleans
21:20Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Oh nooo. You guys try again
21:21Jeremy Hyler: I teach 7th/8th grade language arts in a rural school in central Michigan
21:21unnamed: Hi I provide technology support to teachers and students in the Elk Grove School District (south Sacramento, CA)
21:22Justin Schwamm: Are we still waiting for the Hangout on Air to start? I haven't been booted off, but no video or audio.
21:22Chris Sloan: @Justin. Click the play button on the video screen above
21:23Chris Sloan: By the way, it's working for me, and I'm using safari
21:23Justin Schwamm: There we go! Nothing over here, but the G+ stream is working fine.
21:26Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Yeah Chris
21:28Gail Desler: I love the opportunity for students to focus on news.
21:29Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I agree Gail. Part of the dreaded Common Core - the integration of informational text
21:29Jeremy Hyler: Students focusing on informational text or authentic texts is crucial
21:29Justin Schwamm: Love the way this deepens the idea of "research!"
21:29Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: It is personal and that makes it that much more powerfurl
21:30Jeremy Hyler: I agree Justin, I struggle how to appropriately have students do research!
21:30Gail Desler: @Valerie - one more good point about CCSS
21:31Justin Schwamm: It can be very difficult, Jeremy. Hard to strike a good balance between "research for its own sake" and "research that's personally meaningful."
21:32Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Tommy's video project is great
21:32Jeremy Hyler: Very good thought Justin
21:32Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Whoa Paul!! There is an app for that
21:33Gail Desler: app for YouthVoices!
21:33Justin Schwamm: @Jeremy - Thanks! It's even more of a challenge for my Latin students, as I'm sure you can imagine :)
21:33Jeremy Hyler: Oh man, what a struggle you must have
21:34Peggy George: not seeing the video yet :-) but seeing and hearing the stream fine
21:34Justin Schwamm: Well, the neat thing about Latin and the Romans is that everything IS connected quite profoundly to "us." As soon as students discover that, they get fascinated - no problems at all. Until then, yes, it's a struggle.
21:35Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Can you guys see the video too?
21:36Peggy George: no
21:36Peggy George: can you give us the url?
21:36Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: let me see
21:37Peggy George: is it a youtube video?
21:37Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: No. on you tube
21:37Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Shared it on my Google + but we are back now
21:38Gail Desler: Hello Peggy
21:38Jeremy Hyler: Trying to get back on
21:38Jeremy Hyler: Keep getting booted
21:38Peggy George: Hi Gail! Can't wait to see you at ISTE!
21:39Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: That is a link for the video that one of his kids did. If you haven't seen it you will need to see it on YouthVoices because the kids have a reflection piece as weel
21:39Peggy George: is that one of the links on the TitanPad notes?
21:40Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: That is a link to Tommy's work
21:40Peggy George: thanks! I see those links in the TitanPad on the left. :-)
21:40Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Sorry Peggy just saw it. Yes the research link
21:40Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: My screen is split so I didn't see it at first
21:41Peggy George: thanks--I know what you mean :-)
21:41Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: If you haven't seen them please check them out, EVERYONE. The kids spliced together you tube vids and other resources to complete project. '
21:42Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I want to me TOMMY when I grow up
21:42Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Whoops want to be Tommy ... :)
21:43Jeremy Hyler: Love Google Docs
21:44Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Best way to share and collaborate
21:44Peggy George: Yes! I'd love to see the podcasting project!
21:45Peggy George: How exciting! I'll bet the students loved it!
21:49Peggy George: but free usually means advertising so that's the tradeoff
21:49Jeremy Hyler: ahh yes!
21:49Peggy George: it's more challenging to create shorter recordings because you really have to decide what's important!
21:50Peggy George: we found that with the K12 Online video recordings--originally they were one hour long and now they are 20 mins and you have to do a lot of editing to keep it that limit but much better for the viewer
21:51Peggy George: what an awesome teacher!! I would love to have had a teacher like Tommy when I was in HS!!!
21:51Peggy George: I might remember some of it now! :-)
21:52Peggy George: WOW! Book Drum sounds incredible!
21:52Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: BookMe too
21:52Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Me too
21:52Jeremy Hyler: Checking out Book Drum now
21:53Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Tommy is inspiring me to do lots of things. Jeremy I am checking it out too
21:53Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: That's how Teachers teaching Teachers work.
21:53Gail Desler: I love the power of the human voice that can come through on podcasting projects - even more powerful than video
21:55Justin Schwamm: I agree, Gail - the human voice is so powerful!
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