On this episode of TTT we get a preview of the 2012 K12 Online Conference with three organizers and three presenters.
Find out more:Saturday, October 13: Join the Classroom 2.0 LIVE Community for a webinar preview of the 2012 K-12 Online Conference. Organizers will discuss what’s new in this year’s conference, “Learn, Share and Remix.” Get a taste of the presentations coming in our strands this year, Getting Started, Visioning New Curriculum, Kicking It Up a Notch and Student Voices. Also learn about our dynamic pre-conference keynote presentation, to be shared by Kevin Honeycutt. The homepage of Classroom 2.0 LIVE (http://live.classroom20.com) will have the direct Blackboard Collaborate links the week prior to this show.
The 2012 K-12 Online Conference is coming to a computer near you soon! This year’s FREE online conference will take place the weeks of Oct 22 – 25 and Oct 29 – Nov. 2, with a pre-conference keynote by Kevin Honeycutt on October 15th. The 2012 theme is, “Learn, Share, Remix.”
The organizer team for this year’s conference selected “Learn, Share, Remix” for our theme because it embodies many of the ACTIONS we can model as 21st century teachers and students. We all want to model lifelong learning. Our digital connections afford us amazing opportunities to SHARE what we are learning along the way. REMIXING is the process taking knowledge and using it in creative and innovative ways. Remixers build on the work of others. REMIXING can also include transforming the ways we teach and learn. In each strand of our conference this year, we hope presenters will explore and model ways we can learn, share and remix our professional development.
As we have in the past six years since K12Online started in 2006, our conference will continue to be primarily asynchronous, offering downloadable videos for participants to view at any time. We will also host several live events during this year’s conference. All conference dates will be listed on our 2012 Schedule.
http://k12onlineconference.org/?page_id=1046- Gail Desler and Natalie Bernasconi will keynote our “Getting Started” strand, one of two strands to be shared the first full week of our conference October 22 – 25.
- Karen Fasimpaur will keynote our second strand for week one of our 2012 conference, “Visioning New Curriculum.” This is a new and exciting strand for K-12 Online this year.
- Mathew Needleman will keynote the “Kicking It Up a Notch” strand of our 2012 conference in week two, which will run Oct 29 – Nov 2.
- Tiana Kadkhoda, aka “Paul,” from Mathtrain.TV will keynote our “Student Voices” strand during week 2 of our 2012 conference.
Announcing K12Online12 Keynoters, Conference Flyer and Hashtag (#k12online12)
Announcing K12Online12 Presenters
Volunteers for both small and large tasks are still needed before, during and after the conference. View our volunteer brainstorming notes to see if there is something you might be able to help with.
October 15th, pre-conference keynote presentation by Kevin Honeycutt. Strands for 2012 are:
- Week of Oct 22 – 25: Getting Started and Visioning New Curriculum
- Week of Oct 29 – Nov. 2: Kicking It Up a Notch and Student Voices
Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.
Paul Allison: Hi Peggy. multitasking much?
20:56Peggy George: Hi :-) Yes. Still in the MOOC panel
21:04karen (@kfasimpaur): Greetings all.
21:04karen (@kfasimpaur): Valerie, there's room in the hangout if you want to join us there.
21:05Peggy George: come on in :-)
21:09Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hello all
21:09unnamed: hi everyone
21:10karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi, there.
21:10kcaise: hi everyone
21:11kcaise: LAN parties
21:11kcaise: live events
21:13Peggy George: Hi Kim-try to come into the Hangout-we're taking turns talking
21:13kcaise: hi peggy
21:15Peggy George: click on the link for the hangout on the Titanpad
21:15karen (@kfasimpaur): Oct. 15 - Kevin Honeycutt's opening session
21:17karen (@kfasimpaur): Kim, we saw you for a sec on the hangout
21:18karen (@kfasimpaur): Kim, do you have headphones? We're gtting feedback
21:18Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Kim, is the video playing from TTT?
21:34karen (@kfasimpaur): OMG. I love that Monika. Gotta say though that I prep like crazy. It's my MO.
21:36Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Karen, you want to make sure that it is awesome and it takes time for that perfection. =D
21:36karen (@kfasimpaur): true
21:38karen (@kfasimpaur): I'm building reflection questions into mine. Not sure how that will work but I'm trying it.
21:38Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: We will love it
21:38karen (@kfasimpaur): It helps to hear you say that. Yours too. :)
21:39Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: The main thing that works is when you are authentic in your message. the audience appreciates the message
21:39karen (@kfasimpaur): True. Authenticity in all things is important. probably more than prep. (I'm channeling Monika. :)
21:40Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: channel on, Monika is great
21:40karen (@kfasimpaur): I want to be Monika when I grow up.
21:40Chris Sloan: @karen. I like the idea of building in reflection questions. The more interactivity, the better
21:40Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I want to do some changes to what I did last year and you guys have prompted me to do more ..
21:40karen (@kfasimpaur): Thx for the feedback. (I'm also thinking ahead of P2PU time.)
21:41Chris Sloan: what are you thinking Valerie. How would it be different?
21:41Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I want to do something where the kids talk about how they felt about creating their portfolios
21:41Chris Sloan: You're using Weebly, right?
21:41Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Yes
21:41Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Lovvvv it
21:41karen (@kfasimpaur): Synchronous events aer always hard
21:42karen (@kfasimpaur): Valerie, love the idea of student commentary
21:42Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I got the idea from you, so give yourself a pat on the back
21:42karen (@kfasimpaur): :)
21:43Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: That is what is really great about all of these ways that we collaborate. Your work improves because of the interaction
21:44Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Thanks Chris. I'll check it out (and probably be jealous))
21:45karen (@kfasimpaur): I love the hybrid idea of local get-togethers. I've always wanted to do that with P2PU
21:46Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Thanks for link Karen
21:46Chris Sloan: I think the hybrid model is something P2PU should explore
21:46Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Chris, let Ben know that I love his site
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): I'm looking for a school or district who might go for they hybrid thing
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): Hard to get buy in some places
21:47Chris Sloan: I will, Valerie. He's a talent
21:48Chris Sloan: I'm not very far along with it, but I'm looking for ways to take my New Media class into more online spaces
21:48Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Weebly allows you to do great things so I am BELIEVER
21:49karen (@kfasimpaur): hashtag #k12online12
21:49Chris Sloan: I agree Valerie. I let my students choose their portfolio platform, and a number of them chose Weebly
21:50karen (@kfasimpaur): Love letting students choose their tool
21:50karen (@kfasimpaur): Oct. 13 Classroom 2.0 live show on K12 Online conf
21:52karen (@kfasimpaur): This would be good to have on the Global Ed conf. Global professional learning
21:56Chris Sloan: Liking the trailer, Karen. Combination of Andy Azula and and Michael Wesch
21:57karen (@kfasimpaur): Wow. thx. High praise indeed. Giulia Forsyth inspired me
21:58karen (@kfasimpaur): Bud Hunt is doing a maker thing for the curriculum strand as well. Woot!
21:59Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Woot Woot
22:03Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Thanks all. Have a great night. Will see you online