TTT#347 Spring Conversations with Valerie Burton, Chad Sansing, and Jo Paraiso - May 1, 2013
Paul Allison - Wed, 2013-05-15 22:20
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On this episode of TTT Monika Hardy and Paul Allison talk with Valerie Burton and Chad Sansing. We are also be joined by Jo Paraiso, whose students in Oakland, CA have been all over Youth Voices recently:
What have you been noticing? What dreams are you working to make come true? What connections are you making with people and ideas? What are you doing that's awesome?
Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.
May 1, 2013
20:58Peggy George: Hi Paul :-)
21:03Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hellllllo Alllll
21:03Peggy George: Hi Valerie! Great to see you :-)
21:03Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hey Peggy
21:03Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: How are you?
21:04chadsansing: Good-evening, All!
21:04Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hello Chad
21:04chadsansing: Hi :)
21:04Peggy George: Great! I'm torn tonight because the Teacher appreciation hangout is on same time as this. Organized by Edutopia & Joe Mazza
21:05Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Oh so sorry Peggy
21:05chadsansing: Mash them up!
21:05Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: We will understand if you pop in and out
21:05Peggy George: :-) I'm trying! Both will be recorded--thank goodness!
21:05Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Although, Chad's mash up sounded great
21:05chadsansing: Popcorn video :)
21:06Peggy George: it's all about ways to recognize and appreciate teachers :-)
21:07Peggy George: It's that time of year when teachers are definitely tired! I think that's why Teacher Appreciation Week comes at the beginning of May!
21:08Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Richard Capozzi 8:07 PM So, just to introduce myself. I've been teaching in the NYC DoE since 1987. I began as a foreign language teacher, and currently teach English
21:08Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Richard introduced himself in google chat box
21:08chadsansing: Hi, Richard!
21:09chadsansing: What are we noticing, dreaming, connecting, and doing?
21:09Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I am noticing .... dreaming
21:10Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Not DREAMING BIG DREAMS... just day dream dreams
21:10chadsansing: It's a good time to dream, little and big.
21:16Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hoping and Dreaming
21:19Peggy George: multitasking causes lost connections :-( back now.
21:25Peggy George: loving these stories! great time to reflect on the year :-)
21:30Peggy George: thanks Chad!
21:33chadsansing: Sure :)
21:33chadsansing: Youth civic participation for the win, wonderful webcasters!
21:33Peggy George: that's a wonderful opportunity when a teacher can be with students over several years!
21:34chadsansing: I'm grateful for it. Always bittersweet to say so long to the 8th graders.
21:35Peggy George: I'll bet! But those are the ones that always come back. :-) Sometimes the day after school is out :-)
21:38chadsansing: Material making is so important.
21:41Peggy George: I agree Chad!
21:42Peggy George: so many letters!!!!!!
21:43Peggy George: we need a glossary or handbook to interpret all of our education acronyms!
21:43chadsansing: Well said, Valerie -
21:44chadsansing: Don't be sorry!
21:44Peggy George: love that idea--all of the content up front and then go to work using it
21:45Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Thanks guys
21:45chadsansing: Freedom; pro-bono tax write-offs?
21:45Peggy George: that would be a good start!
21:45Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hmmm, freedom. What is that
21:45chadsansing: Just another word for nothing left to lose?
21:47chadsansing: Use that wiggle room in the system.
21:48chadsansing: Youth to the Voices.
21:49Peggy George: wouldn't it be fun if the entire school year could feel the same way as the summer program she's describing?
21:50Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Oh Peggy, you have jokes
21:50Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: If only
21:50Peggy George: :-)
21:50Peggy George: I'm just picking up on your positive vibes Valerie :-)
21:51maryharris: I really like the selling the books idea - I use book trailers
21:51Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Whoa,
21:51Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Hey @Mary
21:51Peggy George: I agree maryharris! super idea to use book trailers :-)
21:51Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Welcome to my world
21:51maryharris: The trailers are getting so much better and they literally fight over the books (in my ideal class)
21:52Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Peggy meet Mary. Mary, Peggy is awesome and Peggy, Mary is awesome
21:52maryharris: hi Val
21:52Peggy George: there is nothing like a good book talk to make you want to read/buy the book! that happens to me all the time when I hear Steve Hargadon interview authors! Can't wait to buy the books!
21:52Peggy George: Hi Mary :-)
21:52maryharris: Hi Peggy
21:53maryharris: I agree - ready everywhere
21:53chadsansing: Ultimately, I don't want to be the guide on the side; I want to be taught how to do cool things by my kids.
21:54chadsansing: I'm not clear enough about that with my kids; I want them to surpass me, even in my most directive moments.
21:54Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I know the feeling
21:54maryharris: you still got 3
21:54maryharris: :)
21:55chadsansing: Some places we publish:, -
21:55Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I don't mind being dumb in their eyes in some aspects
21:55Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I love when I can show off something and then look behind me to see them on the backs of my shoes to see them coming up after me
21:55Peggy George: I loved this Kdg video (not exactly a book trailer but totally engaging for the kids. Acting out Miss Nelson is Missing.
21:56chadsansing: Going back to little and big scale projects (not value): I feel like every day is a small scale project in the project of my career; I try to develop instructional tolerance for kids to burn through projects in the larger project of their educations.
21:56maryharris: How do you do this without access to computers for everyone?
21:57Peggy George: it's so validating to have the kids begin to sound like you :-) shows the power of your modeling :-)
21:57maryharris: how does that figure in their grade?
21:58Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Mary are you talking about Jo's project?
21:58Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Orrrr????
21:58maryharris: yeah
21:58Peggy George: great question Mary! sometimes I wish teachers didn't have to give grades--just feedback!
21:59maryharris: me too - with encouragement to continue and get better
21:59Peggy George: exactly!!!
22:00Peggy George: that would be an awesome show! do it!
22:00chadsansing: Asynchronous collaboration is big.
22:01Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: Oh so big Chad
22:01chadsansing: We love you, Paul & Monika -
22:01Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: I can't wait to get more and more of my coworkers ONLINE
22:01chadsansing: Yes.
22:01Peggy George: yes share that information about judging
22:02chadsansing: If anyone wants to drop in virtually to peer-to-peer and student-mentored participatory learning for teachers, see :)
22:02chadsansing: Balance to the Force.
22:03Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: BYE ALLLLL
22:03Valerie Burton @MsBisOnline: THANKS
22:03Peggy George: thanks Chad Nerdcamp!! my kind of camp!
22:04Peggy George: thank you all--very positive, uplifting conversation tonight! you are awesome teachers!!
22:04Peggy George: funny Paul!!!
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