The 2006 Edublog Awards Show - EdTechTalk # 75

Edublog Awards 2006
December 17, 2006
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EdTechTalk once again webcast the Annual Edublog Awards Ceremony. Josie Frasier guided  us through the ceremony and Dave presented his 'Top 10 News Events of the Edublog Year' .   More info about the Edublog Awards and a list of 2006 Winners is at

Last year's Awards Ceremony and Top 10 list

2006 Edublogs Award Winners

Best Audio and/or Visual Blog:
absolutely intercultural!
Anne Fox (Denmark), Laurent Borgmann (Germany)

Best Group Blog:
Polar Science 2006

YES I Can! Science team, McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Diane Hammond, Susan Stiff, and Dr. Tom Stiff (Canada)

Best Individual Blog:
Christopher D. Sessums :: Blog

Christopher D. Sessums (USA)

Most Influential Post, Resource or Presentation:
K12 Online Conference 2006

Darren Kuropatwa (Canada), Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach (USA), Wes Fryer (USA)

Best Research Paper:
Nancy White: Blogs and Community
Nancy White (USA)

Best Teacher Blog:
Have Fun with English! 2
Teresa Almeida d’Eça (Portugal)

Best Library/ Librarian Blog:
Hey Jude
Judy O’Connell (Australia)

Best Newcomer: (joint winners)
Ed Tech Journeys
Pete Reilly (USA)

Paz Peña (Chile)

Best Wiki
Flat Classroom Project

The Flat Classroom project is a genuine assessment project between Julie Lindsay'sgrade 11 ITGS class at International School Dhaka(ISD) in Bangladesh and Vicki Davis' 10th grade Computer Science class at Westwood Schools in Camilla, Georgia

Best Undergraduate Blog:
CILASS Student Blog
University of Sheffield Student Ambassadors of the Centre for Inquiry-based Learning In the Arts and Social Sciences (England)

Edublog Star Award (Convenors choice):
Duck Diaries
Barbara Cohen (USA)


 Kapil  is anybody there ?
 Kapil  i want to join edublog awards webcast...can anybody help me ?
 Diane  I don't think it starts for an hour, does it?
 Kapil  it starts in another 38 minutes...but I am not sure I can listen to it LIVE ?
 Diane  I think you click on one of the listening options at the bottom of this page.
 Kapil  Thanks.there is an audio on/off option..i enabled it.I hope it works
 sirexkat  Hi. I've just installed Skype so I'm listening to it as my first skypecast..I feel so OLD to have only just installed it :)
 SusanEttenheim  hi all - going to go have some breakfast but checking in
 JL  Hello all
 Diane Hammond  Hello
 SusanEttenheim  hi jl
 SusanEttenheim  hi diane
 SusanEttenheim  be back later...
 Lee  hello susan
 Lee  Hi Jeff.
 tamaleaver  hello - is any here for edublog awards
 Lee  Say, I was finally able to redo the 2006VDOE Conference slide show, edit the audio and edited all the audio from the other speakers, keynotes etc. I will send it along to you Monday.
 terry freedman  hi, Terry Freedman here
 terry freedman  Have i missed much?
 JoM  Hi Terry
 JoM  It's Jo McLeay
 dave  ha chatroom
 terry freedman  hi, Jo
 Lee  Hi Terry and Dave
 terry freedman  hello Lee
 terry freedman  hi Darren
 JL  anyone esle in the skypecast want a soundcheck
 Diane Hammond  I'm on Talkshoe. Anyone want to see if they can hear me?
 terry freedman  better than what?
 dave  yes...
 dave  we will indeed
 Lee Baber  Very nice recording
 SusanEttenheim  I'm in the skypecast but not hearing anything yet- should I be hearing?
 JenniferW  can you hear now???
 dave  yes
 terry freedman  there is a conersation goiung on
 SusanEttenheim  humm
 SusanEttenheim  I"m going to leave it and come back
 Lee Baber  I hear fine in the skypecast
 preilly  me too
 Lee Baber  what timing!
 Darren Kuropatwa  The excitement mounts. ;)
 Lee Baber  talk about suspense
 kathryn  there goes the batteries in the phone..
 Lee Baber  hehe
 dave  yay
 dave  i'm loving this years awards
 Lee Baber  yipeeeee
 AnneF  Can you hear me?
 dave  no
 dave  we are not hearing you
 AnneF  I can hear you
 Lee Baber  callher?
 JenniferW  type your speech in here --- and CONGRATS
 AnneF  Thank you
 Lee Baber  Congratulations
 AnneF  I'll try
 Darren Kuropatwa  Congratulations Anne!
 mrspin  wahoo
 AnneF  I'm really chuffed (Liverpool for very pleased)
 JenniferW  could someone type in the name of the winners here too???
 Darren Kuropatwa  A Canuk! Way to go!
 JenniferW  please???
 dave  great idea
 Darren Kuropatwa  Polar SCience won.
 AnneF  especially on behalf of my partners in Germany
 JenniferW  actually the name ofthe blog
 dave  you're in charge jdub
 JenniferW  LOL -- I have distortion and can't always hear -- but I will try
 AnneF  who were really keen to get this going and I was very happy to contribute
 Lee Baber  Congratulations!
 JenniferW  AnneF -- can you type in the name of your blog for me please??
 AnneF  no
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Congrats!
 AnneF  Many thanks
 AnneF  It was an honour even to be nominated
 JenniferW  Polar Science Blog
 AnneF  I've changed my settings
 JenniferW  Thank you Anne for posting your link
 AnneF  but it doesn't seem to have made any difference
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  How cool!
 JenniferW  Woo Hoo Anne
 AnneF  The live webcast has been released as a podcast yesterday
 AnneF  Live is more nerve-wracking!
 JenniferW  Top Ten List -- #10
 JenniferW  TV
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  laugh
 JenniferW  lol -- website???
 JenniferW  Top Ten List -- #9
 JenniferW  Senator Stevens -- downloads were clogging his "tubes"
 terry freedman  where's this votes page then?
 Darren Kuropatwa  A very articulate fella, huh?
 Lee Baber  interesting!
 JenniferW  I will try to find the link
 Darren Kuropatwa  Uh, Terry, that wasn't for you. ;-)
 Darren Kuropatwa  VOtes page?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  woo hoo!
 JenniferW  Best Individual Blog -- 2006 -- Chrisopher D.
 Darren Kuropatwa  Congratulations CHris!
 JenniferW  Christopher. D. Sessums :: Weblog
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yeah Christopher!
 Christopher Sessums  Thank you!
 dave  yay!
 Lee Baber  Hooray
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  I am so happy for you Christopher
 JoM  congratulations Chris!
 Anne Davis  Terrific Chris! I am so happy for you! Well deserved!
 Lee Baber  it has been worse
 terry freedman  well done!
 JenniferW  I have just added to my bloglinews
 Anne Davis  Darren, here's the link.
 JenniferW  Most Influential Post
 terry freedman  I thought Josie mentioned a votes page
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks Anne.
 Sabine Little  Am I in??? Hurrah!!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  wow!
 JenniferW  2006 -- K12 Online Conference
 Lee Baber  yeaaaaa
 Anne Davis  Yahoo! Yahoo!
 Darren Kuropatwa  Wow!
 JenniferW  WOOOOO HOOOO -
 terry freedman  well done Darren et al
 JoM  Well done all
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  How exciting!
 JenniferW  and Terry -- you did great as well
 JenniferW  and everyone else too
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thank you very much but ...
 Christopher Sessums  fantastic K-12 folks
 terry freedman  thanks, but thyere is only one winner
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  I am so humbled!
 JenniferW  Top Ten List #8
 JenniferW  Burn Out
 Darren Kuropatwa  I just wanted to say thatnks to everyone who worked so hard behind the scenes to make K12 Online such a success.
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Arent you Darren.. the folks in this category were so deserving-
 JenniferW  Hi Terry -- actually, I thought everyone was winners. Grins, I was content with TOP FIVE
 JenniferW  Top Ten List #7
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  We were truly a group effort
 JenniferW  Learning Communities
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks for the award and thanks for all the hard work from all the presenters and moderators. ;-)
 JoM  I can relate to that
 terry freedman  I should like to say that I taught Darren all he knows
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  This means the presenters and the moderators win
 JenM  Yeah!!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  nudge to Terry
 terry freedman  LOL
 Darren Kuropatwa  Terry: my mentor. ;)
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  High five Darren
 JenniferW  Best Library/Librarian Blog -- 2006
 terry freedman  lol
 Darren Kuropatwa  Right back atchya Sheryl! ;-)
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Yeah!
 JenniferW  2006 Edublog -- Hey Jude
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  congrats to Judy
 Darren Kuropatwa  Way to go Judy!
 SusanEttenheim  congrats!
 kathryn  Yay Jude..winner of library cat
 JoM  Wow congratulations Judy. Go Aussies
 SusanEttenheim  I gave up on the skypecast
 Christopher Sessums  cheers Judy
 JenniferW  Best Newcomer
 Lee Baber  clap clap
 dave  we may switch to talkshoe permanently after this
 JenniferW  EdTechJourney
 Lee Baber  yipppee
 SusanEttenheim  yeahhh
 preilly  Wow & Thanks
 JenniferW  tilt
 JenniferW  Top Ten List
 Anne Davis  Congratulations to both of you!
 JenniferW  #6 Games For Kids
 JenniferW  Educational Games
 Darren Kuropatwa  Congrats to EdTEch Journeys!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Thanks Jen
 JoM  Hi Anne
 terry freedman  i missed that: were they joing winners?
 terry freedman  joint*
 JenniferW  Yes, Tie
 terry freedman  thx
 JenniferW  Top Ten List #5
 Anne Davis  Hello back Jo!
 JenniferW  content management system
 Lee Baber  Hooray for cms
 JenniferW  Best ResearchPaper
 Darren Kuropatwa  and Congrats to Games for Kids!
 Lee Baber  it and you guys dave have made it possible for me to know how right you are
 JenniferW  Nancy Whitee
 Lee Baber  yeeeeaaaa
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Congrats...
 JenniferW  Nancy White
 Darren Kuropatwa  Yeah Nancy!
 Lee Baber  fantabulous
 JoM  Terrific Nancy
 Anne Davis  Way to go!
 SusanEttenheim  congrats!
 JenniferW  Best Teacher Blog
 Christopher Sessums  great job Nancy!
 JenniferW  suspense
 dave  drum roll
 Lee Baber  go Tere
 Lee Baber  yea
 Darren Kuropatwa  Way to Theresa!
 JoM  Congratulations
 JenniferW  Teresa Almeida d’Eça
 JenniferW  hugs to Darren too
 terry freedman  Canada has been effectively locked out this year apparently, apart from Darren
 Anne Davis  Congratulations, this was a most difficult vote!
 Lee Baber  yes... Canada wins!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  That is right
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  tough vote
 JenniferW  Top Ten List #10 -- DOPA
 JL  can folks in the skypecast still hear?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  but congrats Teresa
 Sabine Little  Yes, I can hear
 JenniferW  #4 -- DOPA
 SusanEttenheim  can hear fine on talkshoe
 preilly  yes
 Lee Baber  yes JL
 Sabine Little  On tenterhooks :)
 JenniferW  LOLOL I am enjoying the top 10 list
 Lee Baber  more than fine
 Lee Baber  indeed
 Christopher Sessums  Yes I can hear in skype
 Lee Baber  after the new year
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Dave did you write this copy.. very creative
 dave  this morning
 JenniferW  Top Ten #3 -- GOOGLE
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Great style Dave
 JenniferW  Expect Breakfast from Google in 2007 :)
 Darren Kuropatwa  Google's buying up everything: writely, irows, jot
 Christopher Sessums  I smell bacon
 JenniferW  Best Undergraduate 2006
 JenniferW  and special BLOG AWARD -- SURPRISE
 JenniferW  Best Undergraduate 2006
 Sabine Little  Hurrah!!!!!!!!!
 Sabine Little  That's us!!
 Darren Kuropatwa  Contratulatiosn!!
 JenniferW  Congratulations
 Sabine Little  :)
 Lee Baber  yea yea yea
 SusanEttenheim  yeahhh
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  congrats Sabine
 Christopher Sessums  applause
 JenniferW  Top Ten List #2 --
 JenniferW  Emancipation
 JoM  That's great Sabine
 JenniferW  hmmm - spelling???
 Sabine Little  Thank you.....the students wrote a 'speech' just in case...I might have to read it (or copy&paste) later...
 JenniferW  Best Wiki
 JenniferW  Best Wiki 2006 --
 Darren Kuropatwa  skypecast:
 Lee Baber  drum rolll pleasse
 Darren Kuropatwa  I can't paste it , don't klnow why can someone else?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  alright!
 Lee Baber  hooweeee
 JenniferW  Flat Classroom
 Darren Kuropatwa  Way to go!!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Are they here?
 JenniferW  Vicki is at Disneyworld right now
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  woo hoo
 preilly  great job! Love the wiki...
 Sabine Little  Congrats!
 Anne Davis  Congratulations!

 JenniferW  Top Ten Of the Year -
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  That is awesome... they worked so hard
 JenniferW  ME
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks Lee.
 JenniferW  LOLOL -- Time Magazine
 Lee Baber  cooooooolllll
 terry freedman  well done!
 JenniferW  Man of the Year -- Person of the Year -- YOU
 Sabine Little  Wow!
 Christopher Sessums  terrific job Vicki
 Lee Baber  us
 JoM  Yay, that's great to the flatclassroom projectj
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Good grief
 Anne Davis  I love the article! They got it right!
 Lee Baber  you
 Lee Baber  me
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  you
 Lee Baber  them
 JenniferW  I liked it too
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  us
 sroseman  YOU US WOW!!!
 Sabine Little  Nice conjugation!
 sroseman  I feel so important!!
 JenniferW  and it is CURRENT NEWS -- Way to go -- almost faster than wikipedia is EdTechTalk
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Time just noticed
 JenM  So, thanks to Time ... everyone won! Yeah!
 Darren Kuropatwa  Anyone with a link to the article?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yeah to all of us
 Lee Baber  I thank you all for letting ME win..and you too
 Lee Baber  no
 JenniferW  Blog Star --
 JenM  Time:,9171,1569514,00.html
 JenniferW  sorry -- missed it
 JenniferW  what is the name of the blog????
 JL  Duck with a Blog
 JenniferW  thank you
 Darren Kuropatwa  link please for the special winner?
 Sabine Little  Sounds really good fun!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yes, link please
 terry freedman  amazing -- even ducks are doing it
 Lee Baber  Very neat!
 JenniferW  Link please???
 Lee Baber  Duckblog award
 Lee Baber  Its under feather
 terry freedman  where's the awards page link then?
 dave  dave wins
 JenniferW  thank you Dave
 terry freedman
 Lee Baber
 JenniferW  your fingers are faster than mine
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Thanks James!
 Anne Davis  Thanks James and thanks especially to Josie!
 JenniferW  Congratulations to ALL
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks to Josie and James!
 JL  worldbridges
 JoM  Yes thanks Josie
 JL  skype ID
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  That's right.. Thanks Josie for all your hard work...
 JenniferW  lol - answer the phone
 Anne Davis  Thanks for the entertaining music!
 Darren Kuropatwa  A cellphone?
 Sabine Little  Headbobbing going on in Sheffield
 kapil  Just joined....where can I access the chat archives ?
 JenM  wow?
 JoM  Is that our new theme song?
 preilly  what's the number to call?
 JenniferW  Hello to Darren and Sheryl
 JenniferW  and Hello to Chrisopher
 sroseman  Hi Jennifer
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yea Chris
 JenniferW  Good morning, Susan
 JL  1-603-574-4923
 preilly  thanks JL
 Darren Kuropatwa  Hi Jen.
 dave  oopes
 dave  oops
 dave  ha
 dave  well.. that place... top ten list is up
 Anne Davis  I'm still enjoying the K12 Online Conference!
 sroseman  out last night with a couple who is quite tech savvy..did not know what web 2.0 was
 JoM  Same here Anne
 terry freedman  wgere are the details of these reviews please?
 terry freedman  where*
 Bknittle  I refer teachers to the K12 Online conference all the time, to get a great lookat web 2.0 tools in education
 Lee Baber  I am still adding to my presentation for K12..keeping it updated and adding resources
 sroseman  at Tappedin ..
 JenniferW  WOOO HOOO to K12
 terry freedman  ok, will try to find it, thanks
 dave  woot
 Lee Baber  The presentations are still giving me tips as needed
 Anne Davis  Letting it be self-directed is one of the best parts!
 JenniferW  APPLAUSE for K12 -- and THANKS
 Lee Baber  yahoo
 Anne Davis  We appreciate you - Darren, Sheryl, Wes, and Lani!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Thanks Anne
 Lee Baber  Hey Tere!!!!! Congratulations..... yea
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  and we couldn't have done it w/o Lani
 Bknittle  looking forward to nexts years conference - you did very great work!
 Lee Baber  spell it?
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks everyone. :)
 terry freedman  I meant where can we find out how to tke part in the dicussions of the presentations?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Yes.. Congrats
 Darren Kuropatwa  Oh.
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  They are still taking place on the blog Terry
 Darren Kuropatwa  Gimme a sec. I'll get the link.
 JenniferW  and isn't there a When Night Falls Chat at Tapped in soon???
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  And in Tapped In
 sroseman  In January I believe Jennifer
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Yes.. sorry in Jan
 terry freedman  sorry, bin out of touch with stuff lately
 Darren Kuropatwa  K12 Online monthly blog clubn:
 Darren Kuropatwa  paste ins't working.
 dave  someone is typing in the live audio DESIST!
 Darren Kuropatwa  gimme a sec.
 dave  sic
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
 Lee Baber
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  laughing
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  wow
 Sabine Little  :)
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  you won
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yeah!
 Anne Davis  Congratulations, Teresa!
 dave  woot woot
 Lee Baber  yay
 Darren Kuropatwa
 Darren Kuropatwa  Way to go Theresa!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
 JenniferW  very well written speeches!!!
 preilly  congrats to Paz Pena co-winner
 Anne Davis  Have you updated the numbers received for each of the candidates?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yeah Pete
 JenniferW  votes are shown there
 Lee Baber  Hoory Pete
 Anne Davis  A newcomer who is doing a great job!
 dave  :D
 Anne Davis  I see the page but only results for 3 of the categories. How about you?
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  We are glad you are part of us.. and we can't wait to read more
 JenniferW  sorry -- it looks like it isn't all updated yet
 JenniferW  my mistake
 Lee Baber
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  indeed
 Lee Baber  Petes blog
 JenniferW  check back later today for full listings :)
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  very impressive
 Anne Davis  That's OK, I can wait! :)
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Hi Anne
 sroseman  soo many unique and wonderful blogs out there..should facilitate change
 Lee Baber  ok Pamela ..move over
 Anne Davis  Hi Sheryl! Be sure to congratulate your two students for being in the running - I love their blogs!
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  I will.. thanks!
 Anne Davis  I want to shout a big hooray to edubloggers everywhere!
 dave  woot
 JenniferW  anyone want to give the link for WebHeads???? I don't know it
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  yes.. it is...
 JenniferW  Thankyou Jeff
 sroseman  They meet each Sunday morning at Tappedin
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
 sroseman  lead by Vance Stevens
 Anne Davis  Thanks to all who made this possible!
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks for all the hard work Josie.
 Bknittle  Thanks for great Awards show, you have provided a great service directing us to some great reading material. Thanks again for including me. It's been fun.
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Yes.. such a small world afterall
 Darren Kuropatwa  Thanks to Jeff and Dave for hosting the show.
 JenniferW  Good job everyone!! Thank you EduBlogs for this!!!
 JoM  Yes that's fantastic about it being international
 JenniferW  and always -- Thanks to EdTechTalk!!
 preilly  thanks josie
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Congrats! And Thanks to everyone
 terry freedman  thanks for link
 Christopher Sessums  cheers all around
 sroseman  Congratulations ALL!!
 Sabine Little  Thanks for running the awards and the show to everyone - it was my first, and a great experience!
 JoM  Hi Susan
 terry freedman  I wish I hadn't hired this tuxedo though
 JenniferW  :)
 Sabine Little  :)
 JenM  Yeah! Edubloggers!
 JenniferW  Take a picture Terry
 sroseman  Hi Jo
 Christopher Sessums  you still look mahvelous Terry
 terry freedman  LOL
 terry freedman  thanks Chris
 cheryloakeswow2  Terry I am sure you looked spectacular
 JoM  You add a bit of class
 JenniferW  Hey Cheryl!!!
 Lee Baber  Thank you all
 terry freedman  I did, but it was so expensive
 Diane Hammond  Thanks to everyone involved with the Edublog Awards for all of your tremendous efforts in supporting and recognizing the work going on in our schools!!!
 JoM  Hi Cheryl
 cheryloakeswow2  Hiho
 Lee Baber  You look well in a tux terry
 sroseman  Hi Diane
 terry freedman  Thanks, Lee
 sendkathy  i'm thrilled to know about these awards. Would any one consider putting snippets from each blog on one page so those of use who don't have time to read it all will be able to get have a sampling,perhaps selecting the posts which have been most commented.
 Lee Baber  loved the top 10 Dave
 JenniferW  and don't forget the POST shows!! We love Post Shows!!!
 Lee Baber  nicely done
 Lee Baber  Post post post post post shoooowww
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  Thanks Jeff.. and Dave
 sroseman  Are Diane, were you on ENOREO? I recognize the name
 Lee Baber  Please do
 terry freedman  will be posting an article about this soon at
 JoM  This has been really inspiring
 preilly  hi jo
 Sabine Little  I've been sneezing throughout - glad sound was off at my end!
 JoM  Hi Pete
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  I wondered who was sneezing... wink
 JenM  Thanks to ALL!!!!
 Sabine Little  :)
 mrspin  look out for The Guardian coverage too
 JenniferW  GOOD JOB ALL
 preilly  have a great holiday - all!
 Lee Baber  yesir
 JenM  This was fun!!
 Bknittle  Have a great day all, and thanks again!
 Christopher Sessums  peace be with you all
 sheryl Nussbaum-Beach  and you too Chris
 JoM  Thanks for your great work Chris
 Lee Baber  2007 skypecast
 Christopher Sessums  thank you sheryl and jo
 JenM  I listened in talkshoe (talkbox ... soapbox?) and it worked great!
 JoM  Congratulations Dave on Oscar's crawling ability
 dave  many thanks!
 dave  just reverse at the moment
 JoM  He looked great and oh so clever
 dave  takes after his mother
 JoM  :D
 Lee Baber
 JoM  Anyway. Must go. It's been fun. Goodnight
 cheryloakeswow2  stream just jumped, but is back
 Darren Kuropatwa  So long folks.
 cheryloakeswow2  By Jo, see you on again
 cheryloakeswow2  bye Darren
 Sabine Little  Bye, all
 JoM  'night
 terry freedman  cya
 cheryloakeswow2  by Terry
 AnneF  Bye and thanks
 Lee Baber  bye
Audio icon EdTechTalk75-2006-12-17.mp30 bytes


Hey, guys. I just got back from Disney to hear that the flat Classroom Wiki won best Wiki for the 2006 Edublog Awards with Julie Lindsey -- we are so excited! I was curious if you meant to leave us off of your list for official winners? Flat Classroom Project -


Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher