
EdTechWeekly 31 - WiAOC2007 Edition

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EdTechWeekly#31 - The WiAOC2007 Edition
May 20, 2007
Touchgraph, Joost,  Best Online Course Ever, SL Voice & Moo

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EdTechWeekly#30 - Dave, Delicious Diigo Debate, Desperate DMCA Debacle

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He's baaack ... Dave joins us from the road as we discuss recent legal wranglings (DMCA "enforcement", Microsoft patents, internet radio, drunken pirate), explore web annotation and social bookmarking tools, mourn the passing of Skype Test Call Lady #1 and share fun and games.

EdTechWeekly #29 - Microhoo, Digg Revolt, Silverlight, Open Education 2007, & Dr. Anne

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Microhoo, Digg Revolt, Silverlight,  Open Education 2007, & Dr. Anne 
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EdTechWeekly#28 - Classroom2.0, THEJournal, Gaia, Kyte, Design, Lyrics, & E-Learning Tools

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Classroom2.0, THEJournal, Gaia, Kyte, Design, Lyrics, & E-Learning Tools
April 29, 2007
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