Maria Knee

Conversations Show 15 - 2008 11 02

What would you do with a magic wand to change education? That was the topic for our conversation this week. It was from a question posed to Lisa by David Warlick. Alec Couros and Paul Bogush joined us. Although we didn't stick to this topic per se, there was much conversation around change in education and school. The folks in the chat room kept thing going as well.

What would you do with a magic wand to change education? That was the topic for our conversation this week. It was from a question posed to Lisa by David Warlick. Alec Couros and Paul Bogush joined us. Although we didn't stick to this topic per se, there was much conversation around change in education and school. The folks in the chat room kept thing going as well.

Chat Log

It's Elementary #25 - The Primary Perspective

This week our guests were Kathy Cassidy from Moose Jaw SK , a grade 1 teacher, Leah Welch from Hamden Maine, a grade 1 teacher and formerly a kindergarten teacher, and Amanda Marrinan from Brisbane Australia who teaches 6 and 7 year olds. These teachers do amazing things with their students - blogging, video, moodle, google docs, and more. Kathy, Leah and Amanda shared their practice and talked about the details in how they make things work. The time flew as we all listened to the stories of their work with young children.

Kathy' classroom blog

Leah's class moodle login in as guest

Amanda's classroom blog

This week our guests were Kathy Cassidy from Moose Jaw SK , a grade 1 teacher, Leah Welch from Hamden Maine, a grade 1 teacher and formerly a kindergarten teacher, and Amanda Marrinan from Brisbane Australia who teaches 6 and 7 year olds. These teachers do amazing things with their students - blogging, video, moodle, google docs, and more. Kathy, Leah and Amanda sharedtheir practice and talked about the details in how they make things work. The time flew as we all listened to the stories of their work with young children.

Conversations Show 14 2008-10-26

Passions were discussed this week.  Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi discussed passions other than teaching with Alice Mercer, Scott Shelhart, and Pat Hensley.  Since our passion is talking, we didn't always stay on topic but the conversation was rockin'.

Passions were discussed this week.  Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi discussed passions other than teaching with Alice Mercer, Scott Shelhart, and Pat Hensley.  Since our passion is talking, we didn't always stay on topic but the conversation was rockin'.

Chat here:

Conversations Show #13 - 2008 10 19

Homework was the topic of Conversation this week. Maria and Lisa were joined by Linda Nitsche and Lee Kolbert and lots of folks in the chatroom. Many opinions were expressed about the purpose and reasons for giving homework. We looked at this topic from a teacher's and as well as a parent's point of view. The chat room was rockin' so don't forget to check out the chat log from today's show.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Homework was the topic of Conversation this week. Maria and Lisa were joined by Linda Nitsche and Lee Kolbert and lots of folks in the chatroom. Many opinions were expressed about the purpose and reasons for giving homework. We looked at this topic from a teacher's and as well as a parent's point of view. The chat room was rockin' so don't forget to check out the chat log from today's show.

Chat Log

Conversations Episode 12 10-12-08

This week, our Conversation was about grading and assessment. Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi were joined by Sheila Adams for this rousing discussion.  The chat room was lively so be sure to check out the archive.

This week, our Conversation was about grading and assessment. Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi were joined by Sheila Adams for this rousing discussion.  The chat room was lively so be sure to check out the archive.



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