EdTechWeekly #135
Catch the recording of our weekly roundup of news and resources related to education and technology ... here - http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly135 and join us next Sunday night at 7:00 ET for our next live show!
18:55:27 Alvin Trusty -> Hello
18:59:52 stlouisohio -> hey, theres not its my last name
18:59:55 stlouisohio -> stlouis
19:00:24 matt montagne -> 4 here :-)
19:00:48 DaveC -> sounds good
19:00:51 Gary -> Sounds fine
19:00:51 Heidi -> good
19:00:52 Alvin Trusty -> sounds good
19:00:52 matt montagne -> audio is EXCELLENT
19:00:52 Cathy E -> sounds great
19:00:53 kcaise -> hi everyone!
19:00:53 stlouisohio -> sounds good for me
19:00:53 windsordi -> sound is nice and clear
19:01:36 Cathy E -> 135 ya'll must be getting old
19:02:27 dave -> http://status.net/
19:02:57 matt montagne -> we've been using Yammer for this...I've really liked it
19:03:34 kcaise -> don't you have to pay for yammer?
19:03:48 matt montagne -> Yammer has a freemium model
19:04:01 matt montagne -> I actually think they have a good business model
19:04:23 kcaise -> remind me, freemium means you have a free and paid option for more features?
19:04:24 matt montagne -> plus, Yammer requires NO IT support to setup...and that means something too
19:05:09 dave -> http://ic.upei.ca/ticker/main/login
19:05:24 Cathy E -> my company jusr arrived
19:05:36 Cathy E -> will have to listen later
19:05:43 JenM -> Birthday Gift for @js ... if i had a $1M: http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/catalog/prod.jhtml?itemId=prod74120060...
19:06:37 Alvin Trusty -> @johns you should come over this weekend for a celebration
19:06:47 matt montagne -> Happy Birthday JS!
19:07:08 JL -> http://webcastacademy.net/2009-equinox-webcastathon
19:07:09 kcaise -> but it is a tod's passport holder
19:07:44 JL -> http://k12onlineconferencelans.wikispaces.com/LAN+Party+K12
19:07:53 JohnS -> @Alvin Good idea. Birthday party at Alvin's house. You're all invited.
19:08:14 stlouisohio -> lol
19:08:16 Ron -> Lan Party... with no games?
19:08:29 kcaise -> no pin the tail on the donkey @ron
19:08:42 JohnS -> Ten Top Tips for Teaching with New Media: http://www.edutopia.org/ten-top-tips
19:08:44 PeggyG -> the 3 hour block is from 11:00-2:00EDT on Sat.
19:09:03 JL -> PDT, yes/
19:09:04 JL -> >?
19:09:15 PeggyG -> yes PDT sorry
19:10:00 stlouisohio -> really enjoyed the sectino finding the the experts in your class
19:10:46 PeggyG -> :-) Think Different
19:10:49 dave -> http://wpmu.org/
19:13:25 matt montagne -> plugins are fun :-)
19:14:21 matt montagne -> you can export to blogger too I think
19:14:31 JenM -> Wallwisher (test of): http://wallwisher.com/wall/edtechtalk
19:15:48 kcaise -> can you remove inappropriate comments?
19:16:23 JL -> http://www.discoveryeducation.com/survival/
19:16:34 JL -> http://www.newteachernetwork.net/
19:17:02 JohnS -> Big Huge Labs and Education: http://bighugelabs.com/education.php
19:17:03 kcaise -> yuck drupal!
19:17:15 dave -> @kcaise just for that...
19:17:37 BigMouthDurff -> some kick that cormier out
19:17:41 demacisaac -> j can you edit inappropriate comments on wallwisher?
19:18:39 dave -> http://drupal.org/node/534852
19:18:41 JohnS -> probably
19:19:32 PeggyG -> we're using Drupal for our AzTEA website-high learning curve but lots of tools
19:19:45 kcaise -> seems too complicated
19:19:50 JohnS -> Drupal is too powerful for what we need most of the time.
19:20:10 matt montagne -> one of the BEST school sites I
19:20:47 JenM -> Pre-release of Windows7: http://www.win741.com/
19:21:10 BigMouthDurff -> she's previewing it
19:21:14 matt montagne -> http://www.catlin.edu (school site created in Drupal...it is AWESOME)
19:21:21 BigMouthDurff -> hey matt
19:21:31 matt montagne -> hey bigmouthdurff
19:21:32 Alvin Trusty -> It's $15 for UFindlay students
19:21:41 stlouisohio -> agree jen
19:21:47 matt montagne -> Go back to Windows ME
19:22:07 Ron -> We did it a bit more directly - we joined MSDNAA at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/academic/default.aspx - $800/year allows us to give everything in the MS catalog to our kids.
19:22:12 Alvin Trusty -> 740 was taken
19:22:21 BigMouthDurff -> ")
19:22:28 JL -> http://domo.goanimate.com/
19:22:36 BigMouthDurff -> Hi Lisa
19:22:38 Ron -> Oops - I mean $300/yr
19:22:53 PeggyG -> really looking forward to the conversation with Curt Bonk!
19:23:11 JL -> http://brainflips.com/home.html
19:23:13 stlouisohio -> i am really looking forward to windows 7,they are also allowing you to upgrade to professional for the same pricer
19:23:16 stlouisohio -> price
19:23:16 LisaThumann -> Hi BigMouthDurff - luv the new name
19:23:16 BigMouthDurff -> i'm looking forward to dinner
19:23:23 BigMouthDurff -> :)
19:23:47 Ron -> @stlouisohio - It's rock solid. Ive been running it since the 'beta' - works great.
19:24:09 JohnS -> OffiSync Brings Microsoft Office And Google Docs Together At Last: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/05/04/offisync-brings-microsoft-office-an...
19:24:22 matt montagne -> I do
19:24:41 BigMouthDurff -> and why is Windows 7 any better than Vista?
19:24:53 BigMouthDurff -> hi 1%
19:24:54 Gary -> Because it is not Vista
19:25:02 onepercentyello -> good day
19:25:05 BigMouthDurff -> that's obvious
19:25:18 Alvin Trusty -> GoogleDocs is great for turning DOCX into DOC files
19:25:25 Ron -> Vista = Windows ME of 2008/09 :)
19:25:28 stlouisohio -> @ ron Yea i had the RC but it wasnt working with my livescribe pen, so i down graded until i could get the compatibility
19:25:41 dave -> http://couros.ca/eci831/?p=8 http://nogoodreason.typepad.co.uk/no_good_reason/2009/09/reflections-on-...
19:25:44 LisaThumann -> Clever Ron
19:25:49 ChrisJohnston -> You can also use Zoho Office. A bit more full featured than Google docs
19:25:55 kcaise -> i thought windows 7 was a similar version of vista 64bit
19:26:13 matt montagne -> @Chris... GE uses Zoho...they actually dumped Google in favor of Zoho last year
19:26:20 stlouisohio -> its everything vista should have been, btu failed to meet the mark
19:26:23 BigMouthDurff -> you all try it first and let me know
19:26:44 JohnS -> @Alvin you can also use the plugin from MS for old versions of office to open & convert docx files.
19:26:49 JenM -> Social Media Governance Examples: http://socialmediagovernance.com/policies.php
19:26:50 ChrisJohnston -> I now use a Mac but I thought Windows Vista (64-bit) was loads better than XP. Especially when working on a network
19:27:05 Alvin Trusty -> @johns most people can't handle a plugin
19:27:37 BigMouthDurff -> hi patrick
19:27:40 JL -> http://sixrevisions.com/resources/10-revealing-infographics-about-the-web/
19:28:14 ChrisJohnston -> If you really need full functionality and can't afford Office you can always use OpenOffice or StarOffice
19:28:39 hshawjr -> I have been using Vista since it came out and had 0 problems, I guess I was one of the lucky ones
19:28:46 PeggyG -> :-) pretty pictures!
19:28:58 JL -> http://www.echalk.co.uk/tasters/taster4/taster.html
19:29:09 BigMouthDurff -> hi traylor
19:29:17 JohnS -> Kids Ed Web Sites: http://kidsedwebsites.com/
19:29:23 ChrisJohnston -> Vista Service Pack 1 fixed most of Vista's problems
19:29:24 plnaugle -> Hi everybody Paula here.
19:29:29 Alvin Trusty -> @hshawjr you're normal. A few people with problems were VERY vocal
19:29:42 PeggyG -> Hi Paula-welcome!! :-)
19:29:47 BigMouthDurff -> i always confuse you too - sorry
19:29:50 plnaugle -> Hi Peggy.
19:30:02 JohnS -> Smart Bean: http://www.thesmartbean.com/
19:30:11 BigMouthDurff -> hi chris
19:30:14 ChrisJohnston -> Hey Paula, went to Kelly about substituting and I have to go back Nov 3rd
19:30:35 dave -> http://www.slideshare.net/Griner/fear-and-loathing-in-social-media-1175858
19:30:38 plnaugle -> Hope it works out Chris.
19:30:48 jackiegerstein -> I call them clickabl online clickable worksheets - hate them
19:30:51 LisaThumann -> It's the newly retired Connie Sitterley - Welcome Connie!!
19:30:55 matt montagne -> I'm sure Vista is a fine OS now...but it wasn't when Microsoft released it. And they never came out and apologized for charging money for a beta OS
19:31:02 dave -> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/8256490.stm
19:31:11 csitterley -> Hey Lisa!
19:31:27 BigMouthDurff -> for crying out loud
19:31:29 ChrisJohnston -> When Vista was released it did have its share of issues.
19:31:38 stlouisohio -> @ matt agreed no wonder the upgrade prices are so realistic
19:31:41 csitterley -> Lisa, have any work for me...I may get bored!
19:31:49 Gary -> There were some obvious problems with the study but....
19:32:03 DaveC -> I was installing a piece of software that said it required Windows XP or better. So I installed Linux.
19:32:09 JenM -> Job Posting @edublogs: http://edublogs.org/2009/09/18/turn-that-hobby-into-a-job-come-and-work-...
19:32:15 dave -> @gary :)
19:32:15 LisaThumann -> @Connie - I truly may - e-mail me directly or DM on Twitter @lthumann
19:32:33 csitterley -> Seriously-I was kidding, but I will email you
19:32:56 BigMouthDurff -> hi Anne
19:33:03 BigMouthDurff -> hey alec
19:33:08 Gary -> @dave - and someof use spent our time playing in ponds and became biology teachers.
19:33:09 ChrisJohnston -> DaveC, very funny
19:33:10 LisaThumann -> @Connie - Oh, I blogged a help wanted ad a week ago, so I didn't get that joke.
19:33:12 matt montagne -> @DaveC-we just deployed a Lab of 20 circa 2002 IBM computers- we used Ubuntu and they run incredibly fast
19:33:18 JL -> http://www.29travels.com/map.php
19:33:22 plnaugle -> Hi Alec.
19:33:35 ChrisJohnston -> Ubuntu has helped the Linux movement so much
19:33:40 courosa -> hey all
19:33:40 JL -> http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/09/google-books-publish-on-demand/
19:33:52 chellouise -> hello! heavens it's been forever
19:33:53 LisaThumann -> Hey Alec
19:34:06 csitterley -> I saw that blog but I thought it was mostly NJ- I will email you-I am always willing to work with learning and tech
19:34:08 hshawjr -> Hate it when I get bounced:{
19:34:09 DaveC -> I still use Debian on most of my machines. I haven't switched to Unbuntu yet but have thought about it. Maybe my next install I'll try it.
19:34:20 BigMouthDurff -> ooo - Nik is home
19:34:21 JL -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-30684_3-10357097-265.html
19:34:49 JohnS -> http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/09/18/google.books/index.html
19:35:05 JL -> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/teaching-computers-to-read-google...
19:35:06 plnaugle -> Hey Durff what's with the BigMouthDurff thing.
19:35:23 ChrisJohnston -> I've tried Suse and Fedora and gave up. Now I have a MacBook Pro and it works. It is restrictive but it works
19:35:26 JohnS -> CustomGuide FREE Quick References: http://www.customguide.com/quick_references.htm
19:35:40 matt montagne -> Google needs a new CAPTCHA system...the one they have now is ridiculoulsy difficult, even for kids
19:35:59 BigMouthDurff -> paula - it was from earlier this evening
19:36:04 JohnS -> Thousands of FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format: http://www.pppst.com/themes.html
19:36:04 csitterley -> The customguides are pretty nice-just 2 page quick references
19:36:07 BigMouthDurff -> Nik is sleeping
19:36:08 LisaThumann -> I agree Matt - any suggestions for the Apps for Ed folks?
19:36:17 BigMouthDurff -> and he smiles in his sleep
19:36:36 ChrisJohnston -> I also have Office 2008 for Mac and iWork 2009 so while I like Google Docs and open source stuff I don't really use it that much.
19:36:48 JohnS -> How to improve your email etiquette: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/life/how-to-improve-your-email-etiquette-...
19:36:48 plnaugle -> Durff we need pictures.
19:36:58 matt montagne -> @Lisa - perhaps an audio option for accesibility.
19:37:54 dave -> http://weblogg-ed.com/2009/dont-dont-dont-vs-do-do-do/
19:38:02 courosa -> link plop
19:38:35 dave -> http://www.quickonlinetips.com/archives/2009/09/unblock-websites/
19:38:39 sendkathy -> avidly listening and absorbing knowledge
19:38:44 csitterley -> A principal emailed in all caps once and I asked why he was yelling at me-he responded that his caps lock was stuck so he had no choice
19:38:50 chellouise -> raging against the machine are we? :-)
19:38:57 matt montagne -> that was a nice blog post from Will...the "do's" list is awesome
19:39:08 demacisaac -> oh I read will R article really interesting.
19:39:11 JenM -> Qualitative Research Journal Roundup: http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/calls.html
19:39:22 courosa -> YEAAAA!!!
19:39:49 JenM -> http://classtools.net/twitter/tweet.php?message=100%2520Helpful%2520Web%...
19:40:04 jackiegerstein -> ME!
19:40:26 dave -> i give learning styles a drop kik
19:40:28 chellouise -> thanks Jen! for the journals. I'm always looking for those
19:40:39 JL -> http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jgJce6q7W6GS_qlPWspwJQ...
19:40:41 BigMouthDurff -> Nik --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/28093697@N04/3816684186/
19:40:49 JenM -> @chellouise .. well, thank you! :)
19:41:13 JL -> http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1532312/world-rebooted
19:41:32 JL -> http://blogs.computerworld.com/14723/no_more_linux_security_bragging_bot...
19:41:38 plnaugle -> @Durff Too cute.
19:41:50 JohnS -> Did You Know 4.0: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8&feature=player_embedded and The Fischbowl: http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/
19:41:54 JL -> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090919/ap_on_re_us/us_cursive_angst
19:42:02 BigMouthDurff -> i think so too! grandson of my friend Danielle
19:42:06 plnaugle -> Why?
19:42:25 Alvin Trusty -> comic sans
19:42:33 sendkathy -> nice plopage
19:42:44 sendkathy -> we are teaching cursive
19:42:49 sendkathy -> and keyboarding
19:43:21 LisaThumann -> But I love the credits at the end
19:43:24 csitterley -> my district still pays for the handwriting materials every year- round, round, ready, write...
19:43:31 JohnS -> If You Printed The Internet …: http://www.cartridgesave.co.uk/news/if-you-printed-the-internet/
19:43:33 Anne V -> My older son writes in cursive, but younger son hates it
19:43:47 demacisaac -> do you think all the stats in 4.0 vid are true?
19:43:51 sendkathy -> my students think it's fun
19:43:52 BigMouthDurff -> it would be a huge waste of paper
19:43:57 sendkathy -> makes them feel grwon up
19:44:00 hshawjr -> Heck I hate cursive and have since 1960's :)
19:44:03 sendkathy -> grown up!
19:44:06 ChrisJohnston -> I'm 37 and I never use cursive. Haven't since I was about 22
19:44:08 kcaise -> yes, clarence fisher gave the company that produced the video the stats
19:44:25 JohnS -> I use cursive to write cards. That's all.
19:44:27 hshawjr -> I would much rather type in much faster
19:44:29 matt montagne -> Let's bring back cave art and cave drawings
19:44:30 sendkathy -> it's their perception like they've entered an ancient cursive club
19:44:33 BigMouthDurff -> Curtis Bonk in 18 min at http://edtechtalk.com/live too
19:44:40 jackiegerstein -> That is a cool visualiztion - if printed the internet
19:45:03 kcaise -> all within an hour?
19:45:07 Anne V -> "cursive club" lol! My older son just liked the way it looked, artsy type
19:45:08 BigMouthDurff -> everyone who wants to talk about dave
19:45:09 jackiegerstein -> Curtis Bonk is today?
19:45:18 ChrisJohnston -> Taking notes in college made me stop using cursive. Couldn't read my own notes. Didn't have a laptop then
19:45:20 JL -> coming up in 15 mins
19:45:21 PeggyG -> yes Jackie-15 mins
19:45:26 jackiegerstein -> Here?
19:45:33 PeggyG -> yes
19:45:33 BigMouthDurff -> yes
19:45:38 stlouisohio -> any check out the youtube "we need our techers to learn" http://bit.ly/8FPNV
19:45:39 jackiegerstein -> cool beans!
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