EdTechWeekly#79 - an ooVoo Foursome
admin - Mon, 2008-06-02 10:26
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EdTechWeekly #79
June 1, 2008
18:54:11 alicemercer -> Oh video, just when I'm using DH's cruddy laptop
18:54:56 JenniferW -> smiles -- we told hiim to use LOTS of lights
18:55:54 JenniferW -> hey guys and gals
18:56:00 JenM -> hi, guys
18:56:15 JenniferW -> okay -- dave wave at me -- so I will know who is who
18:56:22 JenniferW -> no echo
18:56:26 alicemercer -> Dave at left.
18:56:30 alicemercer -> JL at right
18:56:33 JenniferW -> no hum either
18:56:41 JenniferW -> hmmm in red???
18:56:43 alicemercer -> JS at center right, and I think you figure out JM
18:57:02 alicemercer -> EVERYTHING is taking longer on this laptop
18:57:13 JohnS -> The order can be different depending on ... unknown oovoo stuff
18:57:22 JohnS -> I'm in white. Dave is in black.
18:57:24 JenniferW -> Ohhh and it helps when their names are above them
18:57:31 alicemercer -> Look at that it's still sunny for JM ;-)
18:57:33 JenniferW -> so what does Dave's shirt say --- can we ask???
18:57:41 alicemercer -> DAVE: shirt?
18:57:49 JenniferW -> voices -- not faces
18:58:08 JenniferW -> LOLOL
18:58:14 alicemercer -> That looks like Korean?
18:58:17 JenniferW -> and what does John's S shirt say???
18:58:32 alicemercer -> Not Chinese?
18:58:36 JenniferW -> it is soooo small
18:58:48 alicemercer -> WOW!
18:58:51 JenniferW -> I love the PreShow
18:58:53 alicemercer -> Gag me
18:59:05 JenniferW -> poor alice -- she must want a shirt too
18:59:32 alicemercer -> I have a shirt, and it's plain brown
18:59:38 JenniferW -> it is our now subliminal advertising at EdTech Talk -- but we won't be disclosing it anytime soon
18:59:48 JenniferW -> there is an echo now
19:00:34 JenniferW -> jen does need a video show -- she really does -- we need to come up with a scenario -- totally fake
19:01:02 JenniferW -> no ec ho right now
19:01:16 JenniferW -> Lisa Durff in the chatroom!!
19:01:25 mrsdurff -> shhh
19:01:25 mrsdurff -> !
19:01:40 mrsdurff -> yes]
19:01:42 JenniferW -> so have you -- JEFF - done anything with the green screen yet???
19:02:07 mrich1911 -> ustream rock...
19:02:26 alicemercer -> Jeff, how often are you randomly searced at airports?
19:02:36 alicemercer -> My nephews get strip searched often
19:02:44 JenniferW -> you do look thinner in front of the green screen
19:02:53 mrsdurff -> Jeff a bit loud
19:02:58 mrsdurff -> ty
19:03:14 mrsdurff -> good
19:03:26 mrsdurff -> sing dave
19:03:34 alicemercer -> Wshat's with popup?
19:03:59 mrich1911 -> Is there an agenda of your show this evening?
19:04:06 mrsdurff -> i twittered
19:04:11 mrsdurff -> just now too
19:04:18 kenleek -> What's a twitter?
19:04:20 JL -> http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk
19:04:24 mrich1911 -> lol
19:04:28 mrich1911 -> my bad....
19:04:31 JenniferW -> you do have an agenda --
19:04:37 dave -> http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080601
19:04:44 JenniferW -> it is just a relaxed agenda
19:04:45 alicemercer -> delicious LINKs are the agenda, but not all that ares submitted, are read...
19:04:48 mrich1911 -> thanks...
19:04:53 alicemercer -> And NEVER in order
19:04:56 JenniferW -> Yes, I was serious
19:05:05 JenniferW -> however, perhaps I should rethink
19:05:08 mrich1911 -> Have you all seen the hype about the end of the Internet in 2012?
19:05:24 JenniferW -> i have not
19:05:40 kenleek -> I'm a full noobie... What's a twitter?
19:05:41 mrsdurff -> coffee time
19:05:48 alicemercer -> Eudpunk? EDUPUNK? is that some marketing scheme?
19:05:51 JenniferW -> just put the mohawk on your green screen
19:06:02 mrich1911 -> http://ipower.ning.com/netneutrality
19:06:29 sroseman -> you guys have star power!!
19:06:42 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edupunk
19:07:13 alicemercer -> If he hates it so much, why does he use it?
19:07:20 JenniferW -> David warlick invented a new word??
19:07:46 JenniferW -> yep -- reading it on Wikipedia - Jim Groom
19:07:49 sharonp -> ooo.... it's oooovooooo
19:07:56 JenniferW -> is the one who invented the word
19:08:12 JenniferW -> Sharon you have to look really really REALLY hard to see the WOW2 logo
19:08:15 alicemercer -> Okay, where I teach, folks outside the system generally end up in jail. I'm trying to work on integrating students in, without stomping all over their culture.
19:08:42 JenniferW -> you don't like the word PUNK??
19:08:46 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberpunk
19:08:54 ds -> edupunk 4 president
19:09:05 alicemercer -> GAG ME
19:09:12 mrsdurff -> only dave
19:09:15 JenniferW -> we have ECHO
19:09:23 mrsdurff -> nope
19:09:23 sroseman -> yes
19:09:40 JenniferW -> I bet it is Schinker -- when he switched over his headset
19:09:51 JenniferW -> ohhh it is Jen
19:10:08 JenM -> http://cosl.usu.edu/events/opened2008/call-for-papers
19:10:41 sharonp -> okay, I want to know how heavy on teh bandwidth oovoo is .... looking for a good app to connect with low bandwidth schools in Kenya
19:11:04 JL -> http://www.edubloggercon.com/BLC2008 edubloggercon East» BLC2008
19:11:05 JohnS -> oovoo is a bit intensive, Sharon
19:11:06 sharonp -> okay, does oovoo interface with ustream??
19:11:13 JenniferW -> I am going to THAT!!! :)
19:11:16 JohnS -> That's Jeff magic
19:11:26 JL -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com/ Educon21 - Jan. 23-25, 2008
19:11:27 sharonp -> how cool.... it is a great conference
19:11:38 JenniferW -> and I don't know if I am going to that one
19:11:49 mrsdurff -> you mean 2209
19:11:51 JohnS -> AdSense for RSS Feeds Set to Launch Next Week: http://mashable.com/2008/05/30/adsense-for-rss/
19:11:59 sharonp -> I want to bring some of my students (and my daughter) to educon
19:11:59 mrsdurff -> oops 2009
19:12:36 JenniferW -> actually -- it is going to be really helpful for a friend of my who was losing blog $$ due to rss feeds
19:12:56 JenniferW -> yep -- that is what she said.
19:13:26 sharonp -> I thought John Schinker was going to be wearing his WOW2 shirt tonight.... I was led astray by false advertising!!
19:13:34 JenniferW -> he is wearing his WOW2 shirt
19:13:38 JenniferW -> we just need a larger LOGO
19:13:46 sharonp -> under the other shirt!?
19:13:47 JenniferW -> yes -- we have to disclose that
19:13:51 dave -> http://www.edutopia.org/ikid-digital-learner-technology-2008
19:13:58 mrsdurff -> a black cross
19:14:00 loonyhiker -> i was just listening to wow2 while gardening when i realized what time it was and ran in here
19:14:10 JohnS -> SP the logo is right here:
19:14:20 JenniferW -> is Mark Presky doing better than????
19:14:34 alicemercer -> Ah, NOPE!
19:14:55 JenM -> http://www.aupress.ca/books/Terry_Anderson.php
19:15:03 alicemercer -> And what technologies. My students know cell phone in elementary, but not as good on pc/browser all though some are
19:15:04 dave -> yayTerry
19:15:05 James.Sigler -> Where is the audio?
19:15:25 ds -> ustream
19:15:41 JenniferW -> to the right -- of the chat
19:15:41 dave -> jen has a crush on terry
19:15:54 JenniferW -> very very soft
19:15:57 mrsdurff -> yes too low
19:16:00 JenniferW -> very very soft
19:16:10 JenniferW -> still soft
19:16:15 kenleek -> Just yell
19:16:26 loonyhiker -> use your teacher voice lol
19:16:29 JenniferW -> on a scale of 1 - 10 -- your level is a 4
19:16:39 mrsdurff -> the truth comes out
19:16:49 sroseman -> love the green background with the red ..complementary colours
19:16:52 mrsdurff -> too loud
19:16:52 JenniferW -> oooh you are a 9
19:17:13 JenniferW -> Yes, Jeff will need to dress for the green screen from now on
19:17:19 sharonp -> gotta logout folks, my son needs my computer for a project... cya!!
19:17:22 James.Sigler -> Rats, ustream doesn't work in Ubuntu, I'll have to switch to Windows machine
19:17:24 loonyhiker -> looks christmas-y
19:17:25 JL -> http://www.webupon.com/Audio/Music-Rules-2-Top-60-Music-Websites-That-De... Music Rules 2: Top 60 Music Websites That Deliver the Greatest Free Music
19:17:52 JL -> http://listen.grooveshark.com/ Grooveshark Lite - Listen to Music Online
19:18:01 JohnS -> Immune Attack: http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/?i=53879
19:18:09 ds -> on eeepc, so can't grab audio for audio, sorry James
19:18:30 ds -> audio restream, that is...
19:18:37 mrsdurff -> yuck!
19:18:41 JL -> will crank up ETT A
19:18:41 JohnS -> The Connections Between Music and Mathematics: http://www.scienceray.com/Mathematics/The-Connections-Between-Music-and-...
19:18:46 JL -> now streaming
19:18:48 JohnS -> The actual video game: http://fas.org/immuneattack/
19:19:01 dave -> http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=633&action=article
19:19:39 James.Sigler -> I can hear! Thanks JL
19:19:48 JenM -> http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=550%20
19:19:54 ds -> thx JL
19:19:57 ds -> hey Alec
19:20:05 alicemercer -> Wel, I can't cause it's blocked, but I do, to share with adults and outside.
19:20:15 ds -> 2,4,6,8 innovate
19:20:21 courosa -> hey all
19:20:29 courosa -> 'sup dave?
19:20:33 ds -> Jen, were you pd for that plug?
19:20:57 JenM -> I got $2 for the plug
19:21:06 courosa -> slow clap?
19:21:12 dave -> lol
19:21:22 JL -> http://www.text2mindmap.com/ Text 2 Mind Map - An online text to mind map converter
19:21:26 ds -> been saying that forever, no reason why we can
19:21:37 courosa -> dave, do i get to preview this article?
19:21:40 JL -> http://bbrainy.com/ B. Brainy / Latest Links
19:21:43 alicemercer -> Hey, I can do that in Inspiration, but if you don't have that????
19:21:58 ds -> t have "students" teach selves and us
19:22:08 JohnS -> Mapping Our World: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/mapping_our_world/mapping_ou...
19:22:12 courosa -> i haven't seen this ustream format, is it new?
19:22:14 dave -> mmm guest256 eh?
19:22:21 guest256 -> *grin*
19:22:24 alicemercer -> Yeah, until I have my WHOLE lab go there.
19:22:34 alicemercer -> then it'll be 30 votes as a cut-off
19:23:24 dave -> http://copyrightfriendly.wikispaces.com/
19:23:48 ds -> @courosa it's oovoo back in thru ustream
19:23:56 alicemercer -> OUCH
19:24:05 courosa -> title a bit of a misnomer however
19:24:35 JenM -> http://scout.wisc.edu/Reports/ScoutReport/2008/scout-bestof.php
19:24:43 sroseman -> will this oovoo/ustream be archived for future reference
19:24:53 JL -> yes, sue
19:25:06 alicemercer -> California has something like that
19:25:30 JL -> http://www.uidaho.edu/special-collections/Other.Repositories.html Repositories of Primary Sources
19:25:36 kenleek -> alice- what's the link for the Cali one?
19:25:41 courosa -> is it oovoo audio, or still skype?
19:25:46 JL -> http://www.seomoz.org/web2.0/short SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards - Just the Winners
19:26:16 JohnS -> Tag Galaxy: http://www.taggalaxy.de/
19:26:20 alicemercer -> Wufoo you have used I'm sure. lots of folks use it for fill in form
19:26:45 dave -> oovoo
19:26:49 dave -> no skype
19:26:56 JenniferW -> I thought tag galaxy was interesting
19:27:05 dave -> http://beyond-school.org/2008/05/29/prophecy-revisited/
19:27:33 alicemercer -> Oh yeah, that was the one that PhotoJoJo readers crashed, when they all went there after recommendation
19:27:53 alicemercer -> But SHOULD they.
19:28:13 JenM -> http://ideasandthoughts.org/2008/05/30/responding-to-potential-subversiv...
19:28:15 alicemercer -> My favorite project assignment, do a video of your science project...
19:28:26 alicemercer -> AND NO DIRECTION on how to do video
19:28:40 JenniferW -> ahhh beyond school is Clay???
19:29:25 alicemercer -> Yeah, what age?
19:29:52 ds -> I think the response by Chris is edupunk, and fantastic
19:29:59 sheila -> just check the handwriting! :)
19:30:10 alicemercer -> Principals LOVE to use that argument
19:30:14 ds -> exactly
19:30:44 ds -> porhibition won't work and this way the conversation can continue
19:31:03 JL -> http://www.microsoft.com/uk/education/curriculum_materials_for_teachers/... Curriculum Materials for Teachers http://thinkfinity.org/EducatorHome.aspx Thinkfinity for Educators
19:31:26 JenniferW -> @alicemercer -- that is happening at my school ALL the time -- and the teachers are giving the kids F's for not completing an assignment they don't know how to do. I was FURIOUS
19:31:34 alicemercer -> That was a university in Canada and the guy who formed the study group was expelled, then readmitted, but got an 5
19:31:41 alicemercer -> JW: I HATE that...
19:31:47 courosa -> ryerson
19:32:10 JenniferW -> July 1 is his last day
19:32:14 JenniferW -> right???
19:32:21 JenniferW -> or June 30th
19:32:27 mrsdurff -> for real?
19:32:38 JohnS -> The Connections Between Music and Mathematics: http://www.scienceray.com/Mathematics/The-Connections-Between-Music-and-...
19:32:38 JenniferW -> he is NOT leaving Microsoft
19:32:40 alicemercer -> Hey, I LOVE Read*Write*Think...
19:32:47 JenniferW -> he is stepping down from "leadership"
19:32:55 mrsdurff -> what IS he doing?
19:32:58 alicemercer -> The bio cube was a HIT in my lab, so rock on!
19:33:08 courosa -> focusing on bill gates foundation
19:33:25 mrsdurff -> so he wants the income without the responsibility
19:33:26 dave -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24880942/
19:33:35 ds -> speakin' o FB and Cdn students, U of Ottawa Law students have filed a privacy complaint against
19:33:50 courosa -> if i was responsible in any part for VIsta, I'd be hiding.
19:33:55 JenniferW -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13953_3-9953055-80.html
19:34:01 alicemercer -> MrsDurff: he's ready for "passive" income stage
19:34:06 JenniferW -> I think he should take credit for Win ME
19:34:21 mrsdurff -> so am I alice, where do I apply?
19:34:23 alicemercer -> I always ignore that message to take an ergo break
19:34:27 JenniferW -> that gave us Spider Solataire -- and I think that that is about it...... :)
19:34:38 sroseman -> a great game http://www.eastoftheweb.com/games/Popword.html
19:34:45 alicemercer -> MrsDurff, FIRST found a multimillion dollar company, THEN reitre
19:34:45 JenniferW -> the 2 new Mac commercials about VISTA are great
19:34:46 JenM -> http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb400673&slice...
19:34:51 courosa -> Learned all about trajectory from Scorched Earth
19:34:52 sroseman -> hubby and I are competing
19:35:02 JenniferW -> @Sroseman -- that is in my newsletter for this month __ HOW DID YOU KNOW
19:35:02 mrsdurff -> that's too much work alice
19:35:03 alicemercer -> Hey Miguel
19:35:15 mrsdurff -> hi miguel
19:35:20 JenniferW -> just found eastoftheweb today
19:35:23 courosa -> what does support Windows Vista?
19:35:26 MGuhlin.net -> Hi folks!
19:35:30 sroseman -> It is quite addictive, JenW
19:35:32 JenniferW -> hey Miguel
19:35:33 courosa -> Windows Vista doesn't support Windows Vista
19:35:37 JenniferW -> Ha
19:35:42 alicemercer -> AC: TOO funny
19:35:50 ds -> http://web5.uottawa.ca/techlaw/en/newsdir/display/article/cippic-files-p...
19:35:55 sroseman -> I am a mindreader, JenW
19:36:00 JenniferW -> you are
19:36:01 JL -> http://www.sharenator.com/Worlds_strangest_looking_animals/
19:36:23 courosa -> is that Ralph Nader's daughter?
19:36:28 JL -> http://edtechroundup.com/
19:36:32 alicemercer -> Save that for son, He's into big foot and atavism this week
19:36:40 alicemercer -> AC: MEAN!
19:36:54 JenniferW -> hmmmm will there be a post show????
19:36:55 dave -> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7233
19:37:03 courosa -> this rules!!!
19:37:16 ds -> saw and resisted
19:37:18 mrsdurff -> how does that help?
19:37:20 ds -> be the end o me
19:37:21 courosa -> only works on FF2
19:37:25 JenniferW -> which Firefox??
19:37:28 JL -> http://www.spreadfirefox.com/en-US/worldrecord/
19:37:40 courosa -> not FF3, staying away from that for now
19:37:45 JenniferW -> I absolutely HATED FF3
19:37:48 JL -> http://www.webcastacademy.net
19:37:57 JenM -> ALL links for tonight: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080601
19:37:58 JenniferW -> HATED -- TOOK IT OFF -- WILL NOT PROMOTE :)
19:38:09 mrsdurff -> really?
19:38:09 JenniferW -> she says with a smile
19:38:09 alicemercer -> JW< how do you really feel?
19:38:19 mrsdurff -> i'll steer clear then
19:38:20 courosa -> yea, i don't like it that much either, nothing works with it yet
19:38:35 JenniferW -> you know me -- usually am not THAT VOCAL about hating somethign
19:38:36 alicemercer -> JW:maybe you could reco it to teacher's assigning multimedia/video reports with no support
19:38:41 loonyhiker -> thank you!
19:38:41 James.Sigler -> FF3 does not support most plugins yet
19:38:44 JenniferW -> haha
19:38:52 alicemercer -> JW: That'll teach 'em
19:38:57 ds -> ff3
19:38:59 mrsdurff -> FF3
19:38:59 JenniferW -> ALSO -- with FF3 if you save your bookmarks
19:39:05 courosa -> Questions to our wonderful hosts: could you explain the new format, techy pieces please?
19:39:10 JenniferW -> when you install FF2 again -- it will NOT reinstall your bookmarks
19:39:14 mrsdurff -> go Jen
19:39:17 JenniferW -> it can't read FF3 bookmarks
19:39:18 JenniferW -> :)
19:39:20 JL -> oovoo 'jefflebow' to join in
19:39:22 JenniferW -> I was FURIOUS
19:39:25 mrsdurff -> tell us about FF3
19:39:26 JenniferW -> but I have delicious
19:39:33 JenniferW -> hated ff3 -- yep yep yep
19:39:39 ds -> can't imagine that oovoo will wrk on eeepc
19:39:40 courosa -> watching the little ones
19:39:57 JenniferW -> 30 days or 30 usages??
19:40:00 courosa -> boo too oovoo being limited
19:40:30 alicemercer -> Family calls
19:40:32 alicemercer -> night all
19:40:32 ds -> JL's the host
19:40:40 mrsdurff -> nite alice
19:40:46 JenniferW -> you guys need to talk about what you will wear each week -- coordinate clothing shows!!!
19:40:47 James.Sigler -> Super Jeff
19:40:49 alicemercer -> too cute
19:41:02 JenniferW -> no host?? no one starts the show??
19:41:07 ds -> thought that might be the options
19:41:09 JenniferW -> no one sets it up???
19:41:11 ds -> ind settings by user
19:41:17 ds -> accept file and such
19:41:18 loonyhiker -> maybe it just likes his outfit?
19:41:18 ds -> maybe
19:41:19 courosa -> ust want to know how audio is being handlesd, still same way (via skype), and I guess is one peron just using something to stream video out to ustream?
19:41:20 JenniferW -> there has to be an originator???
19:41:42 matt montagne -> hey y'all
19:41:48 courosa -> hey matt
19:41:54 JenniferW -> last night he had FIREWORKS?!!!
19:42:04 James.Sigler -> Night all
19:42:10 mrsdurff -> hi matt
19:42:22 ds -> eeepc means I can't type and see video at same time
19:42:24 JenniferW -> poor John Schinker -- Earthquakes in Ohio
19:42:28 ds -> have to scroll back n forth
19:42:32 ds -> missed balloon
19:42:35 ds -> :)
19:42:40 matt montagne -> r they done??
19:42:45 JenniferW -> almost
19:42:47 ds -> post show
19:42:48 courosa -> yea, post show
19:42:52 JenniferW -> post post show
19:42:59 matt montagne -> rats!!!
19:43:12 ds -> matt get in there
19:43:22 ds -> let's have some "let's go red wings"
19:43:33 ds -> love it
19:43:40 JenniferW -> sheila is frozen
19:43:40 ds -> was the singing archived JL?
19:43:46 JohnS -> We like the red wings, then?
19:43:49 mrsdurff -> o want to hear JL sing
19:44:02 matt montagne -> @ds ... my prediction is looking good...red wings 4-1 over pens!!
19:44:04 JenniferW -> is she still listening to the ustream
19:44:10 dave -> @courosa i finally managed to get that reference in
19:44:23 mrsdurff -> hi parisi
19:44:27 JenniferW -> dialup is a pain huh, sheila :)
19:44:28 lparisi -> hey durff
19:44:31 JenM -> doug ... jump in ...
19:44:33 courosa -> @dave, cool, still want to see the article, do send
19:44:40 dave -> umm... its up.
19:44:43 dave -> at innovate
19:44:50 courosa -> ok
19:44:52 JenM -> @alec http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=550%20
19:44:56 ds -> @js matt grew up as a "rink rat" at Joe Louis arena
19:45:00 JenM -> dave's article ...
19:45:12 JenniferW -> where is Sheila???
19:45:16 courosa -> thanks
19:45:21 mrsdurff -> a rink rat? so he can ice skate?
19:45:28 JenniferW -> LOL -- he got up to show the airballoon -- we saw his pants
19:45:53 courosa -> innovate needs openid
19:45:53 ds -> @durff, can't swear, but I
19:45:59 loonyhiker -> i missed the pants but saw the balloon
19:45:59 ds -> 'd guess so
19:46:05 JohnS -> http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=person&id=15387
19:46:15 JenniferW -> where is the balloon now John???
19:46:19 JenniferW -> OHhhhhh yes
19:46:25 JohnS -> http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=550
19:46:25 JL -> http://www.visuwords.com/
19:46:28 JenniferW -> I see him
19:46:30 JohnS -> Balloon landed at the school
19:46:40 mrsdurff -> i grew up ice skating in a straight line
19:46:44 JenniferW -> how is Bonnie??
19:46:44 sroseman -> Is oovoo
19:46:48 sroseman -> still on
19:46:59 mrsdurff -> hi clay
19:47:01 JenniferW -> John -- yell for Debbie
19:47:03 JL -> oovoo 'jefflebow' to join in
19:47:05 ds -> "...be very quier as we sneak up on the spouse in it's natural environment..."
19:47:08 dave -> @courosa emailed you.
19:47:14 cburell -> hi waht's up
19:47:16 courosa -> thanks
19:47:19 courosa -> outta here, gnite all
19:47:32 JenM -> @alec ... nite
19:47:34 mrsdurff -> how many can you get in oovoo?
19:47:38 dave -> nighty nighty
19:47:39 JenniferW -> well this is great fun -- but -- gonna head out
19:47:46 JenniferW -> take care -- see you next week
19:47:47 ds -> cya Alec
19:47:51 matt montagne -> @ds..I probably went to 15 home games in '86 when I was 15-got will call tix from my baseball coach who was a manual stat keeper at the Joe-Steve Y was in his 2nd or 3rd season at the time
19:47:52 mrsdurff -> see ya Jen
19:47:57 JenniferW -> nice to see TOM, Jen!!! I didn't believe he really existed :)
19:47:59 ds -> it's the DIY piece
19:48:05 ds -> you already are JL
19:48:15 ds -> WB is nothing if not EDUPUNK
19:48:26 matt montagne -> chat tool s super slow for me...:(
19:48:28 JenM -> here ... I will slowly move the video to him when he doesn't realize it ...
19:48:32 matt montagne -> :(
19:48:42 JenniferW -> ohhhhhh another tom siting
19:48:44 courosa -> all you have to know about edupunk - http://img.skitch.com/20080601-md2pm71ym8fuey4bgtnwk7w7e4.jpg
19:48:56 mrsdurff -> so we should call everyone punk? isn't that a bit rude?
19:48:57 guest256 -> Here's my contributed link for tonight. See what JohnS really looks like while webcasting. (-: http://shutterbugschink.wordpress.com/2008/06/01/our-webcast-studio/
19:49:05 JenniferW -> we like seeing TOM
19:49:08 JenniferW -> hi TOM!!
19:49:50 JenniferW -> oh get the other picture too
19:49:57 JenniferW -> that guest 256 dropped
19:50:06 guest256 -> That kid was going to EAT the sand...
19:50:34 mrsdurff -> i have to agree with that kid
19:50:39 cburell -> just bumbled in randomly but off to start the Monday morning grind here in Seoul. Packing up classroom for year's end - yay! (irony) take care.
19:50:47 JenniferW -> which picture are you talking about??
19:50:53 JenniferW -> ahhhh -- yep
19:51:04 JenniferW -> John needs more books!!!
19:51:10 mrsdurff -> Js - there are regulations
19:51:27 guest256 -> I think I'd better leave now!! Bye all!
19:51:32 JenniferW -> why 2 computers???
19:52:04 JenniferW -> Jeff -- how many computers do you have??
19:52:25 JenniferW -> okay
19:52:36 sroseman -> you look like a geek, John
19:53:04 JenniferW -> John brews his own
19:53:06 mrsdurff -> js is breaking some rule somewhere, isn't he?
19:53:35 mrsdurff -> we'll make one up
19:54:34 mrsdurff -> nope
19:54:40 sroseman -> definitely ..value added
19:54:42 loonyhiker -> i like seein what you look like
19:54:55 ds -> yes to flickr
19:54:58 ds -> w pic
19:55:03 mrsdurff -> value NOT added
19:55:06 sroseman -> I like the format
19:55:08 ds -> and there wouldn't be flickr pic
19:55:15 ds -> without pics
19:55:24 loonyhiker -> i liked the baby picture especially
19:55:33 ds -> Rev Jim in the house
19:55:35 Eric -> yeah, you should release the video. Why not?
19:55:45 mrsdurff -> how about baby pics only of the cohosts?
19:55:53 ds -> l'originale
19:55:53 JenM -> is that the REAL edupunk or just playing one on ETT ...
19:55:58 matt montagne -> this is probably the direction this is heading...it is gr8 you're pushing envelope
19:56:03 loonyhiker -> @mrsdurff but would they have their pants on?
19:56:04 JohnS -> Like that's hard to find. I use a baby pic as an avatar all the time.
19:56:18 mrsdurff -> i would hope so loony
19:56:25 jimgroom -> I liked the sandcastles picture so much, I had to stop by :)
19:56:43 JenM -> are you going out to Logan for Open Ed Conf?
19:56:49 JenM -> @jim?
19:56:54 dave -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/96682437@N00/2542585269/
19:57:03 jimgroom -> I don;t think I am this year
19:57:04 mrsdurff -> well gotta get more coffee - see you edupunks
19:57:18 jimgroom -> @Jen, is the talk over? Did I miss it?
19:57:19 loonyhiker -> odd smell?????
19:57:36 JenM -> @jim ... yep ... we are over ... just playing now ...
19:57:42 jimgroom -> ok
19:58:02 JenM -> @jim ... we can do it over if you want :)
19:58:19 JenM -> p.s. Jim ... this is Jennifer Maddrell btw
19:58:42 loonyhiker -> thanks for the fun guys, was just showin hubby what i watch and listen to :)
19:58:48 loonyhiker -> night all
19:58:49 jimgroom -> The real Jen
19:58:57 JenM -> I like to think so :)
19:59:05 sroseman -> thanks all what a hoot
19:59:06 jimgroom -> Bye jen
19:59:14 ds -> again
19:59:16 sroseman -> again
19:59:17 ds -> re oovoo
19:59:34 ds -> cya all
19:59:36 sroseman -> chow
19:59:43 matt montagne -> chow y'all
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