Women of Web 2.0 Show # 69

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Welcome to Show 69, for Women of Web 2.0. Our guest Patrick Higgins joins us tonight in a great conversation about Diigo, teaching and the passion for teaching and how to increase technology use in our classrooms through a supportive network.

Chat: with all the great links!

 20:42:38  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Getting ready!

 20:50:02  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: getting ready to go live

 20:52:26  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: how is the sound

 20:53:53  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello just starting the stream

 20:53:59  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm hearing you :-)

 20:54:33  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I can only stay a short time because I have a neighborhood association meeting but I didn't want to miss out.

 20:55:14  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: glad to see you Peggy

 20:55:38  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl, Jen & Sharon--anyone else there?

 20:56:18  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: getting the countdown

 20:56:48  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Good evening everyone

 20:57:04  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello all. glad you are here

 20:57:26  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hi coletteC

 20:57:53  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Jen-you need to stop tweeting about that fabulous food--makes me drool and none of it is on my diet!! Painful!

 20:57:56  ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: hello :)

 20:59:00  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Smiles Peggy -- it is going to be a great night

 20:59:06  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I will be stuffed  :)

 20:59:27  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Mb6XLunYtIE

 20:59:35  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm not trusting any links I get today due to April Fools! :-)

 20:59:43  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: smart!

 20:59:50  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: we promise to be VERY VERY good with links

 21:00:00  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Kristin's session was awesome today and is posted.

 21:00:04  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello Alice

 21:00:09  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy  -- Link please

 21:00:14  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy, please share!

 21:00:18  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: hi there!

 21:00:35  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello jeffmason, welcome

 21:00:53  ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: Allowing Diigo to Play Nice with del.icio.us http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ahjrstnd78fn_138bzzxsdp

 21:01:05  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: thanks

 21:01:06  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: hello cheryloaks

 21:01:10  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Kristin's conversation - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/openpd

 21:01:12  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Cheri, glad you are here

 21:01:16  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: hey Cheri, four responses in half an hour!!

 21:01:29  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - they like you best

 21:01:35  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl

 21:01:56  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: webslides sound wonderful for teacher presentations

 21:02:15  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy -- it is just such an easy way to show screen shots

 21:02:26  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Absolutely!

 21:02:44  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome EVERYONE to our SHOW tonight with Patrick Higgins

 21:02:50  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: You can find all our links at

 21:03:03  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080401

 21:03:13  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Please choose your COLORS for tonights show -- far left icon

 21:03:20  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm thinking about creating a list on Diigo for things I might want to blog about and keep it private--sites, highlighted points and my comments so I can find them later

 21:03:34  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: That is a good idea Peggy

 21:03:53  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Do you think it will work?

 21:04:05  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG QhT  great ideA!

 21:04:06  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://yuuguu.com

 21:04:18  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.twiddla.com/Home.aspx

 21:04:21  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: yuuguu is desktop sharing for windows and mac

 21:04:27  ffoxworth -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG I might try that too.

 21:04:31  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.tnttips.com/

 21:04:56  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://tappedin.org/tappedin/do/CalendarAction    a great calendar of events for the month

 21:05:10  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html

 21:05:25  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello Lorna, jeannine, sue roseman!

 21:05:30  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Twiddla! That was one I was hoping your'd share! Love it!

 21:05:40  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: hi Cheryl

 21:05:41  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl

 21:05:52  jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Hello!

 21:05:54  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy--- you will need to tell me more -- it is brand new to me

 21:05:56  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jeanniene

 21:05:59  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome to EVERYONE!!!

 21:06:01  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.needleworkspictures.com/ocr/blog/?p=289

 21:06:24  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I don't see that last WOW on the delicious links for today-mz?

 21:06:27  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: ha ha

 21:06:35  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/03/offline-access-to-google-docs.html

 21:06:36  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Remember that all our links area at http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080401

 21:06:37  jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lorna

 21:06:40  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: That one worried me - students would use it for not-so-good things

 21:06:52  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: it is the TNT link

 21:06:57  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Teaching and Technology

 21:07:17  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hi Lindanitsche, welcome

 21:07:23  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @JenWagner-thanks- got it :-)

 21:07:28  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and ---- check out our website later this week -- I am doing a MAJOR update tomorrow!!!

 21:07:36  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome dsj

 21:07:38  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Linda and DSJ

 21:07:49  ffoxworth -> -EdTechTalk: When I try to copy and paste links from here, they don't paste and open.  Any suggestions?

 21:07:49  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Maureen/bcdtech

 21:07:53  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: And welcome to our guest Patrick Higgins

 21:08:06  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello ffoxworth

 21:08:18  Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all

 21:08:27  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: I think I heard about it.  Is it Google gears?

 21:08:28  dsj -> -EdTechTalk: zoho

 21:08:32  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://chalkdust101.wordpress.com/

 21:08:37  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Patrick's Blog

 21:08:37  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Thinkfree

 21:08:51  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21...

 21:08:53  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: ffoxworth, on a mac if I click on links I get bumped out, so I usually type them

 21:09:06  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @ffoxworth - it only works for me if I click on the links in the chat

 21:09:17  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://21stcenturylearning.typepad.com/blog/2008/03/10-principles-f.html

 21:09:19  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: sometimes I can use a combination with control, option or apple, but not always consistent for me.

 21:09:30  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Some links that Patrick wanted to share with us

 21:09:30  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Patrick's School -- http://www.sparta.org/spartatps/site/default.asp

 21:09:56  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello erhubbell welcome

 21:10:12  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello mmkrill, welcome

 21:10:20  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello James.

 21:10:28  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Michelle

 21:10:35  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: Jen, I missed your Wow..what was the link

 21:10:37  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: If you have questions for Patrick -- please post them to the chat room!!!

 21:10:43  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sue -- I had 3 -- just a second

 21:10:50  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Hi

 21:10:52  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.twiddla.com/Home.aspx

 21:11:05  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.tnttips.com/

 21:11:13  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and the 3rd was the GOOGLE APRIL FOOL'S JOKE

 21:11:32  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html

 21:11:36  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Jen

 21:11:55  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Everything is on our delicious account at -- http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080401

 21:11:58  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: It's such a challenge to find the appropriate tools to match the curriculum!

 21:12:10  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Pedagogy and technology tools go hand-in-hand

 21:12:42  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21...

 21:12:49  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Patrick's Google Notebook

 21:12:52  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @James.Sigler-absolutely but so often the focus is on the tools

 21:13:20  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome back FFoxworth

 21:13:43  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy It should be the opposite, the focus should be on the pedagogy

 21:13:50  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Lisa!!!  Good to see you!!

 21:13:54  ffoxworth -> -EdTechTalk: I tried typing in the URL, and that works but kicks me out of this discussion.

 21:14:10  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @James.Sigler-I completely agree!

 21:14:10  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hi Jen

 21:14:32  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:14:52  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Patrick, is going to go through his google notebook as he is talking. www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21tYAj

 21:15:17  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello lori

 21:15:39  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome AnneC

 21:15:41  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21...  patricks notebook he is referring to now

 21:16:15  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: How is your district showing teachers that they are allowed to risk trying new technologies?

 21:16:19  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello dlaufenberg and anne c

 21:17:05  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Shaun, Ryan, you are being talked about!

 21:17:09  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Ryan -- Patrick just dropped your name!!

 21:17:59  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: hello all

 21:18:04  ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: great ideas for prof development

 21:18:05  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Lori --

 21:18:10  shaun fletcher -> -EdTechTalk: hello

 21:18:19  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hi Lori! Good to have you here

 21:18:27  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: vox pox

 21:18:27  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Shaun!

 21:18:39  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Hey DLaufenberg -- congrats on the new job!!!

 21:18:40  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Many teachers want to know the steps in integrating technology

 21:18:44  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Ryan, were your ears ringing?

 21:18:54  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: It's good to see learning 2.0 spell that out

 21:18:56  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Charlene!!!

 21:19:15  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Love the idea of creating a community for your early adopters--they are tapped so frequently to support newbies and it's like having a special gifted class to nurture them through their peers

 21:19:17  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Jen and everyone!

 21:19:19  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello charlenen!

 21:19:34  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I say that all the time - they don't know what they don't know

 21:19:37  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: teachers need to trust the technology too

 21:19:56  ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy - this list looks very doable too!

 21:20:14  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Lorna

 21:20:32  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Lorna!

 21:20:36  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: Amen to that!

 21:20:38  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Jen wandered away for a sec

 21:20:46  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Let Patrick know, do you consider yourself new to using web tools, a pro, or someone still learning!

 21:20:50  mmkrill -> -EdTechTalk: We have the small community of early adopters in place...

 21:20:50  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Network Learning - nice term

 21:20:54  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: I am still learning.

 21:21:03  mmkrill -> -EdTechTalk: but now I think we need to go for the tentative ones

 21:21:04  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff Hellllo

 21:21:06  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: always learning here cheryl

 21:21:08  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: lifelong learning

 21:21:13  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Definitely still learning- always learning!

 21:21:15  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello durff,

 21:21:17  mmkrill -> -EdTechTalk: and support them in their learning and risk taking

 21:21:32  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryloakes - how about another Google Spreadsheet survey? :)

 21:21:48  erhubbell -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Diana! We met on the Learning 2.0 conversation Sunday night. Good to see you again!

 21:21:50  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: that would be a good thing to put in the survey, right?

 21:22:00  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: like survey

 21:22:10  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Cheri  --- didnt see you slip in

 21:22:13  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: ok, i'll see what i can do.

 21:22:52  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @JenWagner - been here for a while ... you're just a busy gal :)

 21:23:09  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: I you say that one tool is the only way, then you have stopping growing, and technology changes will leave you behind

 21:23:23  ryanbretag -> -EdTechTalk: That is excellent that a voice like Patrick's was at ASCD.

 21:23:38  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: right James, we need to continue searching out th e tools.

 21:23:43  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Please explain ASCD

 21:23:57  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Good teaching is good teaching, no matter how you slice it

 21:23:58  ryanbretag -> -EdTechTalk: We need more technologists that are all over the network to be attending and presenting at conferences like that

 21:24:05  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Association for Supervision Curriculum Development

 21:24:11  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: ty

 21:24:18  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I agree, Ryan

 21:24:23  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Yep -- very much so Ryan

 21:24:27  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: righards

 21:24:28  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Dennis Richards

 21:24:38  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: So sad--have to leave for my meeting. Patrick is awesome! I'll have to listen to the podcast. Thanks everyone.

 21:24:47  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy -- thanks for stopping by

 21:24:48  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: bye peggy

 21:25:12  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: May 1 is the deadline for those ASCD presentations

 21:25:26  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Last 2 months of Ed Leadership has ben awesome!

 21:25:47  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: is that the journal? alice

 21:25:50  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Not as much research on tech because research takes time and by then the tech has changed

 21:25:52  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: YEs

 21:26:02  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: http://newlearning.ning.com

 21:26:03  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks alice

 21:26:06  erhubbell -> -EdTechTalk: I noticed that a call for proposals flyer at ASCD particularly asked for technology

 21:26:08  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: from Dennis

 21:26:25  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello than po rter

 21:26:58  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - can you say backchannel study - ASCD

 21:27:06  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.ascd.org/portal/site/ascd/menuitem.c00a836e7622024fb85516f762...

 21:27:08  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: great idea!

 21:27:13  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks alice!

 21:27:15  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: by May 1???

 21:27:25  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: we can make a proposal!

 21:27:31  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: where is ASCD next year, anyone?

 21:27:32  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hope i don't ignore anyone - working feverishly to finish lesson plans for tomorrow (love Notestar btw)

 21:27:40  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello pchod10

 21:27:51  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: hello

 21:28:06  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello david

 21:28:10  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: The Marzano technology Book is excellent!

 21:28:11  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: in Orlando

 21:28:12  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: we did a whole study of marzano last year

 21:28:14  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: we're good under pressure :)

 21:28:28  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: We use Art and Science of TEaching in PLC's

 21:28:32  djakes -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl

 21:28:33  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: I reading Marzano now

 21:28:36  erhubbell -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr Marzano wrote the foreward

 21:28:42  erhubbell -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:28:55  than porter -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the welcome Cheryl

 21:29:20  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Any questions for Patrick??

 21:29:29  mmkrill -> -EdTechTalk: My district will only allow one out of district presentation at a conference!

 21:29:57  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://gets.gc.k12.va.us/VSTE/2008/ presentor Sherri Miller

 21:30:27  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: he was at Educon? Did I meet him?

 21:30:39  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Durff -- are you asking about Patrick??

 21:30:42  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Question: what type of ed tech skills do new teachers come into your district with?

 21:30:45  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hiLesley

 21:30:51  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Were you in David's class -- he sat on the far side by the windows

 21:30:54  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @cherylOakes Steph presented at ASCD on podcasting

 21:30:55  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: yes jen

 21:30:56  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello wendy, welcome

 21:30:59  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: that is where we met him

 21:31:05  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: he would now if we met

 21:31:15  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: sweet, for Steph @ alice, let's put a proposal in for next year

 21:31:17  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Sorry I'm late.

 21:31:19  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hope we did - he sounds interesting

 21:31:28  Lesley -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff - Hi!

 21:31:32  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Wendy -- glad you are here

 21:31:33  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Yes and Stephanie Sandifer has another one, wait I'll find it

 21:31:41  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen.

 21:31:41  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: marzano? no

 21:31:49  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: WEndy, not to worry, the podcast and whole chat will be ready  by Thurs. so you can catch up.

 21:31:54  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: it was full

 21:31:59  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hi kristin

 21:32:10  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: great Open PD earlier

 21:32:12  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: I like 1-4

 21:32:15  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hi kristin, glad to see you here.

 21:32:19  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: hi all

 21:32:20  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: We are looking at that 1 - 4 Exceeds, Meets , Does not Meet

 21:32:27  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: back to work....................

 21:32:30  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Kristin -- a lot of people talked about your DIIGO meeting today

 21:32:48  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: :) thanks

 21:32:50  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: @CheriT - student teacher now in my school was very comfortable with using web sites on a projector and ppt - more than the classroom teacher

 21:32:53  anneclemieux -> -EdTechTalk: Open Pd do they podcast them

 21:33:00  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: sorry I am late...topic

 21:33:08  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: http://web2thatworks.com/index.php?title=Main_Page

 21:33:18  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: @anne they are not podcast as we do over ustream but it is archived

 21:33:28  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: C is no longer and average grade, so A,B,C,D,F is increasingly meaningless

 21:33:31  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: http://openpd.wikispaces.com/diigo

 21:33:41  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2007/09/is-it-okay-to-be-technologicall...

 21:33:44  anneclemieux -> -EdTechTalk: I can gt 2 it from the wiki

 21:33:45  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @kristin - school change and the future of teaching

 21:33:47  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: talking about this link

 21:33:51  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.tltguide.ccsd.k12.co.us/instructional_tools/Strategies/Strate...

 21:33:56  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: got it

 21:34:00  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: patrick higgins is our guest tonight

 21:34:12  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @lori a - thanks

 21:34:13  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: we have been doing PSSAS this week :(

 21:34:17  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: all 11th graders

 21:34:29  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: 3 hours in teh am for 3 days

 21:34:37  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: while everyone else gets to stay home

 21:34:47  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, state level tests this week and next week.

 21:34:50  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: ugh

 21:35:17  ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21...

 21:35:31  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Entire schedule is changed for two weeks at the elementary level- not much teaching going on.

 21:35:54  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.thethinkingstick.com/?p=623    this is the next one.

 21:36:08  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: I think we need to start doing DIFFERENT THINGS vs doing things differently

 21:36:09  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: That's the first element of the NETS-Teachers draft - facilitate and inspire creativity

 21:36:33  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: right on kristin, we need to promote that

 21:36:35  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: we are all jealous of them

 21:36:35  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @linda - haven't forgotten your request for info on media literacy

 21:36:36  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: I think that is the KEY

 21:36:45  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: when you ask...what do they talk about

 21:36:59  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: in these model schools.... THEY ARE TALKING

 21:37:02  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: thanks @Sharon

 21:37:04  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: asked for permission from the folks at the ministry of ed today to pass on the bibiliography and resources from their booklet

 21:37:10  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://the21stcenturyschool.wikispaces.com/Presentation    looking at this while planning

 21:37:35  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: like SLA...they make the time to do that the time is written in

 21:38:22  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: www.eol.org    where students can add information

 21:38:28  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: doing that as he speaks

 21:38:39  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: good timing huh durff

 21:39:02  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: http://tinyurl.com/2ud5ky - link for ISTE NETS standards for teachers

 21:40:16  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: several of us here did a town forum on the teacher NETS last month

 21:40:39  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: one more class to do - all online classblogs

 21:40:39  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: I've just started a wikijunior book as a part of a class project on Famous Inventors

 21:41:05  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello brad and dwsutherland, welcome

 21:41:16  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: need refill on the coffe fuel & cookies first

 21:41:27  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: get me a coffee too durff

 21:42:15  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: I was actually at the same discussion that Joyce Valenza wrote about today re copyright and fair use

 21:42:25  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: am working on my blog as we speak

 21:42:37  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: multi tasking in good company kristin

 21:42:46  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: lost the audio though :(

 21:42:48  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: In Google we trust....

 21:42:51  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: Is Patrick still around or did I miss him because Chef Gordon Ramsey was on?

 21:43:03  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Patrick is here and chatting.

 21:43:10  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Will the A: drove go the path of the B: drive?

 21:43:52  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: kristin in a master-multi-tasker

 21:43:59  djakes -> -EdTechTalk: Jakesonline.org

 21:44:03  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: ok got the stream back

 21:44:04  djakes -> -EdTechTalk: hahahaha

 21:44:19  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and do you keep all your data ONLY at jakesonline.org??  Probably not

 21:44:24  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: it's feed jakes people!

 21:44:25  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: back up back up back up

 21:44:35  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: serve up the PRN

 21:44:40  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Flixn went away with a video introduction that I made. 

 21:44:42  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: Hello PChod

 21:44:45  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lesley, missed you sneaking in. welcome

 21:44:53  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: but then I over save -- I have cd's, online storage, flashdrive, and external harddrive

 21:45:00  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: is there supposed to be audio?

 21:45:02  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello there

 21:45:06  dwsutherland -> -EdTechTalk: yup

 21:45:10  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: only 1 external HD Jen?

 21:45:13  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: yes there is

 21:45:15  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Brad there is audio

 21:45:20  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: I guess I need to back up my blog, my class page, my wiki and my class wiki

 21:45:20  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: my district didn't back up for awhile and one of the schools' servers crashed - lots several months of teachers documents  -

 21:45:20  dwsutherland -> -EdTechTalk: Click on the speaker on the right side of the screen - open in itunes

 21:45:22  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Charlenes -- LOL -- sadly -- yes

 21:45:24  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: yes brad, go to ETTA and listen through itunes

 21:45:35  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: should open in iTunses

 21:45:37  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: Flixn is coming back soon, Wendy

 21:45:58  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: you can listen in itunes, real player, windows media

 21:46:03  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.flixn.com/

 21:46:07  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: I have CD's burned and lots of flash drives and a firewire drive

 21:46:10  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: got it thanks

 21:46:20  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: lost my data one time

 21:46:23  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: That's what they say.  I wonder if my video will still be there?  :-)

 21:46:35  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: now I back up everything

 21:46:43  Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: the ryerson example is a good example

 21:47:05  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: They share online why wouldn't they share their work?

 21:47:08  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i had 7th graders who lost theirs because they didn't follow directions to save to a flash drive

 21:47:17  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i think they learned

 21:47:18  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: I actually found Darren's video hosed on another site without a reference to his reasources :(

 21:47:19  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: There was a student suspended for collaboration online

 21:47:33  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Steal This Film - Provocative angle on copyright and IP  http://www.stealthisfilm.com/Part2/

 21:47:41  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff -- but then they blame the "stupid" computer :-)

 21:47:42  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://21stcenturylearning.typepad.com/blog/2008/03/10-principles-f.html

 21:47:57  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Patrick is discussing this link from Sheryl NB now

 21:48:04  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: all, i mean ALL, students i have are enccourage to collaborate online

 21:48:18  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/309855 

 21:48:28  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: no charlene - the stupid server

 21:48:44  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: I think the BEST way is if it happens through conversation

 21:48:56  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Top vision and support; Bottom up passion, energy, and ripples

 21:48:59  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: they think in terms of the network of the school

 21:48:59  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: ALL parties have to be involved

 21:49:01  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: as a general rule teacher initiatives are allowed but not supported

 21:49:03  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: that too.. it's never "their" fault

 21:49:10  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: It works much better when it works both ways.  It can't be an either/or

 21:49:18  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: and it has to be full admin support

 21:49:26  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: if admin supports it or requrires it  then more change happens

 21:49:29  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: WOW, just got an email from OLPC telling me my XO was on the way.... it was delivered last week!

 21:49:30  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Has to be bottoms up AND top down.

 21:49:34  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: yes kristin, that support is cruical

 21:49:54  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Technology intergration requires effort from the teachers, but technology from admin

 21:50:10  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: really?

 21:50:13  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: and technology must be reliable

 21:50:15  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: full administrative support from admin that is excited about learning themselves and using tech tools for the right reasons

 21:50:22  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: you mean the admin should support me?

 21:50:23  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: we adopted standards for teachers where they should be able to demonstrate the same things we expect our students at that grade level.

 21:50:30  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i better tell them!

 21:50:36  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: @charlene - you mean not 10 years old

 21:50:39  than porter -> -EdTechTalk: Change from within the classroom with admin support gets us there.

 21:50:48  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Teacher leaders are important ambassadors.  Admin can add the exclamation mark.  Admin also provide resources and support.

 21:51:06  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @cheri - 5 reponses!

 21:51:19  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Admin provide resources? really?

 21:51:24  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: it can be reliable and old :)

 21:51:25  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: that doesn't work either

 21:51:27  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: again, i better tell them

 21:51:31  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Top-down only does create resentment

 21:51:33  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: it is all about building a good team

 21:51:50  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: too often we throw new technology at old problems and gt the old results

 21:51:53  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: that is why the cofino, medved, utecht team....works so well

 21:51:59  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - blththththth

 21:52:03  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: it is support supporting support :)

 21:52:07  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: :-)

 21:52:12  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Brad

 21:52:18  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:52:21  than porter -> -EdTechTalk: Admin push down not successful! But how to get admin up to speed and on board has been difficult with technology.

 21:52:23  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: we went down that road years ago

 21:52:30  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: and tied it to salary

 21:52:32  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: :D

 21:52:33  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: say again cheryl

 21:52:53  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: How would admin know if it was being done well if they can't don't use it themselves?

 21:53:00  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: start small...

 21:53:02  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Agree that admin push down alone does NOT work.

 21:53:03  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: thanks

 21:53:12  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Both teachers and admin are passionate for students

 21:53:20  ryanbretag -> -EdTechTalk: Admin need to start modeling this process. When that happens, coversations begin. Then it is not top-down or bottom-up. It is peer pressure and change from all directions

 21:53:22  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: but linda my kids can do what the admins cannot

 21:53:25  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: You have to show what is working for students

 21:53:28  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: that is just it lindanitsche, our administrators are promoting the use for staff and themselves.

 21:53:33  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: find personal value in the accomplishment

 21:53:43  ryanbretag -> -EdTechTalk: or = nor

 21:53:48  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: At the college level - student pressure is going to push faculty to change

 21:53:54  than porter -> -EdTechTalk: Teachers need to try it out so that they are comfortable. Playing is good.

 21:54:05  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: yes cheri

 21:54:20  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Our Admin attend the Web 2.0 Consortium meetings and learn right next to the teachers.  Sends powerful message.

 21:54:28  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: my point exactly lindanitsche we admins must be excited about using the tech ourselvs not using tech for tech's sake but for authentic learning experiences

 21:54:30  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: we taught database merge a few years ago before xmas to help with holiday cards

 21:54:31  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Teachers need to see examples of how it is being used in the classroom

 21:54:34  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: when pre-service teachers are using tech in one or two classes, they want to do the same in others, so they ask the prof

 21:54:38  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: same strategy for hooking our students!

 21:54:49  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: the term "digital" may frighten them off

 21:55:08  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: change the terminology

 21:55:16  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: Interesting way to get teachers excited about in-service classes

 21:55:17  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: avoid the t word

 21:55:21  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lucy

 21:55:23  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Good idea

 21:55:24  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I use online social spaces

 21:55:28  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Cheri

 21:55:33  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: or something

 21:55:34  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: yes tech should be embedded its a given

 21:55:38  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: yes, this is how to hook teachers find their passion and a new way to engage the learners

 21:55:43  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello Lucy! welcome

 21:55:43  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i show the kids and they back to classrooms excited - teachers want it then

 21:55:47  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: A colleague told me never to use the name of a software package in a workshop title either

 21:55:58  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: good point Lucy

 21:56:01  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: 3rd grade today was just like that

 21:56:23  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: composition

 21:56:31  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: edu-connectivity

 21:56:37  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i use that word too

 21:56:46  pchod10 -> -EdTechTalk: instead of blogging

 21:56:50  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Parents do the same thing when we teachers use educationese

 21:56:52  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: relevance!!

 21:57:17  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: does anyone remember where that conversation was -- OH

 21:57:18  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I know -

 21:57:20  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: It was CUE

 21:57:22  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: prior knowledge

 21:57:22  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: just a second

 21:57:41  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah, and Google Custom Time. :)

 21:57:51  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: yes too much too fast Pat

 21:57:52  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Just using the right term can make the right connection with someone's personal schema

 21:58:12  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i will when i have time (Diigo)

 21:58:27  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Here is the link to the conversation at CUE -- http://jenuinetech.com/blog/?p=174

 21:58:37  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: it really was a very good panel discussion

 21:58:44  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: James - it's all about a relationship

 21:58:47  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: absolutely, James, we all need to find the hook and something to build on

 21:58:59  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: great advice from Patrick...

 21:59:00  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Yes.  I signed up for a Diigo account, but have not had time to explore.  I'm seeing it everywhere.

 21:59:32  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: wendy, I am enrolled and waiting for good tutorials, like the ones kristin is doing!

 21:59:34  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Wendy - friend kristin on diigo

 21:59:55  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Friend me Wendy

 21:59:59  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello ssandifer, emapey

 22:00:01  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: be the change you want to see in the world

 22:00:07  ssandifer -> -EdTechTalk: Howdy!

 22:00:16  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hi sandifer

 22:00:25  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: creating and encouraging students to find the right tool at the right time as well

 22:00:29  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Will do!

 22:00:34  ssandifer -> -EdTechTalk: is there any audio, or did I miss it?

 22:00:39  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: anyone get a room count?

 22:00:43  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Its about the teaching, not which is the perfect tool

 22:00:47  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: brad, yes for teachers and students find the right tool, with purpose

 22:00:55  Brad -> -EdTechTalk: that is the type of student we need to create

 22:01:09  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: that' would be great

 22:01:39  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Al Gore?

 22:01:55  ssandifer -> -EdTechTalk: got it -- thanks

 22:02:00  emapey -> -EdTechTalk: Hi!

 22:02:07  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: He might already be booked on Earth Day

 22:02:14  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hi emapey

 22:02:17  ryanbretag -> -EdTechTalk: Great show ladies!

 22:02:22  erhubbell -> -EdTechTalk: Wendy Richardson?

 22:02:23  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Ryan -- thanks so much

 22:02:25  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: we have a full month of April!

 22:02:27  ffoxworth -> -EdTechTalk: This has been great! Thanks.

 22:02:28  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: excellent everyone!!

 22:02:31  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: a what?

 22:02:36  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: goodness

 22:02:47  than porter -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all!

 22:02:55  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Cool!  I'll be there!

 22:03:04  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: COOL~!

 22:03:11  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: can you put the link back in for Patrick's Google Notebook

 22:03:15  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: right up my alley with games

 22:03:33  lori a -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all

 22:03:39  ryanbretag -> -EdTechTalk: 'night all! Thanks Patrick for your insights

 22:03:40  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Wendy Drexler

 22:03:40  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: May flowers

 22:03:41  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Great conversation!

 22:03:53  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: bye ryan

 22:03:56  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: just a sec Cheri

 22:04:00  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I need to go grab it

 22:04:00  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: good job Patrick

 22:04:04  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21...

 22:04:12  Wendy -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you!!!!

 22:04:15  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: thanks!!

 22:04:23  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: nite Cheri

 22:04:25  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for all listening to this great conversation with Patrick.

 22:04:36  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: thnx 2 u

 22:04:41  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: yes thank you Patrick

 22:04:43  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Nitey night

 22:04:44  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.google.com/notebook/public/12178437923996777820/BDQJESgoQ5Y21...

 22:04:45  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: thanks ... you rock!!

 22:04:48  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: great converstions

 22:04:50  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for a great show!  :)

 22:04:53  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: nite charlene

 22:04:56  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all! Fantastic!

 22:05:04  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: nite linda

 22:05:06  khokanson -> -EdTechTalk: great SHOW Patrick

 22:05:08  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: April Fool's

 22:05:21  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: nite kristin

 22:05:26  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Oh sorry I can't make the 15th...

 22:05:28  shaun fletcher -> -EdTechTalk:  thank you

 22:05:53  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Lucy -- APril FOols or Really??

 22:05:55  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: cheri - what are you april fooling?

 22:05:55  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: April Fool's... if you're reading this, ladies. :)

 22:05:58  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: LOLOL

 22:06:00  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: ll

 22:06:01  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:06:02  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: smiles   thought so

 22:06:06  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: whew lucy, I was just in a panic

 22:06:07  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I am NOT gullible tonight

 22:06:11  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i am so lost

 22:06:11  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: I was checking the calendar

 22:06:15  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Cheryl seems to be though

 22:06:16  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I'm so lame... I couldn't think of anything more creative

 22:06:17  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:06:23  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: nite all,

 22:06:24  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Night all!

 22:06:29  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks secretelf

 22:06:29  JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: good night

 22:06:30  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: nite lucy

 22:06:34  Charlene C -> -EdTechTalk: nite

 22:06:37  ssandifer -> -EdTechTalk: goodnight

 22:06:38  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: haha Lucy

 22:06:48  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: nite laddies!

 22:06:48  James.Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: night

 22:06:58  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: sharon - how many now?



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