EdTechTalk#63 - News, DOPA,, & Dealing with Social Technology

Sept. 10, 2006

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WeTheTeachers.com - Collaborative Teacher community for sharing lessons, materials, & other resources
EdTechReview.com - source for reviews of education technology hardware, software and services
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 - Legislation Text
DOPA on Wikipeida
 - ALA Response
Will Richardson on WNYC

Chat Transcript below

18:45:32 dave: greetings
18:46:30 Cathy_E: Hi Dave
18:48:00 dave: hi cathy
18:48:03 dave: and sharon
18:48:59 sharon_(eebee1)ge: hmmmm connection is flaky tonight
18:49:09 sharon_(eebee1)ge: not able to get onto skypecast
18:49:11 dave: oh yes?
18:49:18 dave: the stream sounds flaky?
18:49:48 Cathy_E: My stream sounds OK
18:50:18 dave: thanks cathy
18:51:09 sharon_(eebee1)ge: will move to more reliable part of the house
18:54:34 dave: we should be starting up in about 7 minutes
18:56:05 sharon_(eebee1)ge: okay
18:57:26 dave: yay jeff is here
18:57:56 sharon_(eebee1)ge: hi Jen!
18:58:02 JenniferW: Hello All
18:59:43 sharon_(eebee1)ge: I cannot seem to ask for the mike.... which may not be a bad thing according to Dave...
18:59:46 sharon_(eebee1)ge: (tease)
19:00:19 dave: lol
19:06:41 dave: http://youos.com
19:08:42 USSROVER: hi everyone
19:10:25 dave: http://edtechreview.com/
19:11:31 sharon_(eebee1)ge: ed tech review has very interesting photo on its front there - say, is that my IT administrator taking a nap??
19:11:48 USSROVER: lol Sharon :)
19:11:55 Harold_Jarche: where's the web conferencing list?
19:12:13 JL: http://globaltext.org/
19:13:17 dave: http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal
19:13:24 dave: conferencing list
19:14:37 USSROVER: link for the web teck ( setup for web cast) I need info :)
19:14:45 USSROVER: hi rentre
19:15:31 rentre: Hi
19:16:15 USSROVER: hi Lee
19:16:22 lee: hi!
19:17:02 Harold_Jarche: it's always about control, ain't it?
19:18:17 dave: of course
19:18:40 Harold_Jarche: kind of like the USPTO
19:18:49 lee: blanket control instead of mentoring
19:19:22 JenniferW: Once senate makes the decision -- don't we still have to vote on -- in a national election -- which would be November 2007???
19:19:34 dave: http://trustineducation.net/
19:20:08 JenniferW: great acronym !!! (applause)
19:22:52 Cathy_Evanoff: It looks great
19:24:08 JenniferW: I called the CYBER GUY at KTLA (channel 5) and he wants to know more
19:24:55 lee: Thanks!!
19:25:17 sharon_(eebee1)ge: I really the website... what a good idea
19:25:57 sharon_(eebee1)ge: what about getting our students involved? They may not be voters, but they have an opinion
19:26:30 lee: Cool site...good idea. We need a place to look for links etc for our blogs or emails to senators, etc.
19:26:38 lee: Very little Dave
19:26:57 sharon_(eebee1)ge: I was impressed to see CNN coverage of the Cdn soldier who was killed in friendly fire in Afghanistan recently
19:27:56 USSROVER: Cyber Guy @ KTLA http://ktla.trb.com/news/local/cyberguy/?track=subnav
19:28:08 PE: Wikispaces has over 10,000 wikispaces that are for education.
19:28:24 JasonR: fake it...get the articulate honor student... ;)
19:28:27 sharon_(eebee1)ge: what you show is that you *can* educate the students for online safety
19:29:19 sharon_(eebee1)ge: and show the benefit of online social spaces for international collaborative projects (cross-cultural exchanges)
19:29:26 JenniferW: Sharon -- can you fly to Washington DC to talk to our senate? :)
19:29:41 lee: Yes, Sharon, we do a big online safety lesson. We use the game Missing especially.
19:30:43 JasonR: films about online safety? are those online? URL?
19:30:57 sharon_(eebee1)ge: the world is flat
19:30:59 sharon_(eebee1)ge: yes
19:31:16 Cathy_Evanoff: I have to present at the elementary PTA meeting about online safety. Give some examples please!
19:34:00 cheryloakes: Cathy, I use Netsmartz.org
19:34:02 sharon_(eebee1)ge: http://www.netsmartz.org/resources/reallife.htm#realteresa
19:34:19 JenniferW: the tracking theresa video is NOT the one to show them (the parents)
19:34:24 JenniferW: but it is one to show kids
19:34:27 sharon_(eebee1)ge: yes
19:34:33 sharon_(eebee1)ge: that is the one I showed my students
19:34:41 cheryloakes: I agree, they've already seen how to catch a predator.
19:34:53 JenniferW: I think everyone needs to watch Tracking Theresa
19:34:57 JenniferW: it opened my eyes
19:35:50 JenniferW: Make the parents aware of filtering
19:35:51 Harold_Jarche: my 11 year old son has a blog where he writes a continuing fantasy story. it's been very good for his creative writing http://raistlinmajere.learnerblogs.org/
19:35:59 JenniferW: and also checking where their kids have been
19:36:19 JenniferW: and check VICKI Davis' students wiki on Online Safety
19:36:19 lee: Here is a list of links for online safety ideashttp://del.icio.us/comptech8/NetSafety
19:36:23 lee: http://del.icio.us/comptech8/NetSafety
19:36:53 Cathy_Evanoff: Thanks- you guys are great :)
19:37:04 JenniferW: http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/
19:37:17 JenniferW: I don't see the link to her student's site -- but I know you can get there from coolcat's blog
19:37:41 sharon_(eebee1)ge: she did post them somewhere
19:37:51 Harold_Jarche: my student resources http://www.furl.net/members/hjarche/Student%20Resources
19:39:02 sharon_(eebee1)ge: sounds really cool
19:39:22 JenniferW: I am hosting a skypecast on Saturday that I would like to talk with you about after the show
19:39:42 sharon_(eebee1)ge: yay!!
19:39:46 lee: i am trying to get the skypecast on
19:39:50 lee: where isw the address?
19:39:59 JL: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
19:40:04 PE: http://blog.wikispaces.com/2006/09/100000-wikis-in-classroom.html
19:40:22 sharon_(eebee1)ge: can't wait to start using the wikispaces
19:40:29 PE: There is the 100,000 wikispaces address. Free for Teachers
19:40:30 Cathy_Evanoff: I have a new wiki spaces account - I am loving it
19:40:34 sharon_(eebee1)ge: Vicki Davis is really inspiring for what she does
19:41:01 JenniferW: http://www.wikispaces.com/t/x/teachers100K
19:41:03 sharon_(eebee1)ge: yay!
19:41:06 Harold_Jarche: skype 101 http://www.jarche.com/?p=817
19:41:46 sharon_(eebee1)ge: best way to learn is to just go ahead and do it!
19:42:06 JenniferW: thanks howard
19:42:10 JenniferW: harold
19:42:16 JenniferW: LOL --sorry
19:42:21 USSROVER: nite all
19:42:24 sharon_(eebee1)ge: we all need to blog about it
19:42:39 sharon_(eebee1)ge: okay
19:42:47 JenniferW: lol -- I already am blogging
19:42:59 Harold_Jarche: hope it helps jen, feel free to call
19:43:01 sharon_(eebee1)ge: am making my thesis defense on Tuesday morning - my life begins again on Tues afternoon
19:43:12 JenniferW: I don't know how to have them listen if they don't have skype
19:43:15 JenniferW: that is the big problem
19:43:22 Cathy_Evanoff: Good Luck sharon
19:43:29 JenniferW: Good luck sharon
19:43:47 Harold_Jarche: no skype? need to broadcast - best ask jeff & dave
19:44:19 sharon_(eebee1)ge: it would be great for Jen to profile best practice show and tell
19:44:29 sharon_(eebee1)ge: hi Lee
19:45:21 lee: I wanted to say on skypecast that i have an incredible amount of resources which i will put on the new site
19:45:41 lee: our county is really big on online safety
19:47:46 JasonR: SL breach: http://blog.secondlife.com/2006/09/08/urgent-security-announcement/
19:47:57 Cathy_Evanoff: Yep- I had to change my password last night
19:49:05 Cathy_Evanoff: I have a non-related question - I need to convert mov files to avi is there anything for free that will do it?
19:49:37 Harold_Jarche: you can use the google "safe browsing" option if you use Firefox and the google toolbar. It checks to see if it's a physhing scam
19:51:05 Jennifer_W: Harold -- can you explain a bit more
19:51:23 JasonR: Also this, re:breach... http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2006/09/open_forum_secu.html
19:51:31 Harold_Jarche: first have to install the google toolbar in Firefox
19:51:57 lee: try VLC
19:52:16 JL: VLC?
19:52:21 Jennifer_W: I never noticed it before -- Thanks Harold
19:53:55 Harold_Jarche: g'night all
19:54:03 sharon_(eebee1)ge: am off to figger out what to teach my students tomorrow!
19:54:10 sharon_(eebee1)ge: good night all...
19:54:30 PE: night all
19:54:31 sharon_(eebee1)ge: thanks - was great to make contact with other ed techies
21:16:15 lee: I thought it would be good to build a business as a lesson in computer technology. We teach business and creating a business would be such a great experience.
21:16:30 lee: 3d gives it the real feel
21:16:57 lee: business cards, ads and billboards, and interacting with "real" people
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My wife just got the latest eddition of US New and world report, with "What parents need to know about MySpace" on the cover. It is very good article and has interesting points about DOPA that are now reaching a wider audiance.

I blogged it at http://edtechnths.blogspot.com/

Jonathan Seal
University of Connecticut
Norwich Technical High School