EdTechTalk Development Meeting - June 4, 2007

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EdTechTalk Development Meeting
June 4, 2007

Chat Log Below

 20:57:50  arvind ->  hey there
 20:58:03  Doug-GoSens ->  greetings
 20:58:06  arvind ->  Doug, this game is awesome
 20:58:07  JL ->  Jen has asked to try gizmo
 20:58:12  arvind ->  i am a little behind, love the DVR
 20:58:26  Doug-GoSens ->  glad you're watching Arvind
 20:59:00  arvind ->  some Americans like hockey
 20:59:05  JL ->  current conf call number (in gizmo) 1-222-6846849
 20:59:07  arvind ->  from Pittsburgh, grew up watching Mario
 20:59:14  arvind ->  hey Jeff
 20:59:17  Doug-GoSens ->  cool
 20:59:29  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  Hi Arvind and all
 20:59:35  Doug-GoSens ->  speakin' o' which, I hear they made "The Kid" capt this week, Pens that  is
 20:59:44  Doug-GoSens ->  hey J from A
 21:00:07  mizmercer ->  Is this for the webcast academy, etc.?
 21:00:08  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  Hi Doug - Kill the ducks!
 21:00:19  JoseR ->  Hi Alice
 21:00:28  mizmercer ->  hi jose!
 21:00:28  Doug-GoSens ->  1-0 Ottawa
 21:00:32  arvind ->  He lives with Mario, I guess he was going to be a captain, right?
 21:00:37  arvind ->  doug, spoiler!
 21:00:43  mizmercer ->  Are they talking hockey?
 21:00:45  Doug-GoSens ->  oppps
 21:00:49  Doug-GoSens ->  sorry forgot
 21:00:49  arvind ->  we are
 21:00:50  arvind ->  :)
 21:00:52  arvind ->  it's ok
 21:00:59  mizmercer ->  UGH, at least it's not basketball
 21:01:04  Doug-GoSens ->  I won't tell you who ;)
 21:01:22  JoseR ->  I am in ESL class tonight.  I'll follow as much as I can.
 21:01:22  arvind ->  wait, are we skypeing or something else?
 21:01:33  JL ->  skype 'worldbridges'
 21:02:24  Doug-GoSens ->  funny, I was looking for the skypecast
 21:02:27  Doug-GoSens ->  logging in, et al
 21:02:28  JoseR ->  it's just ringing
 21:02:32  Doug-GoSens ->  hilarious
 21:02:34  mizmercer ->  yep
 21:03:02  mizmercer ->  Oh busy girl jen
 21:03:32  mizmercer ->  That was my son,
 21:03:45  mizmercer ->  I assume that was what was so humorous to all
 21:03:56  JoseR ->  Arvind is the man
 21:04:04  arvind ->  hi Jose
 21:04:16  arvind ->  woot, new webcast!
 21:04:41  mizmercer ->  COMMIT!
 21:04:55  JL ->  I am preparing to build a place to start the EdTechTalkK12 home. Anne Leftwich and I are looking at hosting a weekly (?) webcast that focuses more on K12 classroom practices.  I can build a drupal on my Bluehost account or should I build one on the WB server. I want to be as connected as possible to the WB/ETT community but don't want to tax resources, I have appropriate alternatives.  Jeff, when I asked before you said you were really neutral. If you are still really neutral, then I am thinking about building something that is a component of the WB/ETT world.  I know I don't know or can comprehend all of this issues involved but alas I am awaiting enlightenment and planning on it coming in a day or two. ;)
 21:05:32  JoseR ->  Jeff is good at being neutral
 21:06:35  JoseR ->  I would rather use edtechtalk server space
 21:07:06  JoseR ->  Hi Doug
 21:07:26  JoseR ->  Who are the Sens
 21:07:26  Doug-GoSens ->  hey Jose, and all
 21:07:42  Doug-GoSens ->  Ottawa Senators
 21:07:54  Doug-GoSens ->  hockey team, playing Annaheim for Stanley Cup
 21:08:09  mizmercer ->  I find it confusing that there are different sites.
 21:08:20  arvind ->  me yoo mizmercer
 21:08:24  arvind ->  me too even
 21:08:43  mizmercer ->  And wasn't your Thurs show/mtg about maintaining the web pages?
 21:09:26  CathyE ->  stream or skypecast?
 21:09:44  JL ->  skype worldbridges
 21:09:49  mizmercer ->  skype to world bridge
 21:11:10  mizmercer ->  We are talking about starting some new shows, maybe there needs to be a discussion about who is responsible for what...
 21:11:22  Brad Hicks ->  will just listen in Jeff and put comments here - i may have to step out to keep an eye on my daughter
 21:11:51  mizmercer ->  Yeah, well you see how well I'm handling parenting and this conf call at the same time, lol
 21:12:20  JoseR ->  I am handling adult ESL students with conference
 21:12:47  mizmercer ->  Adult ESL class vs. my one high energy child, hmmm what's nosier?
 21:13:22  JoseR ->  adults are pretty silent.  It takes 6 months to get them to talk
 21:13:48  Lee ->  Hello
 21:13:56  JoseR ->  I am into webcasting not neccesarily other stuff
 21:14:03  JL ->  Hi Lee - skype worldbridges if you like
 21:14:24  Lee ->  ok thanks
 21:16:22  arvind ->  that is often a problem at conferences, no documentation
 21:16:32  arvind ->  people are psyched up during, and don't do much after
 21:16:35  Lee ->  That was rotton
 21:16:42  Lee ->  rotten
 21:17:14  Durff ->  bar camp?
 21:17:26  arvind ->  http://barcamp.org
 21:17:33  mizmercer ->  I'm muted?
 21:17:40  arvind ->  whoah, audio going crazy for me
 21:17:43  JoseR ->  not me
 21:17:48  Doug-GoSens ->  that's better
 21:19:13  Durff ->  ouch
 21:19:24  mizmercer ->  It looked that way to me at first...
 21:19:44  mizmercer ->  The del-icio.us links helped it make sense, but
 21:19:51  Brad Hicks ->  is there a way of having a help guide that can be linked to across all sites? So it is centralised and then distributed back to other sites
 21:19:58  mizmercer ->  Every show has different "documents"
 21:20:15  mizmercer ->  Some use google docs, some use wikispaces. I NEVER know until I'm AT the show.
 21:20:56  mizmercer ->  As a newbie, I  don't mind that WoW using wikispaces, but it's not clear before your listening to the show.
 21:20:56  arvind ->  fragmented or specialized - which are we?
 21:21:20  Durff ->  let the chatroom know when the audio is ok
 21:21:35  mizmercer ->  Since I like reviewing the docs FIRST, it's a little annoying.
 21:21:42  mizmercer ->  Audio is fine
 21:21:55  Durff ->  not here
 21:21:58  mizmercer ->  At least clear linking of what Alice is talking about
 21:22:06  mizmercer ->  skype worldbridges
 21:22:09  arvind ->  Durff, audio bad for you?
 21:22:12  arvind ->  Good for us
 21:22:13  Durff ->  logging put and trying again...
 21:23:27  Lee ->  Agreed
 21:23:52  mizmercer ->  Lee was that agreed with me or about the audio?
 21:25:01  Doug-GoSens ->  brb
 21:25:12  arvind ->  nervous moments there Doug
 21:26:07  Doug-GoSens ->  lol, nope, samlab needed some attention
 21:26:26  Durff ->  no, you can;t drive me crazy, I'm already there
 21:26:39  JoseR ->  Hi durff
 21:26:47  Durff ->  hi jose
 21:26:50  Doug-GoSens ->  that's the dog, as opposed the site Arvind
 21:27:24  arvind ->  got it
 21:27:38  JoseR ->  I will do half
 21:27:38  Durff ->  how do you look at someone virtually?
 21:28:25  Durff ->  audio is meandering...
 21:28:31  Durff ->  maybe it's ok
 21:28:35  Durff ->  oh no
 21:29:17  Durff ->  what paperwork?
 21:30:08  Durff ->  so standarize is what alice is saying?
 21:30:18  mizmercer ->  Yeah, but there is a standard...
 21:30:21  Durff ->  rtfm?
 21:30:25  mizmercer ->  Is what Jeff told me.
 21:30:27  arvind ->  read the freakin' manual
 21:30:32  Durff ->  do we want to know?
 21:30:34  mizmercer ->  Thank you!
 21:31:11  mizmercer ->  only usually the word is not freakin'
 21:31:20  arvind ->  that's true
 21:31:36  mizmercer ->  Add the color blue to WB!
 21:31:44  arvind ->  my favorite tech person acronym though certainly is PEBKAC
 21:31:45  Lee ->  i am happy to start being m  ore attentive to the sites i have been working on
 21:32:03  Lee ->  It is not that much trouble .. one just needs to develop the habit
 21:32:04  arvind ->  oooh Ajax, yes
 21:32:15  arvind ->  Bill Fitzgerald, please get on that
 21:32:15  mizmercer ->  I want to see that pageflake that Dave built...
 21:32:28  Durff ->  no you don't
 21:32:32  mizmercer ->  I tried something from Google site search with google reader.
 21:32:41  mizmercer ->  Why not?
 21:32:44  arvind ->  Dave's pageflake: http://www.pageflakes.com/cormier/11091021
 21:32:57  Durff ->  complex
 21:33:14  mizmercer ->  hey, I'm 42!
 21:33:19  Lee ->  hello dave
 21:33:23  mizmercer ->  Does that make me the meaning of life?
 21:33:31  Durff ->  standarize the tags!
 21:33:57  Lee ->  Hello Dave
 21:34:05  mizmercer ->  Okay, that was embarrassing!
 21:34:06  dave ->  hi lee
 21:34:07  Durff ->  ww07 + showtitle + episode # and/or name
 21:34:18  mizmercer ->  I came in an hour later, and thought it was LIVE.
 21:34:24  mizmercer ->  Talk about feeling like an idiot.
 21:34:38  Durff ->  I was working
 21:34:38  mizmercer ->  I LIKE Dave's pageflake.
 21:34:44  mizmercer ->  That is good
 21:34:52  Durff ->  is tags work
 21:34:57  Durff ->  his
 21:35:26  Durff ->  how do you give a secret handshke virtually?
 21:35:27  JoseR ->  Dave's presentation was cool
 21:35:54  arvind ->  technology failed? no...
 21:35:58  Durff ->  it was too short - they didn't give him enough time
 21:36:11  mizmercer ->  Hey, that's the flake to add. the secret society generator!
 21:36:12  arvind ->  i always tell teachers, don't worry, this will always work, especially when i'm not there to help
 21:36:31  Durff ->  :)
 21:38:58  Durff ->  focus
 21:39:49  Durff ->  i is
 21:41:11  Durff ->  on the front page, did anyone look at the comments?
 21:45:51  Doug-GoSens ->  just looking now Lisa, we got "people'd"
 21:46:00  arvind ->  spam
 21:46:33  Durff ->  who are those populating people?
 21:46:36  dave ->  just read the chat... thanks for the kind words
 21:47:12  Durff ->  speak for yourself
 21:48:24  Lee ->  How much does another server cost to purchase and run a year?
 21:48:43  DS-GoSens ->  JL said "bout 100/mo, I think
 21:48:59  Lee ->  so 1000 not including purchase
 21:49:07  DS-GoSens ->  so 1200 for the yr for the bandwidth
 21:49:25  DS-GoSens ->  right, that's w/out the hardware
 21:50:18  arvind ->  right on Dave
 21:50:19  Durff ->  you paying?
 21:50:29  Lee ->  perhaps it would be smarter to find a way to purchase that for starters and its maintenance so ther is more than one server but it is not costing one person money
 21:50:42  arvind ->  i love awkward situations, i seem to always get myself into them
 21:51:25  Durff ->  and the probably won't
 21:52:17  Durff ->  but upon what is it based?
 21:52:24  Durff ->  foundation
 21:52:46  Durff ->  your foundation is relationship-community
 21:53:03  Durff ->  quirkieness?
 21:53:33  Durff ->  less law bound
 21:53:46  Durff ->  more relationship based
 21:53:52  Durff ->  goo thoughts
 21:54:00  Durff ->  i cconcur
 21:55:01  arvind ->  i agree, i like a writeup on edtechtalkiness
 21:55:15  Durff ->  so done to the nitty gritty-
 21:55:41  Durff ->  in 6 weeks lets have A), B), & C) completed
 21:56:16  Durff ->  A) schedule of shows with what are we calling 'em?
 21:56:28  arvind ->  A - as in better calendar?
 21:56:33  mizmercer ->  Why did KoreaBridges get nailed, I wonder?
 21:56:47  Durff ->  B) written definitions of those two terms Jeff used
 21:57:01  arvind ->  worldbridginess and edtechtalkiness?
 21:57:03  Durff ->  yes arvind
 21:57:28  Durff ->  noi, domain masters
 21:57:33  Durff ->  or something
 21:57:35  mizmercer ->  I WANT STRUCTURE!
 21:57:40  Durff ->  el jeff for eachshow
 21:57:57  Durff ->  i'm trying alice
 21:58:06  mizmercer ->  BUT, I'm willing to do structure...
 21:58:18  JenMad ->  ... thanks for the 7 show update ... but isn't it now 8? :)
 21:58:24  Lee ->  In one sense it needs to progress somewhat on its own as we continue to commit to some clear actions
 21:58:25  arvind ->  how about principles of practice for edtechtalk shows?
 21:58:30  Lee ->  for example
 21:58:33  arvind ->  or back to my original thought of just asking people questions
 21:58:50  Lee ->  if we write a grant.. and it is for the edtechtalk site
 21:58:54  Durff ->  C) webmaster schedule - people who correct things kije # of show on frontpage on a circulating calendar
 21:58:54  Lee ->  to continue what we do
 21:58:58  dave ->  LOL
 21:59:13  mizmercer ->  Okay, how many beers are out there?
 21:59:19  dave ->  beer?
 21:59:44  Durff ->  then itr evolves....but you need to begin...
 21:59:45  mizmercer ->  Ya know, it's after dinner, we've had a beer, and we're shooting the bull
 22:00:00  Durff ->  yes dave so you can go get your beer
 22:00:02  dave ->  What is your favourite colour?
 22:00:18  mizmercer ->  Well, I'm "blue" tonight.
 22:00:23  Durff ->  not beer
 22:00:30  mizmercer ->  blue= questionable language
 22:00:46  Durff ->  i thought it was sad
 22:01:00  mizmercer ->  It can be that too, but in this case....
 22:01:12  dave ->  http://vre.upei.ca/node/add/vre-request
 22:01:21  Durff ->  oh dear, a criminal!
 22:02:07  arvind ->  Here is a list of questions I brainstormed for people wanting to   create a new EdTechTalk show. Now, I don't think this should   necessarily be a page listed on the site like "sign up for a show." I   think these question would likely scare people away. Instead, once we   have people who are interested, maybe talk to them, and ask them to   write these up after we think they might fit. It will give them   direction and us a better understanding of what they could bring to   the table.  Not an exhaustive list by any means and in no particular order...  - What is your show concept? - Who would be on the show? Tell us about each host - How often do you plan to broadcast? - Why do you want to be on EdTechTalk vs. any other place/hosting it   yourself? - How does your show fit into the EdTechTalk and Worldbridges   community? What will it contribute? What do you hope to gain from   being a part of this community? - Do you have a webcast/podcast now? Where? - What kind of help would you need to get started?
 22:03:07  Durff ->  fine - what about maintenance?
 22:03:39  mizmercer ->  NO! It doesn't
 22:04:00  Durff ->  morning
 22:04:00  mizmercer ->  Selling crud is NOT edtechtalkiness
 22:04:24  mizmercer ->  Oh IT"S OKAY IF IT"S A CADDILAC!
 22:04:26  mizmercer ->  I think NOT
 22:05:23  arvind ->  Dell anyone?
 22:05:40  mizmercer ->  I-Phones?
 22:05:41  Durff ->  buying me one?
 22:05:43  dave ->  :D
 22:05:49  DS-GoSens ->  heard they're gonna start selling at WalMart
 22:05:54  DS-GoSens ->  Dell, that is
 22:05:55  mizmercer ->  Oh man!
 22:05:56  arvind ->  iPhones all around! Thanks for our new show, Appletastic!
 22:05:56  JoseR ->  How about the london bridge
 22:06:15  Durff ->  \I already ordered a dell
 22:06:17  mizmercer ->  Yeah, we've gotten that digressive. Poor Jeff from Ann
 22:06:43  mizmercer ->  He comes with a simple question, and now we're yelling about selling crud on ETT
 22:07:15  arvind ->  offtopic: Don Cherry on NBC hockey coverage!
 22:07:16  JoseR ->  that's the community voices dissent
 22:07:31  DS-GoSens ->  they're simulcasting on CBC Arvind
 22:07:35  DS-GoSens ->  too funny
 22:08:05  arvind ->  I only see peacocks. I can't believe he still wears those insane clothes
 22:08:06  mizmercer ->  Oh man are there no limits to the off-topicness here?
 22:08:09  Durff ->  i tried that ... you all ignored me
 22:08:12  arvind ->  I miss CBC when I was in Michigan
 22:08:22  mizmercer ->  Off-topic is very EdTechTalkiness
 22:08:27  arvind ->  indeed
 22:08:32  arvind ->  backchannel has value
 22:08:39  JoseR ->  It's back channel at it's finest
 22:08:56  mizmercer ->  Birdwalking as an intellectual exercise...
 22:10:27  Lee ->  Finally!
 22:10:35  Lee ->  True True
 22:10:37  arvind ->  there we go
 22:10:53  Lee ->  I am interested in doing something for TTT in that regard.
 22:10:58  Durff ->  i think you should do it on both EdTech and something else
 22:11:02  mizmercer ->  Okay, can we do something about the overflow of the chat page into the right sidebar?
 22:11:35  Lee ->  So .. is the concept to just make that connection VERY CLEAR?
 22:11:46  Lee ->  between ett and ttt for example
 22:11:59  mizmercer ->  I'm watching on my laptop?
 22:12:16  arvind ->  Alice, welcome to the EdTechTalk webmaster needs
 22:12:16  Lee ->  being sure everything is posted on ett from ttt is one way to ensure that connection
 22:12:32  mizmercer ->  Yeah, I'm a PITA that way!
 22:12:39  mizmercer ->  Sorry.
 22:12:55  mizmercer ->  I complain, but I'm willing to work?
 22:12:56  Durff ->  he so over the edge
 22:13:03  Lee ->  well.. if i am not doing the posting on ttt but take charge of putting iton ett then it is not double in one sense.. at least on the workload side
 22:13:26  Lee ->  But should we go back to having that block we talked about that is our logo?
 22:14:06  Lee ->  put it everywhere and on the external sites... for linking back to worldbridges
 22:14:19  Durff ->  boo
 22:14:31  arvind ->  let's hire a logo designer online - i liked Jeff's idea of a contest
 22:14:37  mizmercer ->  so when is the first show?
 22:14:41  Lee ->  a contest is fine
 22:14:48  arvind ->  Thursday...not sure when
 22:14:48  Durff ->  i like that arvind
 22:14:49  mizmercer ->  I missed that
 22:14:57  arvind ->  that was from an earlier discussion
 22:15:01  mizmercer ->  yep
 22:15:03  Lee ->  P-l-a-n-n-i-n-g
 22:15:04  JL ->  http://worldbridging.net/logos
 22:15:28  Lee ->  No I am unable to talk but can chat in a lively manner
 22:15:51  mizmercer ->  Okay, I could play with Adobe Illustrator, my dh got, but I'm not a professional.
 22:16:07  mizmercer ->  And I need another week and half until I'm done working
 22:16:13  Durff ->  a "clever" logo?
 22:16:14  arvind ->  go Alice!
 22:16:25  mizmercer ->  Well, i can at least do that.
 22:16:37  Durff ->  ah! the artist alice!
 22:16:43  mizmercer ->  I don't know about that!
 22:16:50  dave ->  http://www.h-master.net/web2.0/image/(reflect)edtechtalkBETA.png
 22:16:58  JoseR ->  cool alice
 22:16:59  arvind ->  offtopic: the governator is at te hockey game with Don Cherry!
 22:17:05  arvind ->  getting crazy in Canada
 22:17:15  mizmercer ->  I say take off the beta and that one is good to go!
 22:17:25  Lee ->  Say would someone... please bring up that folks from edtechtalk shows need to get their proposals in this week ifpossible?
 22:17:54  Lee ->  for the educationbridges grant ...
 22:18:10  Lee ->  hee hee
 22:18:45  Durff ->  nite
 22:18:55  dave ->  http://web2.0stylr.com/userimages/slxt1w45c2r12gnv45qxzpfw6-4-2007-9-17-...
 22:19:08  arvind ->  Lee, from Dave's e-mail to this? http://educationbridges.org/node/73
 22:19:09  Lee ->  i could spend some time next week on it if they are in.. i would be happy to do some gathering of info for us to polish off at least the first step :)
 22:19:52  Lee ->  I just see some free time coming up .. might as well try to be useful
 22:20:26  DS-GoSens ->  have to run gang
 22:20:34  arvind ->  good luck DS
 22:20:40  Lee ->  bye doug
 22:21:03  arvind ->  I have a Skype call to make to my brother, am going to run too
 22:21:09  arvind ->  have a good night all
 22:21:16  CathyE ->  night all
 22:21:18  DS-GoSens ->  thanks all
 22:21:21  dave ->  'night all
 22:21:21  DS-GoSens ->  bye for now
 22:22:01  arvind ->  bye
 22:22:08  JoseR ->  got to run ESL class is waiting for me to get off computere
 22:22:09  Lee ->  Thanks to Jen.. she was a wonderful support for my presentation today..
 22:22:36  Durff ->  tired...must sleep....are we going in world for that?
 22:24:14  Durff ->  nite
 22:29:57  JoseR ->  good night
 22:34:17  JoseR ->  cathy I got your email see you at making connections tomorrow


Anybody see the change I made at TeachersTeachingTeachers.org?
Spam on that site is a constant battle, and we don't get near enough dialogue going. I'd love to participate in a building EdTechTalk into something that gets more interaction between episodes of shows. Maybe producers should start talking with each other on the site? Oh, and by the way, cross posting takes all of 5 minutes.