EdTechWeekly #19 - Overflowing tubes, exploding networks, & Amanda's story

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EdTechWeekly #19
February 25, 2007
Overflowing tubes, exploding networks, Amanda's story,  & lots more...

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Chat Log Below


19:00:13 Durff -> you are all very strange
19:06:14 dave -> http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/chi-0702230143feb23,0,1395493.s...
19:07:52 JenM -> http://explode.elgg.org/mod/browser/
19:11:02 jeff -> http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/learning.now/2007/02/amandas_story.html
19:11:57 alicemercer -> Son has recent autism diagnosis.
19:12:04 alicemercer -> I'll check it out.
19:12:44 Durff -> I often notice trhat technology frees kids to communicate at a higher level
19:12:52 dave -> http://generatorblog.blogspot.com/
19:13:34 dave -> http://www.chimpage.com/secret.html
19:14:21 Durff -> Visual poety generatyor!
19:14:30 alicemercer -> I'm with the Cofraternity of Exiled Canadian Architects
19:14:38 JenM -> http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml
19:14:41 alicemercer -> I'm not even Canadian
19:14:47 dave -> so you say...
19:14:58 dave -> it's a secret fraternity isn't it
19:15:08 dave -> you'd hardly admit to it
19:15:16 JenM -> http://onecare.live.com/site/en-us/default.htm
19:15:35 alicemercer -> Well, yes...
19:16:05 alicemercer -> ha ha, Dave you didn't even know you were chatting with a fellow Canadian earlier
19:17:07 jeff -> http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/learning.now/2007/02/the_julie_amero_in...
19:17:16 Durff -> we all heard it
19:18:05 alicemercer -> was that case in california?
19:18:06 jeff -> http://elemblogpolicy.pbwiki.com/FrontPage
19:18:18 jeff -> http://www.sbac.edu/~media/internet_safety_information.htm
19:18:59 alicemercer -> I had a student go to a rap website with parental advisory stickers on it.
19:21:12 JohnSchinker -> Is there a way in Linux to re-use windows?
19:21:24 JohnSchinker -> Instead of launching a new window every time you open a folder, for example
19:21:39 jeff -> http://bashcurescancer.com/10-linux-commands-youve-never-used.html
19:21:56 JenM -> http://www.kaspersky.com/
19:22:57 dave -> not sure what you mean john
19:23:30 dave -> http://speedtest.net/index.php
19:24:16 JohnSchinker -> In gnome, for example -- Let's say you have a window upen, and you're looking at files and folders. If you double click a folder, it opens it in a new window, a la Windows 3.0 or Mac OS 7. Can you get it to re-use the windows like modern guis?
19:25:34 alicemercer -> 4818 mps down and 704 up for me
19:25:44 Cathye -> 2830 down 462 up
19:26:17 Durff -> My speed is 1634kbs - is that good?
19:26:42 Durff -> oooo - you're all faster
19:26:49 alicemercer -> well, in this subset of data, it's slow unless it's your upload
19:26:56 alicemercer -> brb bathroom
19:27:04 Durff -> I don't know
19:27:52 jeff -> http://thedailyenglishshow.blogspot.com/2006/12/show-220-saturday-9-dece...
19:28:12 Durff -> yeah, that was download
19:28:20 alicemercer -> not good
19:28:22 Durff -> so much for cable
19:28:28 Cathye -> Ok I tested again and used a different server much lower download about 1/2
19:28:39 alicemercer -> Hey, I did San Jose, which is pretty close, I'm going to try farther.
19:28:55 Durff -> I used DC
19:28:57 JohnSchinker -> cable -- 4731 down, 283 up
19:29:06 Cathye -> I used DC that was the slow one
19:29:13 Durff -> we are jealous
19:29:27 JohnSchinker -> I'll try dc
19:29:40 dave -> http://www.bavc.org/
19:29:40 alicemercer -> THat was from me
19:29:45 alicemercer -> Thanks dave
19:30:28 alicemercer -> They were doing a free class, that's what I was going to share.
19:30:29 Durff -> Chesterbrook, PA is faster - 1708
19:30:36 alicemercer -> It was slow for me
19:30:56 alicemercer -> 710/694 for me
19:31:00 Durff -> or it could be Antietam Cable
19:31:36 alicemercer -> That's okay!
19:31:45 alicemercer -> Don't worry
19:31:49 Cathye -> I am taking a free Flash class offered from HP
19:32:36 jeff -> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070222-8903.html
19:33:05 JohnSchinker -> I'm 4567 / 241 from DC
19:33:29 Durff -> well, that is just not fair
19:33:48 Durff -> you must have a better machine
19:34:07 dave -> http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2007-01-29-virtual-field-trip_x.htm
19:34:54 JohnSchinker -> Actually, the machine is painfully slow -- it's just a good night. Usually, the connection is really bad.
19:35:44 Durff -> yeah, right
19:35:50 JohnSchinker -> Jen did say she had never listened to the stream before. This is her chance :-)
19:36:19 JohnSchinker -> Durff: when we first signed up for cable, we were testing the technology, and had 5 mbps in both directions.
19:36:30 Durff -> 5?
19:36:33 JohnSchinker -> This was in '96 -- one of the first places to have it.
19:36:45 Durff -> that's it?
19:36:47 JohnSchinker -> I think we were the only ones on the switch.
19:37:03 JohnSchinker -> that's 5 megabit -- 3 T-1's.
19:37:15 Durff -> I signed up for cable internet before the landline when I moved
19:37:17 jeff -> https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2207/
19:37:44 JohnSchinker -> We don't use landlines anymore -- we're cell only.
19:38:04 Durff -> I cancelled mine, too
19:38:17 Durff -> no sense in paying for it
19:38:33 JohnSchinker -> right -- I always thought "long distance" was a scam
19:38:42 Durff -> I use Skype and cell
19:38:58 JenM -> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070222-8908.html
19:39:06 Cathye -> My firefox on my desktop stinks
19:39:07 Durff -> it costs 20 cents to call Germany!
19:39:18 JohnSchinker -> Tuning back in, we support both. I use FF, but we HAVE to have IE for some apps, and it's confusing for people to tell them to use both for different apps
19:39:22 Durff -> why Cathy?
19:39:35 alicemercer -> http://www.diigo.com
19:39:55 Cathye -> don't know- after I run it about about 15 min- I get an error
19:40:20 JohnSchinker -> Really? It's been very stable for me.
19:40:40 JohnSchinker -> Could it be a problem with an add-on?
19:41:22 dave -> http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2007/0222071fuzzy1.html
19:41:36 Cathye -> I'm not sure- someone else in the edtech group also talked about having issues (can't remember who)
19:42:25 Durff -> occassionally I have a problem and it closes, but not that often
19:43:37 dave -> http://joycevalenza.edublogs.org/2007/02/16/go-copyright-no-copyleft-nav...
19:43:38 JohnSchinker -> http://joycevalenza.edublogs.org/2007/02/16/go-copyright-no-copyleft-nav...
19:43:46 dave -> dave wins!
19:43:51 JohnSchinker -> d'oh!
19:43:52 dave -> http://www.c-spanclassroom.org/
19:43:57 dave -> woohoo!
19:44:10 JohnSchinker -> Cheater -- it's because you're red
19:44:19 dave -> http://lorelle.wordpress.com/about/
19:44:27 dave -> bwahahaha
19:44:47 jeff -> http://www.opendesigns.org/
19:45:26 jeff -> http://blog.obvious.com/2007/02/looking-for-odeos-new-home.html
19:45:47 JohnSchinker -> brb...
19:47:15 JohnSchinker ->  I'm back
19:47:29 sroseman -> Hi John
19:48:31 JohnSchinker -> Hello
19:49:10 JenM -> http://joycevalenza.edublogs.org/2007/02/16/go-copyright-no-copyleft-nav...
19:49:11 JohnSchinker -> GG's great
19:49:23 JenM -> http://www.c-spanclassroom.org/
19:49:38 JenM -> http://lorelle.wordpress.com/about/
19:50:06 JohnSchinker -> I like free -- most of the time, we don't have budgets for this kind of thing.
19:50:20 JohnSchinker -> If we can do it with the open soutce / free / collaborative stuff, all the better
19:50:35 Gary -> Although I am a Mac user sometime Steve Jobs says things that he probably does not know much about:  http://www.wired.com/news/columns/0,72754-0.html?tw=wn_politics_1
19:50:52 paul e -> Open Source Free stuff!
19:51:03 USSROVER -> hi everyone
19:51:07 jeff -> http://podcamp.pbwiki.com/
19:51:16 Cathye -> More interested in free- but low cost is an option
19:51:37 alicemercer -> If it's for money--it better be good!
19:51:50 Durff -> thank you Jeff
19:51:59 jeff -> http://www.shutdownday.org/
19:52:03 USSROVER -> http://tdurl.com/y  list oif computer / tech shows (spreadsheet)
19:52:05 Durff -> I cam
19:52:07 JohnSchinker -> *all* of the computers ?!?!
19:52:08 alicemercer -> What day was that?
19:52:09 Durff -> t do that
19:52:14 JenM -> to send links our way when on del.icio.us add a tag "for:edtechtalk"
19:52:15 Durff -> March 24
19:52:35 JohnSchinker -> Good, Jen -- mention delicious
19:52:40 Durff -> she is a trooper!
19:52:45 USSROVER -> 45 days over 1600 hits
19:52:47 paul e -> Breath Dave!  Breath!
19:52:49 Cathye -> OMG- 24 hours- Can't do it!
19:52:55 Gary -> It would be more of a challenge if it was a week day
19:53:09 dave -> panic!
19:53:16 Durff -> no, that would be easier
19:53:27 sroseman -> can you post that wired article again. Please
19:53:30 Gary -> Depends on your job
19:53:31 jeff -> http://www.worldbridging.net/logos/
19:53:32 alicemercer -> http://nicholaselementary.edublogs.org
19:53:57 Gary -> http://www.wired.com/news/columns/0,72754-0.html?tw=wn_politics_1
19:53:58 alicemercer -> That has my Hmong students culture report as a blog post
19:55:18 Durff -> Excellent Jen!
19:56:43 Gary -> Keep reading - vouchers
19:59:35 dave -> *)
20:00:09 Cathye -> sometimes teachers have to get political- because the political folks control the $
20:00:49 Gary -> It is more than politics - try being a biology teacher in a classroom where many of the students of certain religious background - the complaints might mean that that terrible teacher might be incompetent
20:02:01 Gary -> or understand the concepts of science
20:02:27 alicemercer -> I feel for you brother!
20:03:21 alicemercer -> I posted a comment on the think lab
20:03:23 jeff -> https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
20:03:30 Gary -> Not that kind of biology
20:05:14 alicemercer -> Dave how is politics and education in Canada
20:05:49 alicemercer -> We could do unions/politics/education and technology next time?
20:06:19 alicemercer -> or another time?
20:06:44 JenM -> http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/ = Instructions on how to use Bit Torrent
20:06:55 alicemercer -> Let me know, I'll get links etc. together.
20:09:09 sroseman -> http://blinkx.com/
20:09:32 sroseman -> searches video content by the spoken word
20:09:33 alicemercer -> They'll explode
20:09:38 JohnSchinker -> http://www.weather.com/weather/map/interactive/20002?from=36hour_map_lar...
20:09:43 Durff -> explode!
20:10:25 sroseman -> but it searches by audio..the spoken word
20:10:59 alicemercer -> That will make the internet explode even quicker if it has audio won't it?
20:11:00 dave -> http://thepiratebay.org/legal.php
20:12:13 Cathye -> I like that map John - it is wet in eastern NC
20:13:07 JenM -> http://www.doodle.ch/
20:13:14 JohnSchinker -> I just saw it on digg a couple minutes ago
20:13:58 dave -> http://www.storysquared.com/
20:14:21 jeff -> http://edtechtalk.com/graphics/storysquared.jpg
20:15:59 alicemercer -> http://funbrain.com has madlibs
20:16:15 JohnSchinker -> http://us.penguingroup.com/static/packages/us/yreaders/madlibs/fun.html
20:16:42 jeff -> http://protopage.com/
20:17:10 alicemercer -> I'm bummed. No pod camp on west coast
20:17:51 Durff -> 81 degrees in Honolulu
20:17:56 Durff -> hi
20:18:05 arvind -> hey folks
20:18:41 arvind -> i LOVE protopage
20:19:13 Durff -> it looks cool
20:19:42 Durff -> i'm hoping we have a delay tomorrow
20:19:47 sroseman -> love the look and feel of protopage
20:21:00 Cathye -> How does protopage compare to pageflakes
20:21:05 Durff -> the puppy barks!
20:21:12 dave -> http://www.protopage.com/davecormier
20:21:20 arvind -> uh oh, stream just got messed up! it is now playing edtechtalk #3 with a young-sounding Dave
20:22:16 Durff -> what does a young Dave sound like?
20:22:28 arvind -> check out the stream :)
20:22:42 Gary -> I can hear you on the skypecast but .....
20:23:20 Durff -> it's okay on A
20:23:44 alicemercer -> If anyone is interested in playing with diigo with me...
20:23:48 Durff -> it'as ok on B
20:24:21 Durff -> explode!
20:24:25 arvind -> i am on A, listening to edtechtalk 3 Jeff talking about what "technology" is
20:24:33 arvind -> let me try reconnecting
20:24:52 arvind -> strange
20:24:52 arvind -> the reconnect seems to have done it
20:25:46 sroseman -> yet another blogging tool http://www.tumblr.com/
20:25:55 alicemercer -> Okay if anyone wants to "play" in Diigo with me to check it out...http://mizmercer.edublogs.org
20:26:08 arvind -> i am losing my mind Dave, but I definitely was hearing EdTechTalk 3. these are unrelated events
20:26:11 alicemercer -> http://mizmercer.edublogs.org
20:26:30 arvind -> interviewing a woman
20:27:28 Gary -> Dave, I did try to participate in the skypecast after you asked me but for some reason although you could see me I could not unmute myself.  Maybe next time.
20:27:53 Gary -> I was ld_gmc
20:28:09 Durff -> http://durffsblog.blogspot.com/
20:28:21 arvind -> that was it! young dave :)
20:28:22 Durff -> for Alice
20:29:09 arvind -> upload of 1400! i am 350 :(
20:29:35 Cathye -> yes- drupal
20:29:38 Cathye -> I need help
20:29:42 Cathye -> what time?
20:30:57 Durff -> Gary, I see you in Skype
20:31:00 jeff -> 9pmEST
20:31:04 arvind -> we used moodle with all teachers grades 5-12
20:31:23 Durff -> wow, tell us about it!
20:32:01 arvind -> every homework assignment goes in Moodle and then some teachers are going farther with online discussions, online assignment submissions, wikis, glossaries
20:32:14 arvind -> it was a pretty easy implementation
20:32:21 arvind -> in terms of getting teachers to pick it up
20:33:02 JenM -> Arvind, I met Boris - isn't he your Moodle dude at your school?
20:33:08 arvind -> is edtechtalk coming back? very exciting
20:33:09 Durff -> I can't convince my school to download it
20:33:17 Gary -> Thanks Durff - I can hear but not do anthing else
20:33:27 arvind -> i am the Moodle dude at my school Jen, but yeah, Boris told me you guys met. he is our webmaster
20:33:28 Durff -> hmmm
20:33:39 Durff -> wonder what's up?
20:33:51 arvind -> Durff, you can get one outside at around $6/month if you want to just play with it
20:34:02 Gary -> Too late now
20:34:05 Durff -> what where?
20:34:24 arvind -> my students on their entertainment podcast said little miss sunshine doesn't have a chance. let's see
20:34:46 sroseman -> cute; but not worthy of an oscar
20:34:51 arvind -> site5.com is what i use for personal hosting Durff. you can use Fantastico (which comes with the account) ton install Moodle for you in a couple clicks
20:34:58 Durff -> arvind - where?
20:35:16 Durff -> thank you
20:35:20 arvind -> that is an easy way to try out moodle without investing much
20:35:40 Durff -> does it take up a lot of space?
20:35:45 arvind -> the server wont be blazing fast since it is a shared hosting plan, but it's how we tested it out for a while
20:36:08 arvind -> Moodle doesn't take up much space, but depends how much data you put into it. if you fill it with videos and photos and files, that will take up the space
20:36:26 Durff -> thank you!
20:36:33 arvind -> no prob
20:36:36 Durff -> this is a BIG help!!
20:37:04 arvind -> glad to help. i have given a two Moodle workshops, one on installing on a server and one on using with faculty/students, so happy to helpl out if you need more later
20:37:05 Durff -> Night ye all!
20:37:11 arvind -> have a good night
20:37:32 Durff -> I'm sure I will arvind
20:37:38 Durff -> night


Hi guys,

 Explode is basically an open source version of mybloglog.com, which was recently bought by Yahoo. The way you're supposed to use it is to create an account and profile, then embed the widget in your blog. It'll help you track other explode users who visit your site, and provide them with tools to network with each other.


 I haven't tried it myself yet, but I'm a mybloglog user, as you can see if you go to my blog:




On the right side of the page, there's a widget showing the pics of recent visitors who are part of the network. They can then go to my blog's mybloglog page and discuss stuff among themselves. So basically it's a distributed social networking tool. -andy


My read as well... although the new addition of OpenID and clear APIs does sorta set it apart... we'll update that one tonight on the show i figure. cheers - dave.