Women of Web 2.0, April 10, 2007 Tuesday night

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Here is the agenda of our show! We were able to discuss our way through the whole show agenda!

Great job Vicki moderating.

The Horizon Report 2007 states that virtual worlds are going to be a significant trend on college campuses in the next 1-5 years but there are some educators already doing it.

The Guests
Beth Ritter-Guth is a pioneer who is teaching literature in Second Life (SL). (Shakespeare in SL, to "prim or not to prim?")  She has taught me so much and is very patient!  We have a lot to learn from her.

Dr. Allan Webb is the founder of literaryworlds.org  and has an amazing story to tell about how a difficult book became very teachable in a 3D environment.

This is not technology focused as both of our interviewees are teaching literature!  It will be exciting!

Links for this show!

We have agendas for these shows.  I'm going to share a pared down version with you:

WOW2 April 10, 2007 Agenda: The Potential for Virtual Worlds in Teaching

First 5 minutes - our WOW's of the week (where we share the coolest new stuff we've found!)

I. Guest Intro
(Brief bio, what doing now, and how they first got into virtual worlds and what they do now in virtual worlds.)

II. The current uses of virtual worlds in teaching
Observations from those who are doing it.
Dr. Webb -- How he first started literary worlds and the improvements he saw.
Beth - How she first started using second life and she you uses it in the classroom now.

III. Where do you see this going?
Beth - What do you think can be done in SL or other worlds that will help teaching? Are you seeing things happen in SL that will change things?
Dr. Webb - Where do you see sites like virtual worlds going in the future?
Beth's response

IV. Current Trends and Reports and your Reactions -
The Horizon Report 2007 listed virtual worlds and massive multiplayer gaming as becoming important parts of the college educational experience in the next 1-5 years? Do you agree with the time frame? Do you think college profs will agree or disagree with this?

A new report has emerged questioning the validity of software in helping achievement... do you think this has the potential to also stymie the growth of virtual worlds and give ammunition to the incredulous?

V. Safety
SL and Teenagers -- What can we do to safely use this tool. Beth, let's start with you, we want the audience to understand the issues about bringing K-12 into SL and the limitations.
Dr. Webb - are there safety issues in virtual worlds?


Chat below

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Real audio failed here. Will there be WOW here tonight?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: getting ready for sound checks

   jl -> EdTechTalk: I predict that by the end of tonight's show, the WoWsers will be able to watch their fortune being told by podabracadabra

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: great Jeff, I listened to the podcast and that is my wow of the week.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: I believe you are my knight in shining armour

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hello Beth

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Hello!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Anyone here from Sled?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hello elena we are doing sound checks and getting ready

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: OK no mic here tonight.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Just typing chat. Funny how that seems archaic!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: there will be sound for yo u to listen to soon.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hello out there!

   jlcgarton -> EdTechTalk: Hello Beth.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: anyone here?

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: So sorry to keep coming and going. This is my first visit.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: I am taking a vote on the best brand of tissues...

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: welcomer mmiller

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: mmiller, you are doing fine.

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: I just have to find out how to listen

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: are any of you from SLed?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: soon you can listen on the stream

   jlcgarton -> EdTechTalk: Puffs plus...tissue brand we use

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Puffs is good

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Hi Room

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: puffs for me too - chasing a little girl around with puffs right now

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hello Jenn

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: Runny nose

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: getting there folks, hang in

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: Let me say how thrilled I am to be in the chat room!!! This is huge for me. Yipeee

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: this is greatto have so many people

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Welcome MMiller

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: This is awesome!  Anyone here from SLed?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hello Elena again, soon the stream

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: OH problem with Real audio on this end. I restarted the computer.

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: Do we automatically hear you when you come on? Like magic?? This is so great!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lol

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: anyone here from SLed?

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: You mean SL?

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: yes :-)

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: how is the stream

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: stream left

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: back

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: okay, trying again

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: sound good

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: durff, thanks, great yahoo

   jlcgarton -> EdTechTalk: I can hear the stream.

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Greetings everyone

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: quite a crowd tonight

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: and we haven't even started

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hello

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: is anyone joining us from SLed?

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: hi everyone

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: Please forgive me but what is SL?

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Second Life Education Mailing List

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: http://www.secondlife.com/education

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/April

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: I knew that *)  sorry

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: that is the link to the wiki for tonight

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: awesome; thank you

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Please remember that we are  seconds ahead of you 

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: We get hundreds of $$ from Target

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: in other words, you have a  second delay

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: WAY TO GO ELENA!!!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: SL  Second Life

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: multiuser virtual environment   Second Life

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: YEA!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lost the chat

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lost skype

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: oh, hello, the chat is going, the webstream is going, and I am archiving tonight, good thing Jeff.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Hello everyone!

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: No echo here

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Hi

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: okay thanks

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hello everyone!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Hello, large room tonight!  How exciting!

   Cathye -> EdTechTalk: Hello everybody

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: teachers.yahoo.com

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: awesome

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Vinnie I thought you wouldn't make it tonight!?

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Glad you could make it.

   Larry.Carlton -> EdTechTalk: hi Dr. T

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: ROFL

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Welcome SLedders!!!!

   Larry.Carlton -> EdTechTalk: hi dawn

   paulson -> EdTechTalk: Dr.T I think I am on. I am hearing about Women of the WEb

   paulson -> EdTechTalk: Hi Larry

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: hello

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hello!!!

   vinnie v -> EdTechTalk: Hey Vicki, my daughter had to make up a driver's ed class which I had to reshedule due to an overwhelming amount of homework. My wife still hasn't come home, as she has just completed her first tech rehearsal for the musical she is doing this weekend

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: Hello

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: poor Linda B keeps getting knocked out

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi Cheri, I did it again, I missed calling your class right?

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Simon glad you got off your idol gig and made it tonight!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lol

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: no, cheryl we're good

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: there's no class tonight

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: okay, got it,

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: http://www.thegoodbaduglyinternet.info/

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: we're excited about next week - getting organized in the wiki

   sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Hey all

   Simon -> EdTechTalk: Don't make me get sarcastic on you

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hhi kathys

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: welcome everyone

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: http://www.ties.k.mn.us/Internet_Speakers.html  Scroll down, I'm the last one.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: anyone from SLed?

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Oh, I'm scared! ;-)

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi vinnie good to see you on

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: http://www.timewarnercable.com/corporate/aboutus/natlteachersawards.html

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Oh, Cheri it will be exciting!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: medieval helpdesk = http://youtube.com/watch?v=pQHX-SjgQvQ

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: ty

   sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Cheryl, I was at podcamp NYC too, but didn't know Jeff and friends were there until I got back to Atlanta

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: http://.../resources/grants.php?id=

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: WOOT

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: thanks Vicki

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Tar-jay

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: cheri, i will be on the wiki tomorrow

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: kathys how did that happen  you were there?

   vinnie v -> EdTechTalk: thanks Cheryl. Great post about webkinz and club penguin

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: great

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: http://.../resources/grants.php

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: excellent :-)

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: thank you!!!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: sometimes if you click on a link it sometimes bumps you from the chat, just come back in

   sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: I was on spring break so I signed up to volunteer.  I sold t-shirts! http://www.flickr.com/photos/rustytanton//

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: great idea cybercompliment

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Yes - it really is

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: Yep that's how I got bumped :-)

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: I will pass it along to SLed bloggers

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Gaming!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: WOOT!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: www.toondoo.com

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: www.webkinz.com

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: this fri?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: www.penguinclub.com

   Simon -> EdTechTalk: Hi Sharon, I saw Chris on Thursday

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: I was going to try SL tonight but it kept crashing

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: teachertube.com

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.polldaddy.com/default.asp

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.joost.com

   Simon -> EdTechTalk: Not off to a great start with your performance Vicki ;-)

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: SIMON!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lol

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi susan, we just are in line for a new batch of snow

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: [email protected]

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: I put away my skis

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: wow too many links for me to check now.

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: shhh!

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: sorry again

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: don't worry about getting bumped out, we all do it

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: what was that site again

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: joost.com

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: www.joost.com

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: multi user virtual environment

   LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I'm struggling with SL as a novice too.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: my second life consists of me climbing over furniture

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: search terms

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: I do like going hand gliding with Jen

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: literature Alive!

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Are the links in an archive?

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Desideria Stockton

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: I attended a neat session at Academy of Second Learning (ASL) on building an earth day project..very creative

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: what a great idea susan, earth day projects

   Cathye -> EdTechTalk: Elena- the chat will be posted in a couple of days

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: I teach at ASL to raise Linden

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: they are a good group

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: It shows you the potential for teaching and learning in SL

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Thanks.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: to all in the chat, I usually get the chat and podcast of the show posted on Thursday. Hopefully we will have power during the next April storm and I iwll be posting.

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: This is just too cool so post whenever and I'll be thrilled!!!

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: Are you still skiing, Cheryl?

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Literature Alive! SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Iukekini%Island/./.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: yes, susan, we had  inches of snow last wed./thur it is the best skiing of the year. skiing until //

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Is there a "teachers section" of second life?

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Good question, we'll ask in a bit.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Right now you really have to search.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: British Literature Classroom SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Knightsbridge/./.

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: I would only like to join a SL teachers area.

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: ISTE has an island for educators

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: ISTE has a group

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: worldbridges is another great education group

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: and World Bridges is also there

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: they have socials and tours

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: webheads too

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: That sounds like my king of place!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: educators definitely have a presence there and are building

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: kind of place

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: SL has crashed again I cannot do anyhting as soon as I take one step it's gone

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: American Literature CLassroom SL URL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Eduisland%II/./.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: try using your hard line and not wireless

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.literaryworlds.org

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hard wire for me is criticacl

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: We are having a free inworld conference on Friday, MAy th for Educators

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Click Enter and then go to the worlds that are built.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: here is the URL

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: OH fantastic, Beth!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: what a great idea!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: The  one has a GREAT one!  I fell in love with it.

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: I'll try hardline thanks

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: http://slbestpractices.wikispaces.com/

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hello andy

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl.  How are you?

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: This is my WOW moment for the week! Very fun!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: great, things are moving along well tonight, glad you are here

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/April

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Here is the link to our WIKI for tonight 

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks mmiller

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: You could have all kinds of glitches and I would still be thrilled

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.literaryworlds.wmich.edu/worldlist.htm

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Where the worlds are.

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: I have listened to many of your shows on my iPOD

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks for letting us know. we try to get them up in a timely fashion

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Is there a visual here as well?

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: The Women's Classroom SL uRL includes women's studies and women's lit http://slurl.com/secondlife/Eduisland%II/./.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: no visual happening with this, just the chat

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Ok.  Thanks Cheryl. 

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi chris, glad to see you

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: a little late tonight

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: good stuff, you can listen to the podcast thursday

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: HI Chris.... am planning to show off your stuff next week!

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: great

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi Jeanne and Jeff! Welcome

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Is that Jeff Utecht?

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Beth is talking about the Literary worlds that she has created in SL to teach literature!

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Hello, everybody!

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl...thought I'd stop by...saw you guys where here on twitter

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Hey Jeff!

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: I have a ?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: glad you stopped by, yahoo from singapore

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Hi Jeff,  I"ve wanted to meet you.

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: I'm trying to get the audio now...we'll see how it works

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Kcz  what is your ????

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Hi andy!

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Vicki, the video is on the way.

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: I went to Second Life once, and it was rather overwhelming!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: chanel a edtechtalk

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Jeanne  I agree

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: can we request a particular book to have a scene created in literary worlds?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Jeff, discovered your web . vid on youtube and have embedded in a wiki presentation I am making at a conference next week

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: jeanne go to SL on a tour with others, it is more relaxing

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: I really liked flying best :D

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: cheri have you been biking yet?

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: How do you go on a tour of SL?

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Grins  I think I took Jeanne on a tour

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Cheryl, that's on my list of things to do when I have some free time!  (next year, maybe? ha!)

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Elena  I take tours

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I give tours

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Beth sets them up sometime, we can ask her if she'll set one up - Jen has set them up before too!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: and so does Beth

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Jennifer, I haven't been on a tour  yet.

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Touring is the best way to see it

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Good

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: cool-okay

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: KCZ - I will ask

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: oh-okay-ty

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: I work at a public library that has a partnership (in the library-we have two large theaters) with a children's theatre and they put on performances throughout the year-what if literary worlds could create a scene based on one of the performances?

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: That sounds so cool!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: your ??? is in the que  KCZ

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: k

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: I think I saw an advertisement for a Ruby Payne virtual school program that sounds like something like SL

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: that sounds like a great idea,to have a childrens theater

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: Is anyone familar with that?

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: yes-it rocks :)

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: I didn't think anything of it at the time but I will have to look into that now

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Is Jeff still in the room?

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: YUP

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: I'm here

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Jeff, you live in China, right?

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Yep...in the middle of teaching th grade tech

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: we're playing with images in Fireworks

   andy -> EdTechTalk: That's so sweeet.

   andy -> EdTechTalk: What time is it?

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: :am Wed morning

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: You're a lot older on this site of the world. :)

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: What is Fireworks?

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: KCZ  Alan is answering your ???? NOW

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Jeff you are a lot wiser then.

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Neat.  IN a few hours when Wednesday is over can you let me know what stocks to pic?

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: fIREWORKS IS a image editor

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Here comes the knight in armour

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Macromedia Fireworks....the Photoshop of macromedia

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: that is now owned by Adobe

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Hello Jeff  what time is it for you???

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: Kelly

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Jeff, very cool you could join us mid-class (finally talked my IT director to letting me have skype in the classroom so I could potentially do this too!)

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: :am Wed morning

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi kelly

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: hi

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: cool!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: and who is visiting you this week??? 

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: recently taught my students to make backgrounds for webpages in Fireworks

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: !!!!!!!

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: :)

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: don't you have someone else in Shanhai right now??

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: another question, Kelly???

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: no-just excited

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: ty

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: GRINS

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Jeff, who are your students, Chinese American or boht?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: good question, Andy

   LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: What program is Allen doing Literary Worlds in again?

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: my public library can work with our childrens theatre

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: We are an International school

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: are you at an international school, Jeff

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Something called MOO I think.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: www.imaginon.org

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: It is on the page.

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: all our students are International

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: has anyone tryed spresent  My students discovered it this week.  It is a flash presentation application.  Power point in flash!!  Very interactive

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: % American

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.literaryworlds.wmich.edu/worldlist.htm

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Jeff...International as in IB?

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk:  different nationalities

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: what is the address chris? spresent?

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Mostly Chinese-American and Korean

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: spresent.com

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Yes we offer both AP and IB

   andy -> EdTechTalk: Wow.  Jeff, have you heard anything today about the U.S. suing China in the World Trade Organization?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: some international schools are IB, but not all

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks chris

   Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Our schools is applying for IB Middle Years Program

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: I have another question

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Haven't heard the WTO talk

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: go for it kely

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: how do copyright issues apply to litearary worlds

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: literary

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: okay

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Shall ask, Kelly

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: k, ty

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: OK I have to go back to teaching...good to know that I can join the WOW

   jutecht -> EdTechTalk: Later from Shanghai!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: WOW  We are so glad you dopped by

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: HUGS

   Cathye -> EdTechTalk: Has Dr. Webb thought about having his students create worlds for elementary levels?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: spresent looks VERY interesting!

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: Anyone want to do a book together - class collaboration?

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I shall ask Cathy

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: great to have you jeff!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Nee how

   mmiller -> EdTechTalk: thank you so much! I have to put my a little one to bed right now and hope to live regularly. You guys are great!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: thanks for coming!!!!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: chris, could spresent be used for a conference pres?

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: Would love to see a classroom in the teen grid

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Thanks MMiller

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: please joing the SLed mailing list - there is one just for the teen grid :-)

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: www.secondlife.com/education

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: It works just like powerpoint to my knowledge.  but it is . so you store it with them, you get some interacive buttons.  go to math.blogspot.com and two students created a spresent.  you will see it in action

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thanks, Chris!

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: ok I tried hardline and still crashed any ideas

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hmmm

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: skype me after this and I will walk you through

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: my skype id is bethritterguth

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: Thanks Beth

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: yes, we learn from our mistakes - but we are RISK-TAKERS so that we can bring excellence to the learning experience

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Kelly  your ???? is being answered right now

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: sharon, did you see my last blog post on being a risk taker?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Sharon, we are risk takers extraordinaire

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: I found some cool stuff

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: no, cheri, would LOVE to see it, please pass along your urls

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: blog address

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: :)

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: drctedd.wordpress.com

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: www.vixy.net

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thanks!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hello charlene

   Charlene C. -> EdTechTalk: howdy!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Beth, the copyright issue and modeling is a great point

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Cheri, that is a GREAT post! and I have wondered about those same questions - and I LOVED Darren's graph

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: sharon - such a great graph!! I really got going!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: LOL at that graph - too funny!

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I think I might print out that graph and put it on my desk to give me encouragement

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: :-)

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: ..I am listening to a chat

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: taking the plunge lol

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: none of the standard formatting have kept up

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: APA too

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: that is the hardest question I have to answer when my boys ask me how to cite sources on the web.

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: yes, the standards have to change with the media

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: though there are things like DOPA and 'net neutraility'

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: ye ol' guessetimate!

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: neutrality

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: sharon, you just showed up on my blog's clustr map - cool - I just put it in last week

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: link?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: clustrmaps are great!

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Go K-!

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hello alice mac, welcome, hello vardalek, welcome

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: give us a link

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: thanks cheryl

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: LINK!!!

   Cathye -> EdTechTalk: I want to do that

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I created a blog for my students on exchange in Australia - the clustrmap was just great for creating momentum.

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: I may loose my composure here....

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: and there's no background check for adults?

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: great stuff

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Did you hear that about the Piped Piper???

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: sooo cool

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: [email protected]

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: yeah Pied Piper link?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: that is cool and he wants to help build more for elementary

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: link to pied piper pleas jen

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk:  visits on the students blogs in  weeks! very cool

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Grins  I am trying to get the link

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.literaryworlds.wmich.edu/cindersplace/

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Pied Piper

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thanks

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: http://www.literaryworlds.wmich.edu/worldlist.htm

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: and his email??

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I'll have to look, just a moment.

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I will be happy to let you browse the Pied Piper literary world. Send me an email, and I'll send you a character name and password. The expected audience for this online learning activity is the K- teacher and the college professor. The following categories can be considered subjects under which the online literary world might qualify as a useful learning tool:      * literary studies of any sort     * children's literature     * story telling devices of any kind     * analytical and critical thinking skills     * geography     * history     * culture     * inter textual relationships (this is not reduced only to books, but includes all story telling devices such as television, songs, drama, dance  in short, all of the fine arts that can incorporate any form of communication)  You may contact me at [email protected].

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks Jen

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: that is NOT me  that is [email protected]

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: Jen - [email protected]

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: how do you think public libraries can help facilitate people using literary worlds through visiting their local public library?

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: grins  though this is an excellent project  it is NOT one of mine

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Lisa  you need to write to BLUE

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Interested in a tour: [email protected]

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I will do tours too  [email protected]

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: people get married in WoW-not just Second Life

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: [email protected]

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: grins  I can take you hang-gliding

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: good point all avatars are real people

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: bethssecondlife.blogspot.com

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: Jen I would love to do a tour but I have to quit crashing first

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lol

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: that reminds me of the videos that vicki shared on cyberbullying

   Larry.Carlton -> EdTechTalk: Virtual Worlds - Great Stuff!!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: LOL

   paulson -> EdTechTalk: I agree!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Cheryl  I promise that you won't crash

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: just remember that up is down and down is up

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: easy for you to say

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: also animal avatars

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: LOL  well I crashed many times before I figured that out

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Hey Karen!  WE missed you!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: How are you?

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: is that true in RL too :-)

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: nope  never an accident yet

   KarenJanowski -> EdTechTalk: Hi, Vicki!  Lost track of the time!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: SL and me are not that lucky

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I got stuck underwater in a submarine

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: World bridges THANK YOU THANK YOU!

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: this was wonderful-thank you

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Our guests are incredible!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: and I fell over , feet

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: thank you for posting on SLED Beth

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: we are all still here enratpured!

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: get well soon Beth

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: lol

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: Great sound level this week cheryl.  a little late I know

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: thank you

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: Yahoo!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: I really dont sound like a muppet

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: we're in great company

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: teach

   Larry.Carlton -> EdTechTalk: Hey! It won't be that bad

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: yea

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: :)

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: right, larry, you're a star

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: oh, thanks chris the sound has been great, but at one hour I start to hear an echo, i hope you don't

   LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: thanks so much, everyone!

   Larry.Carlton -> EdTechTalk: First time visitor. Great show:D

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: only in "your world"

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: tada

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: thanks Lisa

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks larry,

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: and THANKS Lary

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: thank Dr. Alan!

   alicemac -> EdTechTalk: thanks

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Chris - she got me and my obnoxious mike under control!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Dr. Webb

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: okay, chris, I just live in a constant echo

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Dr. Allen Webb.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: vicki, your mic was okay.

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: Thanks everyone

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: hi dea - this is the post-show

   paulson -> EdTechTalk: Hi Dea!

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: so if we want to create a room based on a script, what kind of permission do we need for literary worlds

   CLykowski -> EdTechTalk: Have a good night everyone

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: in SL or the other environment

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: yeah but that's on Main Grid

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: why show teens a place they can't get to

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: That is why the teacher would have to do it.

   sroseman -> EdTechTalk: I am on the dance floor in SL!!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I know there are issues with it.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: yes ,but the teens cannot get to it

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Sue, you naughty girl.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: That's right and it is a problem.

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Sue Roseman is fun in SL

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: show them the teen grid by getting a teen

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: We need an educators world.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: who is in second life

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: to demo the teen grid

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: she is much more adventurous

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: choose one teen

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: to do this

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: for the class

   KarenJanowski -> EdTechTalk: Vicki, you have been advocating for that.  How does that happen?'

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hi Karne

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: I mean Karen J.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I don't know how it will happen but if SL goes open source, we get funding and get servers and set it up.

   KarenJanowski -> EdTechTalk: HI, Chery!!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: That is what many people want!

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: Use youth participation by having them guide the class through teen second life

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I doubt if SL would go OS - do you think that is a possibility??

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: doesn't make sense to show them a place they can't get to

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: legally

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: they HAVE to be making $$$ on this

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I'm not quite sure what I think yet about it.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: With high school students.

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: the teens can go build stuff on teen grid; at  they CAN go in to SL main grid. I don't see the problem in demo-ing

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: we do other kinds of demos all the time in classrooms

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: YES!!! James is awesome

   alicemac -> EdTechTalk: teens are out there on the main grid now ... no matter what you might think

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: why not demo a place they can get to and that they've created

   KarenJanowski -> EdTechTalk: I have asked many teens in my area if they know about SL. I've yet to run into some one who knows about it.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: I know they're out on the main grid-not that naive

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: that is interesting

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I am finding MANY college students know though

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Karen, none of hte "kids " I see are into SL., yet

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I agree, Karen - but think of the opportunity we have to INTRO SL to them in  a Proper way

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: but it is not a big deal with my K students yet

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: www.there.com

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: as educators, we can support the standards of LL and give them credit for the world they create

   alicemac -> EdTechTalk: agreed

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: how cool is it for teens to see a world that adults have created-that they can't legally get to

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: they have created A LOT on the teen grid

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: and are amazing

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I think that www.there.com is the answer that we are talking about.

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: my prob is that in september some of my students are  and by January they're all . tricky w SL rules

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: yep tricky

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Do you use the teen grid kczarnec

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: yep-have an island

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: EyeYou Alliance

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: supported by public libraries

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Credit card? How expensive is it to visit SL?

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: it's free to visit sl

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: for a basic account

   Bloomsbury -> EdTechTalk: LL gives a stable developement environment for educators, however the post compulsory - user base may need some new grid..

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Will you share the slurl can others go there?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: free to just hang around and enjoy Sl - my kind of price

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Would you like to come on a show sometime?

   alicemac -> EdTechTalk: free fou get a few L$or basic, if you log a credit card y

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: I would love to Vicki :)

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Could you e-mail me offline [email protected]

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Any other teachers with islands in SL?

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: can't sure slurl-there is no way for adults to get there without a background check

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Ok, great!  That is fine.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: but would love for any volunteers

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: [email protected]

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Do you have any machinima vidoes?

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: yes

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: not yet but we are working on it yes-we have someone that works with us that can create

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: No island for me yet

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: I did a top ten list on www.stingyscholar.blogspot.com

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: who should she send to when she has video

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk:  Thanks for the chat tonight everyone.  Enjoy the rest of your evening

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: public libraries! we need to make them available in our public libraries :)

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Bye Chris!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: night Chris

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: good to see you

   charbeck -> EdTechTalk: thanks

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: bye chris, thanks for stopping

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: we have to keep pushing the word at how positive uses of social networking are being used by teachers and librarians

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: yes publically available in public librairies

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: equal access

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: YALSA blog and wiki has a lot of information on the positive uses of social networking

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: Young Adult Library Services Associaiton

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: I think SL extends the learning time.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: http://teentechweek.wikispaces.com/DOPA

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: yes, I agree

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: yes, the Yalsa blog is what I have been using to convinve my boss

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: they make connections to people

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: convince

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: awesome Cyndi!!! Beaming

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: it's like tutorials (to Allen)  reflection can be guided later

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: learning journals

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: vicki-who do we send info to if interested in presenting?

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Beth good point, the technology enhances good instruction.

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: the most convincing argument is a parent who hears their son/daughter improve

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: when they speak out, admin listens

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: yes

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: I had that!

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: thank God

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: yes, content delivered and learned is the best tool for convincing administrators

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I sent you an e-mail kczarnec

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Just e-mail me.

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: I had a student for whom SL was a whole new way to engage in the real world of applying cultural studies concepts

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: vardalek, that is an exciting observation

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: But think what it can do for those with physical disabilities.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: that is groundbreaking , that is a great way for SL to work Vardalek

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk:  students went to real world sites for reflective observation;  went to SL  that was his blossoming

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: good night everyone, see you all next week - hold onto your hats, helmets, and beanies

   vinnie v -> EdTechTalk: it is an amplifier, it makes a great teacher better and exposes a bad teacher quicker

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: excellent point, Vicki

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: looking forward to next week, Cheri!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Goonight cheri

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: see you cheri, we will chat

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: thanks Sharon

   KarenJanowski -> EdTechTalk: Vicki, I'll have to ask about that on some of the other listserves that I belong to.

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: night Vicki

   cheri toledo -> EdTechTalk: Cheryl - turn on your skype and i'll call you :-)

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: vinnie v = great metaphor about amplifier

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: oops-sorry-okay thank you Vicki :)

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Great point Vinnie that is wonderful!

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: I'd like to have some teachers with islands on the teen grid we are booked way out but we can look at September it seems.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: We are so thankful for such a graet community! 

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: We're about to wrap up any questions?

   sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Yes, we need each other for support and encouragement!

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: thanks for hosting this; sorry i was so late

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: www.ncte.org

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: and libraries

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: excellent

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks for coming all

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: public libraries -we model that to our public

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: :)

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: this was soooo good!

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: wow Beth, I'm really looking forward to next Monday.

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks, you all make it so worthwhile

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: the teen grid is addressing those issues

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: in second life

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: ACE assembly of computers and english.

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: so that we are youth advocates and not creating the same thing

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: on every island

   ElenaW -> EdTechTalk: Good night all! This has bee a good evening.

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: THANK YOU!!!!

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: beth can type and talk at the same time! :)

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Thank you for having us!

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: impressive

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: rofl

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: *listens for the laughing part*

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks beth so much, see you on a tour

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: Good night all

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: please im me inworld

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: see you next week

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: tell me that you are a WOWer

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Desideria Stockton

   vardalek -> EdTechTalk: vardalek paine

   Charlene C -> EdTechTalk: Happy to be a WOWer!

   JenniferWagner -> EdTechTalk: I am MacsMom Alcott

   Charlene C -> EdTechTalk: thanx all

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Great job!@  I'm cool cat Whitman

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: thank you

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Share second life names if you're here.

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: Coolcat whitman

   Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: great job all, thanks for the great show

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: ty

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Desideria Stockton

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: Cyndi Uriza

   Vicki Davis -> EdTechTalk: This is such a great show. Thank you everyone in the chat room it was great!

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: CYNDI!!!!!

   KarenJanowski -> EdTechTalk: thanks everyone!

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: Edith Halderman

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: hey there

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: hi Cyndi-you came to our sl presentation about teens

   kczarnec -> EdTechTalk: ty

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: great show

   Durff -> EdTechTalk: thank WOW ladies

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: it is great to see you in a new format, Cyndi

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: Yes. i'm really interested in getting something going

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: Same here Beth

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: This was wonderful

   BethRitterGuth -> EdTechTalk: Are you interested in helping out with the conference?

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: Sure

   cyndi -> EdTechTalk: i need a minute to figure out how, unless you have something in mind