Women of Web 2.0, April 17, 2007 Show # 23
Join us, Jen, Vicki, Sharon and Cheryl, as we break ground with an online conversation with teachers in
the field and teachers in a doctoral program with Dr. Cheri Toledo,
from Illinois State University.This is how experienced teachers are
embracing the new technologies.
II.Since many of our listeners are considered "first wave" adopters of
new technologies and new web tools, we are very interested in how we
can continue bringing more people to this new way of doing business in
education. Here are the questions:
a. Do you consider yourself a first wave adopter and why? Where do you get the support to continue trying new things?
b. Do you consider yourself a second wave adopter and why? Where do you get the support to continue trying new things?
c. If you did not have a course requirement to try blogging, wikis, podcasting, Skyping, what things wouldn't you be trying?
d. What is your biggest challenge with all the new Web 2.0 tools?
e. Now that you have tried many new Web 2.0 tools what things will you
definately have in your classroom ? What is it that you can't live
III. We applaud you and all the great work you are doing! Here is your
opportunity to have your questions answered! There is a worldwide
audience, so please ask away if you are trying to make connections with
other classrooms or projects.
*Jen was unable to be with the show.
Colleen -> Hello, which Dawn is this?
dawn -> Dawn Peterson
dawn -> Hi Colleen
Colleen -> Can I skype you to test my sound?
dawn -> yes
CathyE -> Hello
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/
teacher -> Hi there - Julia here
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/
Maria -> hi everyone
teacher -> tjrayj
Maria -> agearrings
Maria -> worked for me
Maria -> firefox
teacher -> I need to switch mics
Durff -> Anyone have sound?
Maria -> me too!
CathyE -> Durff- no Stream?
Durff -> Alice, do you have sound?
Durff -> nada
alicemercer -> I'm seeing
alicemercer -> scribble
alicemercer -> Yes.
alicemercer -> I have no mic, so I can't talk
Durff -> coffee awaits......
alicemercer -> link to scribble would be nice (sorry, I'm late).
Linda J -> http://www.skrbl.com/
alicemercer -> I have stream on A
alicemercer -> pw?
Durff -> ok..
CathyE -> Yea Alice- Thanks
Durff -> thanks
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/
alicemercer -> pass?
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/
alicemercer -> I need a pw
Durff -> yes
Durff -> but channel A is alway off and on for me
alicemercer -> got it
alicemercer -> woah, lots of "scribbles"
Durff -> password?
Durff -> thanks
alicemercer -> I don't do cool things like that with my fifth graders!
CathyE -> Linda will try anything\
Durff -> oh my!
Durff -> Fruit of the Spirit?
alicemercer -> Bless her heart!
Maria -> is anyone hearing conversations
teacher -> Not here
alicemercer -> I hear one, Maria, are you on SKYPE and EdTech Stream?
CathyE -> Maria- I think I have you in Skype are you running stream?
Maria -> i'm not on drugs ...i don't think:D
CathyE -> Hello Simon
SImon -> Hello
Simon -> There, that's better.
Maria -> got it - it is still new to me
alicemercer -> I can get spelling like that from fifth grader
alicemercer -> Gotta love that.
Simon -> I had a th grader spell Plato: Playdoh
alicemercer -> I see a lot of shugar, whear
Durff -> but they are cute in nd grade!
alicemercer -> There I go stirring it up, putting up my check
Durff -> Shameless plug for Horizon Project that has nothing whatsoever to do with skrbl http://horizonproject.wikispaces.com/Sounding+Board
alicemercer -> Mercer?
alicemercer -> No.
alicemercer -> I will be doing one next Tuesday
alicemercer -> We can't get skype though.
Linda J -> http://www.skrbl.com/linda%j
CathyE -> Alice is there anything we can do to help you?
Karen -> What are we discussing this evening?
Durff -> link?
teacher -> kjrbl ttp://www.skrbl.com/linda%j
teacher -> kjrbl http://www.skrbl.com/linda%j
Durff -> bad link
Durff -> thanks
teacher -> No problem
teacher -> password sound
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/linda%j
Maria -> what grade level do you teach
Karen -> th
Durff -> type on modules?
CathyE -> Linda (showing skribl) teachers nd
Karen -> I'm new to this website. Can anyone tell me a little bit about it's benefits?
alicemercer -> film canister maracas
CathyE -> Karen- do you mean EdTEchTalk?
Durff -> I keep losing audio....
CathyE -> Durff do you want me to Skype you
alicemercer -> is there an undo for my actions?
alicemercer -> Squirrels are loose in my class.
alicemercer -> I wish enough families had computers
CathyE -> http://www.skrbl.com/linda%j
CathyE -> password sound
Linda J -> http://www.skrbl.com/linda%j
alicemercer -> Hi I'm Alice, I teach fifth grade in California
Durff -> Did she create an account?
Durff -> hi alice
alicemercer -> hi durff
Durff -> i hear you're training
CathyE -> Hello Olivia
alicemercer -> not tonight next tues
Durff -> hi maria
Durff -> you, alice, will be phenomenal
Durff -> and you will spell it correctly, too
alicemercer -> fenomonal
alicemercer -> I can hope
Durff -> oh..laundry...brb
alicemercer -> And you guys are being nice to me considering
alicemercer -> I found the erase, and did it
alicemercer -> Thanks
alicemercer -> I'm erasing
alicemercer -> I prefer my real photo...
CathyE -> http://www.jaiku.com/
Olivia Morris -> Are you guys in my C & I class?
alicemercer -> My Yahoo Avatar is too pretty, with Skype a real picture
alicemercer -> keeps teh yo germans from hitting on me, lol
Olivia Morris -> Which icon are you using?
alicemercer -> Yahoo has an option for plus size, but it's really not that "plus"
CathyE -> http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml
alicemercer -> probably for them
plucas -> I am at jaiku...do I join now?
alicemercer -> I won
alicemercer -> I won't disagree
alicemercer -> I like having class pics posted, but they don't have names with them
Maria -> We use kidpix to creat our portraits
alicemercer -> Whyare we in Jaiku?
Maria -> each child has their pic on their blog
alicemercer -> Oh, okay
alicemercer -> who am I looking for on jaiku?
CathyE -> CathyE on Jaiku
plucas -> I cannot even get a working screen name...help
CathyE -> http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml
Olivia Morris -> Hi Cheri
CathyE -> Pam if you have to reboot I'll call you back
Cheri Toledo WOW guest -> Hi Olivia
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Cheri--are you already on?
CathyE -> If you would like me to Skype you send me your Skype ID
Cheri Toledo WOW guest -> yes, checking it out
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Same here. I thought I was just listening so I'm on my PC--to skype, I have to be on my laptop...am I okay on the PC
Cheri Toledo WOW guest -> Dea you don't need skype
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Okay. Won't bother you anymore. It will be a great night!
CathyE -> You can listen to the stream or I will Skype you
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I'll just listen and do the chat room.
Durff -> what did I miss?
CathyE -> http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml
CathyE -> We are creating ourselves
teacher -> http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml is a cool site for creting avatars. No log ins are required.
Durff -> for what can I use this avatar?
Durff -> oh, for Skype?
Durff -> I'm having way too much fun here!
Durff -> Where is the Fun Police?
alicemercer -> Miz Mercer
Durff -> Bye!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Justin, does the actual program begin at :?
Maria -> my skype name is agearrings if you want to add me
JustinS -> Yes, I believe so
JustinS -> Do you hear the audio?
Maria -> nice pic alice
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yes
Dea Conrad-Curry -> You dont?
alicemercer -> Thanks, but yours is more interesting
Maria -> this was so great everyone
JustinS -> No, I can hear it...sounds like they're getting the details ironed out.
Maria -> nice to meet you
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yeah...just setting up
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I wanted to be sure I got logged on ...last week I had some problems.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Hi Larry
Durff -> Skype?
Durff -> Cath?
Linda J -> Linda Jernigan
Durff -> Mine's u[
Durff -> up
JustinS -> Did anyone else lose the audio?
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I did
Durff -> Cathy Skype?
CathyE -> agearrings
Olivia Morris -> I did so I will log out. It has been fun.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I'll try the same...log out and log back in
kmcless -> Hi!
JustinS -> I tried that with no success.
kmcless -> Hi there!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Okay, then I won't.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Larry, are you seeing me on there?
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Humph
Durff -> soon...
dawn -> Can anyone get the audio?
JustinS -> No, I keep getting an error message when I try to open it.
dawn -> I can open it, but it tells me that the file cannot be played because it contains unexpected material
mollymunsondryer -> I have the same problem. It says that material might be corrupt.
Colleenwowguest -> I think it says that because we have not started yet.
dawn -> When do we start?
Kathy wow guest -> Did I do this right?
JustinS -> Hi Karen
sendkathy -> It's funny, I thought the user name said wowquest, not wow guest! I thought, hey, what am I missing?!
CheriT wow guest -> hey, a wow quest would be great! I think Cheryl does it every week lol
sharonp -> wow, look at the action already!
Karen D -> Karen Wow Guest
sharonp -> Karen are you the English teacher who is using podcasting?
Simon -> Hi Sharon, the Flat Planet Project is under way!
sharonp -> so exciting to see all of you with us tonight - think it will be a great show
Karen D -> I am the wiki space user in higher ed
sharonp -> Simon, I am so excited about your project and have been mentioning it in my presentations at conferences
sharonp -> Simon, will be in Mississauga on Friday presenting at a Cdn Assoc of Independent Schools Conferences
Cheryl- wow -> setting up in the background be here soon.
Nalini -> Hi all. I just saw the listing of this chat. I'm coming in late. greetings from LA.
Cheryl- wow -> Hello all, still setting things up in the background for the stream and skype. See you soon.
Simon -> Sharon, wow, you'll be next door!
Simon -> Wow, never thought I'd be part of the subject of a Conference presentation!
sharonp -> yes, will be next door and so thrilled to mention your project
Simon -> Sharon, the kids are very excited about the project, it's really amazing how they've taken to it. I'm pleasently surprised!
sharonp -> I find my students are just sooooo engaged when they have this kind of authentic opportunity to communicate with other students in a meaningful project
Kathy wow guest -> Hi Patrice!
Kathy wow guest -> Hi Julie
julieschumacher -> hi!
Colleenwowguest -> Hi Patrice - Larry and Kathy say hi
Kathy wow guest -> Are you ready for this?
Cheryl- wow -> The stream should be up and running in seconds.
sharonp -> this is so exciting, folks!
Patrice Hess -> Hi, all!
sharonp -> so many of you with us tonight! Welcome!
JasonR -> Listening to stream...
Kathy wow guest -> Vicky Davis, I am a fan!
Nalini -> My husband is at the Nt'l Tutoring Assoc conference in Denver right now. Anyone here have interests in the subject of tutoring?
Simon -> Hi Vicki! I was just telling Sharon about the Flat Planet Project getting started and how the kids are excited about the project!
Monica -> Nalini, what grade level does he tutor?
JasonR -> Breathing
Nalini -> Bob founded Crossroads of Learning (a portal for tutors) but he's in a doctorate program in education at Fielding. He hosted a webcast today on peer tutoring and the presenters have set up comprehensive peer tutoring programs on both HS and college levels. One of the HS principals has over students now trained as peer tutors. I thought that was pretty impressive.
sharonp -> Sharon is trying to breathe in spite of her head cold
sharonp -> that is amazing!!
Monica -> oh, college level, too, great!
Cheryl- wow -> we have all our guests here.
Monica -> how effective is the tutoring?
Vicki Davis -> Hello everyone! What an exciting show.
Nalini -> The college folks said that they hoped more high schools would incorporate peer tutoring because it leads to more successful college students.
sharonp -> I can believe that!
Simon -> Has the stream begun?
sharonp -> yes
Patrice Hess -> Hi, Colleen!
Monica -> one of the challenges I've found is that the students who need the most help don't ask. it's frustrating....maybe having peer tutoring experience before college would help them overcome that.
JasonR -> Yes, I am listening to the stream
Nalini -> Hi monica -- I guess a lot of people are trying to research that. Tutoring has been poorly tracked imho. We have some articles at crossroadsoflearning.com, in the Journal section, but I'm trying to get more now.
dawn -> Larry Your a little soft, could you turn up your mic?
Cheryl- wow -> hi doug
DougS -> Hi Cheryl, and all
Nalini -> monica -- yeah. That's a challenge. It won't work until the students wants it to. One good principle is if the tutor makes it their objective to help uncover what is blocking the student from being a self learning. So, it's not just about getting someone's homework done, but a bigger picture about them as a learner.
Monica -> the tutors we've had do not get a lot of experience in that area. I often wonder how much they are really helping....
sharonp -> Welcome Chrissy from NZ!
Monica -> woohoo! Dr. T's class rocks! :)
nzchrissy -> Hi Sharon - I made it!
sharonp -> Hi Lisa
CheriT wow guest -> thanks Monica
Durff -> Skype or stream?
CheriT wow guest -> Hi all students
sharonp -> stream I think
Durff -> hi sharon
Cheryl- wow -> www.voicethread.com
JustinS -> Hi, Dr. T
Durff -> what is voicethread?
Vicki Davis -> The Wiki with links tonight is going to be at http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/April+%C+
Rob -> hello everyone
sharonp -> Cheryl's wow of the week
DougS -> Hey Rob
Monica -> hey rob!
mollymunsondryer -> This is awesome!
CathyE -> Hey cindy- gald to see ya
sharonp -> one of my wows - http://www.citejournal.org/vol/iss/editorial/article.cfm
dawnpaulson -> Hello all! It is good to meet with you and not have to drive!
Monica -> voicethread looks to be in beta, fyi
Cheryl- wow -> hello all, I will be back chatting soon.
Durff -> cool!
Cindy P -> Hi Cathy!
DougS -> Hi Dawn
Simon -> There we go, had to restart
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Voice Threads: That's really cool and I think lots of teaching opportunities
sharonp -> http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom's+and+ICT+tools
Cheryl- wow -> doesn't it look great a good collaboration tool
Cheryl- wow -> voicethread is a great collaboration tool
sharonp -> http://www.fi.uu.nl/wisweb/isdde/
Vicki Davis -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_Shooting
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Where can we access all of these sites after the show?
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Or rather, how
Cheryl- wow -> we have a chat log at edtechtalk, usually up by thursday
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Thanks
Cheryl- wow -> hello maria
Maria -> hello
Nalini -> Watching people get murdered, albiet it on a cell phone transmisison, really has to be desensitizing.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I agree...questions, questions...I feel such emotion about all that is happening
Monica -> censorship vs sensibility
Vicki Davis -> Links at http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/April+%C+
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I can't imagine seeing it on a cell phone within the very moments
sharonp -> Greetings vjansen
Vicki Davis -> I'm doing it tonight!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yes, Monica!
sharonp -> and thanks for your contribution to wow of the weeks
nzchrissy -> Go New Zealand
Dea Conrad-Curry -> But kids don't always have sensibility, of course, neither does national or syndicated news
sharonp -> Lee! Welcome! our heart goes out to you and yours in Virginia
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yeah Cheri
Lee -> Thanks Sharon.. we will certainly take all you have
Lee -> in thoughts ..many students are expressing lots of emotion
CheriT wow guest -> http://coe.ilstu.edu/etip
Durff -> Do you really have people in your chat room? WOW!
sharonp -> HI Alex!
alexr -> Hi Sharon -- how are you?
sharonp -> witless with head cold - when *will* we find a cure for the common cold, but apart from that, very well, thanks!
Cheryl- wow -> this is an incredible group in the chat
alexr -> amazing...
Monica -> we love chaos! bring it on!
DougS -> that's great
alexr -> sorry for the cold, sharon -- I have three little ones who are sick.
Vicki Davis -> Great group in the chat.
Vicki Davis -> Chaos has a home here!
sharonp -> oh, that is much worse!
alexr -> at least they are sleeping now:)
sharonp -> wikis really rock .... they are sooo flexible .... oooh.... would love to see some of her wikis!
Monica -> hi karla!
vjansen -> hi sharon
Vicki Davis -> Oh, we love wikis!
sharonp -> hey there VJ! I think you can glean a lot tonight from the people here
dawn -> I see you made it Karla!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I am so into wikis....I want to teach teachers how to put them together and engage middle and high school students...Vicki, I see you do that--what do you think is the friendliest wiki?
Vicki Davis -> I like wikispaces but I'm biased -- a lot of people like pbwiki too.
mmiller -> What do you mean by "first wave" adopter?
LisaMLane -> the wiki inside Moodle is fabulous
Vicki Davis -> The current wiki project with countries http://horizonproject.wikispaces.com
Vicki Davis -> Sharon is head coach for peer review process.
Vicki Davis -> Cheryl and Jen and Lisa (Durff) and many others are involved as advisors.
mmiller -> Lisa what makes the wikis in Moodle great?
sharonp -> I feel the same as Vicki - have really taken to wikispaces - but know that pbwiki is very well supported by many educators and I know they listen to the input of educators - but wikispaces has also been very accommodating
Vicki Davis -> Their course wiki is - http://ci.wikispaces.com/
Vicki Davis -> You can't edit but you can view.
LisaMLane -> M, so easy to use, easy to track what students do and when, integrated.
Monica -> go Bradley U!
mmiller -> I tried Moodle wiki today for the first time but ran out of time to finish
Simon -> I like wikispaces too!
Vicki Davis -> Wikis are great because you can track student participation down to the comma.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> My problem is trying to convince teachers that they can do this...once they start approaching, I know kids will jump on board!
LisaMLane -> I use Moodle's wiki to have students develop their quizzes.
sharonp -> that is a cool way to use the moodle wiki!
Vicki Davis -> Dea - Let them use it for something that they understand like reporting computer issues or sharing things.
sharonp -> technologically flirtatious - I love it! Gotta use that phrase!
nzchrissy -> Wikispaces have been very good to us in New Zealand - my class is having a fantastic time with them and connecting with classes around the world
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Great--I always suggest they intrigue students first with something interesting to them, so I just need to intrigue my teachers with their personal interests...loving it! I am so excited about all of this!
Vicki Davis -> Drop in any URL's folks that you have in here to share -- don't be modest -- a little link love from our guests! ;-)
Vicki Davis -> I just twittered the term technologically flirtatious -- I had to share it with my buddies!
sharonp -> technologically flirtatious and now link love.... what are we coming to?
CheriT wow guest -> Kathy Clesson gets the quote :D
JustinS -> If we click on a link within the chat will it automatically open in a new tab? It wouldn't let me right click on the link.
Monica -> a comparison page between all the popular wikis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wiki_software
Vicki Davis -> in chat! Wow!
CheriT wow guest -> click on it and it will open a new tab or window
mollymunsondryer -> Go Colleen!
JustinS -> thanks
Simon -> https://flatplanet.wikispaces.com/
Nalini -> I have a site for kids.....it's part of a program that I help coordinate at my local community college. It has links to games and activities on the web that teach science. NL http://glendale.edu/kids
CathyE -> Great site - Nalini
Vicki Davis -> Tonights links are being captured here - http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/April+%C+
Nalini -> thanks....I think it's good for all ages too :) I'd like to add some sort of a blog to it so being here might give me some ideas.
mmiller -> www.weattendance.wikispaces.com
mmiller -> first wiki to try to update attendance policy
mmiller -> I don't know how to copy and past the link, sorry
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Oh, everyone, this is so exciting. I just had to go out and tell my family what a kick this is!!
mmiller -> it's not working for me
CheriT wow guest -> just click on the link
mmiller -> I copy and then paste nothing
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I can't get the links to go and neither can a couple of other people.
Vicki Davis -> Larry is amazing and inspirational! We need to let him meet other superintendants and inspire them.
sharonp -> we need more administrators with such vision!
konieczki -> I agree Dea. I think the next wave is going to be led through example.
CathyE -> Can we clone you- Larry?
mmiller -> I can view the links by "left" clicking on my laptop
CheriT wow guest -> modeling and mentoring
LisaMLane -> Clicking on links work better if you detach the chat using the double box at the bottom.
konieczki -> I agree Vicki. He is awsome...
Dea Conrad-Curry -> You got it!! Larry is on board and a leader among administrators!
Patrice Hess -> Larry is a SUPER-intendent! :)
CheriT wow guest -> great patrice
sharonp -> Dea, I think is a great way to get the best kind of prof growth
Vicki Davis -> He needs a podcast to share with other superindendants. It means more coming from him to his peers than from many of us who are "just teachers."
konieczki -> Your right Cheri, modeling and mentoring is the best way to get other involved.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Maybe another show!
Colleenwowguest -> Good one, Patrice
Vicki Davis -> Each one of these guests could be their own show!
DougS -> too true
CheriT wow guest -> www.isudi.blogspot.com
sharonp -> yes, want to see that blog address
sharonp -> thanks!
CheriT wow guest -> this is julie's blog
Kathy WOW guest -> Cool
JustinS -> we're a pretty amazing class! But I think a lot of the credit needs to go to Dr. T!
konieczki -> Thank you
Kathy WOW guest -> YES
mollymunsondryer -> this is a love fest
Kathy WOW guest -> There has to be a felt need ...
CheriT wow guest -> also - like we were talking about in class, it has to be seen as having value
Vicki Davis -> This is an example of what happens when you have a great teacher -- Dr. T!
Vicki Davis -> My room is Chaotic too Cheri!
Monica -> cool does not trump effective....
konieczki -> You are so right.
CheriT wow guest -> :-) about the time they get used to me the course is over
Vicki Davis -> Right! But if you're effective and cool you've really got a full house!
Monica -> yes!
konieczki -> LOL...
Vicki Davis -> And then Dr. T -- they don't want to leave.
Nalini -> Good suggestion. If one instructor goes over his/her exam in detail through a blog, the students will pressure their other instructors to do the same.
Vicki Davis -> You remind me of the book "What the best college professors do." Amazing book!
vjansen -> that is key ..embraced by students, value to their learning
CheriT wow guest -> plus I'm trying to help them develop a deep sense of independence from the teacher
konieczki -> But it took this long for me to turn the page....You are a great teacher Dr. T
Monica -> i'm trying the independence thing with one of my classes--results still to be determined....
DougS -> here's a link http://youtube.com/watch?v=bbWyGiJli min screencast I made about "getting started" at pbwiki.com for anyone who wants to "try wiki-ing"
Vicki Davis -> You can have independence but still acountability.
Vicki Davis -> Great doug!
sharonp -> thanks Doug!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> That is great at the college level, but at the public school level, the challenge, I think is different
CheriT wow guest -> most students don't want to be independent because that means there's no one to blame but themselves
CheriT wow guest -> they forget that there's no one who can take the credit but them :-)
Monica -> great point!
Monica -> fyi, i signed up to lead a birds of a feather session on web . tools at the Grace Hopper conference in October. I'll be evangelizing!
Vicki Davis -> Larry is what happens with administrators know that they need to learn too! It is an attitude of a life long learner.
DougS -> and a : one for "blogger" http://youtube.com/watch?v=XM_tqdfcM
CheriT wow guest -> cool, Monica
Monica -> Karla, have you gotten your preschoolers onto any of these tools yet?
sharonp -> I like modeling what I require of my students
dawnpaulson -> Dr T I like that thought about students don't want to be independent. I see that in my pre-service teachers. Good point!
konieczki -> I still remeber the first night of class meeting my peers in the hall and asking them what Wiki's, blogs, pod casts, or skyping... non of us knew.
Vicki Davis -> Great videos, I've posted them on my feed.
Vicki Davis -> It is scary to have those new terms to come to you but then when you get in and do it it is so exciting!
konieczki -> We are looking to find a preschool to do so pod casting with... i'm running into administration problems we are attempting to work out...
Monica -> Karla, don't you think the tools have helped us stay connected as a class and help us get to know each other better?
Vicki Davis -> They connect you?
Dea Conrad-Curry -> But it is one thing to work with college students and something else to teach teachers...which is what I do. They are not in college classes--there is not grade, they have to present themselves in front of a classroom and do what Larry is talking about...
Monica -> I think in a total online course or even blended, where we don't meet often, I wouldn't have gotten to know so much about my peers.
Nalini -> Can the speakers give a brief recap of what "the class" is that you are referring to? Who, where, when? thanks so much.
JustinS -> If we continue this class forever, can I use all these hours to substitute for the classes that are no longer offered!!
konieczki -> I think the tools have been a great way to keep connected... I've had to seek peer assitance on several occations... Thank you Dawn.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I have enjoyed getting to know you, Monica
CheriT wow guest -> Justin we can do independent studies
dawn -> Your welcome Karla
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Colleen has a cool thing going
JustinS -> That will work
Monica -> You too, Dea! The level of discourse at our classes AND online has been great!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> By getting preservice teachers and their students engaged in technology, the actual classroom teachers have (hopefully) gotten hooked.
Vicki Davis -> Dr. Cheri Toledo is at Illinois State University.
Vicki Davis -> Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.
Monica -> Karla, did you see my last post on the discussions for this topic? Not in wikispaces, but through the course.
CheriT wow guest -> you're cool
mollymunsondryer -> Unfortunately, ISU still does not require an Ed. Tech course. You're right, Dea, this should translate to the classroom teachers.
konieczki -> No I don't think I did.
Vicki Davis -> Ed Tech is so important -- it is like teaching a first grader how to write.
Monica -> I am experimenting with some open source wikis and can be "private" so only those who are granted access can see them.
CheriT wow guest -> the undergrads do not have an ed tech class, only masters and doc students
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Again--to me--that is the challenge...getting our classroom teachers engaged and brave enough to just do it!
Vicki Davis -> Teachers don't need to know how to use pen and paper, they know how to do that but edtech is our new pen and paper.
Monica -> I don't know if that would help you or not.
Patrice Hess -> I am Colleen's friend!
dawnpaulson -> Eastern Illinois University does not require an Ed Tech course either.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yeah--Vicki....you do a great job and I'm sure you are a mentor in your school, but there are so many schools
Vicki Davis -> Boy, I'd love to see your class interact with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach's amazing class.
CheriT wow guest -> now that would be fun!
Vicki Davis -> Oh, Dea, but it takes time.
DougS -> that would be gold Vicki
Vicki Davis -> Just now we have another teacher blogging.
Monica -> Colleen set up a wiki for our study abroad program over the summer!
sharonp -> I think we have to reassure teachers new to this that baby steps are okay.... because the scope of the tools available can be so overwhelming
Vicki Davis -> But they are getting there slowly - you have to keep people going at their own pace.
dawn -> Way to go Colleen!
Vicki Davis -> I always say that you can't eat a watermelon whole -- in tiny bites!
Simon -> That's gotta be a southerism Vicki!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> You are so right!
Vicki Davis -> We have lots of stories.
CheriT wow guest -> I'll bet
Monica -> totally off the subject, but did you see this? http://mosquitoringtones.com/
CathyE -> And Viki- it is ok to spit out a seed if you don't like it
CheriT wow guest -> Time!
Vicki Davis -> Here's another one -- see if you get it -- "Some people fight Web like the third monkey on Noah's ganglplank"
CheriT wow guest -> that's great!
Simon -> lol lol lol
Monica -> poor monkey!
Simon -> love it
mmiller -> Administrators need to feel safe taking baby steps as well
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Part of the challenge is knowing wher they are..if we start too far ahead, we lose them...if we start to far behind, we lose them
CheriT wow guest -> yes they do - and sometimes I think they need more positive feedback than anyone
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yes, Cheri....you are so right
DougS -> indeed--the "work around" is our friend Larry
Vicki Davis -> Right, Dea.
Vicki Davis -> we have to remember how we felt when we first started.
Vicki Davis -> And how we feel when we go in a place like second life and get stuck in the wall!
DougS -> lol
Vicki Davis -> and how upset and frustrated and scared we feel.
sharonp -> good point Dea, I struggle with that bec I don't want to lag too much waiting for reluctant people to play catch up - technology moves ahead very quickly and I have to keep up with that too
Vicki Davis -> Change is tough.
Nalini -> great session. I have to leave (unfortunetly) but I look forward to more next week and the podcast. thx!
CheriT wow guest -> If people would like to see what the course syllabus is they can go to http://people.coe.ilstu.edu/catoled and click on teaching, then graduate, then
Vicki Davis -> Nye Nalini!
Monica -> Julie, do have any "proof" that what you're doing is being effective?
sharonp -> When I go into SL, I keep sitting down in inappropriate places, gotta master that!
Monica -> bye Nalini
vjansen -> right vicki, it is change for second adopters..how do we trigger this
Vicki Davis -> http://people.coe.ilstu.edu/catoled/teaching/graduate/.htm
Monica -> how is everyone measuring effectiveness? (it's a burning question!)
riceaddiction -> Webcast Academy: dkjhfsd
Dea Conrad-Curry -> How will we? I am thinking of this in terms of K - where I work.
dawn -> Colleen, I am coauthoring a paper with Dr. Rubby Sanny about using technology to teach pre-service teachers. I would be interested to talk to you sometime about your experiences with that.
mmiller -> Student interest has to be peaked with this so classroom management issue have to decrease
Vicki Davis -> I measure it because I know my test scores before I used wikis and after --
Vicki Davis -> same tests -- better grades
Vicki Davis -> so I feel that I'm seeing better retention and better teaching
vjansen -> thanks for the link..
Cheryl- wow -> vicki and sharon keep collecting questions from the chat i am on my last question
Vicki Davis -> Kids also are excited to come to class and want to be there!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> That
Vicki Davis -> OK, folks, time for questions -- you get the last minutes.
Vicki Davis -> this show is unbelievable!
Monica -> Thanks, Vicki.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> That's good, Vicki, but are there other implementations at your school that may affect scores?
sharonp -> measuring effectiveness - is what we are doing achieving learning gains is the real question... one of the things I say is that we have to trust our own professional judgment.... I *know* i am seeing gains
Vicki Davis -> Not in computer science.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I'm a notorious devil's advocate...not because I like to be, but because I'm old(er) and have had that question thrown back at me.
Vicki Davis -> I'm talking my testbank scores for computer science that is a college level course.
vjansen -> Vicki..can U attribute better test scores to a particular tool i,e wiki or a blog
DBragg -> Julie, I'm an FCS teacher too. My nutrition students have a wiki going and they love it and that I give them time in class to learn it.
sharonp -> BUT, we also need to start measuring it with solid studies as well
mmiller -> The fact that these students are going to be using these tools like second nature is motivation enough
Monica -> good question vjansen!
Vicki Davis -> Not "standardized tests" per se - I teach comptuer science.
Patrice Hess -> Many of the traditional CATS (classroom assessment techniques) we use in traditional courses can be easily translated to be used with tech tools.
Vicki Davis -> In my classroom - yes.
Vicki Davis -> Because I am the same, the textbook is the same, the tests are the same, the method changed.
Vicki Davis -> So,yes, for me.
Monica -> Vicki, I didn't know you taught CS--so do I....
julieschumacher -> That's great to hear about your wiki- how do the students use it?
JasonR -> Wish my teachers would podcast. They hardly participate in the discussion baords.
Monica -> Have you tried using a wiki for team programming?
Vicki Davis -> I will find a link for you -- I shared the methods I use the wiki at the k online conference.
DougS -> I think that students may be more interested in contributing as we move away from text in online environments
mmiller -> I have a / year old that I Skype with my parents with because they live so far away and it is second nature for her to listen to them and see them on video. I can't imagine what technology life is going to be like for her.
konieczki -> What a great idea mmiller!
Vicki Davis -> My wiki resources are here - http://konlineconference.org/?p=
Dea Conrad-Curry -> But, you see, I am from an English background, trying to convince teachers across curriuclum areas to engage students with technology for all the reasons we already know and what about those we don't even know yet because it hasn't happened?!
Vicki Davis -> My AP english teacher is using a blog to document her curriculum
Vicki Davis -> The students are "scribes" and take notes and post daily
Vicki Davis -> The others have to comment to add to the notes.
Vicki Davis -> She uses it and they do religiously so we'll see what happens with the pass rate.
Vicki Davis -> On the AP in three weeks.
Vicki Davis -> I'll make sure that I share.
konieczki -> That was a great opportunity to have class online. When we had the snow days.
sharonp -> thanks Vicki
Vicki Davis -> It is a new requirement of AP -- the documentation and blogs are a natural.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Loving that! Takes a confident teacher...
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Oh, and if they were more confident, but not about knowledge about being human and sharing in the change of being alive!!
mmiller -> What is the class plan to keep in touch after class is out? Blog? email? Skype?
Monica -> good question! hopefully skype and maybe an ongoing wiki?
Monica -> It would be good to see where everyone else takes this!
JasonR -> IVC=Interactive Videoconferencing?
Kathy WOW guest -> http://www.uhigh.ilstu.edu/english/arthur/
CheriT wow guest -> some of the students will take future classes together, so there's that connection
CheriT wow guest -> my guess is some relationships have established that will carry on after class
dawn -> I set up a web page for my American government class at Heartland, it has everything they need, but many do not access it.
Monica -> IVC is our course management system.
CheriT wow guest -> Interactive virtual courseware
CheriT wow guest -> it's an open source course management system
Cheryl- wow -> dawn, keep it there and one teacher put a question and answer from a test and told her stdnets to go find it before the test, she had lots of hits
sharonp -> yes, this stuff is so new, that we haven't had time to do the qualitative/quantitative studies
konieczki -> We've recieved great tools to utilize in future classes to communicate with each other.
mmiller -> Dawn, how often do you promote the web site
Vicki Davis -> A great teacher is the most highly correlated thing to test scores from everything I've read.
Monica -> yes, Colleen, definitely need more studies.
Vicki Davis -> But these tools make a great teacher better -- as I heard someone say recently -- they are amplifiers.
mmiller -> If the teacher is excited the kids are excited
Vicki Davis -> yes, they need more studies -- but it is hard to isolate the good teacher from the scores.
CheriT wow guest -> like you all said last week - i think - technology only makes a good teacher better ... it doesn't make a teacher good
sharonp -> which is why, for now, I trust my prof judgment - there is something about having an *authentic audience* and peer review that has changed how my students are performing
Vicki Davis -> Because aren't good teachers more likely to change.
Vicki Davis -> ?
dawn -> Good idea! I tell students about it daily.
Vicki Davis -> so they are early adopters.
sharonp -> technology AMPLIFIES abilities of students
Vicki Davis -> naturally.
DougS -> Vicki: isn't that the case whatever the medium re great teacher
Vicki Davis -> Yes! Sharon!
Vicki Davis -> right, !
Vicki Davis -> A great teacher can use paper well
Charlene C -> "When a good teacher and good technology get together, watch out." - Bob Sipchen, LA Times //
Vicki Davis -> Great!
DougS -> and is often a good storyteller
vjansen -> teachnology gives each student an equal voice
Vicki Davis -> Great quote, Charlene!
Vicki Davis -> Do you have the article?
Vicki Davis -> PLEASE!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> The human touch...Technology is great, but yes, it eminated from humanity.
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Yes, my question too....how do you get the time!!!
Durff -> Time? It's called RSS
Vicki Davis -> Yes, Lisa!
CheriT wow guest -> Yes!
Monica -> rss is wonderful!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> But then I get caught up in that, too!
DougS -> I started blogging as a way to post resources (links) for access into the future
Durff -> :D
DougS -> ends up saving time
CheriT wow guest -> me too
Monica -> you blog to yourself?
DougS -> ...or that's how I justified it in the beginning ;-)
Durff -> I think I'm pinging wrong after tagging
Charlene C -> http://www.latimes.com/news/education/la-me-schoolmeapr,,.column?coll=la...
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Cool idea. So are you saying that you blog and use those as journal references to return to about your own inclinations?
sandyB -> Trying to paste a web link in the chat box- doesn't show up - any ideas
Charlene C -> "If wired right, computers do belong in the classroom"
mmiller -> I just had a random thought that I will offer professional growth hours for my teachers if they listen to the WOW show!
Durff -> I started scheduling time to blog
sharonp -> I blog to make myself a better writer..... I ask my students to write, I should be able to write well and struggle with it too
DougS -> I was an online M.Ed. student and I wanted a place so my "research" wouldn't be lost between classes along the way
Monica -> sandyB, I used control c then control v to paste and it works.
Cheryl- wow -> i blog for the same reasons sharon
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Without doubt, blogging could build writing strengths
Durff -> Google docs oug
Durff -> Doug
Charlene C -> A rebuttal to the recent AP article
konieczki -> Good idea mmiller. Once you get them here they may stay...
DougS -> it also helps develop a "public" voice that's important for teachers too
DougS -> I used blogger Lisa
Cheryl- wow -> thanks for being here and part of this great show tonight
Durff -> I too
konieczki -> I agree Doug.
Durff -> you know that
mmiller -> I love to blog as well but I am self concious of my writing since I am an administrator and might spell something wrong heaven forbid Yes, I use spell check
Durff -> Google docs for lesson plans
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Thanks for having us...I'm sure that Cheri has said that, but I feel so invigorated by this session...and I've sat in before, but obviously, not enough!
sharonp -> and I want to see all of my students' creation and ideas online so the world can appreciate it - I see so much waste when they do it only in hard copy for their teachers!
Simon -> no, you're a visionary
Vicki Davis -> Get firefox it will spell check for you!
Vicki Davis -> It will help the blog!
CheriT wow guest -> great explanation Vicki
Vicki Davis -> http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/April+%C+ The links from tonight's show!
sharonp -> FF is amazing! I love the spellcheck!
dawn -> FireFox , thanks.
Vicki Davis -> 'go to http://www.womenofweb.com -- go to the bulletin board -- you can also give Jen your best wishes.
DougS -> hadn't heard about FF, have to check it out
Vicki Davis -> We need to keep her in our prayers.
CheriT wow guest -> wow! He's got some great stuff
Durff -> yes!
mmiller -> Thanks again! Loved your show
Monica -> I'm AMAZED how well you can TALK and CHAT at the same time! Such talent!
sharonp -> please join us again!
Durff -> one can FEEL the energy
Vicki Davis -> And everyone is welcome -- us four ladies are the womenofweb but everyone joins in.
DougS -> what a wonderful show--thanks to all
Vicki Davis -> All "technically flirtatious" welcome --
Vicki Davis -> Who is the person that I attribute that saying to when I blog about it tonight? Please drop your name in the chat.
CheriT wow guest -> thanks everyone this was great!
Durff -> http://horizonproject.wikispaces.com/
Kathy WOW guest -> haha
CheriT wow guest -> Kathy Clesson
Vicki Davis -> Kathy - what is your blog that you want to have linked?
konieczki -> Thank you for the opportunity. It was a great show!
sharonp -> we have some amazing guests - I feel so privileged to be a part of this!
Vicki Davis -> This has been an unbelievable show!
CheriT wow guest -> Way to go C&I - you all are supremeously awesome
Monica -> Thanks for having us!
Kathy WOW guest -> It is the webpage with podcasts of arthurian legend
Vicki Davis -> Dr. Toledo needs to be commended!
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Bow, bow, bow and then hats off to you!!
sharonp -> Thanks Dr. Toledo for sharing your class with us
Vicki Davis -> Incredible!
sharonp -> I am missing academia again..... sigh
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Post that, please
Vicki Davis -> :D
dawnpaulson -> Dr. T Thank-you for sharing Women of the Web . with us!
Kathy WOW guest -> www.uhigh.ilstu.edu/english/arthur/
alicebarr -> GREAT show all!
Vicki Davis -> YEAH!
Durff -> some of us can't get past assignment #!
Charlene C -> thanks!!
Cheryl- wow -> Thanks to all of you for joining us.
vjansen -> This session was fantastic.
Cheryl- wow -> thanks so much for coming
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Larry
Monica -> very fun!
Cheryl- wow -> hello monica
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Oh, my....I loved how this went...
Monica -> socratic is great.
sharonp -> this show has really demonstrated the incredible power of web . -
DougS -> yes it is
DougS -> it's also so possible to do "the constructivist thing" with Web tools
Vicki Davis -> this is such a great class!
sharonp -> yes, social constructivism....
Cheryl- wow -> it sure is a way to do the constructivist thing
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Colleen is so right!
Monica -> that's where the open source tools come in handy!
Cheryl- wow -> open source is great since the price is right
dawn -> Grants!
Simon -> Does anyone know if files made with PhotoStory can be uploaded to YouTube?
Dea Conrad-Curry -> I do consulting work and I cannot even send the lesson plans for demonstrations that I do at the school....
sharonp -> yes they can
konieczki -> I agree. We aren't allowed to utilize the technology we have availible. I'm working on administration but, it seems to be a bumpy road....
DougS -> I agree -- log it rather than block it
sharonp -> photostory creates wmv files and can be uploaded to youtube - I ahve done it
Simon -> My partner in the Flat Planet Project is having problems with our wiki being blocked at his school
Dea Conrad-Curry -> But here you go....teachers and administrators don't even know that
JasonR -> Huh, there is a Virgina Tech memorial on Info Island in Second Life
Vicki Davis -> Unbelievable!
Simon -> Thanks Sharon
DougS -> accountability is the key
Monica -> if it doesn't have to be worldwide postings, though, why fight the legal issues and battles?
Vicki Davis -> Do you have the slurl -- Jason?
sharonp -> already a VT memorial on SL!! wow!
Monica -> As a parent, I have great concerns.
Cheryl- wow -> thanks for the info Jason, what a wonderful way for many people to pay respects
Kathy WOW guest -> Have you found flat classroom groups for hs students?
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Of course he is!!
Simon -> Sharon, can you send me a link?
Monica -> bye everyone! onto other duties! thanks again! :)
sharonp -> I thought Georgia has some great DE stuff for high school students
Patrice Hess -> He's making informed decisions.
dawn -> Faculty should have the ability to unblock certain sites.
Patrice Hess -> Well done, classmates!
JasonR -> Does anyone use interactive videoconferencing?
sharonp -> yes, my school is working on that
Kathy WOW guest -> What does DE mean?
JasonR -> Delaware?
sharonp -> virtual high school for international students
sharonp -> Distance ed
Cheryl- wow -> distance education
sharonp -> simon, what do you want the link for?
nzchrissy -> JasonR - we're using videoconferencing at the moment with Alabama
Simon -> an example of a PhotoStory file on YouTube I could take a look at?
sharonp -> sure Simon - give me a sec
Simon -> thanks
DougS -> Terry Anderson and crew are doing some good stuff
DougS -> http://cider.athabascau.ca/partners/cde
Vicki Davis -> It was the Conversations in Education Podcast - Keeping pace with K learning
JasonR -> Videoconferencing @ The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration. http://cilic.org (based in Indiana, but national reach)
JasonR -> http://cilc.org
konieczki -> Wow!
nzchrissy -> That's how we got onto Huntsville Alabama through the CILC website
Patrice Hess -> COSI out of Ohio has great VC programs - just participated in a virtual autopsy last week
CathyE -> PhotoStory in Kindergarten http://www.dare.k.nc.us/nhes/sanders/abcmarch.wmv
nzchrissy -> I posted a message asking for a collaboration with another country
sharonp -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYsbIrbBc
JasonR -> We've connected with Huntsville
[Action] JasonR -> at Mote Marine Lab
nzchrissy -> With Wendy G?
alicebarr -> Vicki Slurl for Virginia Tech Lantau , ,
sharonp -> there you go Simon - my son's grade grad photostory on youtube
Cheryl- wow -> can't wait to see that.
Vicki Davis -> Keeping pace with online learning
Patrice Hess -> Partner with your local community college, Larry :)
Vicki Davis -> wiht John Watson at Hamline University
Dea Conrad-Curry -> In some ways, perhaps the fears that Larry speaks about regarding DE have something to do with their reticence to confront and incorporate technology....just a thought.
JasonR -> TY
Dea Conrad-Curry -> Good night.
Cheryl- wow -> thanks to Dr. Cheri Toledo and her wonderful students!
Simon -> thanks Sharon
Cheryl- wow -> winding down
sharonp -> hope it helps, Simon
konieczki -> Good night all!
Vicki Davis -> http://horizonproject.wikispaces.com
Rob -> thanks for all the great information everyone
Durff -> Yeah!
Cindy P -> If you're planning a meeting at NECC, be sure and share the info...I'll be there
Vicki Davis -> coolcatteacher at gmail.com
sharonp -> good night to all....
Cheryl- wow -> good night
DougS -> thanks WOWsers and guests, what a fantastic show!
Colleenwowguest -> Bye all, thanks for chatting.
JustinS -> Goodbye
Durff -> Night!
nzchrissy -> Fantastic show everyone - thanks
dawnpaulson -> Good-night all
Vicki Davis -> Here is the link for the podcast - http://www.hamline.edu/gse/conversations/keepingpace/keepingpace_intervi...
Vicki Davis -> That I talked about!
DougS -> thanks Vicki--take care all
dawn -> For some reason my connection has timed out, so I will say good night!
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