ETT Community Development - Triangles, Newsletters, & Positions

Post-Show description: 

The Governance Group continues their work toward developing ETT's
policies and structure. Jeff shares the triangle model of community
governance he's been working on for Worldbridges and we discuss how it might apple to
ETT.  We also brainstorm management team roles and recruit Lisa to
start cranking out a regular newsletter as Dave plans Drupally ways to help facilitate the technical collaboration.  


EdTechTalk Community Development

 August 11, 2008

Next Session: Monday, August 18 8pmEST (midnight GMT)


19:59:19  JohnS -> piano. nice.
20:00:26  JL -> Rob Coslow - "I Do"
20:01:55  JL ->
20:03:46  PeggyG -> Loud and clear :-)
20:03:48  JenM -> hi, all!
20:03:55  sheila (not singing) -> Hi all!
20:03:59  PeggyG -> Don't link to them
20:04:09  minhaaj -> do i have to go to ustream to listen ?
20:04:14  sheila (not singing) -> Was it me?  Oh, no
20:04:38  sheila (not singing) -> :)
20:04:40  PeggyG -> People will think you suport them if you connect to them on LinkedIn
20:04:48  sheila (not singing) -> sounds good
20:04:52  PeggyG -> everyone sounds good
20:05:03  minhaaj -> I am listening to the interview, i am having alot of gas
20:05:07  JL ->  Minhaaj, you stream there
20:06:20  PeggyG -> She didn't get any answers wrong!!
20:06:40  sheila (not singing) -> Until you asked a qsuestion!!!!
20:06:41  PeggyG -> Minhaaj was just pushing her to sing
20:07:17  PeggyG -> You have an agenda?? :-)
20:07:26  sheila (not singing) -> 8.66 cm
20:07:32  PeggyG -> Yes a flow chart right?
20:07:45  JL ->
20:07:49  JohnS -> approximately, yes.
20:09:04  PeggyG -> Who are the trustees?
20:10:39  PeggyG -> I thought there was some kind of board that included webcasters-one rep per webcast
20:11:04  PeggyG -> I'm probably just confused
20:11:17  JenM -> sorry ... phone rang
20:11:28  JoseRodriguez -> Hi Folks.
20:11:30  PeggyG -> That's sounding familiar :-)
20:12:05  PeggyG -> trustee panel is like exec. committee?
20:12:18  JoseRodriguez -> Do we have a link today?
20:12:26  JenM ->
20:12:30  JL ->
20:12:47  JoseRodriguez -> thanks
20:14:31  PeggyG -> It sounds so complex--do you have enough people to cover all of those roles?
20:15:00  JohnS -> Setting up a structure for the long term. Some of these groups might currently only have one person.
20:15:28  JoseRodriguez -> Hey Durff
20:15:33  PeggyG -> Yes Dave and Jeff-founding trustees
20:15:36  mrsdurff -> hey
20:15:41  JenM -> hey Durff!
20:15:43  PeggyG -> Hi Durff
20:16:24  PeggyG -> who are the policy makers?
20:16:47  JohnS -> trustees, I believe, with voice from the others
20:17:18  PeggyG -> is the voice informal or votes?
20:17:40  PeggyG -> who approves/accepts new webcasts?
20:17:50  mrsdurff -> i'm in charge of coffee
20:18:20  PeggyG -> I'll be the cheerleader :-)
20:18:44  Carlos F -> I'll help Lisa to hold the tray
20:18:54  mrsdurff -> there we go!
20:18:54  PeggyG -> LOL
20:19:54  PeggyG -> I think the trustees along with the board (representatives of all of the other shows) would be good--they would all know if the new show would be something different or more of the same
20:20:36  mrsdurff -> sounds like Thomas Jeffersonian ideas
20:21:25  Carlos F -> Wouldn't trustees fonction as censorship? Sorry, back in a moment...
20:21:33  mrsdurff -> true
20:22:09  PeggyG -> the long term connection is really important and valuable
20:22:10  JoseRodriguez -> @dave Only to get the ball rolling.
20:24:23  PeggyG -> trusted users? how do you earn trust?
20:24:40  JL -> history of responsible participation
20:24:51  mrsdurff -> @Peggy being there
20:24:56  JohnS -> it is hard to define, though.
20:25:37  PeggyG -> I think it's important to define it accurately--the way it really works not just on paper (in terms of communication, approval of shows, etc.)
20:25:45  mrsdurff -> it is defining our community
20:27:05  PeggyG -> That's an interesting criteria
20:27:06  JoseRodriguez -> sounds fair....
20:27:22  PeggyG -> you've never been sent to time out :-)
20:27:34  JoseRodriguez -> do we get a lot of content deleted at ETT?
20:27:43  dave -> lots of spam jose
20:27:46  PeggyG -> Good question Jose
20:27:48  dave -> very occasional content
20:27:56  mrsdurff -> agreed jeff
20:27:59  JoseRodriguez -> got it.
20:28:01  dave -> we had a company that was deleted the other day
20:28:13  JoseRodriguez -> I saw that.
20:28:18  dave -> they had made a 'straight ad' that contracdicted our terms of service
20:28:43  dave -> (@jose... just explaining for the record :) )
20:28:46  PeggyG -> Do you have a criteria for people being "eligible" to host an ETT badge on their blog or website?
20:29:07  JohnS -> what does a badge mean?
20:29:10  JoseRodriguez -> We had talked about the servers being paid by community/colletive
20:29:13  mrsdurff -> i don't think we have those peggy
20:29:14  Carlos F -> Ah, now I understand what you mean by trustees ... it would be a way to prevent those unwantable entries
20:29:25  JohnS -> That's interesting. We'd have to adjust the copyright for the badges to control that.
20:29:31  dave -> @carlos adn settling family disputes
20:29:34  PeggyG -> a badge would be something like you see on Ning communities--shows you are a member and supporter/user
20:30:12  mrsdurff -> do we have those and do we want them (i think not)
20:30:24  Carlos F -> To have something like ning would be a solution ... you only get in if invited
20:30:51  PeggyG -> You can join the ETT group on Diigo
20:31:10  mrsdurff -> because ning doesn't stream
20:31:13  mrsdurff -> does it?
20:31:17  Carlos F -> Ning isn't for free
20:31:29  JoseRodriguez -> so what is the difference?
20:31:42  mrsdurff -> me too
20:31:51  mrsdurff -> i have to agree with dave
20:32:00  dave -> ack...
20:32:03  mrsdurff -> surprising but true
20:32:08  JoseRodriguez -> @durff you don't have to
20:32:09  Carlos F -> Ning is like a private space where you interact but not like we are doing here
20:32:40  mrsdurff -> and we may some day
20:33:08  PeggyG -> If you have a more traditional kind of flow chart you wouldn't have overlapping people in the various categories.
20:33:22  mrsdurff -> bingo
20:33:35  PeggyG -> Is this part of the paperwork reduction act?
20:33:42  JoseRodriguez -> so.. what is the objective again???? Create a structure that facilitates what is going on already?
20:33:55  mrsdurff -> :?
20:33:57  PeggyG -> Good question JenM
20:34:21  Carlos F -> Yes, you must avoid burocracy... we, in Portugal, are experts in burocracy and it doesn't work...
20:34:31  JoseRodriguez -> ahhh and supports growth, scalability?
20:34:50  PeggyG -> keep it manageable
20:35:08  mrsdurff -> self-sustaining community
20:35:27  PeggyG -> you need roles not "people" so others can step up and get involved
20:35:27  JoseRodriguez -> true
20:35:41  JoseRodriguez -> @peggy yep
20:36:05  mrsdurff -> CEO = JL
20:36:18  PeggyG -> start by defining the roles
20:36:24  JoseRodriguez -> the "thumb in the cheeck" of Edtechtalk :-)
20:37:24  PeggyG -> If the trustees have to be founding members, why don't you call them that?
20:37:28  mrsdurff -> so write that job description where and by when?
20:37:34  Carlos F -> It's 1:35 AM here and I've got to go... Bye for now
20:37:43  JenM -> by carlos!
20:37:45  PeggyG -> Bye Carlos
20:38:17  PeggyG -> Can it fund itself?
20:38:43  PeggyG -> I like the idea of non-profit
20:38:47  mrsdurff -> i think we are asking too many qts
20:38:59  mrsdurff -> let's narrow the focus
20:39:07  JoseRodriguez -> @peggy that's the idea
20:39:55  PeggyG -> If you define "what is" it makes it easier to create the structure for expansion and growth
20:40:41  PeggyG -> Do you have any existing written job descriptions for what you are doing now?
20:41:02  JoseRodriguez -> @jen... good distinction between maintaining and plan for growth.
20:41:52  mrsdurff -> i don't possess those technical skills to do much that is useful
20:42:15  dave ->
20:42:53  mrsdurff -> so start a page and let us get to work
20:43:00  mrsdurff -> hey parisi
20:43:08  lparisi -> Hello
20:43:30  mrsdurff -> hey lorna
20:43:58  lorna -> hi have you made good decisions
20:43:58  PeggyG -> Could we just start with a page where Jeff and Dave list all of the things they do?
20:44:07  JoseRodriguez -> gotta run...time to take daughters to dance class. 
20:44:15  JohnS -> let's do it here.
20:44:25  JoseRodriguez -> I'll check in later for audio and chat
20:45:46  PeggyG -> Doesn't that all bring you back to the mission statement?
20:47:03  PeggyG -> I like the concept of braintrust educators :-)
20:47:23  PeggyG -> Where in AZ?
20:47:38  PeggyG -> That's where I am-Phoenix AZ
20:50:05  PeggyG -> That makes a lot of sense--to have everyone host their own shows on their own servers-makes it much more manageable
20:50:33  lparisi -> What do we mean by hosting?  The archive part of it or the stream part of it?
20:50:54  JenM -> @lisa ... I THINK they mean the archive
20:51:02  PeggyG -> Hmmm--both archiving and streaming?
20:51:25  lparisi -> We do
20:51:33  lparisi -> Yes
20:52:14  PeggyG -> EdTechTalk becomes the aggregator?
20:52:15  lorna -> I agree with using our own sites
20:52:21  lparisi -> Right now I link to edtechtalk for the archive.  We could do it the other way around.
20:52:59  JohnS -> right, lisa.
20:53:14  PeggyG -> That's such a good point!
20:53:44  JenM ->
20:54:50  PeggyG -> Would internet archive be a backup or the original storage along with the host server of each content producer?
20:55:26  JohnS -> right. Something like that, Peggy.
20:56:58  JL ->
20:57:05  dave ->
20:57:15  dave ->
20:57:22  PeggyG -> Can we go back to starting by defining roles/job descriptions of everyone who is currently contributing?
20:57:34  PeggyG -> I'm a turtle
20:58:05  lparisi -> That's an Indian tale.
20:58:36  lorna -> can you sum up the conversation with some key thoughts - I came here late
20:59:55  PeggyG -> How can you make suggestions for ways to improve if you don't know what exists? I like the idea of defining the roles
21:00:00  lparisi -> That's true
21:01:19  lorna -> does Jeff have a husband
21:01:46  JenM -> @lorna :)
21:02:31  mrsdurff -> my colleagues don't understand
21:02:41  lparisi -> My colleagues don't care.
21:02:56  mrsdurff -> but we have each other
21:03:11  lparisi -> I don't care about the job application...I just don't know what is needed.
21:03:14  mrsdurff -> really?
21:03:23  mrsdurff -> not you parisi
21:04:44  mrsdurff -> first - create a page
21:05:18  mrsdurff -> second - we will write as a community the job descriptions
21:05:40  mrsdurff -> third - we all have coffee
21:05:47  minhaaj -> sorry got dc. load shedding :)
21:05:59  lorna -> just tell me what to do
21:06:01  JL -> management coordinator
21:06:08  JL -> cms plumber
21:06:11  lparisi -> lorna, that's how I feel
21:06:31  JohnS -> drupal maintenance
21:06:35  JohnS -> server apps
21:06:49  JohnS -> hosting / interfacing with the hosting company
21:06:55  JohnS -> streaming tools
21:06:58  lorna -> switch to wordpress
21:07:04  mrsdurff -> we elected you
21:07:34  JL -> newsletterer
21:07:35  lorna -> pasp uses wo
21:07:35  mrsdurff -> yw
21:07:43  lorna -> wp
21:07:49  JL -> communications officer
21:07:57  mrsdurff -> what gioes in a newletter?
21:08:09  JenM -> whatever YOU want, Lisa :)
21:08:24  lparisi -> Durff...tag, you're it
21:08:35  mrsdurff -> what about monthly
21:08:52  JL -> specific project coordinators
21:09:40  mrsdurff -> is john writing this all down?
21:09:48  JohnS -> I wish.
21:10:00  mrsdurff -> and why not?
21:10:08  JohnS -> I have a feeling someone will be elected to turn this into some sort of sensible document.
21:10:20  mrsdurff -> i elect you
21:10:40  mrsdurff -> dream on
21:10:41  minhaaj -> what are we talking about ?
21:10:42  minhaaj -> :)
21:10:52  minhaaj -> i can't listen ustream :(
21:11:06  lparisi -> Me!
21:11:10  JenM -> communications officer ... responding to community inquiries, too
21:11:16  mrsdurff -> i elect her
21:11:23  lparisi -> No...
21:11:23  JenM -> Done!
21:11:28  JohnS -> @minhaaj we don't really know what we're talking about.
21:11:29  lparisi -> I want to help
21:11:34  minhaaj -> hehe
21:11:35  mrsdurff -> dave - behave
21:11:36  lparisi -> But don't know how
21:11:55  lparisi -> Skype me and I'll telll you what I mean
21:11:55  mrsdurff -> he is being difficult
21:12:12  PeggyG -> I think the point is that you can't volunteer to help if you don't know what kind of help is needed
21:12:26  JohnS -> Amen, Peggy.
21:12:27  lparisi -> yes, peggy!
21:12:39  lorna -> peggy rules
21:12:42  mrsdurff -> i can't imagine that Jeff
21:13:06  PeggyG -> That's why it would help me to see roles/job descriptions in writing along with an organizational chart
21:13:27  mrsdurff -> she will too
21:13:40  PeggyG -> Can't write a newsletter if you don't know what's important to include in it
21:13:49  mrsdurff -> i'll help
21:13:50 [Action] minhaaj -> seems left out.
21:13:57  minhaaj -> Can i help if theres a project ?
21:14:35  PeggyG -> Can't you just put that information on the website?
21:14:41  JL -> sure Minhaaj
21:14:55  minhaaj -> and by the way i am ready to write webcastacademy linux tutorial :)
21:15:23  JL -> excellent Minhaaj
21:15:24  PeggyG -> I look at the website all the time to see what's coming up on the shows--there's just not much detail except for date/time/name
21:15:57  lorna -> just do it
21:16:08  lorna -> jen is right
21:16:14  minhaaj -> Write it on word file and send it ?
21:16:15  JL -> That was an excellent point Jen
21:16:25  minhaaj -> How about i write a post on my blog and you can link to it ?
21:16:31  JenM -> Yeah! Lorna, no ONE has EVER said that on ETT!!!
21:16:34  minhaaj -> or you can mirror it anyways :)
21:16:58  JL -> I think it might be more efficient to have all of that happening within the website itself
21:17:18  minhaaj -> no pro
21:17:19  minhaaj -> prob
21:17:41  mrsdurff -> a database of emails
21:17:57  minhaaj -> i'll get screenshots of everything, only thing new is sound recorder, all other things are same. ustream was pretty normal, so was skype. nothing new
21:18:23  PeggyG -> I would like to see it on the website too
21:18:28  mrsdurff -> parisi = editor?
21:18:53  lorna -> personal commendations and recommendation
21:19:28  PeggyG -> Yes I would be very willing to help but can't figure out what you need
21:19:37  PeggyG -> LOL
21:19:48  mrsdurff -> peggy wants to put the newletter on the website
21:20:01  PeggyG -> I can't write job descriptions because I don't know what the jobs are
21:20:12  JenM -> oops!
21:20:42  JenM -> sorry ... lost my wifi
21:20:45  mrsdurff -> struggle between dave and sense
21:21:06  JenM -> my internet keeps cutting out ...
21:21:28  mrsdurff -> spellcheck
21:21:33  lorna -> CMS - I will get over Drupal and help there
21:22:10  mrsdurff -> let's aim at monthly newsletter for first 3 moths
21:22:20  mrsdurff -> months
21:22:31  lparisi -> going to be on the team?
21:22:40  JenM -> someone else in house hogging my wifi ... sorry!
21:22:42  mrsdurff -> sure
21:22:51  mrsdurff -> jose probably
21:22:58  lparisi -> Great
21:23:13  lparisi -> We have formed a PR team
21:23:19  lparisi -> or at least a newsletter team
21:23:35  mrsdurff -> part of the PR team
21:24:14  PeggyG -> What's the purpose of the newsletter? to describe upcoming shows or past shows? What else?
21:24:36  mrsdurff -> yeah!
21:24:50  mrsdurff -> dave is agreeing to something
21:24:56  mrsdurff -> quick agree
21:25:06  lparisi -> I agree.
21:25:13  mrsdurff -> i 2nd
21:25:15  JenM -> I heard a bottle cap!
21:25:21  mrsdurff -> motion carried
21:25:24  JohnS -> not mine.
21:26:05  JenM -> Jen
21:26:07  JenM -> To do:
21:26:25  JenM -> what it means to be an "active" ETT community member
21:26:34  mrsdurff -> bingo
21:26:46  minhaaj -> active ETT member - JL
21:26:51  minhaaj -> :)
21:26:54  JenM -> :)
21:27:13  mrsdurff -> i'm praying for you parisi
21:27:23  lparisi -> You're in this with me Durff
21:27:37  mrsdurff -> he's talking to you
21:27:45  lparisi -> He said Lisa.
21:27:56  mrsdurff -> he doesn't call me that
21:27:56  lparisi -> LOL
21:28:05  PeggyG -> Lisa-I'll help you once we figure out what we're doing.
21:28:31  mrsdurff -> what can i do with email?
21:28:59  mrsdurff -> oi veh...they're arguing
21:29:05  PeggyG -> Yes--write down what you do!! :-) everything, not just what you don't like to do
21:29:30  mrsdurff -> so answer the email
21:29:42  PeggyG -> FAQs--those kinds of email questions are often repeaters
21:30:04  lorna -> I think we think Jeff has all of the answers
21:30:21  mrsdurff -> can it those qts be automatically forwarded?
21:30:58  PeggyG -> Forums and FAQs are often the easy way to answer people's questions andto involve others in answering them
21:31:05  lorna -> no one will ever write an email again
21:32:01  mrsdurff -> so how long does email take?
21:32:19  lparisi ->'re working on the newsletter
21:32:33  mrsdurff -> i can do more than one thing
21:32:34  PeggyG -> Post the next meeting on the site and invite others to join in
21:32:42  mrsdurff -> with my coffee
21:33:08  lparisi -> bye
21:33:11  mrsdurff -> last week before school....
21:33:25  PeggyG -> see you next time-I'll keep checking the site and forum
21:33:31  lparisi -> So Dave...I am waiting for you
21:33:37  mrsdurff -> so next Monday after It's Elementary
21:33:41  mrsdurff -> rightr?
21:34:36  PeggyG -> Watch it!
21:34:42  mrsdurff -> jeff=stickler
21:34:43  PeggyG -> Mac people????
21:35:13  JenM -> need to bond with family ... they think I'm avoiding them ...
21:35:20  JenM -> nite all :)
21:35:21  mrsdurff -> yes
21:35:30  PeggyG -> Then you need to provide instructions for posting...
21:35:45  mrsdurff -> have a better idea?
21:36:25  mrsdurff -> would the shows sort better that way?
21:36:35  PeggyG -> Good night everyone
21:36:38  mrsdurff -> nite
21:36:40  lparisi -> good nite


How about this?

Board of Trustees

Led by: President of EdTechTalk

Leadership Positions

  • Coordinator of Community Planning -- vision -- what do we want to be if we grow up?
  • Coordinator of Sustainability -- finance, revenue, advertising(?)
  • Coordinator of Community Standards -- policy, standards, etc.
  • Coordinator of Special Projects -- what makes sense to try, in the context of the community and its mission?
  • WB and/or EB Liason

Board of Management

Led by Director of Operations

Leadership Positions

  • Web Site Coordinator -- CMS/Drupal/online presence
  • Coordinator of Operational Support -- HELP!
  • Coordinator of Security -- I know, nobody wants to do it.
  • Coodinator of Future Technologies -- what's next?

Content Producers

Led by Director of Content (Executive Producer?)

Leadership Positions

  • Coordinator of Community Education -- Prof dev, WCA?
  • Coordinator of Communication -- newsletters, email
  • Site Moderator -- forums and stuff
  • Archivist -- tagging / organizing content

Board of Stuff that Doesn't Fit Anywhere Else

Led by Dave
  • Look & Feel, branding, merchandising

You mean what do we want to be WHEN we grow up - most of us will. I think too many cooks spoil the soup. Do we really want to go with a triangle? Why not a hierarchy of bottom layer = all stakeholders in the WB community, managers in the middle layer = roughly 7 - 11 people/leaders/those with technical ability who delegate specific jobs for maintenance/upkeep to stakeholders as they see fit, and a top layer = the founders/CEOs made up of the big kahunas (Jeff, Dave, a third person). I think once we flesh out who is in which layer then the above roles, whether we use the nomenclature or not, can be more easily defined. Opinions?