
A 24-hour webcasathon with participation from around the planet. Held on April 22, 2008.

EarthCast08 3:00 GMT - 4:00 GMT Maquina 501 Dia de la Tierra

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

En esta hora Alan Acevedo, Isaac Gonzalez en Guadalajara, Mexico y Jose Rodriguez en California E.U.A. hablan sobre el estado del medio-ambiente en las ciudades en paises en desarollo como Mexico. Temas que se tocan son: medios de transporte publico, construccion de viviendas en areas de naturaleza, contaminacion ambiental, perdida de cultiva en poblaciones rurales, movimientos de proteccion al ambiente.

In this hour Webcasters, Alan Acevedo, Isaac Gonzelz in Guadalajara Mexico and Jose Rodriguez in California talk about protection of the environment in cities in the developing countries like Mexico. Topics covered include: public transportation, construction of housing in nature areas, pollution, loss of agriculture to big business, and movements to protect the environment.

EarthCast08 2:00 GMT - 3:00 GMT Alice's Restuaurant - Traffic Tamers

In Hour 3 of Earth Cast 2008 Alice Mercer is Joined by Husband Terry to discuss Traffic Tamer project. 


EarthCast08 0:00 GMT - 1:00 GMT Opening Hour All Webcasters

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

This is the opening hour of the Earth Cast 2008. Matt Montagne is joined by participating webcasters



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