
EdTechWeekly #21 - Social Meter, Bubbl.us, Screencasts, Xical, & SXSW

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 Social Meter, Bubbl.us, Screencasts, Xical, & SXSW
with ETT  Senior  Conference Correspondent,
Arvind Grover

March 11, 2007

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EdTechWeekly#20 - Whiteboards, Quizzes, Tumblr, Bad Domain Names, & Some Drinking Stories...

Taxonomy upgrade extras:
EdTechWeekly #20
March 4, 2007
Open source resources, Tumblr, Bad Domain Names, & Several Drinking Stories...
All of this week's Del.icio.us Links
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Selected Links
Quiz School Tour
Web based, nice looking quiz creation tool
PBS Teachers — Resources For The Classroom
PBS unveils one of its most comprehensive for pre-K-12 educators
EFF: Action Alert - Support the FAIR USE Act!
more possible good news from Congress...really!
How the Open Source Movement Has Changed Education: 10 Success Stories
List of good things happening with Open Source & Education

IST Conference 2007
Where Jen spent the weekend ...

Entry on Teacher's Unions and Web 2.0
My summary on teacher's union and web 2.0

blogs reinvented

eMarketer.com - Facebook Extends Lead As Fave Young Adult Site

Where the whippersnappers are spending their time online ...

Mindomo - Web-based mind mapping software

web based concept map - how does it compare to Gliffy?

Comeeko - Creating comic strips from your photos
fun - add photos, speech bubbles, share - pure web2.0 silliness

Musicovery : interactive webRadio
Cool for the found artists and music, but also for the content display and taxomony

Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers
I like the simplicity of this page, but I''m curious about the authority of it? Looking for more info on this as I'd like to have info on fair use for an inservice I'll be doing.

holy heck this is the sickest online photo editing website i have ever seen. it is like a free, web-based Picasa (or close enough anyway).

LINUX ON DESKTOP: 13 Things to do immediately after installing Ubuntu

Dave, I think you need this article

Top 10 Worst Domain Names » Unofficial DreamHost Blog

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