
2009-11-19 SEEDlings with Colleen King

What were you doing on Thurs. evening? If you missed SEEDLINGS you missed a lot! Colleen King from MathPlayground.comwas our guest.
Colleen, explained how she came to be a programmer, sheer will and determination in order to share math concepts and games with students and teachers.Colleen is a do it yourselfer. She taught herself how to program, how to make math available. She had a dream and her dream is coming true, not just for her, but for all the teachers and students she is connecting with. Check out our podcast. We will be inviting her back.

 The show:

2009-11-12 Seedlings with Maria Knee

Hear about a Kindergarten teacher preparing her classroom of five year olds for learning and life. Then to top off our conversation, hear how Maria Knee finds time to orchestrate a part of the K12onlineconference. Oh, there are some really great Geek of the Week items and even Monarchs in Space!

The Chat:

Seedlings Show 2009-10-29 with Janalee Redmond of Metanomics

If you have wondered about how the future of our students careers will look have a listen here to Janelle Redmond chat with Alice and Cheryl about Second Life and the incredible businesses already thriving in SL.

Join Alice and Cheryl as we learn about Second Life through Janalee Redmond's eyes. Janalee, also known as Jenette Forager, is the Community Manager for Metanomics. She explains how businesses are currently using Second Life to hold meetings and seminars. She also gives us the numbers on how many colleges and Universities are in Second Life!

Delicious Links for Geek of the Week



Seedlings presented at the State of Maine Conference their Geek of the Week, You can hear the entire podcast at, here is some of the captured audio and video from

2009-10-01 Seedlings with Wes and Sarah Fryer

You have to check out the SEEDLINGS show this week with guest Wes Fryer. He talks about family, K12online, his upcoming trip to Maine. But, the best is mid-way into the show his daughter Sarah steals the show. Check it out. Sarah will be presenting with her father Wes Fryer at  , for more information.

Join the SEEDLINGS as we interview Wes Fryer and his daughter Sarah. Towards the middle of the show, Sarah steals the show and turns the tables on us and the entire chat room. This girl is going to change, transform all educators who are withing listening distance.

Geek of the Week


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