Dave Cormier

EdTechHangout - NECC reflections, roadkill mooseburgers, & backchannel literacy

As EdechWeekly begins its summer hiatus, we go on air for an EdTechHangout.  

Topics covered include NECC reflections, why Dave uses coarsesalt as his Skype ID,  Albertan scorpions,  deep sea ducks, roadkill mooseburgers,  Michael Jackson  overload,  getting to EdTech Step#1, proprietary keynotes,  teachers as lame presenters,  back channel literacy, concerns, & ettiquette,  multitasking challenges,  & possibilities for upcoming EdTechTalk Summer Specials. 

(Not EdTechWeekly)
July 5, 2009

As EdechWeekly begins its summer hiatus, we go on air for an EdTechHangout.  
Topics covered include: NECC reflections, why Dave uses coarsesalt as his Skype ID,  Albertan scorpions,  deep sea ducks, roadkill mooseburgers,  Michael Jackson  overload,  getting to EdTech Step#1, proprietary keynotes,  teachers as lame presenters,  back channel literacy, concerns, & ettiquette,  multitasking challenges,  & possibilities for upcoming EdTechTalk Summer Specials.

Participants include: Gary McFarlane, Sue Roseman, Alice Mercer, Bethany  Smith, Dave Cormier, & Jeff Lebow

EdTechWeekly133 - June 21, 2009

We wish John all the best in his upcoming travels and we will miss him as he visits Africa with the good folks from Teachers without Borders - see http://www.teacherswithoutborders.org/. Catch the recording of our last full crew episode for the next several weeks here - http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly133, but join us next Sunday night at 7:00 ET for our next live show covering all the latest news and resources in education and technology.

EdTechWeekly #133
June 21, 2009

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EdTechWeekly #131

Jeff, John, Dave, and Jen all together, but not for long as summer travel plans are calling. Catch the gang all together discussing the latest news and resources in educational technology.

EdTechWeekly #131
June 7, 2009

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EdTechWeekly130 - May 31, 2009

John, Sharon, Dave, and Jeff covered the news and hot resources in educational technology while Jen took the night off. She will be back next week with bells on ... what on earth does that mean?

EdTechWeekly #129

An episode without John, but with great link support from Sharon and Jose.

EdTechWeekly #129
May 24, 2009

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