
IHAQ#12 - How long will it take for educational technologists to just become educators?

I Have A Question#12
June 22, 2014 

Featured Question:
How long will it take for educational technologists to just become educators?
i.e. Should we not have had black boardists bookists photocopyists before? (Or maybe we did)
from   Simon Ensor


Next Week's Question: To Be Determined. Please share your questions and thoughts on our....
IHAQ#13 Event Pages:  Google+  Facebook

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IHAQ#10 - How do we deal with lower skillset learners?

  I Have A Question#10
June 8, 2014 

Featured Question:
How do we deal with lower skillset learners?



Next Week's Question: To Be Determined. Please share your questions and thoughts on our....
IHAQ#11 Event Pages (please note we'll be streaming 30 minutes early):  Google+  Facebook

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IHAQ#9 - How to encourage authentic blended learning conversations on a f2f campus?

IHAQ#9 - How to encourage authentic blended learning conversations on a f2f campus? 
June 1, 2014


Links Shared

Next Week's Question: What do you do when skillsets of learners are really, really low (or different)?

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I'm listening! ;)
11 hours ago
Hi, Sheila ... do you have a question
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
Didn't you see my questions and answers already? JK
10 hours ago
Sorry, I was lost ...
10 hours ago
us, too!
10 hours ago
Hi everyone :-)
10 hours ago
Hi Peggy
10 hours ago
Hi Peggy!
10 hours ago
hi, peggy!
10 hours ago
sorry I missed our question for tonight :-) what is it?
10 hours ago
Does blended learning make sense when face to face is practical?
10 hours ago
thanks John
10 hours ago
relates to blended learning (i.e. how to engage f2f learners in online activities?) or something like that
10 hours ago
I think there's a difference between posting what you're doing/learning and participating in a discussion about it.
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
blended learning can be a good fall back for emergencies -- snow days, etc
10 hours ago
@vanessa ... interesting point, too ... for a "need"
10 hours ago
love Jeff's description! that makes sense to me :-)
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
I live in a rural mountain area -- sometimes roads are closed
10 hours ago
Perhaps the "meet ups" that some online courses encourage would fulfill the "blended" aspect?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
I have done a reverse blended setting ... internatinally
10 hours ago
hahaha! razz Dave time...
10 hours ago
where we started out face to face and then went to online, then back to f2f and then online ... ending with a f2f
10 hours ago
fascinating Carol :-)
10 hours ago
And the students i worked with much preferred, even strongly requested, f2f .. middle east fols like the up close and personal approaches
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
Carol, interesting point about meetup adding blended element to online. I have seen the definition change more than once since late 90s
10 hours ago
I teach a course at UNH f2f and have tried to add online components. They are reluctant to try much; including a listserv to ask questions privately to the group. So odd to me.
10 hours ago
what are the age of the students Sheila? are they teachers?
10 hours ago
I also worked with adults in a f2f and they did not want to go to any online structures ... said they had enough with their work situations ... strong resistance
10 hours ago
Interns (20 yr old) to experienced teachers (60 years old)
10 hours ago
interesting! do you see any difference in those age groups for willingness to try online?
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
I worked with UC Davis undergrads all computer wiser than I -- they took to it, taught me a lot too
10 hours ago
I love google moderator :-)
10 hours ago
it's a great way to create/find topics to discuss
10 hours ago
we have used it to help introduce topics for EdCamps
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
then in a rural community college, mixed non-traditional and recent HS/GED grads ~ needed skills, resisted but came around
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Smaller groups communicated but not as a whole group!
10 hours ago
It would be a great way to select upcoming questions for this show :-)
10 hours ago
They all have email . . . . but not other tools in common.
10 hours ago
this was what we used to generate ideas for EdCamp prior to the event http://www.google.com/moderator/#15/e=213fc2&t=213fc2.40
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
I worked with some for whom email was a new adventure -- ground zero
10 hours ago
Was just thinking it would be good for that, Peggy
10 hours ago
we didn't pre-select topics from it but it got people thinking before they came for the day
10 hours ago
wow Vanessa! surprising and yet I know it's true!
10 hours ago
At our first edcamp, we tried to do a similar thing with backchan.nl.
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
I also used online resources in f2f -- familiarization as a group instead of alone, plus finding interesting things to show them
10 hours ago
can they rate questions/topics with backchan.nl??
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
Peggy, the most resistant students were usually the ones who said that was the part of the course they got the most out of
10 hours ago
that looks great John! Checking it out now :-)
10 hours ago
that is exciting Vanessa!!!
10 hours ago
Would still like to learn more an=boput social media uses in courses
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
Peggy, it made the whole pushing rocks uphill part worthwhile
10 hours ago
great conversation!! always learn something new!!
10 hours ago
Thanks so much :)
10 hours ago
woo hoo Jenn!! glad you love your new MacBookPro!!
10 hours ago
Double digits!
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
love that Vanessa! pushing rocks uphill! definitely rewarding!
10 hours ago
can you include the link to join the session in the calendar posting on edtechtalk???
10 hours ago
Thanks, Peggy ... that would be helpful
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
was fighting -- retired now and trying to push skills on resistant adjuncts
10 hours ago
more fun pushing when you're retired :-)
10 hours ago
no don't call it that
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
the 40 year old GED grads in 1st yr community college were a picnic compared resistant adjuncts
10 hours ago
:-) Vanessa!!
10 hours ago
Yay for Jeff!
10 hours ago
Last day June 19 for us!
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
@vanessa ... I'll pull some of these thoughts into "sub" questions for next week
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
Aw thanks. Have a great week everybody - time for more coffee here :)
10 hours ago
Thanks everyone! Glad to make it this time!
10 hours ago
thank you, everyone!
10 hours ago
great to have you with us Sheila!!
10 hours ago
With your help Peggy! ;)
10 hours ago
It would be easier if the URL for the live event was posted on the edtechtalk calendar posting :-) hint hint...
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
edtechtalk.com/live was listed as the 'where'. I've added it to the description as well.
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
or were you referring to linking to the G+ Event listing?
10 hours ago
for me edtechtalk.com/live goes to edtechtalk.com/ttt and not this show. had to add /eduquestion http://edtechtalk.com/live/eduquestion
10 hours ago
just a link to the actual live show page (this one) :-)
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
Depends on the time of week - Forwards to live/educquestion now. Good idea, after changing the studio URL to http://edtechtalk.com/live/ihaq
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
Done. Thanks for the suggestion.
10 hours ago
excellent :-) I tried it right before the show tonight and didn't get to this page.
10 hours ago
but I knew how to find you through G+ :-)
10 hours ago
that link is perfect!
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
Fortunately, you always find us :)
10 hours ago
Jeff Lebow
Thanks again (for everything)
10 hours ago
:-) My favorite peeps! :-)
10 hours ago
Vanessa Vaile
sometimes, Jeff, that can be a challenge -- but always worth it
10 hours ago

IHAQ#9 - How to encourage authentic blended learning conversations on a f2f campus? 
June 1, 2014


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Next Week's Question: What do you do when skillsets of learners are really, really low (or different)?

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IHAQ#7 - EdTechWeekly Style Link Sharing

I Have A Question#7
May 18, 2014 
EdTechWeekly Style
fast-paced roundup of news and resources

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Next Week's Question: What's the best home base for your course online?

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IHAQ#6 - How do we keep track of our stuff?

Taxonomy upgrade extras:


I Have A Question#6
May 11, 2014 
Featured Question:
How do we keep track of our stuff? 
Managing the firehose of social media and professional development content 


What we use

Something we're trying out and wondering whether it's going to work

Next Week:  A good old fashioned EdTechWeekly Link Dump

Visit our Google+ Event Page for details and discussion about next week's show.

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