
TTT#346 Connected Learning is Production Centered - "Forge IV" with Ed Martinez, Fred Mindlin, and Dan Spelce 4.24.13

Another story of +Connected Learning on this episode of TTT.

We are joined by Ed Martinez, +Fred Mindlin, and Dan Spelce to discuss "Forage IV," a pilot program supported in part by NWP's collaboration with the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Literacy Initiative.

Integrating art with environmental education, we support teachers in linking their existing curriculum to a student-led interest-driven project, collaborating with practicing artists.

The Project web site is

We are also joined by Jennifer Woollven, Joel MalleyScott Shelhart and Kelsey Shelhart.

Paul Allison's profile photoFred Mindlin's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photoJennifer Woollven's profile photoJoel Malley's profile photomonika hardy's profile photo

This is a story for the National Writing Project's Connected Learning Inquiry Group's Session 6 - Connected Learning is Production Centered

This story helps us put learning narratives next to this description of connected learning from The Digital Media & Learning Research Hub :

Connected learning environments are designed around production, providing tools and opportunities for learners to produce, circulate, curate, and comment on media. Learning that comes from actively creating, making, producing, experimenting, remixing, decoding, and designing, fosters skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and productive contributions to today’s rapidly changing work and political conditions.

This webcast is one in a series that we've been doing recently where we are asking: Where are the classrooms that are doing this well and how do they ensure that the other principles are in place?


Forage III hanging in a window of the Ritt in Santa Cruz, CA

Forage III hanging in a window of the Ritt in Santa Cruz, CA

TTT#315 Digital Storyteller/Maker/String Arts Master/3rd Spacer, Fred Mindlin & Sculptor, Ed Martinez w/ Kelsey Shelhart 9.19.12

On this episode of TTT, find out what Digital Storyteller/Maker/String Arts Master/3rd Spacer, Fred Mindlin is up to with Metal Sculptor, Ed Martinez at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History.



Last week, Ed Martinez started a 5-week series of workshops with students to create another in a group of mobiles he’s been working on representing the forage species of the local marine environment in Santa Cruz, California. Fred MIndlin is facilitating student sharing of reflection and analysis about the process and its meaning. Read more about this project at, and see more about Ed’s work at

This is a relaxed, reflective, and insightful conversation, thanks in large part to the comments and questions from 8th-grader, Kelsey Shelhart.

Please join our dialogue by adding your comments on this Vialogue:



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