Kelsey Shelhart

TTT#346 Connected Learning is Production Centered - "Forge IV" with Ed Martinez, Fred Mindlin, and Dan Spelce 4.24.13

Another story of +Connected Learning on this episode of TTT.

We are joined by Ed Martinez, +Fred Mindlin, and Dan Spelce to discuss "Forage IV," a pilot program supported in part by NWP's collaboration with the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Literacy Initiative.

Integrating art with environmental education, we support teachers in linking their existing curriculum to a student-led interest-driven project, collaborating with practicing artists.

The Project web site is

We are also joined by Jennifer Woollven, Joel MalleyScott Shelhart and Kelsey Shelhart.

Paul Allison's profile photoFred Mindlin's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photoJennifer Woollven's profile photoJoel Malley's profile photomonika hardy's profile photo

This is a story for the National Writing Project's Connected Learning Inquiry Group's Session 6 - Connected Learning is Production Centered

This story helps us put learning narratives next to this description of connected learning from The Digital Media & Learning Research Hub :

Connected learning environments are designed around production, providing tools and opportunities for learners to produce, circulate, curate, and comment on media. Learning that comes from actively creating, making, producing, experimenting, remixing, decoding, and designing, fosters skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and productive contributions to today’s rapidly changing work and political conditions.

This webcast is one in a series that we've been doing recently where we are asking: Where are the classrooms that are doing this well and how do they ensure that the other principles are in place?


Forage III hanging in a window of the Ritt in Santa Cruz, CA

Forage III hanging in a window of the Ritt in Santa Cruz, CA

TTT#333 Be Lab Update with Cristian Leobardo, Karen Fasimpaur, Gregory Hill, Monika Hardy, and Mikhil Goyal 01.23.13

On this episode of TTT Monika Hardy and her student, Cristian Leobardo lead us in a be lab update. We take a look at their revised Website, their book, and their travels

Here's how Monika, her students and her colleagues describe their main foucus/premise:

Public education could be the most accelerating venue for social change. Rather than waiting for any of the incredible [past, current and ongoing] innovations in redefining public education to scale, imagine we scale the individual. Imagine a new (old) narrative that can start anywhere because it begs no prep or training. Imagine we trust simplicity enough to give it a go. Imagine hastening equity, and ongoing sustainability.
I’ve been working with youth the last four years, locally in Loveland Colorado, as well as virtually around the globe. We have been in an intense mode of experimenting with first, self-directed learning, and now, the intersection of city and school. We've been afforded an incubated space (sand box) within our city, as a connected adjacency (both in and out of) our school district.

We are joined on this episode of TTT by

Paul Allison's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photoCristian Buendia's profile photoKaren Fasimpaur's profile photoGregory Hill's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoNikhil Goyal's profile photo

Paul Allison, Scott and Kelsey Shelhart, Cristian Leobardo, Karen Fasimpaur, Gregory Hill, Monika Hardy, Mikhil Goyal


On this episode of TTT Monika Hardy and her student, Cristian Leobardo lead us in a be lab update. We take a look at their revised Website, their book, and their travels

Here's how Monika, her students and her colleagues describe their main foucus/premise:

Public education could be the most accelerating venue for social change. Rather than waiting for any of the incredible [past, current and ongoing] innovations in redefining public education to scale, imagine we scale the individual. Imagine a new (old) narrative that can start anywhere because it begs no prep or training. Imagine we trust simplicity enough to give it a go. Imagine hastening equity, and ongoing sustainability.
I’ve been working with youth the last four years, locally in Loveland Colorado, as well as virtually around the globe. We have been in an intense mode of experimenting with first, self-directed learning, and now, the intersection of city and school. We've been afforded an incubated space (sand box) within our city, as a connected adjacency (both in and out of) our school district.

We are joined on this episode of TTT by

Paul Allison's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photoCristian Buendia's profile photoKaren Fasimpaur's profile photoGregory Hill's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoNikhil Goyal's profile photo

Paul Allison, Scott and Kelsey Shelhart, Cristian Leobardo, Karen Fasimpaur, Gregory Hill, Monika Hardy, Mikhil Goyal


TTT#331 Re-mix, OER, and Educon 2.5 w/ Bill Fitzgerald, George Mayo, Harry Costner, Scott Shelhart, and Kelsey Shelhart 1.09.13

On this episode of TTT, re-mix and get ready for EduCon 2.5 with George Mayo, Harry Costner, and Bill Fitzgerald along with our friends Scott Shelhart and Kelsey Shelhart.

Paul Allison's profile photoHarry Costner's profile photoBill Fitzgerald's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoGeorge Mayo's profile photo

A few weeks ago, George wrote in an email:

Another teacher and I have this experiment for this year's Educon called @remixeducon . We're planning on creating a structure for participants to share, download and remix media created throughout the conference. The other teacher's name is Harry Costner. He's a really cool middle school film teacher in Virginia.
Would it be possible for us to pitch our @remixeducon idea on a TTT show sometime after the new year as we get closer to Educon? I'm trying to think of ways to spread the word about our project before the conference.

How do you turn down an offer like that?

In addition, Harry and George are doing a second session at Educon on Video Production and Social Media

That's not all!

When we heard that Bill Fitzgerald would be remixing at Educon too, we asked him what he’s up too. Here was his reply:

We are definitely running a pre-Educon event - the details (and some of our thoughts about what we hope to achieve, big picture) are linked in this post:
Our Educon session on this is at
We are also doing a second session on starting a non-profit:

Sounds like fun doesn’t it? Enjoy!

TTT#327 Two Teachers Listening to Two Students for One Day on Earth with Kelsey Shelhart and Erika Auger 12.12.12

On this episode of TTT, two students, Erika Auger (9th Grader from Wiscasset, Maine) and Kelsey Shelhart (8th Grader from Wheatfield, Indiana) join Paul Allison (NYC) and Monika Hardy (Loveland, Colorado) to tell stories that answer a couple of questions posed by our friends at One Day on Earth: What do you have? What do you need?


On this episode of TTT, two students, Erika Auger (9th Grader from Wiscasset, Maine) and Kelsey Shelhart (8th Grader from Wheatfield, Indiana) join Paul Allison (NYC) and Monika Hardy (Loveland, Colorado) to tell stories that answer a couple of questions posed by our friends at One Day on Earth: What do you have? What do you need?

On the TTT episode before this one TTT#326, we met founder Kyle Ruddick and Co-Author of One Day on Earth Educational Materials, Daniel Lichtblau: TTT#326 Think Global, Act Local with Youth .

This episode of TTT is our contribution to One Day on Earth 12.12.12: two teachers learning by listening to two students, all thousands of miles away from each other. Enjoy!

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.


TTT#326 Think Global, Act Local - Introducing Kelsey Shelhart to the Alliance for Climate Change and One Day on Earth 12.5.12

On this episode of TTT, we do our best to help Eighth-grader Kelsey make connections with people like Leah Qusba from the Alliance for Climate Education: and Kyle Ruddick, the founder of One Day On Earth. Enjoy the conversation, and consider ways of collaborating with us on some our plans together.

Paul Allison's profile photoScott Shelhart's profile photoMonisha Nelson's profile photoKyle Ruddick's profile photoChris Sloan's profile photoLeah Qusba's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoCristian Buendia's profile photo

Paul Allison, Scott and Kelsey Shelhart, Monisha Nelson, Daniel Lichblau and Kyle Ruddick, Leah Qusba, Monika Hardy, and Cristian Buendia

On the previous episode of TTT#325 - Youth Night with Monisha Nelson, Kelsey Shelhart, Cristian Buendia, Jessica Morgan, Tommy Buteau, Jeff Lebow 11.28.12, we asked a few youths what changes they wanted to make happen. Kelsey said that she wanted to start an environmental club in her school. On this episode we do our best to help her! Our guests this week offer ways to help Kelsey — and all of us with something to DO around climate change and taking a global perspective.

Here are some notes added by our guests during the live webcast:

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.


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