Teachers Teaching Teachers

Teachers Teaching Teachers #119 - Kicking the tires on a new Drupal site - 08.27.08

Listen in as we kick the tires on a new Drupal site that we will be using this fall to connect our students. This summer Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim invited Alice Barr, George Mayo, and Chris Sloan to work with Bill Fitzgerald and his colleagues at Funny Monkey to create a Drupal site for Youth Voices.  In the weeks to come we will be inviting you to have you join our students as they begin to publish their images, videos, text, and audio at Youth Voices. Please plan to join us.


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Listen in as we kick the tires on a new Drupal site that we will be using this fall to connect our students. This summer Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim invited Alice Barr, George Mayo, and Chris Sloan to work with Bill Fitzgerald and his colleagues at Funny Monkey to create a Drupal site for Youth Voices. In the weeks to come we will be inviting you to have you join our students as they begin to publish their images, videos, text, and audio on Youth Voices. Please plan to join us.


For the Chat Log click Read more, below

Teachers Teaching Teachers #117 - Thinking about Classroom Blogging with Sarah Hurlburt - 08.13.08

In her paper in the June 2008 Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT Vol. 4, No. 2), Sarah Hurlburt discusses some of "frustrations and puzzlements" that many of us have had in using classroom blogs over the past several years.

Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim invited Sarah Hurlburt on to our webcast to continue the dialogue about blogging, and we were joined by elementary school teachers, Lisa Parisi and Linda Nitsche.

Enjoy the podcast, and read Sarah Hurlburt's paper.

Also, we invite you to help us re-launch http://youthvoices.net on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Join us, right here at EdTechTalk at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA Wednesdays / 01:00 UTC Thursdays World Times.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

In the midst of planning a re-launch of a school-based social network, Youth Voices, we happened upon a paper that clearly and fairly described the problems many of us face when we blog with students in our classrooms. In her paper in the June 2008 Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT Vol. 4, No. 2), Sarah Hurlburt discusses some of "frustrations and puzzlements" that many of us have had in using classroom blogs over the past several years.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #115 - Imagining a New Chapter- 07.30.08

One of the team at Teachers Teaching Teachers has been working on this summer -- and which we discuss in this podcast TTT #115 -- is a new Drupal site for http://youthvoices.net. We are planning to launch the new site on our webcast this week.

We invite you to help us re-launch http://youthvoices.net on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Join us, right here at EdTechTalk at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA Wednesdays / 01:00 UTC Thursdays World Times.


Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Many of us (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), have already returned or will soon return to school. Our summer weeks of reflecting, learning, dreaming, planning, scheming are behind us. Perhaps it's useful to remember what our conversations from a few weeks back sounded like.

On this podcast, recorded a few weeks ago, Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim are joined by three other teachers who were just trying to enjoy their summer break:

Teachers Teaching Teachers #114 - Re-thinking Youth Voices - 07.23.08

Much work has been done on Youth Voices this summer, and we invite you to join us as we re-launch http://youthvoices.net on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Join us, right here at EdTechTalk at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA Wednesdays / 01:00 UTC Thursdays World Times


Teachers Teaching Teachers #113 - Just-in-time, just-for-me reading - 07.16.08

Listen to a lively conversation about how to use Shelfari--or how to get a similar site built--to create a social networking
site for students to share their book logs, reviews, and recommendations with each other.

Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison (and Lee Baber in the chat room) welcomed:

Listen to a lively conversation about how to use Shelfari-- or how to get a similar site built -- to create a social networking site for students to share their book logs, reviews, and recommendations with each other.

Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison (and Lee Baber in the chat room) welcomed:


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