Teachers Teaching Teachers

Teachers Teaching Teachers #116 - Remembering Lee Baber - 08.06.08

At some point, as Alex Ragone suggests toward the end of this podcast, words
begin to fail. Other media aren't much help either.

For more words and media, please refer to Lee Baber - our friend.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #112 - Revisiting VoiceThread - 07.09.08

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

This July, Paul Allison and Julie Conason fascilated a 3-week Writing Project Institute for teachers where we used VoiceThread as the focus of one of our weeks together. In the middle of our work with teachers, we invited Steve Muth, co-founder of VoiceThread, and Colette Cassinelli, a technology teacher near Portland, Oregon who started a wiki that collects examples of VoiceThreads.

What will you find on Collette's VoiceThread4Education?

  • Samples submitted by teachers of VoiceThread projects made by their students
  • VoiceThreads used in professional development
  • Resources, including other websites that contain VoiceThread examples
  • Best Practices - tips and ideas of how to best implement VoiceThread in your curriculum
  • Subject area ideas
"This is your wiki," Colette writes: "Please feel free to add any ideas, examples or resources to the site and provide appropriate link attribution. If you are not sure how to embed your VoiceThread projects in wikispaces - follow the directions below."

In addition: Paul and Julie invite you to take a look at the "Narrative Discussions" from our Institute, linked below. We would love your comments on these.


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