Seedlings #92 2010-09-23

Thanks to John Schinker who at the last minute got the Edtechtalk server communicating with the Seedlings Crew! When Seedlings went live we were joined by Karen Janowski, Assistive Technology consultant, and our conversation was about "Assistive Technology is the great equalizer" and Universal Design for Learning. Enjoy the podcast!

For our #92nd show, we are joined by Karen Janowski, Assistive Technology consultant, Mom, School Committee member, blogger, presenter and a few I have already forgotten! Alice and Cheryl start off the conversation with Karen and Bob breezes in from his favorite school night, Open House! Our show ends up spilling over the one hour mark, but you will love our links, Geeks, and conversations.

The Geeks: Delicious

The Chat:

ETT21 #137: 2010 Goals Show

ETT21 #137: 2010 Goals Show                  
September 15, 2010

iPads, GTD, NYASIS Think Tank 2010, NEIT2010, Switch, Professional Development, (TPACK Technology Content and Pedagogy) and more...

ETT21 #137: 2010 Goals Show      Goal            
September 15, 2010

iPads, GTD, NYASIS Think Tank 2010, NEIT2010, Switch, Professional Development, (TPACK Technology Content and Pedagogy) and more...

Parents as Partners Episode 35 September 20, 2010 Aviva Dunsiger

This season's opener got off to a wonderful start with a fantastic presentation by Aviva Dunsiger a Grade 1 teacher at Anacaster Meadow school in Ancaster/Hamilton Region Ontario Canada. Aviva has a wealth of ideas for connecting with parents and making them an integral part of their child's learning. Please listen to Aviva's presentation and follow along with the Slideshare posted below. 

We have compiled this link to provide you with all the links ( and more) that Aviva mentions during the show. How about replacing the agenda book with Twitter? No more lost in the back pack excuses and no more "did nothing today" answers.  Kid blogs, Today's Meet, audio recordings on Evernote, Twitter, Wallwisher are just a few of the many free applications which she has integrated into classroom instruction. 

Aviva and her colleagues at Ancaster Meadow school are leading the way. 

Chat log

 Presentation for parents as partners

View more presentations from adunsiger.

Conversations Episode 78 - A Balancing Act

 This week we continued a conversation that began on Twitter when Alec Couros went to his daughter's Back to School Night.  Along with Will Richardson, Lee Kolbert, and Angela Maiers, we discussed the issues we face as parents when walking into our own children's classrooms.  Alec could not join us but was with us in spirit....we hope.

Chat Archive:

EdTechWeekly #168

Dave, John, and Jen welcome guest host Diana Laufenberg to continue the new format for EdTechWeekly that offers a deeper look into a smaller number of topics each week. This week, the discussion focuses on the following topics:

Join us for next week's guest: Camilla Elliot, Teacher/Librarian from Melbourne, Australia.

EdTechWeekly #168 

September 19, 2010

Guest Host: Diana Laufenberg, Science Leadership Academy

Dave, John, and Jen welcome guest host Diana Laufenberg to continue the new format for EdTechWeekly that offers a deeper look into a smaller number of topics each week. This week, the discussion focuses on the following topics:

Join us for next week's guest: Camilla Elliot, Teacher/Librarian from Melbourne, Australia.

Wiki Agenda

Chat log below


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