SEEDLINGS Teaser for the 2010-11 Season

Seedlings stumbled together Saturday morning for a teaser! We will see you Thursday evening, September 16, 2010,  7:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT for our season premiere with Audora Svitak, Ben and Ben, Alice, Bob and Cheryl and our most important part of our show, all of you!

Seedlings stumbled together Saturday morning for a teaser! We will see you Thursday evening, 7:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT for our season premiere  with Audora Svitak, Ben and Ben, Alice, Bob and Cheryl and our most important part of our show, all of you!

Teachers Teaching Teachers #214 - VoiceThread and Teaching the iGeneration after the BP Oil Spill - 08.18.10

On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, Steve Muth and Ben Papell founders and on-going co-conspirators at VoiceThread join Susan Ettenheim and Chris Sloan to talk about what’s new at VoiceThread AND how they can imagine VoiceThread supporting our efforts with

In addition, Bill Ferriter, a sixth grade science teacher in North Carolina, joins us. Bill has just published a great book, Teaching the iGeneration. There are a lot great ideas in this new book, but there’s one that is perfect for a VoiceThread discussion: Collaborative vs. Competitive dialogue. In an email, Bill writes:

Collaborative and competitive dialogue is something I talk about in Teaching the iGeneration and something that VoiceThread facilitates nicely.  We could talk about how our world emphasizes competitive dialogue—-kids are surrounded by marketing messages and celebrities and politicians screaming for attention and unwilling to listen to other viewpoints——but collaborative dialogue is essential for solving the kinds of global, cross-border challenges our world is facing. 

Alicia Blair, a colleague and science teacher at an alternative school in Mississippi, and Gail Desler, who works with teachers in Northern California, join us as well. Alicia and Gail have been helping us to keep it real all summer.


On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, Steve Muth and Ben Papell founders and on-going co-conspirators at VoiceThread join Susan Ettenheim and Chris Sloan to talk about what’s new at VoiceThread AND how they can imagine VoiceThread supporting our efforts with

In addition, Bill Ferriter, a sixth grade science teacher in North Carolina, joins us. Bill has just published a great book, Teaching the iGeneration. There are a lot great ideas in this new book, but there’s one that is perfect for a VoiceThread discussion: Collaborative vs. Competitive dialogue. In an email, Bill writes:

Collaborative and competitive dialogue is something I talk about in Teaching the iGeneration and something that VoiceThread facilitates nicely.  We could talk about how our world emphasizes competitive dialogue—-kids are surrounded by marketing messages and celebrities and politicians screaming for attention and unwilling to listen to other viewpoints——but collaborative dialogue is essential for solving the kinds of global, cross-border challenges our world is facing. 

Alicia Blair, a colleague and science teacher at an alternative school in Mississippi, and Gail Desler, who works with teachers in Northern California, join us as well. Alicia and Gail have been helping us to keep it real all summer.


Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Weeks of August 21, 2010 - September 3, 2010

Welcome to the EdTechTalk newsletter for August 21, 2010 through September 3, 2010. North America is  getting ready to return to school during the next couple weeks. We expect several shows to return to a regular broadcast schedule at that time. During the last couple of weeks while many of us were intense upon enjoying the last of our summer's, the following shows were on the air.

Instructional-Design-Live #29: Fun with Online Learning

05:07 - Robert 1
05:15 - Robert 1
Brain Rules link
05:30 - Mary 2
Thanks, Robert.
05:32 - Cammy
I've been slowly reading Brain Rules for the past few months!
07:48 - Mary 2
Welcome, Eleanor.
07:49 - Robert 1
Welcome Eleanor!
08:04 - Eleanor Rigby
Thanks! :)
09:01 - Robert 1
That reminds me of a scene from the office Cammy
09:42 - Robert 1
11:15 - Robert 1
I've tried Voxopop when it was called chinswing, but I like the idea of an audio message board: It doesn't have teh visual element, though
11:51 - Robert 1
This is a really good point.
12:50 - Robert 1
14:05 - Mary 2
In your experience, Joni, do onliine students begin making connections with one another on their own (via email, chats, etc related to assignments), or is this sense of community something you need to facilitate throughout a course?
15:31 - Robert 1
I think Wallwisher would be nice tool to extend this activity--add to web-based board:
18:17 - Cammy
Social often equals "fun"
18:18 - Robert 1
Hi Suzanne
18:33 - Suzanne
Hi, sorry I'm late to the session
18:40 - Robert 1
np, welcome
18:41 - Cammy
Welcome, Suzanne
19:48 - Mary 2
Thanks, Joni.
20:04 - Robert 1
@Cammy I think it is fun to 'buddy' with a friend
20:51 - Robert 1
Love the photo!
21:56 - Robert 1
Hmm..Now where did I put that experiment? (my caption)
22:17 - Cammy
I'm am the monster of eLearning and you must complete my course or be eaten!
22:19 - Robert 1
Perhaps I don't understand attention well enough
24:40 - Robert 1
25:59 - Suzanne
Wonderful idea!
28:21 - Robert 1
Dreaming of an online education
28:25 - Mary 2
Gotta run.... a meeting awaits me. Thanks, Joni.
31:03 - Robert 1
32:45 - Robert 1
33:43 - Robert 1
oh, yes
36:07 - Cammy
I'm always in favor of interpretive dance!
36:20 - Robert 1
36:49 - Robert 1
you bet
38:37 - Robert 1
yes, little surprises
39:03 - Robert 1
Good point!
40:03 - Joni
Thanks everyone!
40:08 - Suzanne
Thanks, Joni!

Time to put a little fun into online learning--with good reason: 'Emotional arousal helps the brain learn'. Medina, Brain Rules (2008). Joni Dunlap leads the IDLive team in considering how to incorporate fun into the fabric of a course to provide a more stimulating learning experience.


Instructional-Design-Live #28: International Student Persepctives on Online Learning

Zuochen Zhang, Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Windsor University, and Richard F. Kenny,Rick KennyZuochen Zhang Associate Professor at the Center for Distance Education, Athabasca University, joined us this week to discuss the perspectives of International students in online courses.


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