Jim Nordlinger

TTT#361 Taking Summer Experiences into the Future 8.28.13

Summers are often filled with exploring and learning. This summer was no exception for many students and teachers. Join teachers and students from IDEC 2013 and the Youth Voices Summer Program on this episode of TTT, recorded 8.28.13 We talk about about amazing experiences of learning and being together this past summer, and perhaps most importantly, we ask how these experiences were coming with us into the fall.

We are joined by both teachers and youths who worked together in the New York City Writing Projects Youth Voices Summer Program http://youthvoices.net/summer2013 and teachers and students who attended IDEC 2013 http://www.idec2013.org/

What an exciting group to ask: What future do you want to create?

Monika Hardy and Paul Allison host Karen Fasimpaur, Grace Raffaele, Jim Nordlinger, Marina Lombardo, Cristian Buendia, Eva Martinez, Darcy Bedortha, Amori Richards, Javarius Jones, Darcy Bedortha, Jerry Aero, Aliyah Hayes, Sabrina Joy Stevens, Matt Murrie, and Tolu Olorunda

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find many links to the resources shared during this episode of TTT.

TTT#355 What education stories need to be told? with Karen Fasimpaur, Jim Nordlinger, and Marina Lombardo (Youth Voices) 7.3.13

On this episode of TTT, @kfasimpaur @JimNordlinger @paulallison @monk51295 and Marina Lombardo consider what video or videos might come from the Youth Voics Summer Program.

This is a planning-in-public episode on Teachers Teaching Teachers, which we held less than a week before we launched into the three-week Youth Voices program this July, which was the New York City Writing Project's participation in the Summer of Making and Connecting and part of the National Writing Project's Educator Innovator.

The week before this episode of TTT, with my colleagues in the New York City Writing Project, Grace Raffaele, Jim Nordlinger, Noah Gordon, and Aliyah Hayes, we had been individually meeting 13 high school students were joined by five teachers for a three-week summer program focused on http://youthvoices.net/grid and http://youthvoices.net/play

What an exciting group of youths we were lucky enough to gather for this program! And thank you to all of our supporters who contributed to make this possible!

On this episode of TTT, Jim Nordlinger our video production lead and Karen Fasimpaur (who joined us in the third week) and I continue an ongoning conversations we've been having about the story we want to tell with a video that Jim has been shooting about the deep learning students and teachers do together on Youth Voices. Even as I type these notes for the podcast (from my one-week vacation in mid-August) Jim is working to finish editing the many, many hours of video that he captured during our work together in July. Reviewing this episode of TTT and seeing your comments should at least inspire Jim, and might also suggest an angle that he had forgotten.

From the intake interviews in the last week of June (and even before in a teacher's classroom) to the final exhibition on July 25th Jim has been pointing his camera at our interactions. On this episode of TTT we be talk about what story we want to tell with this video project.

Please take the time to listen to this podcast, then we would love for you to add any insights you might have about what audience we should be aiming to connect with (the average civilian?) and what message we want to convey about the way teachers and students can work together in an online learning space built on National Writing Project values and beliefs.

Enjoy this episode of TTT, as we make transparent our planning process. We would love to have you challenge us and support us, to make us re-think and to be inspired as well.

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

TTT#341 Spring Meet and Greet with Fred Mindlin, Jo Paraiso, Jeremy Hyler, Joel Malley, Jim Nordlinger, and Loren ELF 3.20.13

TTT#341 Spring Meet and Greet with Fred Mindlin, Jo Paraiso, Jerery Hyler, Joel Malley, Jim Nordlinger, and Loren ELF 3.20.13

Share what's new on this week's episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT). We have an exciting line-up of topics and guests over the next several weeks, and so on this episode we decided to learn from each other.

TTT started with a group of teachers getting together, just sharing what they are noticing, dreaming of, connecting with and doing that was awesome. On this episode of TTT we continue that tradition.

Paul Allison and Monika Hardy are joined by Fred Mindlin, Jo Paraiso, Jerery Hyler, Joel Malley, Jim Nordlinger, and Loren ELF:

We talk a bit about our recent learning experiences at this year's DML conference, introduce new teachers who have just started using Youth Voices, and just basically catch up with each other.

Using Monika Hardy's notion of Detox, we talk about what we are noticing, dreaming of, connecting to, and doing that's awesome.

Enjoy! There are lots of ideas and plans here that we would love to involve you in as well.

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.



TTT#318 Youth Voices w/ Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy 10.10

More about Youth Voices on this episode of TTT.

Meet teachers new to the site and teachers who have been using it for almost 10 years.

Find out more about our new approach to using the site that we've begun to describe as a school-based ARG (Alternate Reality Game). Paul Allison reports a bit on this experiment on P2PU - See http://youthvoices.net/play He has already give out over 30 badges, issued by P2PU, collected in Mozilla Open Badge Backpacks http://openbadges.org/en-US and displayed on students' profile pages. Check out this example: http://youthvoices.net/users/karinas#badges And find out more about "the grid" http://youthvoices.net/grid

If you've been waiting for a good time to join the fun on TTT and with Youth Voices, this is your show! We'd love to introduce you to some new and old friends.

Paul Allison's profile photo Eric Hoefler's profile photo Jim Nordlinger's profile photo Chris Sloan's profile photo Jack Zangerle's profile photo Jeremy Hyler's profile photo monika hardy's profile photo

Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy

TTT #290 - NYCWP Teachers Fostering Youth Voices with Jim Nordlinger, Amal Aboulhosn, Carla Cherry, and Valerie Burton - 3.28.12

Youth Voices

On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers we have a conversation with three teachers from the New York City Writing Project who are part of a study group that has been sponsored by the NYCWP to foster and reflect on the use of Youth Voices by these teachers. Paul Allison, Chris Sloan, Monika Hardy host a conversation with Jim Nordlinger, Amal Aboulhosn, and Carla Cherry from the NYCWP along with our colleagues Valerie Burton, and Fred Mindlin.
As an introduction to this conversation, we offer these reflections posted by one of our listeners on her blog, "Short Quips: thinking in (hyper)text" (Check out here blog, to see this teacher's complete response, and view her About Me.):
Tonight I participated in my first live educational conference online through EdTechTalk. The conference is called “Teachers Teaching Teachers” and takes place every Wednesday night. I did not join the group via video, but rather just watched/listened to the other participants and participated through a live chat feature....

It took me a while to catch up to what was being discussed. Participants were throwing around the term “Youth Voices” and I thought at first that it was just a cool catch phrase for high school kids who were blogging. It wasn’t until i joined the live chat that I got a better idea of what Youth Voices is. Youth Voices, it turns out, is a huge site where the main purpose is to offer a space for youth to participate in discussion. It is a place where youth can post their thoughts and comment on other youth’s thoughts....

One of the discussions among the video participants revolved around how teachers should/are assessing their student’s contributions on Youth Voices. One educator shared how she is setting guidelines for how much/what her students need to contribute to Youth Voices within a specific time frame. For example, she will stipulate that her students need to write one post and make one comment within a week, and if they do both they get the marks for it. This particular educator works at a school in the Bronx and has found that participating in Youth Voices has empowered her students to have their voices heard. She noted how much time and effort can be put into a short comment, because the students are very aware of their online presence and ensuring they present themselves appropriately.

... It was an interesting experience to view it. I think the biggest thing I got out of the experience was that I was also able to network with educators from far and wide- always a positive when you are working on developing your professional learning network.

... I would love to come back to join in a conversation in the future, especially if I am looking for information specifically related to the topic being discussed. I am curious to know whether there are any live educator chats/conferences specifically for Early Childhood Educators. If you know of one, pass it on!

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.
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