
Teachers Teaching Teachers #99 - From elgg to Drupal? - 04.09.08

For this webcast, we invited Bill Fitzgerald, Dave Cormier and Gail Desler to talk about social networking and what platforms make sense right now. Of course behind all of this talk about Drupal and Edublogs were questions that we are asking about about how we in the, ah... Teachers Teaching Teachers, Youth Voices, Personal Learning Space, Youth Twitter ... group of teachers might want to continue working together ... and how the software decisions we need to make this Spring can support our hopes and plans.

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Teachers Teaching Teachers #92 - Many Voices for Darfur - 02.20.08

Listen to this podcast of 8th grade students from Maryland and Virginia talking about Darfur.

Then go to Many Voices for Darfur with you students and have them add their thoughts.

Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7, 2008

Many Voices for Darfur

For 48 hours, starting at midnight Eastern standard time on March 6, 2008, many student voices will be collected in the name of those suffering in Darfur. Be sure that your voice is among them. Men, women, and children in the Darfur region of Sudan are dying. The Sudan militia and Janjaweed are responsible for as many as 500,000 deaths and 2,500,000 displaced refugees. You can learn more about the genocide taking place in Darfur by visiting the Many Voices for Darfur Wiki. Once you have had a chance to learn more about Darfur, please post your comment to one or more of the following prompts below:

  1. If you could visit the camps in Chad and sit down one-on-one with a refugee who is your age, how would you explain what you or others are doing in your country to spread awareness and make a difference?
  2. Write an open letter to Omar al-Bashir pleading your case for the Darfur region of Sudan.
  3. Write an open letter to leaders in your country to make a case for government support of international efforts in Darfur.
Please read these RULES and GUIDELINES before posting your comment.


Teachers Teaching Teachers #83 - Tagging, Ceramics, Digital Photography, and More

Listen in as these eight teachers have a wide-ranging conversation during one of their virtual staff meetings, where they discuss their work together.
  • Paul Allison, East Bronx Academy for the Future, Bronx, NY
  • Lee Baber, J. Frank Hillyard Middle School, Broadway, VA
  • Susan Ettenheim, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, New York, NY
  • Russ Knopp, Preston Hall Middle School, Waitsburg, WA
  • Matt Montagne, University School of Milwaukee, WI
  • Bill O'Neal, Trenton High School West, Trenton, NJ
  • Chris Sloan, Judge Memorial High School, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Woody Woodgate, Marshall School, Marshall, AK
TTT83 tagged map by user - Tagzania

Teachers Teaching Teachers #77 - Participation is the Most Important Part

We were joined this week by Joyce Valenza and the co-founders of of Voice Thread, Ben Papell and Steve Muth (and many wonderful teachers in the chat room). In the spirit of producing content that is open to co-creation...

...we invite you add an interesting Voice Thread to this post. Either link to or embed a Voice Thread that would help show how teachers are using this tool in their classrooms or with their colleagues.

Click Add new comment, and show us a Voice Thread that you think is cool!



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Teachers Teaching Teachers #76 - Coming and Going from Georgia, California, New York, Utah, Virginia...

Join our virtual staff room as we check in with a couple of 9th graders from Virginia--Victoria and Zack--along with teachers from these schools:

  • East Bronx Academy for the Future, New York City - Paul Allison
  • J. Frank Hilliard Middle School, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia - Lee Baber
  • High School at UCLA, California - Lynne Culp
  • Westwood Schools, Camilla, Georgia - Vicki Davis
  • Eleanor Roosevelt High School, New York City - Susan Ettenheim
  • Florin High School, Sacramento, California - Bob LeVin
  • Judge Memorial High School, Salt Lake City, Utah - Chris Sloan



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