Conversations #82 - November 7, 2010

Ageism - Does age take away or enhance teaching? What are the perceptions of "young" or "old" teachers in the classroom?

Seedlings Show 98 -2010-11-11

We all decided that this was part one of more! Kelly Tenkley is an incredible voice for students, parents, teachers, the education community. You must give her a read through her blogs and a listen here at Seedlings!

Hello to show 98 with Kelly Tenkley from Colorado, talking with us about how she stays connected with her students now that she is out of the classroom!

Alice, Bob and Cheryl are all involved in the conversations with Kelly. You will be impressed. Oh, the chat room was on fire with some new folks here checking us out.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #224 - Students and Rick West help us build community - 10.27.10

It’s student night again on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you enjoy this student-sponsored discussion about what they can do themselves to nurture a community of learners online. Susan Ettenheim’s students asked to come on the show:
My students are interested in hosting a conversation about digital photography in Youth Voices and Voices on the Gulf. What do students want in terms of collaboration? What will make it compelling? What do they want to share? This is not so much a matter of someone sharing his or her work as much as the students planning alongside and with us.
Chris Sloan’s digital photographers joined as well. Chris writes: “I like Susan’s wording – students “planning alongside” the teachers. I look forward to a conversation like this, and at least one of my students says she can join us.”

We were also joined by another guest who Chris suggested, Richard E. West:

I just read “A Student’s Guide to Strengthening an Online Community,” by Richard E. West (TechTrends, Sept./Oct. 2010), which seems pertinent to what we’re thinking for this Wednesday.  West starts off saying that students today know how to FaceBook but that doesn’t always help in online learning communities.  Students need guidance in learning how to learn online. One of the things we’re asking students to do is to help us create/maintain a good online learning community (OLC) of photographers.
We asked Rick West to join the students on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you will join us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern. AND if you have any Skype-ready student photographers who might want to join us, please let us know!
It’s student night again on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you enjoy this student-sponsored discussion about what they can do themselves to nurture a community of learners online. Susan Ettenheim’s students asked to come on the show:
My students are interested in hosting a conversation about digital photography in Youth Voices and Voices on the Gulf. What do students want in terms of collaboration? What will make it compelling? What do they want to share? This is not so much a matter of someone sharing his or her work as much as the students planning alongside and with us.
Chris Sloan’s digital photographers joined as well. Chris writes: “I like Susan’s wording – students “planning alongside” the teachers. I look forward to a conversation like this, and at least one of my students says she can join us.”

We were also joined by another guest who Chris suggested, Richard E. West:

I just read “A Student’s Guide to Strengthening an Online Community,” by Richard E. West (TechTrends, Sept./Oct. 2010), which seems pertinent to what we’re thinking for this Wednesday.  West starts off saying that students today know how to FaceBook but that doesn’t always help in online learning communities.  Students need guidance in learning how to learn online. One of the things we’re asking students to do is to help us create/maintain a good online learning community (OLC) of photographers.

We asked Rick West to join the students on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you will join us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern. AND if you have any Skype-ready student photographers who might want to join us, please let us know!

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #220 - Connections: Wooly School Garden, Bird Watching, Photography, and Voices on the Gulf - 9.29.10

Enjoy our curriculum share from late-September on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. Chris Sloan, Margaret Simon, Susan Ettenheim, Paul Allison, and Gail Desler welcomed our guest Becky Jezek, the Director of the Wooly School Garden project.

Enjoy our curriculum share from late-September on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. Chris Sloan, Margaret Simon, Susan Ettenheim, Paul Allison, and Gail Desler welcomed our guest Becky Jezek, the Director of the Wooly School Garden project.

Woolly School Garden from Drew Falkman on Vimeo.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

EdTechWeekly #173

Regular hosts: Dave, Jen, John

Guest hosts: Connie Sitterley, Teacher / Technology Integration Specialist from Pennsylvania

This Week's Menu:

Dave's Link: Leigh Blackall and the open phd. and the response from Darren Draper.'s+Takes)

Jen's Link: Mashable recently posted a roster of "website designs" that blew them away in 2010 -> see ... so, with some pushing students to create / foster their "online identities" -> see!/shareski/status/29421705996 ... what does "website design" mean to students (and teachers, instructional designers, etc.) in 2010? in 2015?

John's Link: Firesheep

Connie Sitterley: School Leaders' Opinions of 21st Century Skills:

Wiki Agenda

Chat log below

EdTechWeekly #173 

November 7, 2010 

Regular hosts: Dave, Jen, John

Guest hosts: Connie Sitterley, Teacher / Technology Integration Specialist from Pennsylvania

This Week's Menu:

Dave's Link: Leigh Blackall and the open phd. and the response from Darren Draper.'s+Takes)

Jen's Link: Mashable recently posted a roster of "website designs" that blew them away in 2010 -> see ... so, with some pushing students to create / foster their "online identities" -> see!/shareski/status/29421705996 ... what does "website design" mean to students (and teachers, instructional designers, etc.) in 2010? in 2015?

John's Link: Firesheep

Connie Sitterley: School Leaders' Opinions of 21st Century Skills:

Wiki Agenda

Chat log below


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